last movie you saw??

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[quote name='Zman310']His Girl Friday
and Un Chien Andalou. Again.[/QUOTE]
Zman's rockin' the TCM. I put that one on my DVR, but I'll definitely be checking it out soon, as well as renting Un Chien Andalou (since you've given it such a glowing recommendation).

Last one I saw was The Bridges of Madison County. stfu.
[quote name='tauruskatt']Mary Poppins...

...what?...I was babysitting...>.>[/QUOTE]
Hey, nothing wrong with a little Disney! Just admit you loved it. :lol:

As for me, Hour of the Wolf last night. Very unnerving, really got under my skin.
[quote name='spriggs20xx']Exorcist the Beginning[/QUOTE]

Just watched this last night......and boy do I regret it.
Actually had probably a good 10 min that was actually alright.
Probably the weakest movie in the trilogy. Even with the (very) brief footage of Doom, (I think) Perfect Dark, and a short (as in second long) shot from the Ganondorf battle in Zelda:OoT
My Neighbor Totoro
Pretty good, but it doesn't rise up against the other second string SG films.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Saw Napolean Dynamite last night, what a disappointment.

I'm watching Rainman right now.[/QUOTE]

Napoleon Dynamite was a terrible movie. How anyone greenlit that film is beyond me. And to think how popular/what a cult film it.
[quote name='Greetard']Me too. Thank god for the website or I woulda never figured the damn thing out.[/QUOTE]

Same here and I'm actually watching this now for the forth time.
[quote name='jaykrue']Natural City - Korean movie that's a cross between blade runner and the Matrix.[/QUOTE]

I know I've seen that movie but I can barely remember anything. I think I liked it ... :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I know I've seen that movie but I can barely remember anything. I think I liked it ... :lol:[/QUOTE]

It was good though the ending kinda rubs me the wrong way (and not in a sexually good way either).
[quote name='jaykrue']It was good though the ending kinda rubs me the wrong way (and not in a sexually good way either).[/QUOTE]

That one of thoses things I can't remember. Actually I barely remember the plot ... something to do with clones I think. The movie seemed to drag on for a while ... I remember the style of it more than any specific scenes.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']That one of thoses things I can't remember. Actually I barely remember the plot ... something to do with clones I think. The movie seemed to drag on for a while ... I remember the style of it more than any specific scenes.[/QUOTE]

Actually it was cyborgs. And they were created by a Dr. Giro... hmmm, reminds me of something... *cough* DBZ *cough*
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. I'm watching Little Nicky right now. :D
[quote name='Ledhed']I hope you've showered since.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was rather disturbing.
You know Kevin Spacey's character in American Beauty? Imagine if he was into 11 year old boys instead of teenage girls.
The Woodsman - Was okay, but not really great. Kudos for Kevin Bacon for taking the role, though.

Bad Education - Awesome. Great movie, as usual, from Almodovar. Everyone here should go seek it out. It'll be an experience soon not forgotten :laugh: And make sure it's the NC-17 version!
[quote name='Greetard']How was that, I was debating on renting it for a rainy day.[/QUOTE]

Better than I expected. Not great but I was entertained. Steve Zahn is always funny.
amityville horror saw it last night, I'd have to say it didn't suck, but it wasn't that great either. The visuals were nice but the acting was kind of crappy. I'd give it 4 middle fingers out of 10.
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