League of Legends anyone?


Dat Kat

I'm confused. Isn't it supposed to say "DEFEAT" after a game is over? What's this vic-to-ry?

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I fucking hate jungling so much.

"r jungle sux he no gank"

Here's a tip retard, dont push all the way into their asshole, then maybe I could gank. It's always the auto-attackers that constantly have their lanes pushed that bitch about not getting ganks.
What is the Ahri build that's been agreed upon? She has horrendous AP ratios so I don't understand the dorans ring stacking at all (she has no mana problems either), much less getting a deathcap . I agree on RoA and Rylais, those at least make more sense.

Been playing around with AP/attackSpeed builds that have working out very well. Only reason I tried it was because I noticed her attack animation is incredibly clean (so attack speed is very effective), and going heavy AP only effected her damage output marginally given all the gold your spending. It's nothing more than a theory build right now, but my lane presence in mid has been utterly demonic.

A lot of other stuff I'd like to try as well. I feel like Abyssal Scepter would be invaluable for her, considering her constant presence in team fights.
So, Riot refused to give me the 300 bonus RP because I made my purchase about an hour before they made the announcement. Their email to me said they couldn't manually add RP and that the time restrictions on the bonus RP would not allow them to credit me. I then told them that their announcement simply stated the purchase had to be made on Wednesday and not at some specific time.

Anyways, they wound up giving me 500RP due to the "inconvenience". Their customer service seemed pretty clueless (really, you cant add RP to peoples accounts), but at least they eventually came around and realized how dumb it was to say my purchase wouldn't count.
Love it. I'm Karthus mid against Kennen. I give up FB to him, but around 15 minutes in I turn things around and wind up 3-1. Meanwhile, our bot Sivir and Soraka feed 12 kills to Corki (literally, 12 kills). They then come mid and feed Kennen six kills. Games almost over and they're making me rage, so I'm telling them they suck and how they did nothing but feed bot. Sivir then points out that Kennen is fed (trying to imply I fed him). The enemy Kennen then speaks up and says it was because bottom fed him, and that I had him shut down. Bot lane gets super pissy and rage quits.

Kids going back to school...
Oh, wow. That's both great and sucky at the same time. Now if I charge 10$, I'll have enough for two of the holiday skins. Of course.. I only own Maokai and I have no IP to buy Gangplank or Heimerdinger. Granted this may have played a major role in the fact all holiday skins were 975RP.

>_> I had to go and blow my IP on Riven three days ago
[quote name='crystalklear64']coincidentally.

ban #4 woo woo wooooooo.

this ones a doozy. lasts until 28th of dec.

don't know why its happening but i'm sure its working as intended.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've been banned twice in the past three or four months. I got banned on the 1st of Novemeber for like three days, despite not even touching LOL for a month before that. Really makes me wonder what the hell I was banned for since I wasnt even playing the damn game.
[quote name='Waughoo']Ck gets banned cause he likes to piss off stupid people.[/QUOTE]
this is true.

also playing with you guys keeps me out of trouble most of the time since i can complain on skype rather than in game.

i've preemptively started some new accounts for when that inevitable permaban happens. i think its once you've been suspended once you're much more likely for it to happen again so at 4 suspensions i think that account is fucked. i probably wind up in tribunal now with a report or 2.
lol, bot game,

Caitlyn player, who had to have mid or she would feed,

Started bitching when, at 10-15 mins, I went into her lane, "mid is mine get out"

Ended up going like 25-4, "I'm so good look at my score."

Wow dude. Bot game. So good.
Went ahead and made a new account. Playing lowbies sucks a dick. It's all smurfs or people 10+ levels higher than you because match-making blows. Not even sure how this game brings in new players because if these last four games I've played were my first impression, I'd uninstall in a heartbeat.

Being level 3 on a team with players level 2, 4, 4, and 5, playing against a team of people level 8, 11, 13, 14, and 14 is soooooo fun. "Herp, we have ignite and flash as well as all the OP champs."
[quote name='BigPopov']lol, bot game,

Caitlyn player, who had to have mid or she would feed,

Started bitching when, at 10-15 mins, I went into her lane, "mid is mine get out"

Ended up going like 25-4, "I'm so good look at my score."

Wow dude. Bot game. So good.[/QUOTE]
I really hate those people. The ones who also constantly say you suck if you die to bots are also really annoying.
[quote name='SEH']Went ahead and made a new account. Playing lowbies sucks a dick. It's all smurfs or people 10+ levels higher than you because match-making blows. Not even sure how this game brings in new players because if these last four games I've played were my first impression, I'd uninstall in a heartbeat.

Being level 3 on a team with players level 2, 4, 4, and 5, playing against a team of people level 8, 11, 13, 14, and 14 is soooooo fun. "Herp, we have ignite and flash as well as all the OP champs."[/QUOTE]

i had the most fun with the game when i was learning everything. now it's just a mission to not get matched with people with disorders.
Played a Co-op game just now to get my win of the day. I go bot with Vayne who goes towards the enemy jungle and is going to kite bot to a turret. The bots follow and it gets a few quick kills/gold so the game goes faster. Heimer sees this, calls it lame, and says "Ok, I'm feeding" and gave up First Blood. Then continued feeding.

Whether or not you think the strategy is lame, it's incredibly stupid to waste your time and everyone else's by feeding bots in a game.
that strategy is lame and I ask people not to do it. It teaches you bad habits, will never work in PVP, so why rely on it for a crutch.
So what? It's a bot game, no different than custom other than they're better and you're forced to play with people. I often do it when I solo lane so I can get Philo Stone faster so I can stay in my lane more.
I solo queued a game last night. Was Xerath mid against Lux. She out farmed me a little, but we were pretty evenly matched. I sent her back to base a couple times pretty early, then she did the same to me. We killed each other once. My team got behind though. It was like 5-9, and we lost bot. Our top pushed to the tower at one point and Lux went MIA. I called it and they didnt pull back, so she got a double kill out of it. Then we lost top a couple minutes later. Once laning phase was over we started coming back, and won some team fights. Our Blitz never could help us though cause he was defending the towers the whole time. I think we probably would have won the game except our Singed didnt know a trap when he saw it, and we all kept ending up in team fights we should have avoided. So it ended with us only taking like 2 of their towers.

i like when enemies start with doran items at mid or top

easy harass and sending them back!

yesterday i was brand, an I ulted a Skarner, who then dragged me to his team as soon as i launched it, letting my ultimate bounce to all of them. was funny

I got Yorick. Just been playing him in co-op games to get a feel for his abilities. He's better later one once he has a Tear and some defensive items.
[quote name='Morphx2']:(
i like when enemies start with doran items at mid or top

easy harass and sending them back!

dorans ring mid = instant sign of an awful player.

unless they are playing a champ like morgana, where dying isn't a concern. and i personally take a dorans blade top as riven because her offense is her defense.
I guess that's debatable, but I nearly always opt for boots + 3 pots. If you get a dring, you can't trade for shit, whereas I have 450+ health worth of pots to use. AP vs AP is always about the burst kill, and if you're walking around with 60-70% health at level 6, you're either going to be forced back or killed. The flat +100 hp is nice, but the pots are also great, and I can build my boots where as a dring is a deadweight. This also puts you into the cycle of having to buy more drings, so you can stay competitive in the lane. Mana regen is laregly unnecessary for most AP mids, and most mages dont have much use for yellow seals beyond mp5, which is more than enough (i actually just put armor seals there, and still have no problems). And +10 AP? Bonus damage is the most overrated aspect of LoL, IMO.

Boots also help the player more easily avoid skill shot heavy AP mids like Brand, Xerath, Swain, etc...

I used to play dring with a powerful AP rune page, now I walk into lane with boots, 3 health pots, and ~60 magic resist to start. It's a free win on the lane for me if they grab the dring. I laugh when I see people walking around with 40+ AP to start, a dring, and a measly 30 MR. If you're doing dring, I'd say the only way for it to be effective is to build a defensive rune page.
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Sooo.... my wife has a parasite living in her belly. Doctors say it'll gestate there for a period of about 9 months then burst from her in a painful bloody mess. She should be fine but the parasite will continue to leech from us to survive for at least 18 years. Apparently most people name them and learn to love them.
[quote name='Waughoo']Sooo.... my wife has a parasite living in her belly. Doctors say it'll gestate there for a period of about 9 months then burst from her in a painful bloody mess. She should be fine but the parasite will continue to leech from us to survive for at least 18 years. Apparently most people name them and learn to love them.

Congrats. Remember to teach them way of the WASD.
[quote name='Waughoo']Sooo.... my wife has a parasite living in her belly. Doctors say it'll gestate there for a period of about 9 months then burst from her in a painful bloody mess. She should be fine but the parasite will continue to leech from us to survive for at least 18 years. Apparently most people name them and learn to love them.

Congratulations! If it's a girl, will you name her Katarina?
Hey guys, if anyone is interested, I have an exclusive PAX Sivir Code that I'd like to trade for a cheap Steam Game (Lucas Arts Adventure Games Collection [$4.99])

Send me a pm if you are interested.
[quote name='crystalklear64']gross you put your.... in her....


Sorry, forgot you find females gross and prefer dudes
Lee Sin "don't worry i got jungle" (so our good akali player goes lane)

Lee Sin is now level 3, we're all 5-6, "jungling is slow"

(Lee Sin goes to lane, proceeds to go 1/16)

Highlights include ganking by running up in the lane, as the enemy sees him and flees. Chase ensues, they work the 1 enemy down, Lee Sin does his kick and knocks him away to safety,

He's a horrible Lee Sin. He's one of the faster junglers because of his W, E, and passive. I'm not great with him but even I could do better than that.
Bought Viktor last night. Only played the one game with him, so I'm unsure how much I like him. His laser is fun, and the shield on his Q is nice. His Grav field is a little slow to fire and has lower range than I want. His ult seems ok, but in teamfights it kept disappearing. Not sure if you lose it when hit or something. If you cast it on someone by themselves it seems like it does really decent damage.
Fun game last night even though we lost. Should have won but we got into fights at bad times. And even tho that Xin beat us, he's still a bad, overnerfed champion.
bread's done