last movie you saw??

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I was going to say Stargate: Director's Cut until AngellicLulu reminded me I did watch Alien Apocalypse on Easter morning.

I guess the last movie I saw in theater was Million Dollar Baby. Nothing will stop me from seeing Sin City.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='Ledhed']I'm your huckleberry.[/QUOTE]


I'll definitely be seeing Sin City this weekend.[/QUOTE]

You can't tell from the pic (obviously), but my current avatar is a pic of Doc Holliday with my old avy superimposed over it.

And yes, Sin City. Rock.
The anime. But I have seen the Fritz Lang one as well. You should see it, I'm not sure what kind of anime you're into but I thought this one was well above average and probably one of the better anime movies I've seen in a long time.
[quote name='dcfox']The anime. But I have seen the Fritz Lang one as well. You should see it, I'm not sure what kind of anime you're into but I thought this one was well above average and probably one of the better anime movies I've seen in a long time.[/QUOTE]

I will eventually, but right now I have a bit of an anime backlog both in DVD and downloaded form. I make sure to watch each ep of Naruto asap though. :lol:

Out of what I own more than half is unwatched. And I probably have 100+ episodes of unwatched material on my computer at the moment.
Sin City. I really enjoyed the style of it. It's everything I hoped it would be. I wish the plot could have been tied up better than it was, but it was still a very entertaining two hours. I hope there will be a special director's cut DVD of this one.
Speed. Last time I watched this was in 1995. I bought the DVD at CC for $7.50 and watched it last night.
Beautiful Girls just started on HBO2, and who can resist a 15 year old Natalie Portman? I know I can't. :drool:

Of course I'm speaking of the talent she displayed at such a young age.
Zman, you have awesome taste. That's all I'm sayin'.

Just watched Carl Th. Dreyer's fantastic horror film Vampyr. Very good film, really gets under your skin. Too bad about the crap-tacular DVD. WTF was Image thinking? #-o
[quote name='modium']Zman, you have awesome taste. That's all I'm sayin'.

Just watched Carl Th. Dreyer's fantastic horror film Vampyr. Very good film, really gets under your skin. Too bad about the crap-tacular DVD. WTF was Image thinking? #-o[/QUOTE]

Why, thank you :) I've become something of a movie buff over the last few months, so I've been trying to watch as many good movies as I can (which hasn't been a problem, since we have an excellent library system here in Hennepin County, with quite a wide range of DVDs.)

Edit-Just noticed your sig, like it a lot. I'd been waiting to get the Seventh Seal from the library for quite some time, but it was well worth it. I might have to pick it up from Deep Discount DVD when they have their next sale.
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