Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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2 (100%)
The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Saw this on neogaf, looks like Tales of Hearts Vita is getting a US release


Oh god, I hope we really are getting Tales of Hearts R in the west.

People keep saying it's the best Tales game they've ever played, and I've been wanting to try it out myself.

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Saw this on neogaf, looks like Tales of Hearts Vita is getting a US release

meh I find it doubtful since bamco actually went out of their way to confirm it will never get localized. Since you know they never actually do that. other issues being its missing the r and the release dates set for some time next year >.>

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I waited for the price drop... didn't look like this one would go down anytime soon (watch after I post this, then it does).  So, went ahead and bought the Y's box set.  Although, "Ragnarok Odyssey Ace" was more impulse buy than anything else.  Hope it's worth it!


Neptunia PP LE down to less than 25 percent left. Last chance to get it ordered without inflated eBay prices.
Thanks for the reminder got my order in right now....still couldn't pull the trigger on Mugen Souls Z (I'll wait for standard i'm sure....anyway may has Mario Golf and Kirby already). Also I hope It's Tales of Heart R Vita, but I wont hope on anything till Bamco releases a trailer, announcement or anything there....

Thanks for the reminder got my order in right now....still couldn't pull the trigger on Mugen Souls Z (I'll wait for standard i'm sure....anyway may has Mario Golf and Kirby already). Also I hope It's Tales of Heart R Vita, but I wont hope on anything till Bamco releases a trailer, announcement or anything there....
Yep, I held out as long as I could, but I have to support Japanese games coming to the States. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I'm a Hyperdeminision Neptunia fan. Mugan Souls Z....yeah, that ones can wait.

I got one of those sheets from Gamestop back in 2011 and it had 'The Last Guardian' on it with a fall 2011 release date.
At least Last Guardian was announced. The Code Embryo and Neptunia were also available to preorder from gamestop before officially announced.

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Tales of Hearts R coming to US?  Holy fuck ...I mean YES!  :D/

I won't be preordering Xillia 2 but for this one I will tell them "this is how you take my money!" even if I can't play it for a few years.

If only I can figure out Kendo Crush and some other visual novels now (actually, isn't Neptunia PP pretty much one?)

Speaking of which

Do we know what the fuck is going on with that?

I was looking forward to it :(
It's either in development limbo or (more likely) they're moving it to the PS4. I'm guessing Wada left Sony because of this, in that he wanted to keep it on PS3 but Sony wanted it on PS4.

Got my copy of grandia 2 for dreamcast in. It looks good in all but I kind of wish I had gone with the ps2 version. Forgot how damn loud the dreamcast was. Might try sticking it in a drawer or something  to cut down on the noise

Gamestop's website says 8/5 for Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed.  I'm guessing the paper is a little outdated or something.  I might consider Tales of Heart.  More interested in Xblaze at the moment, even though I have yet to play a BlazeBlue game.

Let's positive thinking here.

Bamco probably just took out the R, because we never got the original game in the first place.
tales of graces "F" kills any logic of that idea. Though it could also just be the people who type names in are lazy and incompetent since its missing the s in there as well >.>

But yeah impossible to remain positive when they confirmed neither vesperia hearts of innocence ports will get localized. If this turns out to be a 3ds/ps3/4/wiiu port of the original or the r version then cool. but I'm not exactly hopeful since companies like bamco rarely use common sense.

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Got my Steins Gate LE in from RightStuf!. I love RightStuf! because that game got wrapped in a crapload of paper and then put in a nice box.

The LE is nice. Comes with the pins, a instruction/art book (well kind of an art book) and a quick instruction sheet. What's not awesome is the game is in 1024x768 res and it's unchangeable. You can fullscreen or window it though. That's just how VN's are made though sadly.

Got my copy of grandia 2 for dreamcast in. It looks good in all but I kind of wish I had gone with the ps2 version. Forgot how damn loud the dreamcast was. Might try sticking it in a drawer or something to cut down on the noise
It's worth it to play the superior version. PS2 port is pretty awful.

Ordered Demon Gaze and Hyperdimension separatly. Crazy how fast HDN went down.

Still sure I'm passing on Mugen Souls Z
Yeah, I had to go ahead and snag HN:pP. I can't say I'll love the game, but I'm a fan of the series and a fan of bringing Japanese ports to America. Like you, I'm passing on Mugan Souls Z. I'll snag a copy when it goes on sale for half the price, like Mugan Souls:CE did.

Did NISA fix their issues with their new shipping company in TX? I ended up cancelling my Witch CE and am wondering if their packaging has improved. 

Did NISA fix their issues with their new shipping company in TX? I ended up cancelling my Witch CE and am wondering if their packaging has improved.
Yes. Witch CE came in a box with bubble wrap, no damage at all. I think it was just that Vita game. Demon Gaze LE is coming out soon, so people who ordered that will be able to confirm if any problems still.

It's either in development limbo or (more likely) they're moving it to the PS4. I'm guessing Wada left Sony because of this, in that he wanted to keep it on PS3 but Sony wanted it on PS4.
It sucks because the game was supposed to come out years ago. Ico and SotC were both on PS2, then nothing on PS3. Unless you count HD versions of old games. Either way, PS3 was/is a long life cycle.

Yes. Witch CE came in a box with bubble wrap, no damage at all. I think it was just that Vita game. Demon Gaze LE is coming out soon, so people who ordered that will be able to confirm if any problems still.

It sucks because the game was supposed to come out years ago. Ico and SotC were both on PS2, then nothing on PS3. Unless you count HD versions of old games. Either way, PS3 was/is a long life cycle.
And the PS4 will be even longer.

Did NISA fix their issues with their new shipping company in TX? I ended up cancelling my Witch CE and am wondering if their packaging has improved.
Mine got to to me in perfect condition, no creases or flattened corners. I live in Northeast Texas and mine came by USPS by way of Grand Prairie and Dallas.

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Did NISA fix their issues with their new shipping company in TX? I ended up cancelling my Witch CE and am wondering if their packaging has improved.
I ordered Witch and the original Mugen Souls CE's from them since the Danganronpa incident, and both arrived in perfect condition. So I'd say they have the problem sorted out.

Picked up PP CE, i figured at the rate it was going, it was a matter of time, i predict around next week or so where it will be sold out. Can't say the same for mugen souls z though, i really don't think that one will sell out.

I have a very high image for the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, even though the first one was terrible (although i like it enough to platinum it) it think it generally improved in mk 2 and victory, enough for me to compare it to the likes of even Persona and the Tales series.

The graphics, story, gameplay made such huge improvements it was like turning an old-gen game into next-gen. The anime for the series is phenomenal too, and in my opinion probably the best game to anime transition ever made.

Definitely looking forward to PP, even though i don't even have a vita yet. I would like to see a Neptunia fighting game in the future, designed with a structure like Skullgirls or Arcana Heart.

Hoping my Conception II Order from Best Buy comes in fine.
I wish my order wasn't scheduled to deliver on Thursday as well as not have the last update being in La Vergne, TN on Saturday morning when it needs to arrive at California. Ugh, I should've just tried to an in-store pickup by pre-ordering in-store or just check if it's there on day one.

I wish my order wasn't scheduled to deliver on Thursday as well as not have the last update being in La Vergne, TN on Saturday morning when it needs to arrive at California. Ugh, I should've just tried to an in-store pickup by pre-ordering in-store or just check if it's there on day one.
I'm in no rush to play it but I do hope Expedited Shipping makes a difference. I would've picked it up in-store but I was using a Friend's Account. :lol:

Picked up PP CE, i figured at the rate it was going, it was a matter of time, i predict around next week or so where it will be sold out. Can't say the same for mugen souls z though, i really don't think that one will sell out.

I have a very high image for the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, even though the first one was terrible (although i like it enough to platinum it) it think it generally improved in mk 2 and victory, enough for me to compare it to the likes of even Persona and the Tales series.

The graphics, story, gameplay made such huge improvements it was like turning an old-gen game into next-gen. The anime for the series is phenomenal too, and in my opinion probably the best game to anime transition ever made.

Definitely looking forward to PP, even though i don't even have a vita yet. I would like to see a Neptunia fighting game in the future, designed with a structure like Skullgirls or Arcana Heart.
Persona is still better. I personally thought the Persona 4 The Animation was one of the best Game to Anime transitions out there imo.

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Picked up PP CE, i figured at the rate it was going, it was a matter of time, i predict around next week or so where it will be sold out. Can't say the same for mugen souls z though, i really don't think that one will sell out.

I have a very high image for the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, even though the first one was terrible (although i like it enough to platinum it) it think it generally improved in mk 2 and victory, enough for me to compare it to the likes of even Persona and the Tales series.

The graphics, story, gameplay made such huge improvements it was like turning an old-gen game into next-gen. The anime for the series is phenomenal too, and in my opinion probably the best game to anime transition ever made.

Definitely looking forward to PP, even though i don't even have a vita yet. I would like to see a Neptunia fighting game in the future, designed with a structure like Skullgirls or Arcana Heart.
I really wish that I could feel this way about the series. :(

I've played through all three of the games released in the US and while the second and third games were definitely improvements over the first, they still aren't very good games. Of course, if you're into all of the typical anime tropes then it's totally fine, but I found myself cringing at most of the dialogue and skipping most of the cutscenes by the end of Victory. I can't emphasize enough how much I love the concept of the series, but I just feel like it's executed pretty badly. The battle system, while an improvement from the first game, is still leagues behind the Tales series (and I'm not even a huge fan of that series either aside from Vesperia) or most other action JRPGs. It's really stale.

I used to think that I was really into niche Japanese stuff, but I just feel like there's some disconnect for me when it comes to a lot of the stuff that's been coming out lately.

Just waiting for Xillia 2 CE details. Wish they'd come out with something soon. Also an official release date. I have 7/30/14 but not sure if that is confirmed.

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Hmm Amazon is claiming my Conception II is coming in Thursday as a delivery estimate yet on the main page it says have it delivered tomorrow with one day shipping. I sure as hell hope it comes in tomorrow seeing I have prime.

Hmm Amazon is claiming my Conception II is coming in Thursday as a delivery estimate yet on the main page it says have it delivered tomorrow with one day shipping. I sure as hell hope it comes in tomorrow seeing I have prime.
You should contact them right away. Something goofy probably happened with their system like it typically does. or you pre-ordered before the official release date was known.

Their CS is usually pretty great, they'll probably upgrade it to 1 day shipping if you contact them.

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NO FREAKIN WAY.  :rofl:  :whee:

Great announcement for Vita Owners. Specifically excited for Freedom Wars and Over My Dead Body 2. And what a great year so far. Hoping for more Localization Announcements. 

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NO FREAKIN WAY. :rofl: :whee:

Great announcement for Vita Owners. Specifically excited for Freedom Wars and Over My Dead Body 2
Even though Freedom Wars looks like just another Monster Hunter clone? :???:

EDIT: To stoke the Tales of Hearts potential-release flames a bit more, there's a page for it on Gamestop.com; if it's accurate, it might be a GS-exclusive like the Vita version of OP: Unlimited World RED.


Hopefully Bandai-Namco says something about this soon.

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Even though Freedom Wars looks like just another Monster Hunter clone? :???:

EDIT: To stoke the Tales of Hearts potential-release flames a bit more, there's a page for it on Gamestop.com; if it's accurate, it might be a GS-exclusive like the Vita version of OP: Unlimited World RED.


Hopefully Bandai-Namco says something about this soon.
Freedom wars doesn't look like it plays anything like monster hunter. It seems more like a capture the flag type gameplay with also a large focus on PVP

Even though Freedom Wars looks like just another Monster Hunter clone? :???:

EDIT: To stoke the Tales of Hearts potential-release flames a bit more, there's a page for it on Gamestop.com; if it's accurate, it might be a GS-exclusive like the Vita version of OP: Unlimited World RED.


Hopefully Bandai-Namco says something about this soon.
I saw it a bit like Attack on Titan. And I could care less about Monster Hunter. :lol: To be honest, I'm more interested in this game than Monster Hunter.

Wowsa Freedom Wars....I'm not into Monster Hunter type games but love the setting/story so far in that one. Over My Dead Body 2 I will gladly support, though looks OK. Soul Sacrifice...passing till I play the PS+ original. And Tales of Hearts officially up on Gamestop...dang will have to get that and the One Piece game if their physical are exclusives to the store (Not a hater of Gamestop but not a great supporter either). All I can say is my 3DS and Vita are getting a lot of love this year and I'm glad cause my PS4 is getting very little and will get very little until I get Destiny (meh about it now....hopefully E3 will get me excited for it) and Watch Dogs...which I need to see reviews first.

Edit: With these new announcements I am ok with passing on Mugen Souls Z, too much other good stuff coming out this year....going to be an expensive one.

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Like you, I'm passing on Mugan Souls Z. I'll snag a copy when it goes on sale for half the price, like Mugan Souls:CE did.
There's only <25% left with release date over a month away. It will sell out soon before any price drops.
NO FREAKIN WAY. :rofl: :whee:

Great announcement for Vita Owners. Specifically excited for Freedom Wars and Over My Dead Body 2. And what a great year so far. Hoping for more Localization Announcements.
All of the above will be digital only. LOL @ vita owners.

All of the above will be digital only. LOL @ vita owners.
I see that someone commented in the PS Blog article that SSD will be digital-only, but I don't see it in the article itself, so where did that claim come from? How do you know all three will be digital-only?

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