League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='crystalklear64']taking a break from LoL till dominion dies down

also vindictus is really good[/QUOTE]

Yeah man. I had a great time playing that one from beginning to end.
I'm shocked about those IP price reductions. Three 6300ip champions at once *_*. Now only Twitch and Karthus are the only 6300ip champions from the orginal 40champs.

It's kinda strange that they did Blitz and Anivia though. Their skillcap is quite a bit higher than Twitch and Karthus. Imo, it should have been those two instead. But this is damn awesome regardless.
No, it definitely should not have been Twitch and Karthus. Anivia is hard to use, but that combined with her 6.3k price makes no one play her. Even though Blitz is hard when it comes to skillshots, he's still a pretty common champion to see.

Twitch shouldn't be cheaper because he's also very difficult to use. If you have a bad Twitch on your team, the game is basically 4v5. Even with a good Twitch, team fights will be 4v5 until Twitch comes in and kill steals everyone. Karthus isn't much different. Very powerful, but VERY squishy. Especially if they're the kind that stack Archangel's.
damn why did i ever bother going for straight AP runes as opposed to perLevel ones? maybe it depends on what character but if you think about it, you're getting the same amount of AP (sometimes a bit more) at level 6 with the perLevel runes compared to straight AP -- and level 6 is when i go for the kill as LeBlanc, so...

then by 18 you're of course getting triple.
damn why did i ever bother going for straight AP runes as opposed to perLevel ones? maybe it depends on what character but if you think about it, you're getting the same amount of AP (sometimes a bit more) at level 6 with the perLevel runes compared to straight AP -- and level 6 is when i go for the kill as LeBlanc, so...

then by 18 you're of course getting triple.
Here's the new skins for the next update

Yeah, that's Irelia.

Anyways, anybody watching this IEM Tourament?

eHome vs SK gaming.

eHome's jungler, Gangplank, died to a jungle mob. A tourament rank, platinum player, dying to a jungle mob using GANGPLANK. Overall seems like a pretty poor game for'em too. Lee Sin dashed into an active Galio ult when he had less than 10% hp left. Gragas going 0-3 in lane and missing his ultimate everywhere x_x;
Here's the new champ spotlight. He looks cool. I think I will like him because his passive gives him armor for AP (I hate mages b/c they're usually so squishy). For that reason, I think Waughoo needs to buy him.


I completely forgot, I've been playing LoL for a little over a year now. Swain was the first new champion that came out after I started and he came out a year ago today.
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If you’re into authority figures, Officer Caitlyn is here to show you that a brush with the law doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. This is one police woman we’re certain that you’ll be happy to see, whether or not she has left the fuzzy cuffs at home.

Gotta love that marketing.

Newest skin sale, starting Friday:

  1. Acolyte Lee Sin skin (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!
  2. Night Blade Irelia skin (regularly 520 RP) will be only 260 RP!
  3. White Mage Veigar skin (regularly 390 RP) will be only 195 RP!
  4. Glacial Olaf skin (regularly 520 RP) will be only 260 RP!
  5. Recon Teemo skin (regularly 520 RP) will be only 260 RP!
Champion Sale this Friday has Vayne in it too, which ain't half bad. Although I still never play an AD Carry.

Right now I'm wondering if the skins that are popping on sale now are for champions that'll be getting a Halloween skin.

Captain Teemo could be limited! I hope so!
Cause I never want to see it in-game.
I had an awesome comeback in Dominion. Within 3 minutes, we were down like 450 to 200. We had 46 points at one point but never lost any for awhile and eventually won. My Karthus was complaining about me (Jax) when I helped him bot, so then I just went top with our Kat and Trynd.

I watched the replay again. We were losing as bad as 414-65. At 13:47, we had 46 points and didn't lose any for 4 minutes. Sounds like a short time but it really wasn't since Dominion is a constant team fight. I also noticed the other team gradually loses points if you hold 4 posts. They lose 5 points per second if you control the whole map, which is how won, I killed Rammus and Akali guarding it and captured it :D
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[quote name='icedrake523']Here's the new champ spotlight. He looks cool. I think I will like him because his passive gives him armor for AP (I hate mages b/c they're usually so squishy). For that reason, I think Waughoo needs to buy him.


I completely forgot, I've been playing LoL for a little over a year now. Swain was the first new champion that came out after I started and he came out a year ago today.[/QUOTE]

He does look like someone I'd play as. Man I havent played LoL in like over a week. Been messing with the new Minecraft updates
I'm really shocked at how low the cooldown of his Q is. His poke is great! It's like a mini lux laser every 2 seconds.

On a side note, I'm starting to dislike 3 v 3s. It's faster paced, and gimmicky premades then to do the best, but I think TT players are a little more... aggressive than SR ones.
cause akali was on the rape train. took like 2-3 of us to stop her. i needed the magic resist and rabadons for the others

cleaver was my last item just for more damage
Played a game as Renekton, first time in awhile. It was me and Talon 1v1, I died when I used Flash trying to get a kill so I couldn't use it when Warwick came to gank. However, Talon cared more about trying to get me low, I just harassed him some and farmed. I got an early Cloth Armor and was really tempted to get Wriggle's, so I did. I never realized how good it is for laning. I was also able to solo Dragon with it.

The next game I was Renekton but had to switch since Urgot and Talon were against me and I couldn't farm. I farmed bot, then switched back and we eventually won.
By the way, next week the Halloween stuff will probably start. Which includes limited time skins which some people didn't realize last year even though it was really obvious.
SIX SKINS ON SALE AT ONCE *o* Two weeks ago it was four skins. Then it was five skins last week. And now we freaking get SIX?!

I guess they want us to burn our RP before the Harrowing.

  • Blood Moon Akali skin -- 487 RP
  • Butcher Urgot skin -- 260 RP
  • Waterloo Miss Fortune skin -- 260 RP
  • Tundra Hunter Warwick skin -- 260 RP
  • Viscero Xin Zhao skin -- 487 RP
  • Surfer Singed skin -- 487 RP
Shame I don't play any of these champs besides Singed, and I already have Riot Singed. I like'em, but he's no Teemo. I can live with just one Singed skin.

[quote name='Morphx2']i hope they have new annie and teemo skins, there just arent enough[/QUOTE]

Amen, brother.
[quote name='icedrake523']I just got an email from Riot offering me the chance to become a beta tester. Anyone get the same? I have no idea why they'd send me one.[/QUOTE]

It seems to be the PBE to test the new Graves patch.
Yeah, they announced they'd be releasing Public Beta again. Right now it's limited to lvl 30s that aren't currently banned. But anybody can sign up for it if they had the link.

Apparently the public beta client will run one patch in advance of the normal one. We start with 5k ip and we'll be given small amounts of IP to purchase runes/champions with.

So it's not one of those things where you can go and test builds (unfortunately xD).


Only 2300codes left. Better rush :lol:
Finally, Karthus and Twitch got their IP prices reduced to 3150ip. Also, the Golden Joystick award this year is now a 10win IP boost
Was a 4win IP boost, but apparently they got a 150downvotes and quite a few people voting for other games; haha.

[quote name='icedrake523']http://www.stateoftheleague.com/home/2011/10/12/new-halloween-skins-next-patch.html

New skins:
Frankenstein Annie
Incognito Blitz

And more Halloween skins:
Witch Nidalee
Ghost Nocturne
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks


Oh, and my latest 11 win streak has broken like hell. Played six games today, and got completely dominated in them all. On an interesting note, every game had an enemy Shaco. I don't know what's going on, but his popularity has spiked.
I was thinking about that myself. But frankly, it'll all depend on whether or not they're limited edition. I only have a small amount of RP left. And I'm hoarding it despite all of these great sales lately. And if they aren't limited edition, fuck'em.

I'll get them when they go on sale in five months.
The Halloween skins last year were on sale while they were available. Though I'm sure they were 487RP.

Other than the RP from the bundle and compensation RP, I only bought RP ($5) once last December when they gave some extra for the holidays. I might buy another $5 since there are a few more skins I'd like to get.
I'm pretty sure they were marked as 975 RP but "on sale" for 487 RP. I think they only did that just to get people to buy them. I'm pretty sure the Holiday ones were the same.

We'll probably get some news Monday. I'm hoping for more runes.
I tried HoN before and haven't set my foot on LoL yet. But to be honest, I want to stick with DotA and DotA2 more than with the above 2. Call me a stubborn gamer if you like ;)
I have a PAX exclusive Sivir code for the game. If anyone wants it, I'd trade it for a Steam GIft of Tomb Raider: Anniversary, which is $3.39 for today. Send me a pm if you are interested.
Halloween skins

Frankenstein Annie

Incognito Blitzcrank

Ghost Nocturne

Witch Nidalee

Surprise Party Fiddle
Wow, those watermarks totally destroy'em.

And what's with using the concept fanart of Surprise Party Fiddlesticks o.o? Does that mean no official splash so far?
bread's done