Killzone 3 General Discussion & Info - Out NOW

[quote name='muffin1man']It's for the first 24 hrs of actual online gameplay. That's a long time when you think about it. If it wasn't for this particular bonus I would have been trying to get some credit towards another game purchase at K-Mart or possibly Amazon if they did offer it.[/QUOTE]

Wait, it's for 24 hrs of your *personal* online play? If that's true, I'd definitely think that's the best pre-order bonus. That's more than enough time to play around with all the different classes and, assuming you're still gaining unlock points, by the time it runs out, you should have enough to unlock your favorite loadout. That's fantastic!

Still, it seems to me like that *cant* be the way it works. It gives a *huge* advantage to some players for a very long period of time. I would have thought it 24hrs from the midnight release or even 24 consectutive hours from when you enter the code. I'd love to be wrong and find out it's 24 asynchronos hours.

Maybe I'll drop a Gamestop pre-order just for shits and giggles and wait for the reports.

(Who'd've thunk it, *me* considering pre-ordering an FPS....on the PS3 even!)
I almost bet that the 24 hour double exp code will be for 24 hours from the time of redemption not 24 hours of actual gameplay.
This is posted in the clan thread, but for those who are interested, here are the changes coming to the MP.

[quote name='']What we'd like to do is give you guys some idea of how your hard work has paid off on parts of the game you've commented on, but haven't seen a patch for in the open beta. We've received a tremendous amount feedback from all of you, some of it obviously in favor of specific changes, while some other feedback was split down the middle. To compensate for the split feedback, we've looked at information and statistics we've been collecting while you've been playing on the server. Below you'll find a list of some of the most talked about points during beta, and what we plan to do to address these specific issues.

  • A fix to the "Your Faction Has Won/Lost" issue, along with all oddities that resulted from this occurring
  • An issue that allowed more than two clans to join a clan match will be fixed
  • Increased Accuracy, Bullet Damage and Faster Reload Ribbons will update correctly on personal statistics screens
  • We've simplified the process to invite players into your game (just one button press)
  • The radius of the Marksman's Scramble++ has been lowered
  • Medic's Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased
  • No collision on mortally wounded player bodies
  • Increased player stamina
  • An icon will be shown in the menu when you have a Killzone 3 message in your inbox

Shortly after the game's release, you'll also see these changes patched in:

  • Support for color-blind players
  • Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches
  • Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to:
    • Control over games modes and settings
    • Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
    • The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used
    • Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
    • Selecting which careers you want available to players
    • Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
    • Faction switching enabled or disabled
  • The Clan Officer role will be added to clans
  • Separate turn speeds for hip-fire and ADS
  • Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down
  • Increased the amount of kills required to win a Guerrilla Warfare match
  • Increased Accuracy ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered
  • Likewise, the Bullet Damage ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered as well
  • Matches will end if the other team forfeits (i.e. too few, or no players on the enemy team)
  • Matchmaking enhancements that will close and merge games based on player count, which will keep games more full
  • Balance factions out by moving players to the other team at the end of the match if one team is lopsided
  • The ability to turn off HUD markers for point pop-ups and objectives
  • A menu option to allow squad-only chat
  • The addition of a Mute All button
  • Scoreboard flickering will be fixed
  • Clans will no longer get matched against other clans that have many more players than they do (i.e. 4 vs. 7, 5 vs. 8)

And that list is just the beginning. As we release our patches you'll get a full list of everything we've updated in a patch list, which is much more than what we've listed above.[/QUOTE]
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thank goodness

Medic's Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased
No collision on mortally wounded player bodies

no need fix for
Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down
- just turn down voice volume
[quote name='enufs8d']thank goodness

Medic's Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased
No collision on mortally wounded player bodies

no need fix for
Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down
- just turn down voice volume[/QUOTE]

Man. Super news on the medic stuff. I played almost exclusively as a medic during the beta and these were my main concerns.
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Shortly after the game's release, you'll also see these changes patched in:

Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches
Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to:
Control over games modes and settings
Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used
Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
Selecting which careers you want available to players
Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
Faction switching enabled or disabled

So basically what KZ2 already had. :roll:
I havent played KZ2, but is it necessary to know whats going on, in order to probably enjoy the storyline in 3?

The demo of KZ2 with the weighty controls, really really turned me off. If I must, I will just watch the cutscenes on youtube..
[quote name='8bitArtist']from the sounds of the reviews, even if you know whats going on the SP campaign isnt enjoyable.[/QUOTE]

Reviewers don't seem to like it, but seems like non-reviewers who have played it have enjoyed it.
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[quote name='NamPaehc']And again, what fps has recently come out that had had a good story/enjoyable single player?[/QUOTE]
From what I have read from people that have already had this game for a couple days, Killzone 3 seems to be a whole different beast when its comes to the SP portion. People are actually enjoying it...
[quote name='gomikeoh']I havent played KZ2, but is it necessary to know whats going on, in order to probably enjoy the storyline in 3?

The demo of KZ2 with the weighty controls, really really turned me off. If I must, I will just watch the cutscenes on youtube..[/QUOTE]

Have you played KZ1? That might help more than KZ2 since KZ2 had a pretty shitty storyline. I heard KZ3 is the same so it probably won't matter that you didn't play 2.
[quote name='NamPaehc']And again, what fps has recently come out that had had a good story/enjoyable single player?[/QUOTE]

oddly enough, i cant play single player in most fps. i get nausea and want to puke. but i can rock mutli. go figure.
[quote name='NamPaehc']And again, what fps has recently come out that had had a good story/enjoyable single player?[/QUOTE]

True, but I've always liked the KZ stories personally so I'm sure I'll enjoy it in 3. They're not great stories, but enjoyable to me.
i get home from a midnight launch and !@! have to download a 17 mb patch and a 345 mb dlc for the maps/preorder bonus. why cant i just buy a game and start killing.
are you really complaining that developers are fixing the game and giving you free content? also, you're complaining because YOU decided to download the DLC as soon as you could?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']are you really complaining that developers are fixing the game and giving you free content? also, you're complaining because YOU decided to download the DLC as soon as you could?[/QUOTE]

patch day 1? ideally, quality control should have caught the bugs in the many "betas" that they tried or even the public betas. If you're going to patch it, then why not server side patch - where the user doesn't have to download updates?

i decided to download the dlc because its tied with my preorder bonus. according to you, i should forgo my preorder 24 hour perks to play faster?

in the meantime, ive been reading that many have cited mutliplayer connection problems/errors that were so common during the public betas. i havent verified this on my end. but if i do, this really sucks.
So whats the easiest way to get rid of these pre-order codes from Amazon? Are people still just getting scammed when they sell codes on eBay?
[quote name='Snake2715']nballard... whats the code offer?[/QUOTE]
It's 2 seperate codes. 3 skill points for Multiplayer, and a jetpack for your avatar in Home.

I don't use Home, and historically, I don't play a lot of Vs. multiplayer (escpecially with all the releases in March).
I'm pretty excited about the game, even though I'm not a huge FPS guy (playing a rotation of ME2, tales of vesperia (360), FFIX (psp). However the graphics of kz3 won me over on the demo. I bought the PS move items and ordered the sharpshooter. I want to try it out to see if the game is more fun using the move.
[quote name='tukai']I'm pretty excited about the game, even though I'm not a huge FPS guy (playing a rotation of ME2, tales of vesperia (360), FFIX (psp). However the graphics of kz3 won me over on the demo. I bought the PS move items and ordered the sharpshooter. I want to try it out to see if the game is more fun using the move.[/QUOTE]
My interest in this game is limited exclusively to having a REAL game to play with my Move controllers.
[quote name='nbballard']It's 2 seperate codes. 3 skill points for Multiplayer, and a jetpack for your avatar in Home.

I don't use Home, and historically, I don't play a lot of Vs. multiplayer (escpecially with all the releases in March).[/QUOTE]
Hey do me a favor verify the Playstation Home code for the jetpack.. I got mine and it ended up being the female version haha so I called Amazon and they're getting me another code. You don't have to activate it you can punch it in and go to the details screen
[quote name='GirlsRscandalouz']Hey do me a favor verify the Playstation Home code for the jetpack.. I got mine and it ended up being the female version haha so I called Amazon and they're getting me another code. You don't have to activate it you can punch it in and go to the details screen[/QUOTE]
I'll check it out tonight. I hadn't really thought about that. In the past, for the PS+ home items, they are usually both included on 1 code. You activated the whole thing and only got the girl outfit?
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[quote name='enufs8d']patch day 1? ideally, quality control should have caught the bugs in the many "betas" that they tried or even the public betas. If you're going to patch it, then why not server side patch - where the user doesn't have to download updates?

i decided to download the dlc because its tied with my preorder bonus. according to you, i should forgo my preorder 24 hour perks to play faster?

in the meantime, ive been reading that many have cited mutliplayer connection problems/errors that were so common during the public betas. i havent verified this on my end. but if i do, this really sucks.[/QUOTE]

Guerilla released patch details awhile ago. It should not have been unexpected, especially if you're buying the game at a midnight launch and posting about it on forums on a gaming site.

As far as "forgoing" your 24 pre-order could've waited until the morning y'know. If you so eagerly wanted to play it at midnight, you shouldn't have punched the code in and sat there waiting to download the thing with the PS3's atrocious download and install speeds. Since it was midnight, you probably enjoyed those perks for what, 2 or 3 hours at most before going to bed?

ANYWHO. Can someone educate me on how the MP feels? Especially in regards to lag, I initially thought that the guns packed any sort of punch and forced me to plug a clip full into a guy, but I came to realize it was the latency. I read through the patch, and it addressed a couple of my main issues (able to clip through wounded bodies now, lower cooldown for medic heal ray, etc.) so I'm glad where they're going with it. They definitely need to patch the Infiltrator class. At the higher levels, it's absolutely ridiculous that your disguise does not come off when you kill someone and your name is also not highlighted red to indicate you're an enemy.
It's not ridiculous. If you play any or a lot of Team Fortress 2 you know to do a spy check on any Allie not shooting away from you.

Never had a problem with infiltrators on the beta cause I always spy checked.
I finally played the 3D demo and I was impressed with the way it was handled....decent sense of depth. Although, when I get the full game, not sure if I will use 3D all the time.
[quote name='A Happy Panda'] At the higher levels, it's absolutely ridiculous that your disguise does not come off when you kill someone and your name is also not highlighted red to indicate you're an enemy.[/QUOTE]

Cursor check. And I don't care that it doesn't go away after someone kills... if you aren't a sniper you should always be rolling with at least one teammate. That will keep you largely safe. Kill them before they melee kill or at worst that person is sure to die after one kill.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']It's not ridiculous. If you play any or a lot of Team Fortress 2 you know to do a spy check on any Allie not shooting away from you.

Never had a problem with infiltrators on the beta cause I always spy checked.[/QUOTE]

I played TFC at a professional level and TF2 at a very high level. Spy is balanced in those games because his DISGUISE comes off when he kills someone. To be a good spy in those games you had to actually..y'know, infiltrate the enemy base. The maps in the TF games are designed in such a way that it forced spy players to actually play sneakily. If you were dumb enough to expose yourself to kill 1 dude in front of his buddies, that was the risk you took. This? There's no risk.

The map is fucking gigantic and Infiltrators literally could be anywhere. You could wily-nily kill people, especially when things get hectic during large gun fights and at choke points. My request is not outrageous.

Question: I thought you couldn't even cursor check when the Infiltrator class hit the higher levels? If you still can, my concerns are a bit more alleviated.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Question: I thought you couldn't even cursor check when the Infiltrator class hit the higher levels? If you still can, my concerns are a bit more alleviated.[/QUOTE]

Bad dudes are always red cursor even if they look like you and have no red name.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Bad dudes are always red cursor even if they look like you and have no red name.[/QUOTE]

Did they patch this? I swear in the beta, the lower leveled Infiltrators were marked with red cursors, but once you buy your way into the higher tiers, enemies wouldn't be able to see you with a red name.
Thanks for the clarification. That actually completely addresses my issue.

Any input on bullet damage/lag? Does the bullet damage seem equal to what you're hearing out the speakers? I had an issue with how heavy, loud, and seemingly powerful the guns sounded and looked, but seemed to shoot BBs. But again, it may have been latency forcing me to shoot more bullets than actually necessary.
so it is the 24 double xp for the first 24 hours after entering your code?

is there an expiration for that code or could we ise it in 2-3 days?
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Man... I keep playing a bit and then getting "session master not available" msg. I have played a ton and am at 0 XP because of this. Guerilla = quality.
A Happy Panda;8195571As far as "forgoing" your 24 pre-order could've waited until the morning y'know. If you so eagerly wanted to play it at midnight said:
Fair enough. I'm old. You use it all your energy staying up for a midnight release and then are tired.

on the question of inflitrators, they're masked until you crosshair them. then they turn red at varying distances according to the inflitrator level. the higher level ones require shorter distances. raven provided good counter tips: 1. always crosshair anyone 2. check your minimap to confirm friendlies by green dot.

Snake - did you get your 24 x2 xp code by email? i ploppped down $5 preorder but havent received my code. supposedly the 24 hour code is 24 hour of actual online play. then thats a shit load of time.
[quote name='enufs8d']Snake - did you get your 24 x2 xp code by email? i ploppped down $5 preorder but havent received my code. supposedly the 24 hour code is 24 hour of actual online play. then thats a shit load of time.[/QUOTE]

Not if you keep getting disconnected and none of the XP registers. :applause:
[quote name='nbballard']I'll check it out tonight. I hadn't really thought about that. In the past, for the PS+ home items, they are usually both included on 1 code. You activated the whole thing and only got the girl outfit?[/QUOTE]
No on this when I verify the code and punch it in .. The Killzone jetpack(female version) comes up.. there totally different ..the girl is skinny the male version is more normal size
[quote name='GirlsRscandalouz']No on this when I verify the code and punch it in .. The Killzone jetpack(female version) comes up.. there totally different ..the girl is skinny the male version is more normal size[/QUOTE]
Yea- usually there are 2 different items. Like the code you enter pops up the girl, then after you hit "Download", it would pop-up the 2nd one for the guy. That is how it worked for the lbp2 CE code, and the PS+ codes. All the stuff is stacked.

Did you cancel out after entering the code, or did you go ahead and download it?
bread's done