javeryh's ARCADE cabinet!! (Updated 08.30.2006)

Something like this maybe? but with a space background (maybe the death star in the corner?) and less "realistic" style and WAY WAY WAY cooler. This took me 5 minutes in paint. I want it to "POP" - almost in a cel-shaded kind of way with bright colors against a black background... This is headed in the direction that I'm thinking in my head... I guess I'll know it when I see it...

I am getting comfortable with the theme and the name and if I go ahead and use it (still subject to wife approval which is a big big concern) then shadow9689 will get his game. He's the definite favorite right now.

OK, this is definitely the style of cartoon that I'm going for but more in the vein of the picture above (i.e. a more kick ass pose). Any comments/thoughts?

Money Machine
Insert Here
Quick Switch
Heaven on Earth

I haven't read the whole post, so sorry if i repeated a name someone already though of.
Skies of Arcade-ia
Anton Arcade
I didn't want to have sex tonight, anyway
No, I don't think you look fat
This is not an arcade machine, its a beautiful china cabinet (cover game with hypnotic swirling patterns)
Any artists out there care to do a mock up of my description in post #103? I'm curious to see what can be done... Here is the general shape of the "canvas"...

[quote name='javeryh']Any artists out there care to do a mock up of my description in post #103? I'm curious to see what can be done... Here is the general shape of the "canvas"...


Let me see if I can find anything to out there to try and make a vector version, then try to work it in with the name. Might take a day or so.
[quote name='megashock5']Let me see if I can find anything to out there to try and make a vector version, then try to work it in with the name. Might take a day or so.[/QUOTE]

Awesome - I can't wait to see what you come up with! Also, most of the long part of the "canvas" probably shouldn't be used other than to maybe write out "Knights of the Arcade Table" in cool font along the side or maybe for a light saber extending a bit out in that direction. FYI, I used "Angel" font in my mock up (from the tv show - I downloaded the .tff file from some website) but feel free to use something equally cool/badass. Maybe I'll try a sketch (which will be laughable) to try and convey what I'm rambling about if I have some time tonight...
OK, this is almost EXACTLY the style I'm going for and the pose is pretty badass too. I might reachg out to the artist and see if he will do something custom for me but I don't have a ton of money to spend...

Okay, Live Trace isn't work well at all on that image - but it's still a great candidate for vectorizing. I can do it by hand using the pen tool, it will just take a little longer. Great pic though, that could look really cool.
Progress so far...

[quote name='megashock5']Progress so far...[/QUOTE]

woah, that looks good. I've sent an email to the original artist asking him to draw me a scene with a bunch of jedis (I asked him to include the exact pic you are vectorizing) in the same style. I haven't got a response yet but I expect he will do it - he charges $100 a picture and I think I'm going to ask him for 2 different drawings. It will be expensive but I've already put about $1,200 into this thing - what's a few hundred more? Besides, the artwork is really the most important part - it's what gives the cabinet it's personality.

One picture is going to be of various Jedi Knights (Obi-Wan (young), Qui-Gon Jinn, Aayla Secura, Barriss Offee and Yoda) for one side of the table and the other picture is going to be of various Sith Lords (Darth Vader, Darth Maul (with double edged lightsaber), General Grievous, Count Dooku and the Emperor). Once I get them (I asked for them in a digital format - not sure how he would feel about that) they will have to be vectorized and scaled and then applied to a CPO template so that mamemarquees can print it out. I supplied the artist with the exact dimensions of my top so hopefully it will be the correct size when he is done. I also asked him to provide "Knights of the Arcade Table" in whatever 2" font he thinks will look cool along the sides of the monitor. I told him he could do 2 different sets of fonts - one to match the Jedi theme and the other to match the Sith theme. I'm really excited about this because I think it will kick ass if it is done right. I'll keep you posted...
hows about:

Box o' fun
The game that i built
Macdaddy machine
stick tapper
button twister
any other word u can think of with a d and add a 3 b4 it :D
[quote name='javeryh']OK, this is almost EXACTLY the style I'm going for and the pose is pretty badass too. I might reachg out to the artist and see if he will do something custom for me but I don't have a ton of money to spend...


I work quite cheap...and by quite cheap, i mean, whatever the hell you would pay me. I'm quite a good artist. I'd give a link to my deviantart account, but it's mostly CG stuff at the moment. But i believer i have some techinical drawings of arms and such.


Just im me at Darkpaladinse and we could easily work out something...like...$10-15 for most of it (i'm desperate for money)
do you have any updated pics? i'm interested in seeing how the final product will turn out. it would be really cool if you did a step by step photo montage of the entire process and explain what you found easy, difficult, or fun. just a thought.

also, you should name it My Buddy.
[quote name='munch']do you have any updated pics? i'm interested in seeing how the final product will turn out. it would be really cool if you did a step by step photo montage of the entire process and explain what you found easy, difficult, or fun. just a thought.

also, you should name it My Buddy.[/QUOTE]

Here's where I'm at. The photos make it look like it has been painted blue but it is actually stained and it came out looking very cool. The wood grain shows through nicely and the finish is very smooth.

Oh yeah, once I hear back from the artist guy and the artwork is on its way then Shadow9689 will get his game because then "Knights of the Arcade Table" would be "official" I guess. No turning back then...
Wow, that looks really nice. I never knew you could buy colored stains.

I can't wait to see the final photos of the working unit.
[quote name='Haggar']Wow, that looks really nice. I never knew you could buy colored stains.

I can't wait to see the final photos of the working unit.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot! The colored stains are a little tougher to work with because they have to be mixed thoroughly or else the coloring won't be even. Also, unlike most stains where the longer you leave it on the deeper the color gets, I found that to get the color I wanted I was better off putting 2 coats of stain on the wood.

I also can't wait to see the working unit - there's a ways to go though. The inside wiring and computer mount/hookup is definitely going to be the most challenging part for me. You should see the monitor I got though - it looks amazing - just like a real arcade machine! I'll try to snap some pics of it in action...
OK, I heard back from the artist and he has graciously agreed to do the artwork for my cab. Check out this awesome concept sketch he did:

There are a few little modifications that need to be done to the layout such as the lettering being repositioned to run down the side of the table top along the monitor but this is EXACTLY the idea I am going for... He is going to make a detailed full size drawing and then color it in photoshop so I can give it to the printer. This guy is just insanely talented.

Oh yeah, if you are out there shadow9689 - CML and I'll send you a game! I think "Knights of the Arcade Table" blends the two loves of my life rather nicely - Star Wars and arcade games! Nothing says "I'm a giant nerd" more than a home made Star Wars themed arcade cabinet in my living room!
[quote name='javeryh']I think "Knights of the Arcade Table" blends the two loves of my life rather nicely - Star Wars and arcade games! Nothing says "I'm a giant nerd" more than a home made Star Wars themed arcade cabinet in my living room![/QUOTE]

Star Wars and arcade games? Not your wife and child? :lol:

Looks awesome. :cool:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Star Wars and arcade games? Not your wife and child? :lol:

Looks awesome. :cool:[/QUOTE]

oh yeah... I, um... meant ... besides them... yeah, that's it... :D
[quote name='$hady']Wow that's going to look cool! When are we all invited over?[/QUOTE]

Thanks! It probably won't be finished for a while - I have very little free time these days but I'm hoping for an unveiling on Super Sunday sometime late January...
[quote name='sixersballernum3']What game(s) are going in there?

By the way, I love your title. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I'm going to be running at least MAME and daphne (and probably NESter and SNES9x) and I plan to throw an actual Dreamcast in there for some SFIII and MvC2... so basically about every game you can think of although I'm sure it will turn into a glorified Ms. Pac-man machine because I'll probably play that the most. :D
[quote name='javeryh']I'm going to be running at least MAME and daphne (and probably NESter and SNES9x) and I plan to throw an actual Dreamcast in there for some SFIII and MvC2... so basically about every game you can think of although I'm sure it will turn into a glorified Ms. Pac-man machine because I'll probably play that the most. :D[/QUOTE]

Sounds awesome. Best of luck to you! I think CAG is expecting periodical updates and finished pics!
[quote name='cag1000']what's your cost been so far?

What do you estimate at this point your total cost to be by the end?[/QUOTE]

So far it's been about $1,000 for everything and I estimate the final cost to be around $1,200. I went overboard on a lot of stuff because I wanted everything to be as nice as possible. I could have saved a lot of money by buying used parts off of ebay like the coin door and cleaning them up or not tempering the glass for the table top which was an extra $100, etc.

It is totally worth it to me though because I love to build things and when I'm finished I'll have a working arcade in my house that can play just about every game that I grew up with from the 80s and 90s and then some. I've already got project #2 planned - I'm going to build an upright mini cabinet about 48" tall in the exact style of an old pac-man machine and paint it pink for my daughter's room. I can't wait to start on that one!
The artwork is nearing completion but I have hit a snag - I'm hoping to work something out in the next few days though.
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks! It probably won't be finished for a while - I have very little free time these days but I'm hoping for an unveiling on Super Sunday sometime late January...[/QUOTE]

CAG Super Bowl party and javeryh's!!!! Nice work so far! I wish I could do shit like that.
bread's done