Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


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Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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If only. Do these games hold up well though?
varies. I liked g.u. vol1 but 2 wasn't as good. Most of the story is forced "leveling" in underleveled areas with characters telling you its for leveling purposes and that they need to level for the next palace tournament. The problem is those characters wont even be participating and the areas they have you going to would of been under leveled possibly even in the first game. let alone the second. Besides that the second server is ridiculously small and is divided into 2 screens to load for no reason. They didn't add much new content to it and It wasn't that small in the original games/anime and it was all on one screen in the first 4 games. So needing a loading screen between it was just idiotic.

The scythe weapon you get for your 3rd class has a huge level gap between the one you get and the next one down the line. Like 20 or so levels. There were also very few scythes in comparison to the other weapons so you don't have many options even if you do get to the next level marker. Scythes are now part of the new rocks paper scissors type class thing they set up. you use a scythe against flying enemies for extra damage. Heavy swords are like the last game used against armored enemies.

All the story bosses you defeat will just come back at the end of the game so it feels like no progress was made.

Biggest personal tick would be what they did regarding phyllo a character from the anime.

They make it seem like he is still alive then reveal he's not and did indeed die from cancer prior to the start of the game

I haven't played the 3rd yet because of how off put I was by 2.

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4 games in the first set 3 in the g.u. set.  they are about 20 hours a game though some are shorter others longer.  Of course this depends on if you do sidequests and such or not.  If  you don't then they'll be even shorter.  Older title wise you also have to gather virus cores and medium sized ones per server are hard to come by and data drain consistently.

I love how quickly the WII U version of the next zelda (which was the reason why most ppl still held on their WII U's) became the worst version of the game & the least one ppl are excited about. Knowing there will be a better version out in just a few months.
Welcome to the wonderful & magical world of "N".

Mighty No. 9 ‘Masterclass’ trailer
I bet Rick Wilson wrote this ad trailer.

I love how quickly the WII U version of the next zelda (which was the reason why most ppl still held on their WII U's) became the worst version of the game & the least one ppl are excited about. Knowing there will be a better version out in just a few months.
I love how... I love... I forgot what I was gonna say but I love Overwatch waifu asses.

Thanks for the update on Miku at Best Buy. Preorder is in and now we count down the days. Shin Megami Tensei IV - Apocalypse is now available at BB as well. 

Speaking of Miku, only 1 hour to go before the Miku concert in Chicago starts! I'm in the 5th row, i'm so close to the stage!


Ok, I rented TMNT just to see if I wanted to buy it. Here's the good: it's got ok graphics.

I want my $3 back.

It's so bad for a P+ game.

They tried to go with the 4 player arcade feel, but it's just not there.

Enemies are really unbalanced. The harder hitting ones can one-shot you. This is on normal difficulty.

The dodge is horrible, assuming your camera doesn't zoom way out of view cause your combo made you jump. It feels like shit compared to witch time / focus.

The script is meh.

The enemies are meh.

The levels are meh.

The missions are meh.

For the sewer levels: It's literally run down some corridors for a couple of minutes, find 3 enemies, kill them in 10 seconds, open a giant manhole cover that disappears when you throw it up in the air, jump down to the next level, repeat ten times. The level ends up looking like a marble maze.

For the city levels, you can ignore most enemies and just do generic fetch quests.

The game should have launched at $15. And I'd still say to wait for it to be free.

Can you see up her skirt?
Its probably a bottomless pit down there. Probably why they sectioned off the orchestra pit lol.

But in all seriousness, the concert was great. The encore performance by Anamanaguchi was totally unexpected, and they even played one of my favorite songs "39." I couldn't be happier. :mrgreen:

Wish I could have taken better pics though


Last Guardian is going to be the Duke Nukem Forever of this gen. It'll finally be released and it'll be terrible.
As long as Gearbox stays away, it's got a pretty good chance at just being disappointing and not a trainwreck.

I'm sure everyone's seen it already, but still hilarious:


I didn't think Duke Nukem Forever was a trainwreck....played alright and was likely worth whatever i paid for the combo with it on amazon with some other games. I kind of had fun. It was very average though but controlled OK, and gave me a few chuckles and cringes. Course it's development time was bad, but eh I've played way worse games. It's better than a lot of average FPS.

Click 'Edit the Wiki Post'

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/* Realize 10+ minutes have gone by and say fuck it and goes back to Overwatch.

I go through this cycle way too much lately. On the rare chance it doesn't time out, my desire to edit it has gone to shit. Needed to rant about it for a moment because it has been even worse lately.

I'm sure everyone's seen it already, but still hilarious:

No no no. The day Sonic switches from chili dogs to pizza like he's some lazy turtle is the day I'm officially done with the series.

Why Capcom, why? We didn't do anything to hurt you, yet you keep hurting us :(

This shit somehow looks worse than the 90's cartoon. Hell it looks worse than Beck's design from Mighty 9
If Crapcom actually knew what they where doing currently, they would be making "good" games. I wouldn't be surprised if they painted a turd blue, and called that Mega Man at this point.

bread's done