League of Legends anyone?


Gog0, icedrake, kodos, me, and kodos's friend.

Galio, Garen, Anivia, Poppy, Kennen


Morde, Lux, Ashe, Panth, and Malzahar

Most even match EVER.

back and forth the whole time till the end when we charged them after we killed Panth and Morde and just took the base. I was running fast as heck and smashing all the towers. was hilarious to see this little girl running all over the place. haha. Little poppy was on crack :D

Was definitely a team effort.
Not to mention we went to Baron, then they all came, and they got Baron after we did all work. We needed 1 more hit too. But we won which is all that counts. I was kinda rusty tonight. I didn't play Monday or Tuesday. Played as Cho earlier and sucked.
hey Ice, did you ever get my email? What do you think?
Basically, i tried to put in what masteries to go to, summoner spells, items to get in order, and which skills to level up in priority
Ok, I made what I sent to Ice a live document in google


Basically, its just a quicksheet on what items to pick as a Champion, masteries, and summoner spells.

Use it if you want, please edit it and add things to it so we have a quick reference that everyone can use if they want to try a different champion.

If the link doesnt work, let me know :p

I gotta fix the first part with the skills/levels because it looks messy. It is easier towards the end with what abilities to pick when leveling with priority.

Of course things change depending on the opposing team for items, but its just a general guide I have been using.
I did get it and I like it. Good to have on hand after you read a full walkthrough.

I put up my Garen build. I had the ability chart but it came out weird. Basically, Start E, W, Q. Then alternate between E and W until they're done and then focus on Q while obviously upgrade R as soon as possible.

I wanted to get Mordekaiser but I'm thinking about waiting until I have 6300 (I have a bit over 5000 now) to get Vlad. Any advice? Probably would be better to get Morde first since he's harder to play than Garen but easier than Vlad.
I bought Morde and used him maybe 1 time. I dunno, he is an interesting character. He needs his shield or he is toast.

You should get Poppy, she is so cheap :) Spend some riot points, its like $2.50 her for
[quote name='icedrake523']I did get it and I like it. Good to have on hand after you read a full walkthrough.

I put up my Garen build. I had the ability chart but it came out weird. Basically, Start E, W, Q. Then alternate between E and W until they're done and then focus on Q while obviously upgrade R as soon as possible.[/QUOTE]

Max E first or else you gimp yourself early game
[quote name='Morphx2']I bought Morde and used him maybe 1 time. I dunno, he is an interesting character. He needs his shield or he is toast.

You should get Poppy, she is so cheap :) Spend some riot points, its like $2.50 her for[/QUOTE]

If you build Morde with a lot of health he's still a bitch. Like the one we played against last night.

Problem with Riot Points, like any virtual currency, is that it's difficult to use all of them. I'd rather use RP on skins or something else.

[quote name='kilm']Max E first or else you gimp yourself early game[/QUOTE]

I usually alternate because Courage is really useful. I'll try it next game.
Last night totally sucked. I dont know what was happening :\

Kodos sucks with everyone except Anivia :p

Gog0's buddy was seriously pissing me off too. He wouldnt attack AT ALL or even listen to me and help me make an attack. That is how we lost last game, because of the early laning phase and him not attacking with me to get kills.
Kodos used to be really good with Ryze but hasn't played him in a long time. He hates Fiddlesticks. Also, he's not playing for a few days. He needs a break and last night pissed him off.

As for me, I'm bored of Garen (especially after sucking last night). Still cannot decide between Morde or Vlad. I need at least 7 losses to get enough points for Vlad.
I use the best builds I can find on :


works very well for me. As I become more acquinted with the character I then will do a spin off of a build I found on mobafire to better suite my needs.

For example a mumu build I play requires 1x philosopher's stone than Ninja Tabi, I prefer to go 1x stone, 1x boots of speed, and then another stone before finishing the Ninja Tabi. The extra income makes the rest of the game easier for me especially when I play with people who aren't that good.
[quote name='Seventh']Philosopher's stone than Ninja Tabi, I prefer to go 1x stone, 1x boots of speed, and then another stone before finishing the Ninja Tabi. The extra income makes the rest of the game easier for me especially when I play with people who aren't that good.[/QUOTE]

I dislike that amumu build a lot
Don't the gold/10sec items take a long time to pay for themselves? Like 15-25 minutes or something..I forget the exact time. They aren't really worth it for the income benefit cause it's not really a benefit unless the item builds into something you need later on...like avarice blade > ghostblade.

Getting 2 stones on Amumu seems like a lot of wasted time and gold. There are much better things to spend that 1600g on, like a giant's belt + something else tanky.
I've been running 2x Tiamat on MF, and its working better for me than the normal Manamue-Infinity Edge base most of the builds are made from. It's nice because you can start with 2x Faerie Charm, 2 Health Pot and 1 Mana Pot. Once you get your Tiamats and an Infinity Edge you're doing like 300 dmg off your AOE from Double Up. If you shoot the front row of a minion wave with Double Up you get the entire wave almost dead.
[quote name='Waughoo']I've been running 2x Tiamat on MF, and its working better for me than the normal Manamue-Infinity Edge base most of the builds are made from. It's nice because you can start with 2x Faerie Charm, 2 Health Pot and 1 Mana Pot. Once you get your Tiamats and an Infinity Edge you're doing like 300 dmg off your AOE from Double Up. If you shoot the front row of a minion wave with Double Up you get the entire wave almost dead.[/QUOTE]

Typically you get Tiamat when you want to troll your teammates, not to win games
Works for me

[quote name='Seventh']I use the best builds I can find on :


works very well for me. As I become more acquinted with the character I then will do a spin off of a build I found on mobafire to better suite my needs.

For example a mumu build I play requires 1x philosopher's stone than Ninja Tabi, I prefer to go 1x stone, 1x boots of speed, and then another stone before finishing the Ninja Tabi. The extra income makes the rest of the game easier for me especially when I play with people who aren't that good.[/QUOTE]

I like those guides more than League craft. A lot more organized and they have the cheat sheet.
Good games tonight! I was especially fond of that Jax who seemed to think he could kill a full health Garen when he only had like 1 bar left. I also liked the Warwick who Ignited me when I was full health, then he ran off.
[quote name='Morphx2']Yeah...our team shut down every opposing team all night![/QUOTE]

Awesome games tonight. Though I think we lost one.

I like the DPS Garen. Though I can't decide whether to build towards Frozen Mallet or Youmouu's Blade first.

[quote name='Waughoo']Good games tonight! I was especially fond of that Jax who seemed to think he could kill a full health Garen when he only had like 1 bar left. I also liked the Warwick who Ignited me when I was full health, then he ran off.[/QUOTE]

Man, that Jax was stupid. He'd be half health and do his leap attack to me, then I'd just spin and ignite him to death. Warwicks are always hit or miss, this one was a big miss. He didn't even jungle.
Played a 4v5 where we were the 4... battle of the bads. we won because luckily they were so much worse, lol.

Teemos everywhere!!!!!!!!
I think Malzahar or Kennen will be the 6300 character this week. So looks like I'll buy Vlad unless Morde is also free though he's only been once. Weird how Twitch and MF have never been free.
[quote name='icedrake523']I missed the week (10) MF was free. Twitch hasn't been though. Probably because nothing sucks more than a bad Twitch.[/QUOTE]

twitch has definitely been free because he was free the same week I started LoL
* Shadow Dance
o Time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges.

* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0

* Valkyrie
o Increased the range to 800 from 700.
o Increased the base speed to 650 from 500.
* Missile Barrage
o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of his total attack damage in addition to ability power.
o Time to store a missile is reduced by cooldown reduction effects.
o Time to store next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles stored.
o Corki respawns with 4 missiles.

Dr. Mundo
* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 0.75 from 0.5

* Essence Flux
o Changed the attack speed increase to be additive rather than multiplicative.
o Reduced the cooldown to 9 seconds from 10 seconds.
* Trueshot Barrage
o Increased the AP ratio to 0.9 from 0.8.

* Dark Wind
o Cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14 seconds.
* Drain
o Increased the damage to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160.
o Reduced the cooldown to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10.

* Idol of Durand
o Fixed a bug where Idol of Durand could break a target's Spell Shield or Banshee's Veil and still taunt them.

* H28-G Evolution Turret - Improved AI against enemy champions
o Enemy champions who attack Heimerdinger near an H28-G turret will now become the focus of that turret.
o UPGRADE!!! will now cause all H28-G turrets to focus enemy champions for the duration.

* Empower
o Empower now properly procs Rylai's

* Bouncing Blade
o Reduced the cooldown to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8.

* Killer Instinct
o Reduced the cooldown to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14.

* Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings
* Updated Recommended Items
* Finales Funkeln
o AP ratio increased to .85 from .75

* Ground Slam
o Fixed a bug where Ground Slam would go through spell shields.
* Unstoppable Force
o Fixed a bug where the stun wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.
* Magic Resistance per Level increased to 1.25 from 0

Miss Fortune
* Ricochet Shot
o Reduced the damage dealt to the secondary target to 115% from 120.
* Make It Rain
o Reduced the slow duration to 1 second from 1.5 seconds.

* Mace of Spades
o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200, from 20/40/60/80/100
o Now scales off of only bonus Attack Damage, rather than all Attack Damage (so Q doesn't scale with Mordekaiser's level)
o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only finds 1 target
o Cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
* Creeping Death
o Increased base damage to 24/38/52/66/80, from 16/32/48/64/80
o Increased AP ratio to 0.2, from 0.15
o Greatly increased missile travel time when casting it on an ally
* Siphon of Destruction
o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
o AP ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5, from 6/9/12/15/18
* Children of the Grave
o Spell
+ Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration, up from 24/28/32%
+ Now deals half damage initially and half damage over time
+ Duration increased to 10 seconds, from 8
+ Total AP ratio over the duration increased to 0.04, from 0.016
+ Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
o Pet
+ The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's Ability Power and Damage at all 3 ranks (from 65/75/85%), and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's AP
+ The pet now gains 15% of Mordekaiser's Health, down from 50%
+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, down from 25%
+ Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, down from 25%
+ Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors

* Iron Man
o Shield generation increased to 30%, from 25%
o Fixed a tooltip bug (his maximum shield value was always 20 lower than the tooltip showed)
* General
o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
o Reworded/simplified several tooltips

* Defensive Ball Curl
o Reduced the base damage return to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50.
o Fixed a bug where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return.

* Boomerang Blade
o Boomer Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage.
* Increased health per level to 82 from 76.

* Song of Celerity
o Fixed a bug where song of discord was granting more movespeed than intended. (23% decrease)
* Crescendo
o Cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120.

* Noxious Trap
o Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25.
o Noxious Traps show their remaining duration when selected.

* Ambush
o Attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%.

* Tiger Stance
o Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)

Xin Zhao
* General
o Xin'Zhao is now properly considered melee, so he gains full effect from items like Youmuu's Ghostblade and Frozen Mallet.

* Trinity Force stats modified.
o Cost: Unchanged
o +30 Attack Damage (up from 20)
o +30 Ability Power
o +30% Attack Speed (up from 25%)
o +15% Critical Strike (up from 12%)
o +12% Movement Speed
o +250 Mana (down from 300)
o +250 Health (down from 300)

Summoner Spells
* Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind.
Morde's not really getting buffed. It was a rework so he's not so level dependent and unstoppable early game. his early game got nerfed, his late game got buffed.

I really hope his ghost now doesn't just roll people over.
Amumu, Mundo, Fiddlesticks, Gangplank, Gragas, Kayle, Lux, Morgana, and Sivir.

Is that it? Worst week since I've joined. No 6300 champ either, thought Malz or Kennen would be free for sure.

Well, guess that means I'm buying Vlad. I looked at the LeagueCraft forums and there's a thread complaining about the changes to Morde. I don't know enough about him to say if he was buffed or nerfed.

I wish Tryn was nerfed. He's so damn annoying.
Haha Tryn is annoying. Once his hp goes low, its crit crit crit crit crit crit.

Go buy Vlad! Now we have a good mid person when we play :whistle2:D

I should be on around 5:20 mountain time until 7ish if you want to play.
You know when you play against someone who isn't using a free champ, they suck, and you almost feel bad for them that they wasted their IP on them?

That's me.
dont worry drake, will take a while to get used to Vlad. I dont really know what his role is, but he is a good harasser in the lanes. Pool is godly usually :)

What build are you using?

I put 2 Gragas builds in the document. Tank and AP
I went with an AP Nuke build since that was the highest rated on mobafire. However, it's not really good for a beginner since there's no room for error. You're just stacking AP which gives you health. No armor or magic resist. Have to look for a more tanky build to start. His Q is great when it's maxed, cooldown is only 2 seconds.
I'm so pissed at the game I just played. I was Garen since I felt like doing well. Kennen was mid and didn't call an mia so 3 came top when I was alone. Kennen didn't even come help so we lost top tower early. Then I disconnected b/c my school's internet resets Tuesday nights so I was about 4-5 levels behind. Then we went to Baron and I was typing in the box when we were ganked. Just a bad game. I was just so pissed I did a lot of dumb things.

Funny moment though. The Alistar on their team typed "hahaha". I replied "The only thing funny is that you bought Alistar." Even his teammates laughed.
[quote name='icedrake523']Funny moment though. The Alistar on their team typed "hahaha". I replied "The only thing funny is that you bought Alistar." Even his teammates laughed.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't even in the game and this made me laugh
[quote name='kilm']Leblanc's early game is wtf overpowered[/QUOTE]

I tried playing LeBlanc last night and she's ok. She's a lot harder to use than people think. I'm not sure if its because I don't have the runes for her yet but she seems pretty underwhelming for me. I'm still going to stick with Akali in my ladder games. :p
[quote name='Morphx2']Haha Tryn is annoying. Once his hp goes low, its crit crit crit crit crit crit.

Go buy Vlad! Now we have a good mid person when we play :whistle2:D

I should be on around 5:20 mountain time until 7ish if you want to play.[/QUOTE]

Just make sure you CC him when he's low, watch him ult, wait until it's almost over and throw on an ignite and watch him perish.
bread's done