Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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Splatoon 2 sold 670,955 units within first three days in Japan

Senran Kagura New Title Presentation 2017 set for August 1

The 90-minute broadcast will include the announcement of new title(s), as well as the latest information on Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura, which is in development for Switch as a Nintendo eShop title.

Nintendo Q1 financial results (FY3/2018) – Switch at 4.7 million shipped total

Six minutes of Dynasty Warriors 9 gameplay


Chinese PlayStation VR titles Stifled, The Walker, Kill X, and Legion Commander coming west

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August PS+ Games:

:ps4: Just Cause 3

:ps4: Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry

:ps3: Super Motherload

:ps3: Snakeball

:vita: Downwell (Cross-Buy with :ps4:)

:vita: Level 22

Nothing thread related in the month of August. Guess PS+ titles will go live next week since Monday is the end of the month. So if you haven't grabbed this months titles, you should probably stop procrastinating and get on that.

They are however doing $1 movie rentals on six titles, one title per week for six weeks. The titles are all fairly new, which includes the new Power Rangers and Ghost in the Shell movies if you've been wanting to see them. They're all decently solid for $1 rentals considering how new they are.

While I'm on the topic of semi-thread related movies, there are some Netflix shows that are about to release or have released somewhat recently as well if I remember correctly. Voltron I believe gets its third season next Friday. Little Witch Academia has half of it up on Netflix as well if you didn't view it elsewhere early. Finally four episodes of Castlevania as well, which is brand new and based off of Castlevania III if I remember correctly. I think eight more episodes were renewed for that as well, so it will have more coming in the future at some point.

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Is anyone interested in this? I'm not a fan of the game, but this was one of the most interesting aspects to me when they first announced it, a co-op Final Fantasy campaign. I know a couple of people said they were gonna try it out when they announced it. If there's enough interest here, I might pick up the season pass just to give it a try.

While I'm on the topic of semi-thread related movies, there are some Netflix shows that are about to release or have released somewhat recently as well if I remember correctly. Voltron I believe gets its third season next Friday. Little Witch Academia has half of it up on Netflix as well if you didn't view it elsewhere early. Finally four episodes of Castlevania as well, which is brand new and based off of Castlevania III if I remember correctly. I think eight more episodes were renewed for that as well, so it will have more coming in the future at some point.
I don't watch a lot of anime, but the Castlevania series on Netflix just blew me away. It was unlike anything I've seen in anime, it had dark themes, gore, tons of profanity, and my favorite thing, the characters had British accents. I don't know if there's any other anime like that, if there is I'm super interested. Again, it could be due to me rarely watching anime, but I was very impressed, and want to see more of it.

I don't watch a lot of anime, but the Castlevania series on Netflix just blew me away. It was unlike anything I've seen in anime, it had dark themes, gore, tons of profanity, and my favorite thing, the characters had British accents. I don't know if there's any other anime like that, if there is I'm super interested. Again, it could be due to me rarely watching anime, but I was very impressed, and want to see more of it.
Yeah, I've been meaning to watch that, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. But your review makes me more interested than I had been.

I haven't watched Anime sine I was first introduced to it back in the mid to late 80's, and by the early 90's, I was already done. So I'm always interested in something that is good and well produced, no matter when and where released, so I'll for sure be giving this a try ASAP.

Persona 5 worldwide shipments top 1.8 million

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III Shows Instructors and Mechs in New Screenshots on Famitsu

15 minutes of Lost Sphear gameplay


Is anyone interested in this? I'm not a fan of the game, but this was one of the most interesting aspects to me when they first announced it, a co-op Final Fantasy campaign.
My friends and I have been looking forward to it ever since it was mentioned in the season pass details.

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I really enjoyed Final Fantasy XV (although I am an outlier in my tastes, apparently, as I liked 13 as well) and am looking forward to trying out XV Online. I don't have any big expectations, but I think it'll be a fun distraction.

Are the Etrian Odyssey stand alone story wise? I won a signed poster at E3 so I feel obligated to play EO5
I'm pretty sure they are, I know they are mostly standalone with new characters in each game and locations I'm just not sure if there's some overarching story at all, even a vague one

Is anyone interested in this? I'm not a fan of the game, but this was one of the most interesting aspects to me when they first announced it, a co-op Final Fantasy campaign. I know a couple of people said they were gonna try it out when they announced it. If there's enough interest here, I might pick up the season pass just to give it a try.

I don't watch a lot of anime, but the Castlevania series on Netflix just blew me away. It was unlike anything I've seen in anime, it had dark themes, gore, tons of profanity, and my favorite thing, the characters had British accents. I don't know if there's any other anime like that, if there is I'm super interested. Again, it could be due to me rarely watching anime, but I was very impressed, and want to see more of it.
1. I'm just learning that "you don't watch a lot of anime", and this statement blows my mind. You obviously play a lot of Japanese games, so you are the rare (?) breed of "play lots of Japanese games but not a lot of anime". To be honest I don't know if you people are rare or not, most people I know is the other way around, watches a lot of anime but just couldn't get into active entertainment like gaming.

2. You can probably look into Hellsing, maybe you would like that.

Is anyone interested in this? I'm not a fan of the game, but this was one of the most interesting aspects to me when they first announced it, a co-op Final Fantasy campaign. I know a couple of people said they were gonna try it out when they announced it. If there's enough interest here, I might pick up the season pass just to give it a try.

I don't watch a lot of anime, but the Castlevania series on Netflix just blew me away. It was unlike anything I've seen in anime, it had dark themes, gore, tons of profanity, and my favorite thing, the characters had British accents. I don't know if there's any other anime like that, if there is I'm super interested. Again, it could be due to me rarely watching anime, but I was very impressed, and want to see more of it.
What system do you have ffxv for? Ive got it for XB1 and would absolutely love to play co-op with some pals. If you've got it for XB1 and are picking this up let me know.

I'm similar. Love my Japanese games but don't get to watching too much anime. Want to watch Castlevania but have to find a friend's Netflix to steal.
:ps4: Superbeat: XONiC $28.74

:ps4: Dragon Quest Heroes II Explorer's Edition $31.92

1. I'm just learning that "you don't watch a lot of anime", and this statement blows my mind. You obviously play a lot of Japanese games, so you are the rare (?) breed of "play lots of Japanese games but not a lot of anime". To be honest I don't know if you people are rare or not, most people I know is the other way around, watches a lot of anime but just couldn't get into active entertainment like gaming.

2. You can probably look into Hellsing, maybe you would like that.
Yeah, for some reason I never have the patience to sit through anime and just stare at a screen, while text heavy games like Neptunia or visual novels, I can at least fast forward/skip by pressing X. Even for cutscene heavy games like Final Fantasy, I feel like I'm making up "lost time" by playing through it. It's not just anime, I never really watch television shows either, though I love movies. Honestly, if Castlevania wasn't only 4 episodes, I probably wouldn't have watched it either. Most people I think are the other way around, I guess I just lack the patience or have ADD or something. It also doesn't help most anime are subbed, so I can't even do something else while listening to it, and have to pay full attention.

Thanks! I'll definitely look at Hellsing! I've heard it mentioned a lot before, but for some reason I always confuse this with Trigun, I haven't seen either though.

Also, it's possible Castlevania seems so amazing to me since I rarely watch anime, and I tend to have a blast being exposed to things for the 1st time. I watched Love Live like a week ago and thought that was the best thing ever. I also watched the Phantom Menace when I was like 7 years old, before the original Star Wars trilogy, and thought that was the greatest movie ever made. It's only years later I realized what an utter fool I was.

What system do you have ffxv for? Ive got it for XB1 and would absolutely love to play co-op with some pals. If you've got it for XB1 and are picking this up let me know.

I'm similar. Love my Japanese games but don't get to watching too much anime. Want to watch Castlevania but have to find a friend's Netflix to steal.
Sadly I have it on PS4, but I do have you added on PS4 though. I've seen you playing No More Heroes, and I remember really loving the art for that game. I gotta try playing it again soon.

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Wow, that's a pretty significant difference. Was it really that bad on the ps3?
Unfortunately, yeah. I don't remember it being quite as bad as in the video, but its been some time since I last played and the second game is more in mind than the first game seeing as I played it in the last year. There were some improvements to the game in the sequel. However I don't really know what they are off hand outside of improved animations.

Dragon Quest Heroes II is rad
The multiplayer portion of it can choke on a bag of dicks though.

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1. I'm just learning that "you don't watch a lot of anime", and this statement blows my mind. You obviously play a lot of Japanese games, so you are the rare (?) breed of "play lots of Japanese games but not a lot of anime". To be honest I don't know if you people are rare or not, most people I know is the other way around, watches a lot of anime but just couldn't get into active entertainment like gaming.

2. You can probably look into Hellsing, maybe you would like that.
I also play more rpgs than watch anime but granted sometimes I do both. While I have been playing so2 for example I went through bastard magic teacher, drifters, chain chronicles, chrono crusade? and I watched a couple galaxy 999 eps and case closed eps (detective conan for jpn watcher). (so2 is pretty long) project xzone 2 made me look to see if dmc was on crunchy roll and I blew through that as well granted it was only 12 eps long.

Speaking of which blackrockwaifu you'd probably like devil may cry since its also similar to hellsing minus constant swearing. Black buter is another one kinda similar but has significantly less gore and violence. Be aware that both hellsing and dmc have 2 animes for them I believe. The one I liked for dmc is on crunchy roll. Though I'm sure it can be found on other places.

Anime wise I find most of it pretty stale so it takes something unique to grab my interest unless Im bored in which case I'll put anything on in the background while I surf the web and such.

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What system do you have ffxv for? Ive got it for XB1 and would absolutely love to play co-op with some pals. If you've got it for XB1 and are picking this up let me know.
I have it on XB1, have the season pass, and would be down for playing. My username is draco259, go ahead and add me if you want.
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I started watching Detective Conan when I was about half my daughter's age, and that sob is still in elementary.
I guess that means he's not as smart as he thinks he is. If he spent more time on homework and less time solving murders he might have graduated by now.

1. I'm just learning that "you don't watch a lot of anime", and this statement blows my mind. You obviously play a lot of Japanese games, so you are the rare (?) breed of "play lots of Japanese games but not a lot of anime". To be honest I don't know if you people are rare or not, most people I know is the other way around, watches a lot of anime but just couldn't get into active entertainment like gaming.
2. You can probably look into Hellsing, maybe you would like that.
I'm also like BlackRock, but probably even a little more extreme than him. I love Japanese games, I love anime-style art, but other than watching My Neighbor Totoro with my kid, I haven't watched any anime at all in about 20 years. Last ones I watched for myself were the original Evangelion and Tenchi Muyo in the mid 90s.
It's like we're coming out of the "doesn't watch anime" closet in here :p

I, too, have hardly ever watched any anime. I've only seen Death Note, SAO, Future Diary, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Death Note and Haruhi were both really good, and I definitely would say they were worth my time. I just tend to prefer spending my time gaming because there's so many series I'm already attached to

Also feels great to have a fresh avatar/sig, couldn't get my profile picture to change automatically but I got my sig to instead... better than nothin'

I guess that means he's not as smart as he thinks he is. If he spent more time on homework and less time solving murders he might have graduated by now.
Well if you apply real world logic it takes 4 years to go through elementary school. So if each episode is one day (which most of them are not since plenty of them are 2 or 3 parters or have cases that take place in the same day) he'd still have another 2 years to go. But yeah it'd be nice if the plot could move forward a bit.

never seen that one before haha.

While still on the subject there must be alot of pianos missing wire in locked rooms on that show considering how many people are murdered with it in locked rooms >.>

Also funny the rooms are locked since japans favorite trope is not locking doors.

It was unlike anything I've seen in anime, it had dark themes, gore, tons of profanity, and my favorite thing, the characters had British accents.
If it's dark themes, gore, and profanity-filled anime you're looking for, I highly recommend Angel Cop, Cyber City Oedo, and the holy grail of crazy '80s anime, Golgo 13: The Professional.

I'm also like BlackRock, but probably even a little more extreme than him. I love Japanese games, I love anime-style art, but other than watching My Neighbor Totoro with my kid, I haven't watched any anime at all in about 20 years. Last ones I watched for myself were the original Evangelion and Tenchi Muyo in the mid 90s.
Pretty much the same, though I'll go back a little further, back when 'Japanamation' was still a common term, when I watched Voltron and RoboTech (Macross). Maybe include 90's "Liquid TV" if you'd call "Aeon Flux" anime.

Nowadays, pretty much the only anime I watch, is related to video games. I have recently been watching " Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?", but I only became aware of it because they announced a game based on it.

BTW: Being detached from the anime community there is a question I have - Are Yu-gi-oh and Pokémon considered "anime". By strict definition, I know they would, but as 'gamers' shun things like Candy Crush, do otaku shun Pokémon and Yugi? (I did watch those and even Cardcaptors WBKids version - not the JP version "CardCaptor: Sakura)

Well if you apply real world logic it takes 4 years to go through elementary school. So if each episode is one day (which most of them are not since plenty of them are 2 or 3 parters or have cases that take place in the same day) he'd still have another 2 years to go. But yeah it'd be nice if the plot could move forward a bit.
Wut? It takes 6 years to go through elementary school.

Japan, Taiwan, South Korea etc is elementary grades 1-6, middle school 7-9, high school 10-12.

Also, I don't watch that much anime, despite buying a ton. I used to, 15 years ago. Thinking about it, it might have had to do with playing MMOs. Nowadays, I watch 2-3 a year, it seems. The most recent ones I watched was Gate and One Punch Man. Like 3 episodes of Parasyte and 1 episode of AoT S2. That's basically the last 2 years.

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I usually watch 2-4 a season. Anime is just kind of samey for me now. Once you've watched a lot of it stuff seems to repeat over and over and over. It really takes something special to be cool like the Monogatari stuff. Also another reason I rarely buy anime figures (other than a weird job position right now), as I really don't feel connections to the characters as much.

I still haven't decided what i'm watching this anime season but so far it seems like Centaur anime (read the manga), koi no uso (also read the manga....man that thing is dragging...finish it already!), and that quiz one cause I like Jeopardy and it's an alright anime. Also probably going to watch that In Another World With My Smartphone (currently read the light novel and it's pretty generic, but eh). I tried to watch Kakegurui, but just ended up catching up on the manga which is over the top and somewhat meh in my opinion.

I'm not a shounen type guy anymore (honestly DB Super was boring for all 5 episodes i saw of it at first). I've heard My Hero Academia is alright, so I may watch it, but I generally skip all Shounen anime and generally watch romance/slice of life/comedy/horror/adventure/ecchi/harem ones. Last season I think I only stuck with Saekano S2 and Sakura Quest (better than I thought). I just didn't finish anything else.

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Some Overwatch news for those interested. A patch was released today with quite a few changes. Short version:

- [customspoiler='Doomfist']https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pLpQwjGAnA[/customspoiler] is now live

- Lootbox change is now live (Less chance for duplicates and dupes give more currency)

- New highlight recording options

Plus more stuff you can read about in the link above.

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Happy 10th anniversary (Japanese release) to The World Ends With You, Square Enix's best game imo and one of the best DS games around!

Even though Square Enix and Nomura don't really care about the game one of the lead artists, Gen Kobayashi, cared enough to draw this to celebrate:


Also here's a brand new TWEWY Twister remix for the KH mobile game: https://youtu.be/aI9CCAVJn2g

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I can't believe what I'm reading.


Well I already knew about BRW not watching a lot of anime.

Did Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash ever get a release date? It use to be listed as August 28, now it's listed as September 12.

Also, I guess it's pointless to ask if anyone else is enjoying Gamers! then.


He watched Love Live though, so he watches important anime at least.
Ya know, I wonder why Time and Eternity never got an anime. Feels like it was robbed, it would have been a masterpiece just like the game

In all seriousness, the cutscenes were like the best part of T&E, right? So an anime would probably have been decent at the very least

Ya know, I wonder why Time and Eternity never got an anime. Feels like it was robbed, it would have been a masterpiece just like the game

In all seriousness, the cutscenes were like the best part of T&E, right? So an anime would probably have been decent at the very least
Everything was the best part of Time and Eternity

I'm lucky enough to have a good friend who keeps up with the new anime scene. I frequently watch newer series with him, based on his recommendations. This means that there's a huge swath of current anime that I simply don't have to bother with. He will frequently sample all of the newer material, and screen it for me. It saves a lot of time, as I can focus on the shows that have already been vetted.

A lot of my collecting of anime recently has been much more focused on the re-releases of certain classic shows that have long-term appeal. Outlaw Star got re-released recently, and the Ranma 1/2 and Sailor Moon series have been getting proper Blu-Ray release over the past few years.

As far as anime-inspired games go, I'm really feeling good about the release schedule for the Switch. We're seeing publishers like NIS and Nicalis releasing a sizable number of Japanese games at mid-tier prices. I've missed having proper mid-tier options. We could do with more games coming out in the $20 - $40 range. A lot of upcoming Japanese Switch entries are all coming in around that MSRP.

When I was in elementary, we (the dumb boys) thought Ranma was a hentai comic (somehow, remember this is before the Internet), then by jumping through all the hoops, pooling together our snack money, we bought a few volumes and was extremely disappointed that it wasn't hentai at all. But continued to read it because of how funny it was. Couldn't understand most of it though, so went back Saint Seiya and Doraemon etc. Picked it up again in Junior high and had a blast with the (still dumb) boys. Good times.

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I buy a lot of anime too.   Was really bummed out when IKEA stopped selling those media sized bookcases that are only six inches deep.  I have limited space and can't find anything with the proper dimensions anymore.  So you're stuck using regular bookcases and only get six shelves instead of nine and have to double stack things.

bread's done