Karate Kid remake. Starring ...


CAG Veteran
Columbia Pictures is back in the dojo with a new version of the 1984 hit "The Karate Kid," which has been refashioned as a star vehicle for Jaden Smith.

The film will be produced by Jerry Weintraub (who launched the original franchise) and Overbrook Entertainment's James Lassiter, Will Smith and Ken Stovitz. Will Smith, who is the 10-year-old actor's father, co-starred alongside Jaden in his feature debut, "The Pursuit of Happyness," which Overbrook and Escape Artists produced for Columbia.

The script is being written by Chris Murphy, and the film will shoot next year in Beijing and other cities. While the new film will be set in that exotic locale, it will borrow elements of the original plot, wherein a bullied youth learns to stand up for himself with the help of an eccentric mentor.
China Film Group Corp. will co-produce in China.

The younger Smith, who next stars in "The Day the Earth Stood Still," is a martial arts practitioner.

Columbia presidents Doug Belgrad and Matt Tolmach said they had been trying to find a way to bring back the series, which began with three films that featured Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita. A subsequent film launched the career of Hilary Swank.

Jaden Smith set for 'Karate Kid' redo
[quote name='Zing']Who will be Mr. Miyagi?[/quote]

Probaby Will Smith. This kid needs to actually go to auditions and earn roles instead of having daddy pull strings.
There were whispers of Jackie Chan for the Mr.Miyagi role ...

God knows if thats good or bad news :/
That facepalm image is just straight :rofl:.

Yeah, nothing is sacred anymore. Everything is getting remade. Hollywood is completely bankrupt on ideas.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Jesus fucking Christ is nothing sacred anymore in Hollywood?[/QUOTE]

This has to be the most cliche thing to say when a remake is announced.
Money says it will be streight to DVD/BR.

Didn't they try to do a next Karate kid with Hilary Swank a long time ago but ended up being crap?
LOL. I had no idea people actually cared about Karate Kid but when I first read this thread title I immediately thought of that kid who played McLovin.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I'd rather have a Jiu Jitsu kid movie where the kid goes around choking random people out and breaking arms.[/quote]

The closest you'll get. Though I can already guess this movie had more in common with Karate Kid then the remake will.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I'd rather have a Jiu Jitsu kid movie where the kid goes around choking random people out and breaking arms.[/quote]

Mini Seagal: Half the Height, All the Rage.
[quote name='KaneRobot']fuck this fucking fucked up "remake". I hope everyone who is involved dies in a fire.[/quote]
My thoughts exactly
[quote name='bardockkun']

The closest you'll get. Though I can already guess this movie had more in common with Karate Kid then the remake will.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I was going to post that this was the Karate Kid remake. First thing I thought when I saw the trailer to this stinker. Karate Kid....TO THE EXTREM!!!!!11!!!
Will Smith needs to be stopped.

Someone give me gun.

..-shaped phone and the contact information of a dwarf ninja.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Probaby Will Smith. This kid needs to actually go to auditions and earn roles instead of having daddy pull strings.[/quote]

Exactly! This is why I have a hard time taking Colin Hanks seriously. If daddy didn't get him a role in Band of Brothers, he'd be nowhere now.

EDIT: And where the hell is my remake of the 1993 Billy Blanks movie "Showdown"?
[quote name='Squall835']Exactly! This is why I have a hard time taking Colin Hanks seriously. If daddy didn't get him a role in Band of Brothers, he'd be nowhere now.

Roswell was the first thing I saw him in. He was decent in that. But I think this trend of people dumping their kids in movies is 10x worse than rappers taking roles away from career actors. At least the rappers are mainly confined to movies already guaranteed to be terrible, not something that is going to get wide release and cause those starring in it to assume they've got talent because a lot of tickets got sold.
What happened to just ripping off ideas , making the almost exact same movie but calling it a different name? Pretty depressing that in 20 something years i'll still be watching the exact same movies i'm watching now. Just remade
[quote name='coolsteel']What happened to just ripping off ideas , making the almost exact same movie but calling it a different name?[/QUOTE]

I'd definitely prefer that in this case. They can even pull a Disturbia-level ripoff if they want - just don't call it "The Karate Kid." Why the hell can't they just call this new movie "Karate Kool" or "Lil' Kickboxer" or something? Hey, team him up with two kids of differing ethnicity (Japanese and Caucasian, of course), "revive" the fucking 3 Ninjas series, and tuck it away at the nearest AMC where I can't see it. I don't fucking care. Just leave this franchise alone, I've suffered enough with that Hilary Swank bullshit.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']That facepalm image is just straight :rofl:.

Yeah, nothing is sacred anymore. Everything is getting remade. Hollywood is completely bankrupt on ideas.[/quote]

Yup, it took me awhile, but i came to that conclusion when they decided to remake The Last Dragon. :cry::cry: I never thought in a million years that that film would be remade, or that it had enough of a following or interest to be remade.
[quote name='coolsteel']What happened to just ripping off ideas , making the almost exact same movie but calling it a different name? Pretty depressing that in 20 something years i'll still be watching the exact same movies i'm watching now. Just remade[/quote]

That's exactly how I feel.:cry: They should just ripoff ideas like Leonne and others did, but still get great movies out of it.

Also, who the fuck is going to be Miyagi. I don't care what they say, Pat Morita is, and will always, be Mr. Miyagi.
The only remake I'm excited about is the new Friday the 13th. Because it's going to start over Casino Royale style without that supernatural bullshit they brought into the series.
[quote name='bardockkun']

The closest you'll get. Though I can already guess this movie had more in common with Karate Kid then the remake will.[/quote]

Haha, I thought the same thing!

[quote name='flasht3']Haha, I thought the same thing!

Good striking.. not enough throws.. I wish he finished that last guy off with a guillotine. :(
[quote name='flasht3']Haha, I thought the same thing!

Man, he never backed down!
I read about this at cracked a while back.
copy and pasted from 5 Upcoming Remakes of 80s Movies (That Must be Stopped)

The Karate Kid
Sick of getting picked on, a scrawny kid with everything to prove stands up to bullies, wins the girl and saves the day using karate.
Why It Made Sense Then:
The 80s were a decade of fads, and this movie's titular ancient martial art was the fad of choice for teenagers who pictured themselves thrashing every bully in school at once with a blur of hands and feet.
Karate was so huge that hundreds of unsanctioned, unqualified dojos, dubbed "McDojos," quickly emerged all over the country to meet the shrieking demand for training. Of course, kids probably thought their local dojo was being compared to McDonalds because karate and fast food were the two most awesome things in the world. Or possibly because their sensei wore a clown suit during most lessons. Knowing its audience to a degree that borders on cynical, The Karate Kid functioned as propaganda for nerds who wanted to believe they could basically learn to use the Force if they just met the right Asian custodian.
Why It Doesn't Now:
Of course, what the news really meant was that, like the meat at McDonald's, the karate at the McDojos was a bullshit imitation slowly poisoning an entire generation. And not in the badass way that bad dojos poisoned people in The Karate Kid - making you roam the night with your motorcycle gang kicking nerds off cliffs. McDojos fed them a much lamer poison: the mistaken belief that yelling "yah" when you slapped at someone gave you the ability to defend yourself.
Of course all that really did was make you look ridiculous in the moments immediately before getting your ass kicked. American kids eventually figured out that their sensei was the same guy that taught their mom's aerobics class, and karate fell off the continental shelf of cool and assumed its current slot next to boy scouting on the depth charts of awesome.
At best, kids today know karate as the reason Asian people could fly a long time ago, at worst, the 80s version of disco. The only possible sliver of hope for a remake would be giving it to an awesome director who understood that the only enjoyment anyone gets out of the original is the ironic, nostalgic kind.
Okay, But Why ELSE Shouldn't We Remake It?
The producers decided to go in another direction, and give it to a rapper-turned-actor-turned-inexperienced-director. Also, instead of having a proper audition process for the lead role, they decided to allow this director to put in his kid as the star.
That's right, Will Smith plans on putting this remake through his production company, Overbook Entertainment, directing it, and making his son, 9-year-old Jaden Smith, the star. How about getting your wife Jada a role, too, so no other family in Hollywood makes money off of this? Hell, just announce the casting of D.J. Jazzy Myagi already so we can get this whole abomination over with.
[quote name='bardockkun']

The closest you'll get. Though I can already guess this movie had more in common with Karate Kid then the remake will.[/quote]

Fail... never saw above movie though. xD



What a bunch of crap. Are they trying to kill our (well, some of us) good memories? The originals are good enough as is. Let these young punks of today watch those instead.
terrible shit.... have you noticed Will and Jada named their opposite sex kids their same named slightly altered?
[quote name='VipFREAK']Fail... never saw above movie though. xD




the new movie, JCVD... looks awesome!

fuck this karate kid shit... it will suck cock and balls at the same time.
[quote name='JolietJake']This will never have that corny 80s cool feeling, like this.


I so want this on Blu-Ray.

I wonder how the remake will go though. Probably not a teenage white suburban kid getting beat up on a beach or chased by kids in skeleton costumes in the 80s. Realistic for that era, not so realistic for the modern era, especially for a black kid's version of modern bullying. The remake would realistically be Jaden Smith macking on some ho at a party and some jealous thug gets his homeboys and beats him down. Then the kid gets out of the hospital, learns karate from Shia LeBouf, tries to karate the thug later in the movie but the sucka pulls out a gat and busts one in his dome. Good clean family fun.
bread's done