Jushin "Thunder" Liger's wrestling topic

as far as the undertaker is concerned, i don't think a wrestler is automatically buried by losing to him, as it really depends on what kind of loss it is. i didn't get the chance to see the orton/'taker HIAC match, but if he was dominated for most of the match, i could definitely see how that could hurt him. if he was able to compete alongside the undertaker for most of the match, and came close to getting a victory, then i don't think it necessarily hurt him, and if it was an especially good match, i would think that it would actually help him, i mean, it's not easy to hang with the undertaker in a HIAC match. of course, i didn't see the match, but given orton's current situation with the U.S. title, it doesn't sound like the HIAC match really helped him much.

also, it's kind of interesting that a year and a half ago orton and benoit were wrestling for the world title, and now both of them have been dropped to down to fighting for the u.s. title.

for the elimination chamber match, kurt angle should win. it would be really easy to give him the win without having cena go down to one man, as i'm sure vince wouldn't want that. all that would have to happen is for cena to have angle set in the f-u, then shawn michaels comes out of nowhere and gives cena a super kick, which would result in cena being eliminated. then have kurt end up winning the title. this could easily set up a feud between michaels and cena, as cena could blame shawn for costing him the title, and we could finally see cena's heel turn. plus, correct me if i'm wrong, but shawn hasn't really had a feud going since the one with hogan at summerslam (the mini-feud with chris masters and the hinted feud with shelton benjamin not withstanding).

following new year's revolution, i'd have the big show win the royal rumble and have him go after batista's world title. i think there could be a few different things that could be done with a feud like that.

since triple h is obviously going to be going after the wwe title soon, i don't think it would be too bad if he was going against angle.

edge's money in the bank shot could just be used at whatever the pay per view is in between royal rumble and wrestlemania. it was a stretch for him to win the title before, and there's no way he's going to win the title now, so just let him face batista and get it over with.

obviously it's all wishful thinking, but i, for one, think it would play out fairly well.
That clip is awesome. Mark Henry is proof positive that Vince is not only far from a genius (and, rather, just incredibly lucky), but a complete fuckin' buffoon to boot.

Mark Henry, while he tried and is a very nice guy (did I ever tell you about the time I asked to take a picture of him with a friend of mine, and he misheard me, so he reached for my camera to *take* a pic of my friend and I?), has been a significant waste of money. 10 year, multi-million dollar contract that is up this year (it must have been iron-clad, too, else he'd have been released years ago). Anyway, if McMahon is such a genius, how did Henry end up being a WWF financial albatross for a decade?
[quote name='mykevermin']Here's a point to debate, and something discussing Orton made me think of.

Does feuding with the Undertaker bury a wrestler?

Some say yes: UT wins most matches, certainly physically dominates his opponents, and rarely sells any offense. Wrestlers have nothing to gain by feuding with him.

Some say no: While the above is true (except for the last sentence), because it is expected that the Undertaker destroys anyone and everyone, it doesn't hurt a wrestler at all to be beaten just like everyone else. In fact, merely being in a feud with the UT shows that a wrestler is "high profile" and can, in a unique way, elevate a wrestler's status.

I'm curious what many of you think; while I expect a lot of people who say he kills careers, I'd expect a few to eloquently state just why he helps boost some careers. Discuss.[/QUOTE]

I'd say it totally depends on the booking around the matches, as well as the position of the wrestler before the feud. Orton, a former World Champion, someone we were supposed to believe as a main eventer, was made to look like a scared little baby who needs Daddy's help to fight the big bad Undertaker.

Heidenreich, on the other hand, was a virtual nobody, and a feud with the Undertaker made him recognizable, at least. Heidenreich was booked as a guy who wasn't on Undertaker's level, but put up a damn good fight anyway.

Not to sound wishy-washy, but it really all depends. I don't think the Undertaker feud did a thing for Orton, but there are a bunch of guys on Smackdown who I think could really benefit. Paul Burchill would be a good candidate. He's big and intense enough to be a credible challenger for UT, and we could get a real good Regal/UT match on SD before the PPV encounter. Ken Kennedy is a shoe-in for the UT feud when he heals up, and it will help him if the crowd doesn't turn him face. It will never happen, but if WWE ever decided to give Steven Richards the push he deserves, an UT feud would be a great start.
Alright lets try these questions people...

Wrestler you'd want to have a conversation with? For me it would probably be Mic Foley. He just seems like the living definition of hard work paying off. He probably has great stories to tell that he hasn't even put in his books yet.

Wrestler you wish you could be for a day? I would love to be a luchadore and who better to pick than Rey Mysterio?

Wrestler you wish you could make disappear? HHH. I don't even need to say why.

Wrestler that should/could have been a bigger star than actually was? Ravishing Rick Rude. This guy had a gimmick that was way ahead of its time IMO (Val Venis has nothing on him). IMO he had the charisma and looks to hold the heavyweight strap. I think if he was peaking at the time of Shawn Michaels (when Vince was willing to put the strap on smaller guys) he would have been one of the best.

Wrestler with the best ring attire? Gotta go with classic Legion of Doom.

Wrestler with the best hair? Haku/Meng!! Best 'fro ever!!
[quote name='AdamInPlaidum']Not to sound wishy-washy, but it really all depends.[/QUOTE]
That's totally valid; as Danro pointed out, Brock eventually went over UT, and ended the feud as the champion. OTOH, nobody (and I mean NOBODY) can argue that Undertaker took a shit all over DDP every night for the duration of the feud. DDP was nothing at the end of their feud; he was pinned by that ugly twat the Undertaker calls his wife (she looks like a Chihuaha with tits).

Sorry; I'm not the world's biggest DDP fan or defender, but that whole feud surmises the entire WWF/WCW invasion storyline, and why it was a dreadful piece of fucking shit, and how Vince McMahon's ego, and creative's inability to look beyond racial/ethnic stereotypes, boobies, and dick jokes ruined the entire financial state of the WWF (that feud was a goddamned license to print money, and they might as well have burnt a big barrel of cash in one of the typical MNR-20 minute opening goddamned segments in which 7 minutes is a recap of the fucking show we just saw a week ago).


What major matches did Orton win against 'taker? I know he set him on fire, or blew up his house, or shot a missle at him, or ran him down with a tank, or some shit like that; did Orton win any marquee matches against UT, or merely lose-the-match-but-get-revenge-afterward kind of things?
[quote name='mykevermin']That's totally valid; as Danro pointed out, Brock eventually went over UT, and ended the feud as the champion. OTOH, nobody (and I mean NOBODY) can argue that Undertaker took a shit all over DDP every night for the duration of the feud. DDP was nothing at the end of their feud; he was pinned by that ugly twat the Undertaker calls his wife (she looks like a Chihuaha with tits).

Sorry; I'm not the world's biggest DDP fan or defender, but that whole feud surmises the entire WWF/WCW invasion storyline, and why it was a dreadful piece of fucking shit, and how Vince McMahon's ego, and creative's inability to look beyond racial/ethnic stereotypes, boobies, and dick jokes ruined the entire financial state of the WWF (that feud was a goddamned license to print money, and they might as well have burnt a big barrel of cash in one of the typical MNR-20 minute opening goddamned segments in which 7 minutes is a recap of the fucking show we just saw a week ago).


What major matches did Orton win against 'taker? I know he set him on fire, or blew up his house, or shot a missle at him, or ran him down with a tank, or some shit like that; did Orton win any marquee matches against UT, or merely lose-the-match-but-get-revenge-afterward kind of things?[/QUOTE]

Orton fired an ICBM at the Taker's casket.

As for matches that "buried" other wrestlers facing the Taker, the example of IRS is perfect for it. He lost the casket match and seemingly disappeared.

There may be other examples; Papa Shango, perhaps?
In our talks about the UT feud, a formula seems to be emerging.

A new/low card wrestler (Heidenreich/Maven/Jeff Hardy) generally benefits, while an established wrestler (Orton/DDP/Dudley Boyz) is harmed.
Another thing to throw out there, Undertaker is pretty much responsible for the career of Kane, and for putting Mankind over.

He also gave more credibility to Steve Austin (as champion) after a Summer Slam '98, and would usually job to Michaels and Hart back in the day.
Expect YouTube to pull it, they pulled the Mark Henry segment. I like that they cleared up what happened, too bad they couldn't explain why Tim didn't scream in pain if he shot his toe.

//edit: WTF? Rat poison?

Haha and it's unedited. "Spit that shit out!" They need to kill this whole Tim White suicide angle, no pun intended.
Speaking of Undertaker, have you guys seen this Giant Dalip Singh guy the WWE signed recently? He reminds me of Giant Gonzales.
I tried to post this right after myke's intial Taker rant... at least 5 times, yet my internet connection just would not co-operate, so here I go again... I realize I'm probably repeating some folks, but here's a list of guys Taker has not buried: Austin, Mankind, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, The Rock, HHH, Kane, Kurt, Flair, Yokozuna and Hogan. All of those guys were (or are) top card guys, all former champions as well.

Wrestlers Taker has buried: DDP, Giant Gonzales, Kamala, Godfather/Kama Mustafa, Maven, A-Train, Heidenreich, Hassan, and Mordecai... those are the names that immediately come to mind.

Now look at the two lists, the first is a who's who of wrestling, the second a list of chumps (yes that includes DDP) who never belonged in a match with Taker in the first place. So, really it's not Taker's fault that these guys were "buried" they just weren't over.

Now the jury isn't out on Orton yet, I wouldn't say that Taker really buried Orton, as Orton got some big wins over Taker too. Plus look at what Taker did to Foley, and Foley went on to become champion after their feud. Then there's Austin, whose third biggest feud may have been with Taker... the other two being The Rock and Vince. In fact Taker often wrestled Austin on behalf of McMahon. Taker's feuds with Kurt during the early portion of Kurt's career helped make Kurt a permanent top tier guy as well. Plus let us not forget that without Taker, there'd be no Kane... Glenn Jacobs would be best known as Jerry Lawler's dentist.

Taker also had two great feuds with Hogan, one that established Taker as a top-tier guy in WWF. Ironic as it may be, Hogan actually put Taker over again in their later feud as two of Taker's three title reigns started at Hogan's expense.

I'd say on the whole Taker isn't responsible for anyone getting buried. It may seem that way simply because over the past 15 years now no one has remained as dominant as the Undertaker, he debuted in the WWF as a top card guy, and has stayed there ever since.

If you still think Taker should've put more guys over during his career, think of it this way: would you really want to see Prince Albert, Maven or Heidenreich as a main eventer?
[quote name='Francis']Speaking of Undertaker, have you guys seen this Giant Dalip Singh guy the WWE signed recently? He reminds me of Giant Gonzales.[/QUOTE]

Singh is 7'3, Gonzales was around 7'10... so I see no connection. He may be closer to the Giant Silva.

EDIT: Wow... so this is Silva and Singh as a tag team! They would've been great to have in the WWE to feud with Show & Kane, too bad Silva is now a pride fighter... with a miserable 1-4 record.


As it stands I'm sure Singh will end up being managed by Daivari. Still, that tag team would've been something.
2 of4 title reigns started with wins over Hogan. The other times, he beat Sid (WM 13) and Steve Austin (Over the Edge '99). Just clarifying.

Also, I may be wrong, but Undertaker never feuded with Mordecai as far as I recall. Mordecai debuted at Judgment Day and beat Scotty 2 Hotty, went over Hardcore Holly at the Great American Bash, then jobbed to Rey Mysterio on Smackdown and was never seen again.
[quote name='Matt Young']2 of4 title reigns started with wins over Hogan. The other times, he beat Sid (WM 13) and Steve Austin (Over the Edge '99). Just clarifying.

Also, I may be wrong, but Undertaker never feuded with Mordecai as far as I recall. Mordecai debuted at Judgment Day and beat Scotty 2 Hotty, went over Hardcore Holly at the Great American Bash, then jobbed to Rey Mysterio on Smackdown and was never seen again.[/QUOTE]

Heh, you're right! Sadly, I still try to black out that Over the Edge ppv in it's entirety... :cry:

and I coulda swore Taker fought Moredcai, or maybe they were just supposed to feud, you're probably right on that one too. I think it's time I went to sleep :)
Yeah, all signs pointed to a Taker/Mordecai feud, but it never came to fruition. Same thing with Eddie. I believe there was even a vignette where Mordecai cut a promo on Eddie while Eddie was champ.
I think Singh and Show should team up eventually, seeing as how they both played minor roles in Adam Sandler movies. Captain Insane-o shows no moi'cy!

- Maybe if Big Show used that gimmick he'd actually be half-way entertaining.
Big Show did go nuts for awhile a few years ago, he'd show up to the ring dressed up as something like Conan or Hulk Hogan, pity he never dressed up as Captain Insano or Santa Claus, as he did in Jingle All the Way.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Singh is 7'3, Gonzales was around 7'10... so I see no connection. He may be closer to the Giant Silva.

EDIT: Wow... so this is Silva and Singh as a tag team! They would've been great to have in the WWE to feud with Show & Kane, too bad Silva is now a pride fighter... with a miserable 1-4 record.


As it stands I'm sure Singh will end up being managed by Daivari. Still, that tag team would've been something.[/QUOTE]

whoa, singh looks huge! he sorta reminds me of a cross between guy and hugo from the final fight series.

The Juice is loose?

I kind of figured he was on his way out when the Mexicools came out without him on Smackdown last week.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']so...

The Juice is loose?

I kind of figured he was on his way out when the Mexicools came out without him on Smackdown last week.[/QUOTE]

They are better off without him. Although it would have been nice to see one last Juvi/Mysterio match.
[quote name='guyver2077']wtf no....

what hap to juventud[/QUOTE]

He's on to a lucrative career as a Michael Jackson impersonator.
If Juventud goes, expect Kid Kash to clean up his act and no longer act like a loudmouth hillbilly twit (he's like Juvy in that he thinks he's King Shit of fuck Mountain when he isn't even qualified to serve as its janitor), or be gone before Valentine's Day.


The link is for Gregory Dark, director of Kane's "See No Evil." Previous credits include "Black Throat," "New Wave Hookers 1-4," and "Hootermania."
Man, I was listening to ESPN Sports Radio just now. You should hear the guys calling in and fawning over Stacy Kiebler on Dancing With the Stars. The host keeps referring to her as the "lady wrestler". One guy said if he knew wrestlers looked like that he would have watched years ago.

Who wants to be the first to tell them she isn't a wrestler?

And where is the clip of her dancing? With all the callers commenting on her legs she must have really been dolled up. Yes, I said dolled.
[quote name='gigan54']torrie really needs to retire now. she looks so old compared to the others. i hope that this prissy 3 way clique with victoria and that other broad is her last.[/QUOTE]
She is getting to be this gen's "Sable," but she still isn't Ashley. Ashley, to me anyway, just seems like the kind of girl who would do anal on the first date, provided you buy enough Boone's Farm. She just strikes me as a bag of hammers, and trash to boot (I'm from fucking Kentucky; I can tell trash from trash, and she's just trash with teeth).

Mickie James, OTOH; did you see her fucking thick-ass muscular legs!?!?!


I may have exposed my interest in a diva here. At least it's one that manages to wrestle.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Mickie James, OTOH; did you see her fucking thick-ass muscular legs!?!?!


I may have exposed my interest in a diva here. At least it's one that manages to wrestle.[/QUOTE]


Thanks for the head up myke. I didn't even bother checking the link until you said that. I likes me some muscle, so Guile is a happy boy right now. :bouncy: You should see her nude stuff.

BTW, looking at that Giant Singh or whatever he is called, you know WWE wants him to have a Big Show feud. The Hossitude will be tremendous.
I didn't think the WWE hired women who'd done nudes before they had a chance to "debut" them (which is why the first WWE diva, Jamie Koeppe, never did anything other than win a bucketload of cash).

Can you confirm the pics are indeed her, or tell me where they're from (Swank Magazine, or some shit)?
yeah mickie looks good in that pic. but... there's just something about her that i just don't like. OH YEAH! it's her nose. it's a bad nose job IMO and doesn't suit her face well at all.
[quote name='mykevermin']I didn't think the WWE hired women who'd done nudes before they had a chance to "debut" them (which is why the first WWE diva, Jamie Koeppe, never did anything other than win a bucketload of cash).

Can you confirm the pics are indeed her, or tell me where they're from (Swank Magazine, or some shit)?[/QUOTE]

The Mickie James pics are from Leg Magazine from what I have read.

Ashley Massero did Playboy under the alias Ryan Mackenzie.
I dont know if it's been mentioned yet, but Season 6 of WWE Fantasy is about to begin. It begins during the week of the Royal Rumble (1/23/06). Figured that this was pretty popular last time around and maybe some newcomers will want to sign up. Anyone interested? If you are, I'll make a league. Here's the info if you're new to this.

[quote name='TheRock88']I dont know if it's been mentioned yet, but Season 6 of WWE Fantasy is about to begin. It begins during the week of the Royal Rumble (1/23/06). Figured that this was pretty popular last time around and maybe some newcomers will want to sign up. Anyone interested? If you are, I'll make a league. Here's the info if you're new to this.


Cmon now, you dont want me to win do you? :D

Sounds like fun.
[quote name='TheRock88']I dont know if it's been mentioned yet, but Season 6 of WWE Fantasy is about to begin. It begins during the week of the Royal Rumble (1/23/06). Figured that this was pretty popular last time around and maybe some newcomers will want to sign up. Anyone interested? If you are, I'll make a league. Here's the info if you're new to this.


I wouldn't mind giving it a go. I didn't last time.
bread's done