League of Legends anyone?

Got 2 games of Dominion in. went 1-1. It's pretty fun, I like it. People are complaining about bruisers being too OP, but I don't know if that will hold up. In both of my games the bruisers were tough, sure, but it was the bursty champs that were wrecking people. Vayne and Kassadin were tearing people up.

There's going to be an adjustment period cause you aren't used to getting geared up so fast. I found myself underestimating enemies cause I didn't realize they had all their items already. lol
[quote name='icedrake523']I didn't even bother trying. Figured the queues would be really long.[/QUOTE]

There was zero queue/wait time for me. I had to download a small (14mb) patch but that was it.
Yeah, I jumped on at like quarter after 12 and got on immediately. I was able to play one game with my friends before I had to go. I actually really enjoyed it. The game was fast and seemed like a huge change of pace from standard LOL. I think most will enjoy it once it releases.
I've tried searching, but I can't find the answer. Will Dominion be a free addition to LoL, or will this be a microtransaction-based expansion?
I don't know if Riot has said. Most people assume it will be a free new game mode.

However, its Riot so I wouldn't put it past them to charge 10$ or something to activate Dominion on your account, or you can only play so many matches a day unless you buy more, or some shit like that.

It'll be free. Right now I'm just wondering if they'd do a ranked mode for it, since they've previously said it was up in the air rather than a clear yes.
So, played two ranked games tonight, got to 1367 ELO. Played another two with complete downies, lost, and am now down to 1266. -101 ELO from TWO LOSSES. fuck this game, fuck all the retards who play it, I'm done.
[quote name='SEH']So, played two ranked games tonight, got to 1367 ELO. Played another two with complete downies, lost, and am now down to 1266. -101 ELO from TWO LOSSES. fuck this game, fuck all the retards who play it, I'm done.[/QUOTE]

...they always come back :lol:
I bought the Dreadknight Nasus skin that's on sale. I don't play him a ton, but that skin is really sweet. If I bought the Pharaoh Nasus and got the Riot one, I'd have all of his. But Pharaoh is meh and the Riot one he looks like the Michelin man.
Yeah, Dreadknight Nasus looks pretty sweet. I'd probably go with Pharaoh though, since it'd match my Pharaoh Amumu. I hope they make more skins like those two. Renkenon and Cass could pull them off well.

I'm in the market for a Lee Sin skin. And that Hextech Anivia one.

I haven't played the bird in months, but damn it all, I still want that skin for my first (LoL) love.
Anyone played in the 10 hour beta test today?
Well I certainly did. Got around 10 games. It's fun as hell. I can;t see myself going back to Summoner's rift. the pace is too slow compared to Crystal Skar. That's saying a lot too considering I played DotA for 6 years!

Anyway, there are a ton of OP champs in domi.
Rammus, Gankplank, Garen, Akali (in the hands of a good player), Twisted Fate, Heig and maybe Teemo and Kennen.

What's your closest game? Mine was 15-0. We were losing 20-70 and made a huge comeback!

I can't wait for this to be fully released!!
Honestly, I like my Golden Alistar skin more. But hey, this is neat.

Wonder what we'll get for the golden joystick awards now. A rune page sounds goood *_*
Played a couple Dominion games with Waughoo. First game sucked. Second game we got a good lead, but our Yorick just farmed minions in the bottom. Blew our lead but finally he started to do stuff and we won.

Some champs are REALLY annoying in Dominion.
Dominion seems to bring out the ragers in force. I was yelled at for an entire game that we won and were ahead for from start to finish. Apparently this talon thought I was bad because I mainly played defense (as Alistar, he's too slow to roam a lot imo) on the 2 bottom turrets if we held them and our side turret. I finished with 3rd highest points on our team, but I was still bad cause this talon was #1 in points. Even though their entire team would focus me if I tried to cap a point and it took them 10 sec to kill me while my team capped other points. lol kids these days.
Getting destroyed today, man.

Two 3 v 3s and in both of them, I kinda fed.

Also finally got to try out dominion. Used Teemo, Heimerdinger and Blitzcrank for'em. It's a damn strange game. I suddenly no longer have any idea on what to build on champions. I kinda felt like I was shitty each game, but I ended up getting 2nd, 1st and 2nd despite not having any idea what I was doing.

After seeing Akali and Shaco being used so well, I wanna pick them up soon.
I don't like Dominion either. Team comp is far more important. Certain champs just flat out domiante, while some are useless. And if you just have 1 teammate who does stupid things, it's over.
SR and Dominion are two totally different beast. Dominion is more of an arcade game to be honest. Fast paced and a lot of on the go decisions. While I do prefer SR over Dominion (due to the fact it involves a ton of strategy), Dominion is a refreshing change.

Rammus is the most annoying one. And maybe Pantheon. But hey, once this is released, everything should balance out.
I played a Dominion game (as Rammus of course) where I just wrecked them. They had a crappy team comp. Nasus might be one of the worst champions for Dominion.
Well, I'm not a fan of Dominion, but I am enjoying watching others play it.

Was watching TV when I heard my friend constantly raging. So I went to his room and watch his match as Twitch in Dominion. He was taking and defending points while the rest of his team 4 v 4'd. They were 200points down and still managed to win that thing. I'm not sure how though.
[quote name='icedrake523']That's not possible. It's still 2011.[/QUOTE]
I couldn't believe it myself when I read that this morning. This release came out of nowhere.
Nasus (tank build) was highly successful last night. I would defend bottom with a soft push by farming minions, then my four teammates would push top. Won four games in a row with this approach. Hard to determine if it was the strategy, or just quality teams though.

I'm curious as to how this will split the community. As some here have mentioned I could see how dominion isn't for everyone.
I enjoy Dominion, but the games are so quick that it's easy to burn out on them. There's no way I could play just Dominion and I like to mix in some Summoner's Rift games when I'm playing.
The easiest way to win in Dominion is to play Jax. I tried him in 2 games. My first I had a slow start but it's pretty much GG for them once you get Guinsoo's and Revolver. The other game I didn't do as well since I had a 700-800 ping most of it.
I like how the rotation for this week seems to be built for dominion.

[quote name='52club']Nasus (tank build) was highly successful last night. I would defend bottom with a soft push by farming minions, then my four teammates would push top. Won four games in a row with this approach. Hard to determine if it was the strategy, or just quality teams though.

I'm curious as to how this will split the community. As some here have mentioned I could see how dominion isn't for everyone.[/QUOTE]

Nasus on Dominion seems just too iffy to me. No time to farm up Q at all. You get your items, but everybody gets that. And if you're gonna stay put on bot to secure, you probably should grab a champion with some sort of global so you could jump into the fray/assist other points in some fashion while being on bottom.

But if it works, it works.
[quote name='Triggerhappy14']This game seriously needs bots to take over when a player leaves. I've lost so many Dominion games already because someone quits halfway through.[/QUOTE]

It's really bad when someone quits during a 25 minute game.
Lots of it.

Have you never had an Ashe arrow heading towards you as you decoy away? Then see the enemy malz pool/ult the clone along side their Morde using Ignite + Children of the Grave?

You can walk away from it without using flash. But sticking around and use /l then burning flash to flee makes it more enjoyable.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']New champion announced during the esports event in Korea.

Kumiho, The Nine Tails Fox

Hope she's as fun to play as Wukong, but is still strong enough to win lanes.

She's supposed to have some tricky like The Monkey King's clone/stealth. And have high mobility. Only she's a long ranged caster champion.[/QUOTE]

Wow, that looks so much like a rasengan!
[quote name='RabbitSuit']I like how the rotation for this week seems to be built for dominion.

Nasus on Dominion seems just too iffy to me. No time to farm up Q at all. You get your items, but everybody gets that. And if you're gonna stay put on bot to secure, you probably should grab a champion with some sort of global so you could jump into the fray/assist other points in some fashion while being on bottom.

But if it works, it works.[/QUOTE]

While farming the Q is nice I've always survived (even in Summoner's Rift) with a tank build that mainly uses his CC (wither), and his AOE spell (spirit fire) to defend/push. I save his Ult to prevent dying or when more than one champ attempts to tower dive. So far I'm 7-2 in dominion with this strategy, but it is contingent on the fact that two champions on the bottom are required to stop my push (with a group of minions who have more of an effect in Diminion), this means a 4v3 advantage exists for my team elsewhere on the map.
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Hm, I've only played three games so far. But I guess my first match was down to the wire. It was pretty bad starting out. They were 200points above us, and I had no freaking idea on what to build at all. I never read about any of the dominion items. But I grabbed the Speed Boost/Cap Boost amulet and went to down on Blitz. We ended up winning with about 20-ish nexus health left, and for some reason I was one of the best.

Personally I think it puts too many points to people that grab towers when people that defend'em well barely get any.

[quote name='Khalid']Wow, that looks so much like a rasengan![/QUOTE]

Yeah, that thought crossed my mind as well. Appears to be a Soul/Rosary Bead though.
[quote name='bastiartadi']Quick question, what's the closest match you've had in dominion? And somewhat related, any epic comebacks?[/QUOTE]

My third game during the first beta phase, we were down 100pts or so, came back to win 1-0. Will have to upload a shot of it once I get home. Closest since has been a 15-20pt win or so.
bread's done