Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Nice, actual deal. Still waiting for sub-99$ CAD on amazon.ca

EDIT: Wait, they ship to Canada, 104.46 CAD after taxes and shipping. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Thanks for that now here’s to hoping that BB lowers theirs as well so that I can use GCU on it.
Just got my copy of Trails of Cold Steel Decisive Edition on the PS4. Best Buy shipped it in a box so it arrived in perfect condition. I could easily see some of these being shipped in bubble mailers.
Just got my copy of Trails of Cold Steel Decisive Edition on the PS4. Best Buy shipped it in a box so it arrived in perfect condition. I could easily see some of these being shipped in bubble mailers.
High chance of bubble mailer if B&M fulfilling online order

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Tapatalk
Just got my copy of Trails of Cold Steel Decisive Edition on the PS4. Best Buy shipped it in a box so it arrived in perfect condition. I could easily see some of these being shipped in bubble mailers.
Yes mine from amazon is already on its way back. It's nice that asking for a replacement is so painless, but it annoys me that I even have to do it in the first place. Hope it finds a home one day though, I'd hate to see it in a landfill or something.

oh Nelke is a town simulator? like Sim City, or tropico? I'd be really interested if it is.
I haven't looked deeply into it nor have I played it yet, but do not buy it thinking it's like a western town building simulator such as Sim City, Tropico or Anno. I'd expect it to be much closer to Ni no Kuni II, but more functional and less useless. Though like I said I haven't looked into it much, not since it's original announcement basically. So I could be off quite a bit as well.

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darn i haven't played ni no kuni 2 yet, but thanks for the info. I guess I'll do some investigating.
I just platinumed it. Yes, it's not as good as the first. Yes the story is kind of boring and the fighting can be pretty easy (early on --- not postgame!)

Somehow it's still charming and fun enough to stick with it IMHO.

I'm thinking of getting Super Robot Wars T but I don't really want to order from play-asia since it would take awhile and their prices are jacked up right now. Thinking of going digital to order from the singapore psn store but anyone know what's the best way to get singapore psn credit? Or if you know another place thats selling SRWT.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna wait just a bit longer since both games are relatively short. Also yowch those amazon reviews are bad. Not nice packaging at all.

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I'd order that Endless Night collection in a heartbeat if I had the money to spare right now. But I'm strapped at the moment and bills are coming before payday.

Also, are we going to talk about how Takaki has left Marvelous?
Finished ff theater rhythm curtain call.  Already? but I haven't even played all the music stages once yet!  I'll continue playing it as a side game until I get bored.  I have to say it made a large number of improvements over the original.  Only changes I wish they had made were more ability slots and making it so if you defeat a boss multiple times for the quest stages you should get the stages reward that many times instead of their individual drops.  Would make unlocking characters much faster.

Kotaku is doing everything it can do to catch up to Polygon--and I mean that in every negative way your mind can take it. That said, it's still a good source of news, and I just don't have to read their editorial pieces. 

Kotaku is doing everything it can do to catch up to Polygon--and I mean that in every negative way your mind can take it. That said, it's still a good source of news, and I just don't have to read their editorial pieces.
Kotaku's news IS editorial pieces. They don't know how to separate the two concepts.
Also, are we going to talk about how Takaki has left Marvelous?
I find it very sad that Sony's recent stance on censorship has basically halted Takaki's freedom on his projects.

I'd like to think him leaving Marvelous is a good thing, so that he can go to his other studio and hopefully make games for other platforms that don't enforce pointless censorship.

Wish him the best.

Yay, finally got it.  It comes in an oversized art box, which is nice for a change.  




That's how I like my notable JP niche releases! Feels good for a day1 purchase.

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I like Kotaku for their current events, especially their coverage for trends in gaming.  I also enjoy Kotaku Splitscreen with Jason Schreier and Kirk Hamilton immensely.  They play and love a lot of the same games that I do (Destiny 2, Bloodborne, etc).   I don't have an insecurity problem so their opinions and editorials don't get to me most of the time.   We have much more in common than we don't.   They also do fair coverage considerably often, regardless of a couple missteps here and there, and break more interesting, relevant industry news than other publications. 

Don't really care that Kotaku gets a negative rap by some people.  There are other sites for strictly announcements. 

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Kotaku is whatever. Worst part is Heather Alexandra who consistently tries to create controversy out of nothing.
Sounds like the same lady or similar to the one that used to do click bait articles with factually wrong information about stuff on gamefaqs. I remember the one where she got offended about kanji being gay in persona 4. Like there's a limit to how fuck ing stupid one person can be.

If you still have Amazon Prime, you can claim up to 12 months of Nintendo Switch Online. I say up to since you can claim 3 months up front and then another 9 months 60 days after claiming the first 3 months.


And since I'm mentioning that, here's the link to the usual 'free' PC stuff from Prime that will be switching out in a couple of days for next month:


EDIT: Those with family plans aren't eligible to claim the Nintendo Online offered by Twitch Prime. Also payment information is required to finish completion, so turn off auto-renew and/or unlink payment information if you so desire.

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Kotaku is whatever. Worst part is Heather Alexandra who consistently tries to create controversy out of nothing.
I think the other lady is worse, Gia or something? She tries to bring race into everything, and had an entire article complaining that one of Lucio's costumes make him too black. In the game with possibly the best representation of diversity... I don't mind some articles like that, but when 99% of the comments end up disagreeing, then something's wrong.

Which is a shame because there's a lot of cool stuff that's kinda masked by some of the controversy and stuff. Things like their weekly photoshop contests, or community plays of the week, guest editors, cosplay shoutouts, and user blog spotlights, are all really nice, but most don't get to see, just cuz the bad rep the site tends to get.

Kotaku has become as irrelevant as IGN, not sure why you guys are still checking them out..

Anyways, it sucks to hear about Takaki leaving Marvelous but this isn't much of a surprise seeing what Sony has been doing. This seems like a direct response to that whole censorship ordeal. What sucks even more that there goes the dream of any more IA/VT games  :censored: 

Kotaku is fucking cancer, they're nothing but SJW's over there and it shows in their articles.
Not really, they just write controversy because it generates clicks. I seriously doubt many of their writers believe that strongly in the politically sensitive views their articles sometimes espouse.
If you had a targeted $10 off $30 promo on eBay, what would you buy?
I got one of those a couple weeks ago. I bought a Borderlands 2 VR code for $25, and a 20% off PSN code for $6.00. The PSN code then saved me $20 on PSN purchases.

I was thinking of using it on a Ryobi Senran Kagura figure, but it didn't come with the box. I didn't like the idea of possibly getting a figure that's been tributed. Thinking about it some more, it was probably just a counterfeit figure. The listings that have a box come from Japan, and have starting bids around $300. The listings that don't have a box come from China, and have starting bids around $35.

I mean, it's literally Gamergate Ground Zero.
I just think it's naïve to think of Kotaku as anything other than a business, and like any ad-supported blog, they make most of their revenue off page loads. I'm not saying the authors don't believe at all in what they're writing, but I have serious doubts that most of them aren't just playing it up for clickbait. It's what keeps food on their plates.
It still baffles me that people consider "Social Justice Warrior" is an insult. I think it's aspirational. At best, I would be a social justice ensign....

Looks like Sakura Wars is coming over to the west next year (No English dub). For those of you who aren't familiar with Sakura Taisen, it's a visual novel dating sim with strategy RPG elements in it. We've only had Sakura Taisen V from the series localized, which was late in the PS2s western life as well as ported to the Wii.

[customspoiler='Announcement Trailer']

Looks like the usual series character artist isn't present and is being replaced by the manga artist who drew Bleach? Either way, this is a rather niche series in the west so I figured I'd mention that it's coming over. It is however a rather well known/liked series in Japan.

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I kind of regret mentioning the Takaki thing, now that it shifted the conversation to SJW and Gamergate. I was hoping people would actually discuss the news itself, since it's pretty relevant to this scene and a bad omen.
bread's done