Killzone 3 General Discussion & Info - Out NOW

[quote name='QiG']Just a heads up, I pre-ordered this on Amazon and release date delivery was only 99 cents for me (no Prime membership or anything else).[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I got the same awhile back. Good deal!
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Aside from the spawns and the melee's I am really digging this game.[/QUOTE]

The spawns are crap because your teammates/you are not helping the team. Whoever is your TACTICIAN, needs to be your spawn point and objectives guy. Their abilities allow for quicker captures and less time needed to plant bombs.

Some tips to help everyone out (though I know most already know this).

KZ3 beta:

KZ3 is not your CoD shooter. ADS (aim down sights) only slightly increases accuracy. Your hip fire is not terrible spray like CoD, shoot from hip in KZ3 (unless you are a sniper). There is a reason why "standard" controls have the L1 button as melee.

Classes. KZ is all about using your classes to their advantages. Think TF2 style gameplay rather than what your KDR is (unless you are just playing warfare).

ENGINEERs can build turrents and repair ammo caches. You control the most ammo caches, the more grenades and bullets your team will be spiting out. Learn the maps and upgrade that turret as fast as you can. Proper turret placement needs to be a second nature for you.

MARSKMAN is your sniper class. Pick off players from afar and be the spotter for your team. That means call out where the enemies are coming from. You second skill ability allows you and others near you to be invisible to enemy radar. Abuse it.

TACTICIAN is basically your assault/scout class. Pure objectives is what these guys should be doing. They are the only class that can raise/remove new spawn points, (further skill upgrade allows for less time to hold objectives) plant bombs quicker and can bring a drone to the fight. They are a dual threat. The "recon" skill shows enemies on your radar and when upgraded brings a drone to help in the fight. Try to also get the secondary rocket launcher, it will be vital to be taking out turrets. These guys are also the only ones capable of unlocking map weapons (mortars/jetpacks). First thing first for TACTICIANs, get those spawn points up.

INFILTRATOR is your Spy class. Your job is to get in and clean the place up for the rest of your team. The only problem is their starting gear prevents them from being useful. 1st skill is your disguise ability. You will look like an enemy, however at low levels if enemies look at you, they will see your red name tag. Upgrading this skill will prevent that and drones/turrets from attacking you. 2nd skill improves sprint abilities, at max you have unlimited stamina to sprint with. Also you get improve objective arming and disarming. The biggest threat that these guys have is the ability to get the secondary Rocket Launcher. "Back door threat" is your middle name.

FIELD MEDIC underused class. Reviving guys keeps more soldiers in on the fight. Also every revive gives the down teammate full life AND AMMO. Upgraded revive can give more than regular health (KZ3 has two HP bars, but everyone starts with only one). Your second skill is the difference between holding/capturing an objective to losing one. You get an AoE (area of effect) health regen for you and your teammates. Upgrading second skill gives the FIELD MEDIC a medic drone and also the ability to revive themselves if downed (melee/headshots/explosives prevent self revive). Your job is to keep teammates alive.

Always try to be in a squad. It allows for FIELD MEDICs to know where you are when you are down and also you can see where your teammates are in battle. Melee, Melee, Melee! The new animation melee kills allow for some sneaky last second chances.

Right now I think Operations is quite possibly the best game mode. Only one map so far, can't wait to see the others. The little cut scenes are always sweet in showing who are the top 3 from both teams.

KZ3 MP is the sci-fi TF2 for the PS3 and I am in love with it! I found my FPS to play. So who is running CAGs KZ3 clan?

PSN: j-cart
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I was talking about death match. That is the only mode I have touched so far.[/QUOTE]

Get on the other gamemodes! Wouldn't mind having a Navy Seal turned chef on my team.

I'll try the game tonight for a bit with the Move. Word is that the rifle gun attachment is the way to play the game.
i was doing fine. then got booted with server error. now ive been trying for hours and can't connect because of network server error 20002.
[quote name='enufs8d']i was doing fine. then got booted with server error. now ive been trying for hours and can't connect because of network server error 20002.[/QUOTE]

Any update worth noting? I'd like to jump into this as soon as I'm physically capable. :bouncy:
well, ive been able to connect now. but 3 out of 3 games ive been booted halfway through network error 8013. the first game instance occured during the transition fmv shift in operations. the other two errors occured during the change in the warzone.
I have hard times connecting too, but I am eventually able to get into matches (surprising it works well with my wifi connection). I am a Medic with a Revive++ I do a pretty decent job reviving people and I can hold my own on protecting stuff. If you want to play or want me to join your clan add me on psn: l_200STM_l (l is a L lowercase and _ is an underscore). I have never played any killzone and I am enjoying this multilayer.
got 8013 when i was playing earlier as well. now it either stays at connecting for infinity or gives me 10002. i know its a beta and all but c'mon. like, are they surprised at just how many people are playing this or what?
I did try the game with the PS Move. Took a little to get use to, but it worked out well.

TBH, I barely plan to play the beta because I expect lots of server issues, and I plan to buy the game on release regardless. I'm still trying to think how I'd coordinate the CAG clans this time around (compared to KZ2).
[quote name='8bitArtist']got 8013 when i was playing earlier as well. now it either stays at connecting for infinity or gives me 10002. i know its a beta and all but c'mon. like, are they surprised at just how many people are playing this or what?[/QUOTE]

i sincerely hope that they get the message and fix this prior to launch. its one thing to have your servers crap out now and another issue when its day 1.

or in a more conspiratorial mindset, maybe they're just booting off the high level people. i noticed when i tried to log on in another psn account with no xp, i got in right away.
Loving the beta, I'm already a level 3 captain.

I only hope in the full game you can un-purchase abilities since I kinda regret buying the third secondary marksman ability. Basically it's scrambler like in CoD and it gives away your position.
Oi9[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Loving the beta, I'm already a level 3 captain.

I only hope in the full game you can un-purchase abilities since I kinda regret buying the third secondary marksman ability. Basically it's scrambler like in CoD and it gives away your position.[/QUOTE]

Would be cool if you could toggle it, but yes I've had people searching around for me when normally I could stay in corner alone.

As for un purchasing, don't expect that as it could lead to abuse.

I wish there were better support options for marksman.
i realized that the servers wiped all my stats except my unlocks that i used points on. good thing i used up all my points asap. i would be really pissed if this is the real thing and i lost all my kills, medals, rank, etc.

so far, i noticed that the third unlock is good for the max turrents. i dont know if can spend 3 pts on the medic self revive. i havent maxed anything else.

i dont know if i read it here or not. tip: turn down voice volume all the way unless you like hearing the ISA death screams.
The medic self revive is an odd ability. Usually your bot will be killed right after you so the explosion finishes you off.

Sometimes though, if you wait awhile, you can get back up after the enemies walk by you and murder them from behind. It's really only useful if you're playing an objective based game or like to keep your k/d up. Or if you have no tacticians and don't feel like running a long way to the objective.

There really aren't enough medics in this game. I'm usually a medic but i also love sniping so I was doing that for a round or two. In assassination the target would go down and there would be 5 guys around or near him and nobody was a medic.
[quote name='enufs8d']i dont know if i read it here or not. tip: turn down voice volume all the way unless you like hearing the ISA death screams.[/QUOTE]

hahaha, awesome tip right there. their death cry is so fucking annoying.

i dont know about this game. im not really digging it as much as i thought i would. im really jonesin for a FPS to play though and bulletstorm aint gonna cut it. guess ill have to wait and hope Brink isnt a heaping pile of shit.

also, am i retarded or did the tactician have his spawn grenades taken away from him this game. i hate the spawning in this game.
[quote name='enufs8d']i realized that the servers wiped all my stats except my unlocks that i used points on. good thing i used up all my points asap. i would be really pissed if this is the real thing and i lost all my kills, medals, rank, etc.

so far, i noticed that the third unlock is good for the max turrents. i dont know if can spend 3 pts on the medic self revive. i havent maxed anything else.

i dont know if i read it here or not. tip: turn down voice volume all the way unless you like hearing the ISA death screams.[/QUOTE]

Happened to me as well. You don't get fresh unlock points for the stuff they took away, so basically you just lose stats.

One of the best things about this game IMO is the sound. I have gotten the drop on so many people because of the sound. It has gotten to the point where in some games I can watch the upper bridge while knowing that the guy behind me isn't going to get the drop on me.
Been playing Botzone for a bit to adjust settings for the Move. After everything felt natural, I went online to test it out. As expected, I was getting head shots consistently every time I fired via hip. Its even more devastating via ADS, but its slow on the draw when bringing that up imo. Anyway, the spanking got to a level that a few randoms sent me hate mail for auto-aim hacking lol!
[quote name='gbpackers94']Trying to download this, but its taking forever. It's been 4 hours and its only ~60% Anyone else having this problem?[/QUOTE]

took me 5 minutes, no joke. That was a few days ago though when word didn't fully get out about it yet
[quote name='cRodz']trying to log in
server seems to be down[/QUOTE]

They tweeted that they were taking the servers offline to fix the issues that popped up.

Played for a few hours last night and had a blast. I think some of the stuff is way too overpowerful like the cloak, one guy on my team had 15+ melee kills in a row using the highest cloak level. And I really, really miss the smoke spawn points, being able to find a good hidden spot to put a spawn point was a GREAT part of KZ2, fixed spawn points only lead to spawn campers and nothing else, no matter how many spawn points you have.
thanks for that.. nice of them to tweet that.. I know they really have no other method but.. oh well I will go do my shit list.
[quote name='fuss']They tweeted that they were taking the servers offline to fix the issues that popped up.

Played for a few hours last night and had a blast. I think some of the stuff is way too overpowerful like the cloak, one guy on my team had 15+ melee kills in a row using the highest cloak level. And I really, really miss the smoke spawn points, being able to find a good hidden spot to put a spawn point was a GREAT part of KZ2, fixed spawn points only lead to spawn campers and nothing else, no matter how many spawn points you have.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure the high level cloak breaks after melee kill, so he must have been sneaky and earned those kills.
Had a few successful matches on Warzone. In Guerrilla Warfare I always kicked butt... had a great K/D ration etc. When I started doing Warzone and Operations that went out the window. The medic doesn't seem to do so hot in those modes and I am one to try to play like a team player.

One thing, I wish the medic's heal cool down was a lot shorter. It is WAY too long. Another is that your teammates are idiots and spawn ASAP instead of letting me heal... which gives me points and gives them big health and ammo bonuses. This will be minimized when playing with a team you know, but still sucks. I still hate dying when my bot explodes. Especially if I am hiding but my bot wonders out and gets hit... thusly exploding me.
Just played with a bunch of randoms and holy shit there seem to be a lot of CoD, or just people who don't know what an objective is, players. Guy would become the target and be so damn close to their spawn point. I would die trying to capture a point and a guy would run by me kill the guy that killed me and then ignore capturing the point.

Only time I seem to win is if I'm playing with 3 other people who actually try to do objectives.
Everyone here should never have a problem with objectives when the game comes out on 22nd. CAG clan is going to roll out in full force.

Which btw who is setting up? Get the sign up sheet going now and if there is a lot of people, might have to roll with two teams.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Sign me up also. (no mic though :whistle2:()[/QUOTE]

Go to your local Gamestop/ebgames and buy a used PS2 usb headset from them. Should cost no more than 10 bucks. The wire length is a good 10+ feet. No need to charge it either!

As for clan sign ups, I believe The Mana Knight is going to run the show. He ran CAG's KZ2 clan.
is there a disguise skill or is the game just making people on the other team look like they are on my team?

i watched a guy assassinate me with one of my guys names right on him

[quote name='maxim2boobles']wow. this game is terrible. another COD clone[/QUOTE]

[quote name='j-cart']Go to your local Gamestop/ebgames and buy a used PS2 usb headset from them.[/QUOTE]
will test mine.
[quote name='timesplitt']is there a disguise skill or is the game just making people on the other team look like they are on my team?

i watched a guy assassinate me with one of my guys names right on him


Yes there is. It is the INFILTRATOR class.

Check out my small class write up.

INFILTRATOR is your Spy class. Your job is to get in and clean the place up for the rest of your team. The only problem is their starting gear prevents them from being useful. 1st skill is your disguise ability. You will look like an enemy, however at low levels if enemies look at you, they will see your red name tag. Upgrading this skill will prevent that and drones/turrets from attacking you. 2nd skill improves sprint abilities, at max you have unlimited stamina to sprint with. Also you get improve objective arming and disarming. The biggest threat that these guys have is the ability to get the secondary Rocket Launcher. "Back door threat" is your middle name.

Remember to configure your headset settings. System>Accessory Settings>Audio Device Settings from the PS3 XMB.
[quote name='j-cart']Go to your local Gamestop/ebgames and buy a used PS2 usb headset from them. Should cost no more than 10 bucks. The wire length is a good 10+ feet. No need to charge it either!

As for clan sign ups, I believe The Mana Knight is going to run the show. He ran CAG's KZ2 clan.[/QUOTE]
Yep, Mana said he may be interested in leading the clan again.

I don't know what the clan size limit is going to be in KZ3. It was pretty small in KZ2. We initially had two clans in the beginning because one wanted to have a hardcore focus and the other was more casual. Eventually, due to dwindling numbers, we got down to one single clan.

I'm hoping they increase the size limit so we only need one. It's much easier to manage obviously.

There will probably be a separate clan thread for sign ups and a poll to figure out which night we'll play. Stay tuned!
[quote name='maxim2boobles']wow. this game is terrible. another COD clone[/QUOTE]

Yeah but COD is just another DOOM clone, so that sucks too.

[quote name='j-cart']Go to your local Gamestop/ebgames and buy a used PS2 usb headset from them. Should cost no more than 10 bucks. The wire length is a good 10+ feet. No need to charge it either!

I have a Jabra from Warhawk which I use when I have to, but I prefer having my volume up to a level where I can hear footsteps behind me and etc since I bother with a surround setup at all, so I'm wondering how you headset guys balance volume vs using the headset? I'm self aware enough to know when it's too loud and I'm spamming the voice channel with sound effects but it's more valuable to me than communicating (most of the time).

[quote name='j-cart']As for clan sign ups, I believe The Mana Knight is going to run the show. He ran CAG's KZ2 clan.[/QUOTE]

My only request is that we have a unified clan this time around.. got messy in Killzone 2 and popping it in last night and seeing the clan tag as [CAG.] was a reminder that we should get things straight before release this go around.
bread's done