Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

here's mine =)

heehee 75 kills / hour.
i usually only play once per week though, that's why my points are so low =(

[quote name='dog_from_duck_hunt']i love this game! i'm so addicted to the mp! i don't think i did the sig right...[/quote]

[IMG ][ /IMG]

Copy paste that for your sig but remove the spaces --^
This is the only game where I have control of the camera and get disoriented. Also, WTF is up with the menu screens on this game? Just terrible
I think resistance 2 is much more fun, with much more variety. I have 11 ps3 games and this is the only one that has dissapointed me. It is just OK, not much better than Guitar Hero Aerosmith really.
[quote name='HuppSav']WTF is up with the menu screens on this game? Just terrible[/quote]

i can agree with that. the jerky nonsense is pretty annoying.
$5.99 for 2 maps.... i really don't want to pay that amount but i dont want my cheapness to kill the game for me either. decisions decisions
[quote name='FuelDigga']$5.99 for 2 maps.... i really don't want to pay that amount but i dont want my cheapness to kill the game for me either. decisions decisions[/quote]

I'm in the same boat >_
the two maps are pretty damn fun.

the cruiser really makes the game feel different mainly due to the amount of walkways and the setting...

the train is pretty much crazy and takes getting use to due to the strange setup of the upper and lower levels.

overall I say it's worth it and the maps are different enough where they don't feel too much like the older maps at all. I will say the maps seem to be better suited for all classes now, with the scout in the cruiser being an exception.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']the two maps are pretty damn fun.

the cruiser really makes the game feel different mainly due to the amount of walkways and the setting...

the train is pretty much crazy and takes getting use to due to the strange setup of the upper and lower levels.

overall I say it's worth it and the maps are different enough where they don't feel too much like the older maps at all. I will say the maps seem to be better suited for all classes now, with the scout in the cruiser being an exception.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Rolento, I'll have to pick them up then! I don't think you are on my friend list Rolento we should play sometime.
Messed around on the train level for about 15 minutes and it's pretty cool. I wish the map pack was slightly cheaper; not because I mind paying for it, but because I wish that as many people as possible would play on em.
[quote name='js1']Thanks Rolento, I'll have to pick them up then! I don't think you are on my friend list Rolento we should play sometime.[/quote]

send me friend request... I gotta clear my list though so don't be surprised it it won't allow you to send me one >_<

[quote name='QiG']Messed around on the train level for about 15 minutes and it's pretty cool. I wish the map pack was slightly cheaper; not because I mind paying for it, but because I wish that as many people as possible would play on em.[/quote]

I really had no hard time finding a full room of people to be honest.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']send me friend request... I gotta clear my list though so don't be surprised it it won't allow you to send me one >_<

I really had no hard time finding a full room of people to be honest.[/quote]

Oh! My mistake.. I didn't mean to say that not many people are going to be playing it.. in fact the first server that came up for me was "Killzone new maps" and I hopped in. I just hope it's a no brainer for people who play this to pick it up.
Really loving the new maps, but it sucks the tactican's airbot can't be used at all on the Cruiser level.

The train, oh god loving it! So many ways to die!
[quote name='zenprime']Really loving the new maps, but it sucks the tactican's airbot can't be used at all on the Cruiser level.

The train, oh god loving it! So many ways to die![/quote]

the airbots can be used, but in few areas... i still have to check where but you can use them.
A little late, but did they add some tweaks to the turrets? Last clan match I was end I was really getting torn apart by those things. The air bots were actually hitting me. Also the radius of the 'nade launcher seemed to be wider or something. Something changed... Perhasps hit detection but it feel different.
Noob question: How do I kill stuff with turrets? I kicked ass with the medic, got all my ribbons very quickly, but with the engineer I set up the turrets, and then people walk up and blow them up without blinking. I've done it myself to other people's turrets as well. How do I pull off 5 kills in a match with these?
just have to get lucky no one comes up behind you. not much you can do in the way of planning. i suck remembering map names, but try doing it during a capture and hold on the map with the bridge way up top. or during assassination, tell the target to go up there, then youre guaranteed to have people coming up.
In corinth crossing a good place to get a lot of turret kills is to go up one of the sets of stairs in the center bottom floor and then while on the balcony jump over the rail onto the very skinny pipe thing that connects the 2 balconies. while standing on the skinny pipe/scaffolding put a turret up there.

Or at the highest level of corinth crossing put it at the top of the ramps you have to walk up to get up there. This is especially good during search and retrieve. Lots of headshots this way.

You just have to find good spots like these.
[quote name='ma']Noob question: How do I kill stuff with turrets? I kicked ass with the medic, got all my ribbons very quickly, but with the engineer I set up the turrets, and then people walk up and blow them up without blinking. I've done it myself to other people's turrets as well. How do I pull off 5 kills in a match with these?[/quote]

I did an in-depth write up on engineering...
Levels not worth $5.99

I went ahead and bought 'em today because every time I tried to join a game it said "you need steel and titanium to play this yadda yadda yadda"

Wish I had waited for a sale or something.
I think 3.99 or 4.99 would have been perfect. That extra dollar making $6 just sorts of feels overboard with tax added on bringing it to almost $6.50 for me :( . They should have made the pack 3 levels a small, medium, large. That would have been cool.
Been trophy hunting all weekend and really aggravated about the ranking trophies are a part of this. I don't have the time to put into this game to try and be in the top every week until I get em.

Played the second new map.. not as big of a fan of that one as I am the train which is funny because people on a different board preferred the cruiser. Oh well, I think because it was a smaller room (16 max) it made a difference and would be better with more people.
[quote name='QiG']Been trophy hunting all weekend and really aggravated about the ranking trophies are a part of this. I don't have the time to put into this game to try and be in the top every week until I get em.

I'm in the same boat, I don't have those trophies and I doubt I'll ever go for them. I like that they're unique but it's basically impossible to get unless I'm playing Killzone for hours upon hours in one week. Well, at least they're not "get *number* of *weapon* kills in a ranked match" trophies.
I like how impractical the I.S.A. flying transport platforms are, they don't even bother to put seat belts on them.
Just because Rico is a meathead I think people initially don't like him...

personally I like the character (he's alot more tolerable in this than in the past 2 games) even with all the crap he does.
[quote name='GodlyOne']I like how impractical the I.S.A. flying transport platforms are, they don't even bother to put seat belts on them.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I thought the same thing!
The fact that they constantly say each other's names in the beginning or end of a sentence, I somehow still have no idea what name goes with what character.

[quote name='js1']:lol: I thought the same thing![/quote]
They don't even bother to at least raise the railings a bit higher or even build in a roll cage. I'd think that you'd probably fall the hell off if you sneezed the wrong way. :lol:
I guess I imagine they're like helicopters where you can just hang out and there's on sudden momentum shifts that make it necessary.. I dunno.

I see how Rico's meathead personality fits in, but still he
got the one guy killed
by being an impatient jackass and by
killing Visari
sets up a
third game with another Earth defense plot
. So.. in the end it all makes since and is vital to the storyline, but ya know.
bread's done