L.A. Noire - Gen. Discussion & Info - Rockstar Pass 800pts: All Pre-order DLC + More!

The final few cases are very disappointing from a gameplay perspective. It's like they wanted to hold your hand the rest of the way. No real detective work or thinking involved.

It's going to be difficult to gauge how good future DLC is without seeing spoilers. I love the cases where you have several suspects and you have to choose which one to charge. I hated the last few cases from a gameplay perspective because there was nothing much you could do.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Edit: 1 car away from 100%, arg. I'm missing the Buick Ambulance (the one you see in the very beginning of "The Fallen Idol," it's not the normal white ambulance but the smaller one). Found the other two I was missing minutes after posting, wut?[/QUOTE]

the two ambulances are ...

1. down the little alley to the left of your first building you do business in.

2. There is a hospital sight that you unlock, go there and it should be the other one.
I have never played a game that I wanted to end so badly. 1/4 of the way through the game I felt like I had seen all there was to see. 3/4 of the way through it feels like I am just going through the motions with nothing more to see or do and dread going to new crimes scenes just to walk around pressing A.

I think my final thought about LA Noire is that there is very little actual game here. Its like a "hey lets find the pre-scripted, pre-determined events." Everything is far to scripted here and it doesnt feel like a real world at all. Especially when it tells you at the end of the case that you found 11 out of 15 clues and answered 10 out of 13 questions right. It almost feels like they added a bunch of crap at the end because those are the things that are suppose to be in a game. I could have done without every single car chase, fist fight, gun battle etc etc since they all seemed poorly constructed anyway. Every time I came across one it broke all immersion by slapping in the face and screaming YOU ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME!

A+ for trying Rockstar...seriously, I will gladly shell out money when people try new things....too bad it didnt work that well.
[quote name='62t']So far my only complain is that there is no smoking. In the 40s they should be smoking like crazy[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's funny how you don't actually see many people smoking, yet there are matchbooks everywhere. I feel like 50% of the useful clues you find are matchbooks with an address on it. How did detectives solve cases after disposable lighters were invented? :lol:
Finished this game up last night, enjoyed it all the way through and want to get 100% completion eventually.

Getting all the collectibles shouldn't be too hard/annoying in comparison to the flags in Assassin's Creed.
[quote name='menikmati']Getting all the collectibles shouldn't be too hard/annoying in comparison to the flags in Assassin's Creed.[/QUOTE]

Its not that bad considering you can make your partner drive to the next film/car/sight location. Also when you play in free roam it saves after every car/film/sight you find. When doing these things during a mission they dont auto save.

Right now im struggling to get the rest of my cases 5 stars. I did one case twice, used a guide from online, and still only ended up with 4 stars. Its really weird because there have been cases where i got 5 stars, and missed 1 clue. But last night i miss 1 clue and i get 4 stars.
Woo, 100% complete and all achievements. On to the next!

[quote name='The 7th Number']Right now im struggling to get the rest of my cases 5 stars. I did one case twice, used a guide from online, and still only ended up with 4 stars. Its really weird because there have been cases where i got 5 stars, and missed 1 clue. But last night i miss 1 clue and i get 4 stars.[/QUOTE]
It's not just clues, but how well you do in interrogations/conversations, and the amount of damage you cause. If you hit/nearly hit a civilian, that can knock you down a star. It's best to let your partner do all driving when possible.

IGN has a pretty good guide up that covers all essential evidence and dialogues, so try that one and see if it helps.

[quote name='menikmati']Finished this game up last night, enjoyed it all the way through and want to get 100% completion eventually.

Getting all the collectibles shouldn't be too hard/annoying in comparison to the flags in Assassin's Creed.[/QUOTE]
God, getting 100% in AC2/Bro took forever. I think I sunk about 30-40 hours into Brotherhood. I still have to go back and 100% AC1, but damn those flags make me want to not do that.
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[quote name='seanr1221']Simple solution. Stop playing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, soodmeg, why would you continue to play a game that you just want to end? That makes no sense. Quit and trade it in. Or sell it to me, complete and like-new, for $20 so I can give it a shot. ;)
[quote name='ajh2298']Quick question can you go back aftet all 21 cases and just do free-roam to find the rest of the cars and buildings?[/QUOTE]
Yes. Each desk (Traffic, Homicide, Vice, and Arson) has its own street crimes, so each has a "Streets of LA" free roam mode you can select from Cases in the main menu. You can also cruise about looking for landmarks, cars, and golden film reels then too.
[quote name='ajh2298']Quick question can you go back aftet all 21 cases and just do free-roam to find the rest of the cars and buildings?[/QUOTE]

Yes, you go to any case file, and there will be a free roam option. Each case file has their own special random criminal events. So you will have to replay free roam on each disc.
Is it just me or are there only 10 street cases on disk 1? I went back and did free-roam and I can't get credit for doing anymore and old ones keep popping back up.
[quote name='seen']Is it just me or are there only 10 street cases on disk 1? I went back and did free-roam and I can't get credit for doing anymore and old ones keep popping back up.[/QUOTE]

Not sure, when you finish the last street crime it will say it in the top left corner. But it says finished all the street crimes on that DESK, not disc. So you have to go to another desk (traffic, vice, homicide, arson) to get more. Sometimes they dont pop up right away. Exit free roam and go back in. The ones you havent done will show up colored, and wont show what the title of the crime is. You can scroll through them while on the map using the bumpers. I didnt find that out till i was almost finished with the game. Hope this helps.

Pretty sure you can go to rockstar social site to see if you have any street crimes left on whichever desk you are working on. So check that out!
^Thanks for the tips! I'm going to check the map shortly but the Rockstar social club makes it easy to see which case names are left.

I'm also trying to take your advice on not trying to perfect everything on the first play-through. I haven't done that up to Disk 2, which I just started. I do wish there was a way to turn off knowing if you got the answer correct or not during the interrogation, they really should patch it.
[quote name='seen']^Thanks for the tips! I'm going to check the map shortly but the Rockstar social club makes it easy to see which case names are left.

I'm also trying to take your advice on not trying to perfect everything on the first play-through. I haven't done that up to Disk 2, which I just started. I do wish there was a way to turn off knowing if you got the answer correct or not during the interrogation, they really should patch it.[/QUOTE]

I wouldnt bother going into free roam until after you finish the game. There are reasons why some street crimes dont show up. ;)
[quote name='crunchewy']Yeah, soodmeg, why would you continue to play a game that you just want to end? That makes no sense. Quit and trade it in. Or sell it to me, complete and like-new, for $20 so I can give it a shot. ;)[/QUOTE]

This goes to my boy sean also. In your entire life how many movies have you walked out of? No matter how bad the movie if you paid money you will usually see it to the end. Come on now..

Also, I have to finish games for work.

Plus, I dont officially dislike the game actually I would recommend people to play it because it pushes the genre of video games in general, I just really wish it would have stopped after the homicide desk before it felt like the game was just padded with worthless things.
Movie last 2, maybe 3 hours. I would never dump 15+ hours into a game I'm not enjoying. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I always wonder why people play stuff they're not enjoying.
[quote name='seanr1221']Movie last 2, maybe 3 hours. I would never dump 15+ hours into a game I'm not enjoying. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I always wonder why people play stuff they're not enjoying.[/QUOTE]

Personally i always try to finish a game when i play it. I rented lost planet and really hated it half way through. A few months later i rented it again just to finish it.
I am baffled how people can purchase/rent a game and then give up on it so easily. The only game I have not finished due to outright just hatred in the last 10 or so years was Halo Wars. Screw that game right in the ear.

And again, I never said I disliked the game...one of the biggest misconceptions about me is that people think I hate most games which is very much untrue. I can like a game and still admit criticisms of it (which for some reason is earth shattering in the gaming world) I loved Alpha Protocol but that game sucked all types of man meat.

Just finished LA Noire....wow that ending....on par with the entire 2nd half of the game. Ugh. My final word on it...(not that anyone cares about my final word) is that I am very happy and very willing to shell out dough when a company tries something new like this....love the concept but the game itself was pretty average to below average.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I am baffled how people can purchase/rent a game and then give up on it so easily. The only game I have not finished due to outright just hatred in the last 10 or so years was Halo Wars. Screw that game right in the ear.


Now I know you're bullshitting because that was a pretty decent game.
Pffft, you can check my cheesemint list and see that I have beaten many shitty games like Turning Point Fall of Liberty and Alpha Protocol and crappy movie based games.

Halo Wars was by far the worst game I have every played.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Any idea when the pre order DLC will be released? if its a month or more from now i am not going to wait.[/QUOTE]

Well I read on Joystiq that the case BB gave away at its midnight launch comes out June 21, so I imagine that would be a target date.
I love when your character gets hit by a car. He screams so wildly, its pretty funny.

I have 4 cases left to get 5 stars in. After i get all the achievements (besides the DLC ones) im going to sell this game. I can use the money, otherwise i might hold onto this game. Hopefully they will bring out a lot of DLC cases, so maybe a year from now i can rebuy it and the DLC for cheap.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I love when your character gets hit by a car. He screams so wildly, its pretty funny.[/QUOTE]
Was getting hit by cars added in that title update? I swear I only started seeing Cole's knockback/stagger animation after downloading it; before that the cars would just stop short and nothing would happen.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Was getting hit by cars added in that title update? I swear I only started seeing Cole's knockback/stagger animation after downloading it; before that the cars would just stop short and nothing would happen.[/QUOTE]

I think its always been there. I tend to get hit trying to get in the drivers side coming out of the police station (running). Its funny cos even the smallest hit will knock me down and he screams like he is dying. It doesnt sound like him, and i dont think his mouth moves.
Rockstar facebook page says

Details on L.A. Noire Downloadable Content and the Rockstar Pass Coming Next Week

Still think im going to sell it. They will announce stuff next week, but probably wont release anything for another month. Last night i got the rest of the achievements for 1000 gamerscore.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Pffft, you can check my cheesemint list and see that I have beaten many shitty games like Turning Point Fall of Liberty and Alpha Protocol and crappy movie based games.

Halo Wars was by far the worst game I have every played.[/QUOTE]

Cheesemint? Really? Can't type out achievement?
I'm in that spot with the Ghostbusters game. I just want to be done with it, it's getting so repetitive, it's not much fun anymore. That's a game on the backlog that I doubt I'll ever finish.

But right now, I'm antsy because I RRoD' while playing NASCAR of all games. I'm taking it in tomorrow so I can finish L.A Noire. I don't even think I'd trade it in, I just love it so much.

OT: I know of three RRoDs in just as many weeks. Anyone else hearing of them increasing lately?
[quote name='n00bie']Cheesemint? Really? Can't type out achievement?[/QUOTE]

:roll: Coming from a guy who named himself n00bie? Do you not get the joke or are you that press for material that you are reaching that hard for it?
I see Im not the only one who hit a brick wall and got bored with this game. I very much looked forward to this game as a GTA type game where you play as a detective but its more like a open world on rails game. Very disappointed, im on the 2nd dics and really dont feel like playing it anymore.
I just started the Arson desk and am loving this game. I have been taking it slow, only playing a case or two per day. I did all the driving up until Vice, then let my partner drive.
You can still do street crimes when your partner drives. Just check the map before you go anywhere and the icon will be there, select it and let your partner drive there. It is not a very elegant system, but it works.
The game is definitely flawed, but so are 99.9% of all games. For me, the flaws are not enough to ruin the game. As for the "there's not al lot to do argument", that's fair. This is a linear experience and best played as such. I do the street crimes for exp and those sweet, sweet intuition points. I am glad there is not a bunch of filler quests like RDR and the hunting, picking flower stuff. I was loving RDR until I started focusing on the side stuff, then it really became a drag (still loved the game overall). In LAN they rightfully allow you to go into free roam mode and hunt all that stuff down.
Now that they have the city and facial tech, hopefully they can address some of the issues many are having with the gameplay in a sequel.
The problem with letting your partner drive, is that sometimes he will pass something up, or you have to drive somewhere ASAP. So you could miss out on that.
I finished the game today
It started to drag a little at the beginning of Arson but I LOVED the Jack Kelso cases. I found him to be a lot more likable then Cole. Also the ending where Cole dies is kind of anticlimactic, seeing as how you played as him for 20ish hours and then hes gone in 2 seconds and thats it. Overall I'd give the game a 4/5. If there is a sequel (which I want) I hope we get to play as Kelso.
[quote name='n00bie']Cheesemint? Really? Can't type out achievement?[/QUOTE]

It's not shorthand, so I am not sure where you are going with this..

Soodmeg, I will bite. Why is Halo Wars the worst game you have ever played? I didn't think it was terrible, just an average run of the mill RTS designed to appeal more to console gamers than true fans of the genre.
Does anyone know how difficult it is to
find all 50 film reels? Might start doing those tonight.

If anyone knows a good checklist or interactive map where I can find all of them, let me know.
just started on the vice desk...good game, will probably finish the game sometime tomorrow night since i'm off and can get a bit ocd about these things
[quote name='Yanksfan']It's not shorthand, so I am not sure where you are going with this..

Soodmeg, I will bite. Why is Halo Wars the worst game you have ever played? I didn't think it was terrible, just an average run of the mill RTS designed to appeal more to console gamers than true fans of the genre.[/QUOTE]

I think he was somehow trying to make fun of me but clearly the joke flew embarrassingly over his head.

There isnt really much to bite on...this also really isnt the place for me to discuss it. Dont want to stank up the thread with completely unrelated off topic discussions. I just really really hated that game it reminded me of the many crappy movie based games that come out. Gimmick on top of Gimmick with the RTS elements stripped down to nothing and the plot shoe horned in.

Nothing spells cash grab like Halo Wars. For more just watch this ZP video in which he pretty much states what I feel about it.

Note skip to the 2:04 minute mark for the actually Halo Wars review...the first part is an inside joke from Yahtzee,
[quote name='The 7th Number']Here you go, not hard at all.


Thanks, I turboed it through in about 2 hours.

Currently up to 99.4% completion, I only need these 4 cars to go
Cadillac Lasalle Series 50
Chevrolet Sedan
Lincoln Zephyr Touring
Oldsemobile Hydramatic 88

Looks like some of them can be found during cases, so I might pick them up during replays for 5 stars.
Powered though it tonight...

Yeah, I have to agree that Kelso was a nice change of pace. I loved when Cole finally loses his composure and tells Earle to shut the fuck up. The ending punches you in the stomach. I'd find it hard to play the DLC cases after that. But the fact that you find that Cole wasn't the saint he acted like makes his death a little more tolerable. Brilliant game. Now to start Red Dead Redemption finally.
[quote name='menikmati']Does anyone know how difficult it is to
find all 50 film reels? Might start doing those tonight.

If anyone knows a good checklist or interactive map where I can find all of them, let me know.

There's an interactive map in the Rockstar Social Club. Even with the hints I couldn't find a couple, though.
Anyone else unlock the Hawkshaw outfit at level 18 then have it disappear after you continue? I am on level 19 right now and I don't have the outfit even though I unlocked it before at level 18.
Just started disc 2 yesterday. Pretty good game so far, but I'm not very good at reading people's reactions. I only manage to get about 50% of the questions correct during interviews.:lol:

I hate driving around the city, so thank goodness for having a partner that is willing to do the driving for me.

The strategy guide says that there is supposed to be a downloadable weapon (the Chicago Piano) available today. I guess you have to get it from a retail store?
[quote name='shieryda']Just started disc 2 yesterday. Pretty good game so far, but I'm not very good at reading people's reactions. I only manage to get about 50% of the questions correct during interviews.:lol:

I hate driving around the city, so thank goodness for having a partner that is willing to do the driving for me.

The strategy guide says that there is supposed to be a downloadable weapon (the Chicago Piano) available today. I guess you have to get it from a retail store?[/QUOTE]

Yeah none of the dlc is available to buy yet, unless you mean an avenue like Ebay.
bread's done