KmartGamer 6.0 - Gears of War 3 $20 coupon + Save $30 on 12 Month XBLA

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To receive gaming coupons you must be a Shop Your Way Rewards member. It's free and only takes a couple of minutes to sign up in store.

September 18th through the 24th:
link to blog post

:360: Buy any version of Gears of War 3, get a $20 gaming coupon.
Deal will work with Limited and Epic Editions.
Coupon valid from September 25 to November 5.

:360::ps3: Shadows of the Damned $29.99

Kmart Weekly Ad: (Circulars not effective in all stores, NYC and Offshore in particular - Savings coupon offers effective everywhere)

September 18th through the 24th:

:360: Buy the limited edition Gears of War 320GB Xbox 360 system for $399.99, get Gears of War Triple Pack for free.

:360: Buy any version of Gears of War 3 and a 12-month Xbox Live Gold subscription card, get $30 off the price of the 12-month Gold card.
Deal will work with Limited and Epic Editions.

:360: Turtle Beach Ear Force X12 headset $44.99

:360: Halo ODST $9.99

:360::ps3: Brink $19.99

:360: Halo Reach $29.99

Shop Your Way Rewards:

It's a wiki, please update. This portion of the OP is for anyone who notices a SYWR offer. These offers can be very targeted (Geo, User, etc.) so anything placed needs to be validated.

Coming Soon:

All titles listed below I am working on offers for and the dates I think they are coming out.

9-20 :360: Gears of War 3 $20 Gaming coupon + Buy game & 12-month Gold card, get $30 off 12-month Gold card.
9-27 :360::ps3: X-Men Destiny $15 Gaming coupon
9-27 :360::ps3: FIFA Soccer 12 $20 Gaming coupon
9-27 :ps3: Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection $15 Gaming coupon
10-4 :360::ps3: Spiderman: Edge of Time
10-4 :360::ps3: Rage
10-4 :360::ps3: Dark Souls
10-4 :360::ps3: NBA 2k12
10-11 :360::ps3: Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
10-11 :360: Forza 4
10-11 :360::ps3: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
10-11 :wii::360::ps3: Just Dance 3
10-11 :360::ps3: RockSmith
10-16 :wii::360: Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
10-17 :ds: Professor Layton and the Last Specter
10-18 :ps3: Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One
10-18 :360::ps3: Batman Arkham City
10-24 :3ds: Pokemon Rumble Blast
10-25 :wii::360::ps3: Disney Universe
10-25 :360::ps3: Battlefield 3
10-25 :360::ps3: Silent Hill Downpour
10-25 :360: Dance Central 2
10-25 :360: Kinect Sports 2
11-1 :360::ps3: James Bond: Goldeneye 007 Reloaded
11-1 :360::ps3: Sonic Generations
11-1 :ps3: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
11-1 :360::ps3: Lord of the Rings: War in the North
11-8 :360::ps3: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
11-8 :360::ps3: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
11-11 :360::ps3: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
11-13 :3ds: Super Mario 3D Land
11-15 :360::ps3: Need for Speed: The Run
11-15 :ps3: Silent Hill HD Collection
11-15 :360: Halo Anniversary
11-15 :wii: Mario and Sonic London 2012
11-15 :3ds: Shinobi
11-15 :360::ps3: Saint's Row: The Third
11-15 :360::ps3: Assassin's Creed: Revelations
11-15 :360::ps3: Rayman Origins
11-20 :wii: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
11-22 :ps3: Tekken Hybrid
11-22 :360::ps3: WWE 12
12-11 :3ds: Mario Kart 7
2012 TBA :3ds: Kid Icarus
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I've decided not to buy Duke Nukem Forever after the reviews and playing the demo. Already waited 15 years, whats one more to find it clearanced out. Pretty disappointing.

Now i need to think of another game to use my coupon on. Already have Infamous 2 and LA Noire, any suggestions?
There's always PSN cards or XBLA cards with a cheap filler to get over $20. You could look at Shadows of the Damned or Alice if the post-launch sale happens before the coupon expires.

Getting any of the EA games or Red Faction on sale this week for $20 after coupon is also an idea.
[quote name='haize']I've decided not to buy Duke Nukem Forever after the reviews and playing the demo. Already waited 15 years, whats one more to find it clearanced out. Pretty disappointing.

Now i need to think of another game to use my coupon on. Already have Infamous 2 and LA Noire, any suggestions?[/QUOTE]
Maybe Shadows Of The Damned or Dungeon Siege 3 wont suck. Or Fear 3 and Transformers maybe? Alice when it hits $35?
[quote name='confoosious']So SHC asks the mods to delete the offending posts so other people wouldn't get ideas.... and you go ahead and write the same thing about what the first guy did. Brilliant.[/QUOTE]
This is why I stopped answering peoples' questions a while ago, since you're damned if you do(people keep asking questions instead of finding answers themselves) and damned if you don't(they keep asking the same f'n question till they get an answer).

Either way I was trying to be 'helpful' and not trying to give people ideas. Believe me, people who are going to attempt to defraud a store already have their own ideas about how to do it and don't need or want any help.
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']It's not too big of a drop if they preordered it from TRU / Amazon for $45.[/QUOTE]

I had it preordered at Toy R' Us for $45 with free shipping, but saving $10, picking it up in the store and the SYWR points is enough to make me buy it at Kmart.
[quote name='nakanenui']Dynasty Warriors 7 seems like a good deal. Probably an easy plat, quick game, but like all DW games, very repetitive?[/QUOTE]

Not quick by any means. Lots of grinding. It was freaking awesome though. I got the 1K last week and plan on getting the PS3 version down the road to play again. I loved it.

On Topic: Thanks SHC. Snagged Red Faction & Homefront for $47.xx after coupons. :D

Also has the Transformers Deal for next week been announced yet? Thinking of picking that one up.
[quote name='EndersGamer']I had it preordered at Toy R' Us for $45 with free shipping, but saving $10, picking it up in the store and the SYWR points is enough to make me buy it at Kmart.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it $59.99 and a $15 gaming coupon at Kmart? How are you saving $10?
[quote name='nakanenui']Dynasty Warriors 7 seems like a good deal. Probably an easy plat, quick game, but like all DW games, very repetitive?[/QUOTE]
Eh, if it takes as long as Warriors Orochi 2 or DW: Gundam 2, then it won't be quick at all. I still haven't 1000/1000'd those.

Seeing that post reminds me though, I need to go grab the only copy at my store tonight.
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']Isn't it $59.99 and a $15 gaming coupon at Kmart? How are you saving $10?[/QUOTE]

The post release deal thats planned. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you.
yes, CAG90210. Either scanned or give the employee your phone number used on the account, either way the membership must be entered for the transaction.
I don't need another 360, but dammit, I've been wanting the slim for awhile now, if for no other reason because it's quieter and uses less power. Seeing a $60 gaming coupon, and getting to use my existing $20 coupon really makes me want it more. Am I a complete mess, or am I thinking rationally? Wait, wait...justification...I could give one to my parents. Since I got them a DS, they've been playing that thing like crazy. Hmm....
[quote name='EndersGamer']The post release deal thats planned. Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I had to look back through the thread to see what you were talking about. Now you have me debating whether or not driving to Kmart is worth the wait and additional savings.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Also has the Transformers Deal for next week been announced yet? Thinking of picking that one up.[/QUOTE]
I don't think Josh has mentioned it yet, or he's playing it close to the chest.
Free movie tickets and action figures! :cold: Just kidding.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is why I stopped answering peoples' questions a while ago, since you're damned if you do(people keep asking questions instead of finding answers themselves) and damned if you don't(they keep asking the same f'n question till they get an answer).

Either way I was trying to be 'helpful' and not trying to give people ideas. Believe me, people who are going to attempt to defraud a store already have their own ideas about how to do it and don't need or want any help.[/QUOTE]

Oh i understand you were trying to be helpful. You just weren't very bright about it.
[quote name='sadboy']I don't think Josh has mentioned it yet, or he's playing it close to the chest.
Free movie tickets and action figures! :cold: Just kidding.
I think I do have it on the site actually in the June deal recap.
[quote name='aznhero913']Is this the new clearance list?[/QUOTE]
It is not actually. We are just using the clearance system so the titles that were in the promotional markdown system are now in the perm markdown system. They will progress now over time.
Picking up Duke tomorrow w/ coupon #1, then Red Faction on Friday (payday) w/ coupon #2. Good stuff.

GameFly shipped me Child of Eden, so dont need to worry about that game.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I think I do have it on the site actually in the June deal recap.[/QUOTE]
Facebook? Any details regarding the comic book?
[quote name='berzirk']I don't need another 360, but dammit, I've been wanting the slim for awhile now, if for no other reason because it's quieter and uses less power. [/QUOTE]

The slim also has an internal WiFi connection whereas the fat XBox, you need to hook it up via a cable or spend another $50-100 for a wireless adapter.
[quote name='berzirk']I don't need another 360, but dammit, I've been wanting the slim for awhile now, if for no other reason because it's quieter and uses less power. Seeing a $60 gaming coupon, and getting to use my existing $20 coupon really makes me want it more. Am I a complete mess, or am I thinking rationally? Wait, wait...justification...I could give one to my parents. Since I got them a DS, they've been playing that thing like crazy. Hmm....[/QUOTE]

Im the same way. I just don't know if I want to deal with selling my current one.
[quote name='HakurenKyo06']Josh any idea if K-Mart will be carrying the Gears 3 LE console? And if so, any deals on it?[/QUOTE]
I am sure we will have some. Whatever the deal is for the standard will apply to the CE.
[quote name='spree4567']I know it's not coming out for quite a while still but the recent backlash talk on other sites has me curious. Josh do you know if the Battlefield 3 Back to Karkland dlc being included free with the game is really a pre-order only deal or if it's going to be like most EA limited edition games where it's all of the first run copies? Thanks[/QUOTE]
Not sure on the launch type yet but it's definitely a title that will have aoffer on it.
[quote name='HakurenKyo06']Josh any idea if K-Mart will be carrying the Gears 3 LE console? And if so, any deals on it?[/QUOTE]

I'd assume like most LE/CEs KMart will stock a few, if you want one specifically in your store for you to purchase send an email to stockboy and he will have one shipped to your store.

As far as the deal goes, the deal for Gears 3 will be the same for the regular and the LE. I've never seen a separate deal for a regular edition and a LE. If it's a $20 coupon (which it will likely be) then it will be $20 coupon whether you get the LE or the regular edition.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']I am sure we will have some. Whatever the deal is for the standard will apply to the CE.[/QUOTE]

My question was about the Limited Edition Console, not the game itself, whether you guys would be carrying the console and if there would be any deals on it.
Josh, will next Sunday's ad clearly state that Ocarina of Time 3D is available on Sunday? If not, I already know I'll have a problem getting it at my local store.
Really kind of pissed I went for the LA Noire deal. Not only have I had to wrestle with people who could not figure out the promotions both times I've gone, but it took twenty minutes for someone to tell me I can't use the $20 gaming coupon on the $19.99 sale items I want. SO LAME. Never going to this Kmart again.
[quote name='EndlessChris']Really kind of pissed I went for the LA Noire deal. Not only have I had to wrestle with people who could not figure out the promotions both times I've gone, but it took twenty minutes for someone to tell me I can't use the $20 gaming coupon on the $19.99 sale items I want. SO LAME. Never going to this Kmart again.[/QUOTE]

Or you couldve taken 2 mins to read the OP and learned that already.
[quote name='nomoregroundhogs']Josh, will next Sunday's ad clearly state that Ocarina of Time 3D is available on Sunday? If not, I already know I'll have a problem getting it at my local store.[/QUOTE]
It does, should not be an issue.
For those wanting a Slim 360 because it is quieter, I want to point out from my own experience, upgrading from a Jasper to a Slim, there is essentially no difference in noise level at all compared to a Jasper 360. That was a disappointment, though it's still a better console for other reasons.
[quote name='crunchewy']For those wanting a Slim 360 because it is quieter, I want to point out from my own experience, upgrading from a Jasper to a Slim, there is essentially no difference in noise level at all compared to a Jasper 360. That was a disappointment, though it's still a better console for other reasons.[/QUOTE]
what are those other reasons?
[quote name='crunchewy']For those wanting a Slim 360 because it is quieter, I want to point out from my own experience, upgrading from a Jasper to a Slim, there is essentially no difference in noise level at all compared to a Jasper 360. That was a disappointment, though it's still a better console for other reasons.[/QUOTE]

If you install all your games to the hard drive, then there's no difference. But I have both a slim and a jasper right now and the dvd drive is quieter on the slim.
As previously posted, I'm working insane hours this week (I'm on pace for 65 now, not 50)...To verify for DNF, right now is $20 promo but in two week it's 39.99 outright? I think? I'm tired and couldn't verify. Thanks!

To anyone who asked about BTTF and Amazon price matching, my IM with them was shut down. I called them and said I'd just deny delivery if they didn't match it. As a "one time exception" they offered a refund or credit and I just took a credit so I could see it instantly...

My NCAA '11 purchase is now lol long
Item(s) Subtotal: $59.95
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Promotion Applied: -$10.00
Promotion Applied: -$10.00
Promotion Applied: -$4.00
Promotion Applied: -$15.00
Promotion Applied: -$5.00
Well my go to Kmart was spot on again today. Went in to get Bulletstorm for "free" after $20 coupon and SYWR points and at first could not see a copy in the case. Rang the bell for service and a young kid walks up and I tell him what I need. Right away he knew about the sale and said he saw "1 last copy" and smiled. I thought I was about to get a shake down but he went into the case and knew right where it was. He was talking about buying it this week and was excited to play it also. Thanks for the deals again..."feels like broken record" :)
[quote name='caponesgun']As previously posted, I'm working insane hours this week (I'm on pace for 65 now, not 50)...To verify for DNF, right now is $20 promo but in two week it's 39.99 outright? I think? I'm tired and couldn't verify. Thanks!

To anyone who asked about BTTF and Amazon price matching, my IM with them was shut down. I called them and said I'd just deny delivery if they didn't match it. As a "one time exception" they offered a refund or credit and I just took a credit so I could see it instantly...

My NCAA '11 purchase is now lol long
Item(s) Subtotal: $59.95
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Promotion Applied: -$10.00
Promotion Applied: -$10.00
Promotion Applied: -$4.00
Promotion Applied: -$15.00
Promotion Applied: -$5.00[/QUOTE]
Only 65, I long for those days :) When you pull your first 120 you can complain, but only for a minute.

I do not have confirmed plans for a Duke sale. Based on the reviews though it looks like I am going to have to do something!
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Only 65, I long for those days :) When you pull your first 120 you can complain, but only for a minute.

I do not have confirmed plans for a Duke sale. Based on the reviews though it looks like I am going to have to do something![/QUOTE]

LOL, I gotta agree w/ ya on that one.

I'm sure you took that comment w/ a grain of salt, especially after the LAN deal.
[quote name='SHC-Gamer']Only 65, I long for those days :) When you pull your first 120 you can complain, but only for a minute.[/QUOTE]
Has Stock Boy ever done 120? I can't even begin to fathom someone putting that many hours, even for one week. My body would basically stop functioning at some point, or I'd probably have to take quick naps at work just to endure whatever it is I needed to do within that time frame.
[quote name='sadboy']Has Stock Boy ever done 120? I can't even begin to fathom someone putting that many hours, even for one week. My body would basically stop functioning at some point, or I'd probably have to take quick naps at work just to endure whatever it is I needed to do within that time frame.[/QUOTE]

For three straight weeks I worked about 100 hours a week.
Wow. I envy people that actually like their jobs. Stay in school kids.
I would probably drop dead at anything above 60 hours. You guys are crazy.
Yeah liking your job and spending 60 hours a week on it is tiring, but fulfilling. Hating your job and spending 40 a week on it is torture.
[quote name='jer7583']Yeah liking your job and spending 60 hours a week on it is tiring, but fulfilling. Hating your job and spending 40 a week on it is torture.[/QUOTE]

Hating your job and spending any time there is torture. I think I'd rather sleep under an overpass than work 60+ hours a week at my job. :D
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