Job at Gamestop...


1 (100%)
So im 16 and i asked for an application at gamestop...

what should i put for under "game software knowledge"

and for references what should i put???

can i get some help from some ex employees?
16 years old...

Under game software knowledge, just put something along the lines of being up to date with all past, current, and future products for all consoles, PC, and handhelds.

Since you probably don't have relevant work experience, under references, you should put family, friends, church leaders, teachers... someone who would put in a good word for you.
"game software knowledge"? I think that means unsealed games = new games.

make sure to mention that you're good at cleaning up glitter.
Put down that you know that all new games are to be opened immediately when the store receives them. GS knows that customers don't want their new games to actually be new.
Put "Ignore this application" Your not going to get the job unless theres a sudden deflux of more qualified people who are looking for it witch there wont be. I worked at a gamestop last year and we got between 30-60 applications evrey week. Your best chance of getting a job at a gamestop is be good freinds with the people that work there, then they will give you a heads up when a position opens up, and out a good word in for you with their boss.
Tell them you love to upsell PRESALE items, magazines & discount cards. Also, it would help if you are an average looking nerdy white chick.
[quote name='KingDox']Put down you've sold magazines to strangers. Since that's going to be 80% of your job if you get it.[/quote]

that will pretty much get you the job lol, store managers looks for people that are good with talking to customers and can sell a product
Not an ex employee, but maybe we should take the time to help groom this potential GS employee to lead a new age. An age where an average GS employee knows something beyond their narrow minded fanboy opinion.
Who can:
- Rise to the ranks of manager, and make their store smell like something other than an underwear recycling plant.

- Kick any douche bag in the head working for them who takes the preorder bonus for themselves and friends.

- Doesn't take game trade ins where the disc has a bite taken out of it.

- Doesn't act completely clueless and pretends to not understand when I do not want the last copy of a game for 60 bucks with 10 "OMG teh Hawt NEW!" stickers on the cover.

- Fake anime generic covers drawn by ass hats in India making 2 cents an hour on all of your display cases makes your store look like a yard sale.

Keep these things in mind as we send you into the lion's den for the hope of a brighter tomorrow.
Oh, and please try to incorporate "Magazine Rack Mondays". I have no idea what that could be, but there is potential in the name! :)
reference you can leave empty or blank because they will acknowledge that your new to work.

game software knowledge is your understanding of the various forms of genres and knowing the functions of the system and so and so. it's sort of how asking you do you know what the hell you're doing when you're playing a game and when you have a system and knowing what to do.

when you get the interview and if you really want to get the job, you'll need to know how to sell an item.

it also helps that you have at least two or all of the current game consoles and handhelds. yeah, believe it or not. i tried applying for a position 2-3 years after the ps2 release and they asked what systems i have and at the time i only had a gamecube and dreamcast, which weren't good because the dreamcast was being eliminated and the gamecube was limited to only those who have it. so i didn't get the job.
Yeah OP as you can see not to many people here are happy with Gamestop :p

Personally I've heard it isn't that great of a job and the videos that one guy made was pretty intense (youtube gamestop whistleblower)

What makes you want to work there?
I've never worked at Gamestop. However, I did interview there when I was 17.

This was awhile back (13 years ago), but my entire interview was based on selling. They didn't care about my video game knowledge at all, they only focused on how hard/convincing I could pitch their magazines. After 5 minutes of questions, I threw the interview (they asked me what I would do if someone said they didn't need a magazine/card) I said I'd stop pitching it, since I already did, and I dispies salespeople who won't give up if the customer doesn't want it). I didn't want the job if it was only going to be magazine hawking, I wanted to work at a video game store, not a magazine selling business.
Easier said than done. YouTube killed his account and the ones that were posted on GameTrailers are gone.

If memory serves me right, someone hosted up his vids, but is missing the first one. *searches*

Yep, got 'em.

[youtube]SRUE3q2J5GE[/youtube] [youtube]GtWelFS_ICE[/youtube]

That's part 2 of video #1, as well as video #2. Should be able to see the rest once a list of videos comes up after it's done.
My story:

6 or 7 years ago I applied for an assistant managment position at a GS/EB. The manager liked me and wanted me to work for her. I used to be an assistant manager at a mom n' pops store a few years before so I had experience and was very knowledgeable about games old and new. This seemed like the perfect college job. She just needed to clear it with the district manager but pretty much asured me I got the job. So they held an interview at some remote GS an hour away from my home.

I don't remember all the details of the interview (I've always been good at them) but when I got there I could tell the district manager disliked me from the start and I could tell I wasn't getting the job. He was being condescending and almost a jerk at times. I do remember he told me he visited the store I used to work at and wasn't impressed with the customer service. I told him I was an enthusiastic gamer and loved talking about games with customers so maybe I wasn't working. He told me with assurance I was there, he remembered (probably bullshit.) He then asked me what our annual net profit was? At this point I knew I wasn't getting the job so I decided to throw some attitude back at him. The converstation went something like this:

Me: "I didn't own the store I was just an assistant manager."
DM: "This is something you should know as an assistant manager."
Me: "I'm not sure if that's true or not but how am I supposed to remember something like that even if I did know?"
DM: "#1. Yes it's true, we require basic managment & business knowledge from all our managers, #2. If you knew it would tell me you're qualified."

After that he said I was unqualified, but offered me a part time position. I sharply declined, got up and walked out wanting to Falcon Punch the douche in his face. I had never failed an interview before. I came to the conclusion he had it out for me since finding out I worked for a competive store he tried to put out of business and failed. About a month later I got an entry level position at a local news station (making peanuts) but eventually became a studio engineer making a hell of a lot more money than a GS manager. So in the end I'm kinda glad he never hired me.

The funny thing is over the years I've been offered jobs at 2 diffrent Gamestops. I've actually considered it for a little part-time cash maker but they couldn't pay me what I wanted ;)
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managers don't get paid much. if your workers are earning $8 an hour, then as the manager you're getting either $9-$10 an hour. it's almost unworthy to become a manager for a service job [retail, fast food, etc...] because the pay isn't much and the work load is greater. you are also likely to stay overtime due to the massive work load that is given to you.
[quote name='redshadow']Put down "Willing to metaphorically take it up the ass when it comes to hours."

Job is gotten.[/quote]

All true, this is how you get employed at GS. It is only the first step next is pledging allegiance to Satan himself.
Hey guys, I have an interview for GameStop on Friday. Any tips on what I should wear or what questions to expect? Anything would be great. Thanks!
It's Gamestop anything will do but if I was interviewing I would just come in with a nice clean shirt and a pair of jeans and a Great attitude!
Don't have any experience in the question they'll ask so can't help you on that part
Good luck on the Interview though!
Thanks. That's what I was thinking since it's pretty laid back, at least at my gamestop, but just wanted to make sure since I want to make a good first impression.
[quote name='blondii8745']Hey guys, I have an interview for GameStop on Friday. Any tips on what I should wear or what questions to expect? Anything would be great. Thanks![/QUOTE]
Are you really asking that?

Something that shows cleavage. That should answer both questions.
I realize you guys hate GS and it probably isn't a great place to work, but there's a lot of places that aren't great to work. This is a kid just starting out and he needs a job, instead of completely jacking him off you could have given him concrete advice or just pass by the thread.

I'm thinking of trying to get hired at GS, but I doubt I'd get it. I'm 19 and I was a busboy at a restaurant, but they eliminated the busboy position so for the last several months I've been working like 6 hours a week for minimum wage doing crap side work. I have plenty of customer service kills (err... I mean skills) and I am very kind towards people, in fact I may be too kind to be a salesman.

Ultimately I heard I actually would be getting crap in terms of hours if I even did get hired, and that I wouldn't be making much more money than I am doing side work where I am now, except at GameStop they could pull me in whenever they wanted throughout the whole week, while where I am now it's Saturday and Sunday. So yeah, if I ain't gonna be making shit there then forget GS.
Always wear dress clothes to an interview. Even minimum wage jobs you'll make a better impression in a pair of khakis and a button-up shirt. It may not be a great job, but there might be six other people applying for the job. You'd be surprised what a difference it can make.

Remove any nose, lip, etc. piercings. Ear piercings are fine, but the others should be removed. Remember, Gamestop sells a lot to kids and moms, so they want friendly looking people that won't scare their customers. Doesn't matter if you think they look fine, if anyone else wouldn't it could be a problem. Same with tattoos. If you can cover them with a long-sleeved shirt (or non-strappy shirt for women) then do so. Again, doesn't matter how you think they look, but a clean cut person with no tattoos and piercings will almost always get the job first.

Expect questions about your retail experience, attitude, game knowledge, and people skills. Be very positive.

Don't ever tell someone hiring that you don't get along with people. They do not want to hear that, even if it's true.

Don't complain about former bosses and jobs. They will assume you were the problem, not the other boss.

Don't come off as a know-it-all. Bosses hate these types of people for two reasons. One possibility is you are brilliant and you're going to make them look bad. The second, and more likely possibility, is that you're full of yourself and are going to be a pain to manage. Either way, nobody wants to work with you.
[quote name='Rodimus']I don't remember all the details of the interview (I've always been good at them) but when I got there I could tell the district manager disliked me from the start and I could tell I wasn't getting the job.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry it's not just you. A long time ago I remember having an interview with a DM, when he walked up to me I put out my hand to shake and he did the quick glance at it and didn't extend his, as if he was looking down on me. I still played nice though.

Found out from the store manager (whom I knew quite well) that he didn't like a few things about me, the biggest thing being that I was planning on going back to college at some point. lol

Looking back I'm glad I didn't get the job.

As for scoring a job, read up on proper posture during interviews. Body language is huge. A few simple things like the way you sit down and a proper, firm handshake go a long way.
My advise to anyone wanting to work at gamestop is to learn how to vacuum, and to mention your awesome vacuuming skills on the application.

I worked at Funcoland in highschool, and at the end of he shift, somebody had to do it, and nobody wanted to for some reason. I vacuumed every night, and because of that, everyone at the store always wanted me on their shift.

Anybody know if those stores still do inventory every night? We used to have to inventory our entire new and used game catalog each night before we left. It was a chore-- not to mention the fact that we were missing a ton of games due to the theives I worked with.
[quote name='Buuhan1']I realize you guys hate GS and it probably isn't a great place to work, but there's a lot of places that aren't great to work. This is a kid just starting out and he needs a job, instead of completely jacking him off you could have given him concrete advice or just pass by the thread.

I'm thinking of trying to get hired at GS, but I doubt I'd get it. I'm 19 and I was a busboy at a restaurant, but they eliminated the busboy position so for the last several months I've been working like 6 hours a week for minimum wage doing crap side work. I have plenty of customer service kills (err... I mean skills) and I am very kind towards people, in fact I may be too kind to be a salesman.

Ultimately I heard I actually would be getting crap in terms of hours if I even did get hired, and that I wouldn't be making much more money than I am doing side work where I am now, except at GameStop they could pull me in whenever they wanted throughout the whole week, while where I am now it's Saturday and Sunday. So yeah, if I ain't gonna be making shit there then forget GS.[/QUOTE]

Was your backspace broken or something? I didnt find the kill/skills to be funny.
[quote name='KingDox']Put down you've sold magazines to strangers. Since that's going to be 80% of your job if you get it.[/QUOTE]
LMAO, that's a shoe-in.
[quote name='nbballard']Anybody know if those stores still do inventory every night? We used to have to inventory our entire new and used game catalog each night before we left. It was a chore-- not to mention the fact that we were missing a ton of games due to the theives I worked with.[/QUOTE]Inventory shifted to high-profile items only after they merged companies. Consoles, steering wheel accessories, et cetera had to be hand counted every morning along with daily counts. They may no longer do any of that, but it definitely wasn't a complete inventory count every night.
[quote name='neocisco']Put down that you know that all new games are to be opened immediately when the store receives them. GS knows that customers don't want their new games to actually be new.[/QUOTE]

... and that you already know that the trade-in game value of ANY game is never worth over $1.99, even if the game is sold out nationwide during the release month, but can still be flipped and resold for $55 since a $5 discount for a scratched up disc is irresistible to customers.
[quote name='Tsukento']Easier said than done. YouTube killed his account and the ones that were posted on GameTrailers are gone.

If memory serves me right, someone hosted up his vids, but is missing the first one. *searches*

Yep, got 'em.

That's part 2 of video #1, as well as video #2. Should be able to see the rest once a list of videos comes up after it's done.[/QUOTE]

Removed for ToU violation. :(
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Are you really asking that?

Something that shows cleavage. That should answer both questions.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, this isn't that far from the truth. I tried applying at my Gamestop over Christmas when they hired about five people I've never seen working there. The manager was impossible to track down that week and I couldn't afford to keep calling on my cell phone during the day, and the one guy who I can't stand was getting real annoyed with me coming in every day, but finally I walked in and he said "(the manager)'s interviewing someone right now," so I waited around the store to see him. For over two hours. By this time I didn't even want to work there any more but it would have been stupid to leave, and he finally comes strolling out of the back. I was anxious to see who he could have possibly been interviewing for two hours, and was not surprised in the slightest to see it was this cute little Japanese girl in a plaid miniskirt. Uh-huh.

And no, she didn't get the job, either. Ever since then, that manager has the nerve to remember my name and every time he does I want to kick him in the teeth.
I guess I kind of got lucky with my GS. I just walked in when they started looking for holiday help, told them my availability, and then told me to come back the next day and they would put me in the system. Still get 1-2 days a week there on top of my full time job. Man this economy needs to turn around so I can find something WAY better.
I worked for GS for about 3 years. 2 of them as AM. I had to have the job at the time to pay for my Mom's medicine and help my sister finish college after my Dad left. I vomited every morning. I had some good times there (mostly because of a few great co workers, 1 who still works there and deserves better), but most of it was soul crushing.
Hey everyone. Long time reader, new poster.

I had a bad Gamestop experience also. I worked for a Gamestop in Michigan when i was 21 (about 5 years ago). My coworkers were fine, but I had 2 problem with that place.

1. Gamestop 100% cares about magazine subscriptions. My first day on the job i had an 800 dollar gamecube sale. The console, extra controllers, bunch of games. I tried to sell the magazine but the family just wasn't having it. After the sale the manager pulled me into the back and chewed me out because the sale was "worthless" without the magazine subscription.

2. My second problem is more serious, and the resaon I quit. Gamestop, at least 5 years ago, paid you with either direct deposit or a pay card. The pay card works like a debit card, you put it into an ATM and withdrawal your money. After I got my first paycheck I went to an ATM to try to get my money. My card kept getting an error. I called my manager and he told me that it had been frozen but there was no reason. He assured me that he would get it straightened out after the weekend. For 2 weeks he kept telling me that it should be working any day now, that he was just waiting for confirmation from corporate. After those 2 weeks I just didn't bother going in anymore. I never even ended up getting paid. It was only a total of about 30 hours (they only gave new hires 5 hours a week.

Just a warning to anyone thinking about a job there. I worked fast food when i was 16 and it paid more and was a much more pleasant place to be.

Also the place i worked was only about 10 minutes from Detroit. The manager, in a store meeting, seriously made a big thing about how the 50 cent game was going to be coming out soon and we will be getting a lot of african american people in from Detroit, and they will all want it. Racism is very hard for me to handle.
Quite honestly, your manager was somewhat right since I'm assuming the accessories were first party. GS probably made $25-50 off that entire sale, but adding the magazine wouldn't have done shit but make the manager look good on numbers. They do/did impose daily goals for mag subs, which usually held priority over sales.

Many companies do the paypal card thing for people without direct deposit. If you were 21, you should've been mature enough to open a checking account. They're free and pay interest FFS. Still, that's pretty fucked up and you should've have gone after them for unpaid wages. That's illegal.
[quote name='Jodou']Quite honestly, your manager was somewhat right since I'm assuming the accessories were first party. GS probably made $25-50 off that entire sale, but adding the magazine wouldn't have done shit but make the manager look good on numbers. They do/did impose daily goals for mag subs, which usually held priority over sales.

Many companies do the paypal card thing for people without direct deposit. If you were 21, you should've been mature enough to open a checking account. They're free and pay interest FFS. Still, that's pretty fucked up and you should've have gone after them for unpaid wages. That's illegal.[/QUOTE]

I did have a checking account, but it took 2 to 4 weeks for it to go through for direct deposit so my first check was going to be on the pay card either way.
[quote name='mneumonicxx']

Also the place i worked was only about 10 minutes from Detroit. The manager, in a store meeting, seriously made a big thing about how the 50 cent game was going to be coming out soon and we will be getting a lot of african american people in from Detroit, and they will all want it. Racism is very hard for me to handle.[/QUOTE]

That's terrible. Why didn't AAs shop there usually or something? Was he expecting trouble or something? ***** my gun go off! Blood on the Sand was actually a good game.
I worked at GameStop during the 2004/2005 winter months, and while I really liked a lot of the people I worked with, many of the stores scheduling policies really pissed me off. You'd have to get so many reserves per week or risk getting almost no hours. Ugh, not worth it...
[quote name='mneumonicxx']I did have a checking account, but it took 2 to 4 weeks for it to go through for direct deposit so my first check was going to be on the pay card either way.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, AND that horrible pay-card thing they do. Actually, I'd say GameStop is one of the crappier companies I've worked for.
[quote name='mneumonicxx']Also the place i worked was only about 10 minutes from Detroit. The manager, in a store meeting, seriously made a big thing about how the 50 cent game was going to be coming out soon and we will be getting a lot of african american people in from Detroit, and they will all want it. Racism is very hard for me to handle.[/QUOTE]

How is this racism? Unless he said they'd be stealing something, knowing the demographics of who might be buying a game is no big deal. That's like saying, "Final Fantasy XIII is coming out next week, so expect a lot of nerdy white kids to come flocking in. We'll be packed."
bread's done