League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='Salamando3000'] For hero choices, I believe LoL has around 60 or 70 different heroes right now, [/QUOTE]

that's about enough to convince me to play lol. didn't download to try out myself cuz i live in canada and most ppl have bandwith limitations here (40gb / month >.
[quote name='spandexninja']If I like starcraft 2 will I like this game too? I've read reviews but it always gets compared to Heroes of Newerth and Dota, and I've never played either of those (never played Dota cuz the community would get mad at you if you weren't good).

can i be successful in this game if i play it casually? (also play starcraft 2 very casually)[/QUOTE]

This game is very easy to learn. It has a level system so when you start out you will be level 1 and play against other level 1 players. I didn't know how to play these games at all, but I learned very quick.

As long as you are ok, you will be fine. There will always be 12 year olds calling you out for dying, but often those players are very terrible players. And you probably won't be able to win with that team anyway.

I wish there was a magic button I could push to play with mature players, but... that's always an issue with online games.
[quote name='spandexninja']If I like starcraft 2 will I like this game too? I've read reviews but it always gets compared to Heroes of Newerth and Dota, and I've never played either of those (never played Dota cuz the community would get mad at you if you weren't good).

can i be successful in this game if i play it casually? (also play starcraft 2 very casually)[/QUOTE]

This is one of those games you really have to try out and find out whether you like it or not. There's no real macro element like SC2, but it's like the Belly of the Beast mission in SC2's campaign, but in the sense you only control one hero with different abilities. It is a free game and it's not an incredibly large download, so it's easy to start and get into.

If you're starting out, LoL's community is somewhat more forgiving in the sense that you'll also be playing with other noobs who have no idea what they're doing. At higher levels, it's similar to HoN or DotA in the sense that you'll get flamed hard for not knowing what to do.

Can you be successful...? Depends on your qualification for success... like can you do well every game quickly? Maybe? There are a lot of champions to learn and play against so the learning curve can be somewhat high IMO
There is a mod for sc2 that is similar to lol. Look at custom games for dota.

Don't play without one of us. If you start playing and are on a bad team or a team where someone leaves, u will have a crappy experience and might turn you off to the game.
[quote name='gog0727']Hey guys i love LoL and would love to have a whole community to play with!

I am generally on latenights EST because of work and school, tonight I will be up until 4-5am (or w/e they shutdown the server for patches >
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[quote name='wakawakawa']There was an issue with some people not being able to start games after finishing one.

After my brother and I finished a game, we were like hmmmm can't start a new one, let's restart the client!!!!!!....... servers set to busy (issue with people not being able to start game being investigated)[/QUOTE]

Thats what happened to Waghoo and I
Hey, what is everyones thoughts on Udyr? I like to use characters that are not used that often (Galio and Zilean for example). What is Udyr(a tank and fighter? a ganker?). What is his role in team fights?
Here's something I copied. Seems to make sense. I haven't really played any games with any good Udyrs, so I honestly have issues recognizing what stance he is using.

Suggested Role - Tank (Initiator) / (Jungle) Ganker

Right off the bat you should notice that Udyr's abilities are well-suited for primarily a Tank role. With damage mitigation from Turtle Stance and Monkey's Agility and the ability to initiate on opponents with Bear Stance, Udyr is a solid choice when a team lacks a tank. He has decent AoE damage output from Phoenix Stance which allows him to be a threat especially in team-fights. In any Udyr build either Phoenix or Tiger Stance must be chosen as the primary source of damage. If you were planning on more of a Carry-type build, Tiger Stance could work but for a Tank build it is not synergistic whatsoever.

His only weakness as a pure Tank is that he has no large AoE to initiate with and has to rely solely on Bear Stance instead to single out opponents. But what Udyr lacks in that department he makes up in his ability to jungle and Gank extremely well. Although he lacks the true burst of a traditional Ganker, Udyr makes up for this with the extreme burst movement speed and lockdown of Bear Stance combined primarily with the Red Lizard buff which is nearly impossible to escape. Also because he is tankier than most Gankers, he can dive towers and bowl through enemy allies with much more ease. All of this allows him to be much more aggressive than most Gankers.

If Udyr can manage a strong early game typically via controlling the jungle and ganking effectively, he can definitely become an almost unstoppable force that can tank entire teams for the entirety of a team-fight while dealing a deceiving amount of damage through Phoenix Stance. The spammy nature of his abilities allows him to be a consistent presence that can easily outlast and eventually overwhelm most other champions. In this regard, you could consider him somewhat a Semi-Carry but I'd rather not delve into that debate.

In the mid / late-game, Udyr's role is the same as any other Tank. Udyr wants to favorably initiate on the enemy team hopefully catching a valuable target off-guard so that he can continue on to stun them, disrupt them, and perhaps eventually land a handful of kills. Udyr presents a tough choice for the enemy team. They can choose to try to ignore you which will allow you to spam mainly Phoenix and Bear Stance to deal potent damage while also disrupting the enemy or they can try to focus you which will be fended off by Turtle and Bear Stance spam in order to reduce their damage output and get out of the fray when it gets too dangerous.
[quote name='Morphx2']Hey, what is everyones thoughts on Udyr? I like to use characters that are not used that often (Galio and Zilean for example). What is Udyr(a tank and fighter? a ganker?). What is his role in team fights?[/QUOTE]

Galio and Udyr are used very often in high level play,

just not low level since Galio is a tank/mage at 6300 IP and Udyr doesn't really have the pew pew flashiness, so a lot of people don't buy him.
When I play Udyr, I play him as a jungler, and secondary tank. He's very easy to jungle with, the hardest levels are the first 2 levels where you need golem buff to be able to spam your skills. As far as being a primary tank I disagree, his shield isnt that good i believe it only absorbs like 300 dmg, and if he gets stunned w/o having cleanse or something then he's prolly gonna be toast. But he is an amazing champ, with a stun you can do every 4 seconds, great burst from tiger stance and the ability to take a few hits while in a fray makes him def. worth learning how to play. People I play with say innervating locket is awesome on udyr, I personally haven't tried it but it seems viable.
I doubt I will ever get into "high level play" I am 23 I think and enjoying normal. I doubt I will ever really do ranked that much.
[quote name='Morphx2']I doubt I will ever get into "high level play" I am 23 I think and enjoying normal. I doubt I will ever really do ranked that much.[/QUOTE]

If you're planning on doing arranged teams (5s or 3s) ranked is the place to go. Mirror matchups are just lame and you get better competition

Competition wise, normal games and solo queues are going to be low elo type matches.
Had some good games tonight! Maybe I'm finally out of my slump, but I think it's more likely we just played against bad teams. The last game was interesting, with 3 of our team getting over 10 kills, and the opponents best was a Trist with 4 kills. I went 12/3/13 with Kat. Icedrake even had a flawless win, with like 12 (was it 12? I dont remember) and a nice Triple Kill with Garen. Good times.

Also a reminder, if you're not listed on the OP and would like to be please PM me!
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I was 11/0/10. I was killed once but had Guardian Angel and got revenge on the Nunu who killed me.

I had an incredible moment. Waughoo and I were playing with my friend who was Anivia. I had recalled to heal and get items. Anivia pinged b/c he was being ganked. I hesitated to teleport thinking I'd just die (usually happens when I try to help). But I teleported to a minion nearby. As the spell was working, he was killed and turned into an egg. I thought "Crap, can I cancel this?" I didn't know you could so I went in anyway.

So it was just me and Tristana, Kat, Nunu, and I think Yi. I put my shield with W, did my Q to silence one then my E spin. The Spin killed Yi. I ignited Kat which killed her and ult'd Tristana. I was meleeing with Nunu since i was in cooldown when Anivia revived and finished him for me. One of them might have been Vlad, I don't remember, it all happened so fast. But, it was just epic.

I wish you didn't have to go so you could have seen it, Morphx2 :(

That's the best game I ever had. Granted, they sucked but even when the other team does, I usually still die 5 times and only get 6 kills and 6 assists at most.
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Dammmmmmn, that sounds like an awesome fight ice!!!

I was playing practice game until my wife came home just messing around. Some level 1 dude messed up my jungling so that screwed me up. The other team had a Kassadin that kept talking trash and it was real annoying. I was just screwing around having fun though :p
Finally got around to playing this as some of my friends play and it's SO much freaking easier to play than DotA. I was expecting to embarrass myself so badly that I would not dare show my face in a game again, but I didn't do as awful as I was expecting. I still died a lot as I didn't really know anything about the champions and when to run away, when to attack, what items to use against, etc., but that's alright, I expected that.

And with items, I just bought the recommended items from the store and that seemed to work pretty well. Are the recommendations pretty spot on for each champion or is it better to ignore them and create your own build? That's always been the hardest part for me...
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']And with items, I just bought the recommended items from the store and that seemed to work pretty well. Are the recommendations pretty spot on for each champion or is it better to ignore them and create your own build? That's always been the hardest part for me...[/QUOTE]

Starting out, you can just buy them from left to right until you start knowing what the other items do.

Once you do figure out the items, for the most part you ignore the recommended and create your own build since a lot of times, what you'll buy will depend on the situation.
[quote name='kilm']Starting out, you can just buy them from left to right until you start knowing what the other items do.

Once you do figure out the items, for the most part you ignore the recommended and create your own build since a lot of times, what you'll buy will depend on the situation.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. That's what I'll do then.
Look up a guide on League Craft for suggestions. It's what I did with Garen. It's helpful to know what items to get and what order to get/upgrade spells. They're just tips though, the only way to get good is experience.
I used udyr this weekend.....seems ok. I tried tank and dps versions. Tank seemed ok if I had a good team. Dps version was soooooo bad though. I still can't find a melee I like.
Did you try Pantheon?

I just had a game that sucked. Our Veigar was awful. We went to attack them at Baron but it back fired. i was the only one who survived. i tried defending the mid base turret so we wouldn't lose it. Our Sona revived first but went top to clean up minions and I ended up dying. I hate when Kayle or Tryn are against me. Makes my ult useless.
Poppy's another decent choice for a melee champ. Proper use of her ulti allows you to take any 5v5 team fight into a 5v4 team fight. Coupled with a sheen and Madred's, she can take down just about anything pretty quickly.

Man, so glad free-pantheon week is almost over. Every time one's on my team they just end up cheesin' me off. Had one pantheon that used his Grand Skyfall as a way to clear champs out of brush that was maybe ten feet away, or to teleport from the fountain to the inhibitor that the other guys were destroying.
[quote name='kilm']Most melee dps champs are severely gimped, so you might never find one you like[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this. The nature of this game right now is melee dps just get melted by all the ranged heros and aoe spam before they can do anything.
[quote name='icedrake523']Did you try Pantheon?

I just had a game that sucked. Our Veigar was awful. We went to attack them at Baron but it back fired. i was the only one who survived. i tried defending the mid base turret so we wouldn't lose it. Our Sona revived first but went top to clean up minions and I ended up dying. I hate when Kayle or Tryn are against me. Makes my ult useless.[/QUOTE]

Hehe, last night I stole the other team's Baron kill with MF. Then we just splatted them before they could get away :)
morph I suggest to try using olaf, his ult makes him immune to stuns and snares and also reduces that dmg he takes by i think its 20/40/60 which is perfect for gap closing combined with ghost. If you do it right you can make the fight a 5v4 instantly because most carries never go defense and you will end up destroying them very fast. Another good melee champ is Xin, his dash+ult makes him an amazing carry. The only real problem with xin is the fact that if you dash into a group of people w/o your teams support then you are most likely dead. I also play tryn and he is a surprisingly hard champion to play, but if your good at him you will wreck face regardless of whom your up against. If you need any help or even want advise on melee champs let me know because I generally like to play them and while i'm not amazing, I am at least decent at them.

My in game name is Gog0.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Why's that?[/QUOTE]

at low summoner levels people don't really know (and sometimes don't have the tools) to handle him.

Early game he's also super OP
[quote name='kilm']at low summoner levels people don't really know (and sometimes don't have the tools) to handle him.

Early game he's also super OP[/QUOTE]

Huh. A buddy of mine said to buy him first as he was noob friendly. I guess not then?
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Huh. A buddy of mine said to buy him first as he was noob friendly. I guess not then?[/QUOTE]

Well, by "not knowing how to handle him," I meant that people die to him often and cry "OP champion" (which he kinda is).

Your buddy is right, he is noob friendly, incredibly easy to play, very easy to own with. That's why having him free is bad and why Morph said it's super sucky. You'll see him in every game and will probably dominating your squishies early game.
[quote name='kilm']Well, by "not knowing how to handle him," I meant that people die to him often and cry "OP champion" (which he kinda is).

Your buddy is right, he is noob friendly, incredibly easy to play, very easy to own with. That's why having him free is bad and why Morph said it's super sucky. You'll see him in every game and will probably dominating your squishies early game.[/QUOTE]

Ah I see. It all makes sense now. And seeing as I've only got 2 games under my belt thus far, I'm going to play as Garen and not feel bad about it because I'm new. If I can play as somebody that I'll actually be able to get kills with, then that sounds good to me! Just until I learn the game a little bit better though. Because who wants to listen to a bunch of whiny gamers cry "OP! OP! ur noob, go and kill yourself because you suck at lol, lol" all the time. And I assume it's not a good idea to play just ONE champion.
Ugh...this game is getting frustrating to the point where it isn't really fun anymore.

Played 3 games today and every game had 1-3 leavers. They really need to implement some sort of real punishment for these d-bags that bolt once it's apparent the game might be a challenge.
Yeah, you guys were right. Garen is pretty easy to play. I just went 10/4/4 with him and it was only my third game so I'd say that's pretty good.

Sorry to hear you're having leavers prime. I haven't had anything like that so far.
Make that 4 games in a row now, cept it was their teemo who left. So yeah we got to win, but their entire team went afk after the teemo left. It was just a matter of taking down the nexus as fast as possible. Boring.
Just played a game with Morph and the lag was HORRIBLE. I was Garen and still did well 8/5/11. Some deaths could have been avoided if I knew what was happening. There was a point where I was just spinning continuously and couldn't do anything. Very frustrating when you lose and could have helped your team a lot more if the lag wasn't so brutal.
[quote name='TLPRIME']Make that 4 games in a row now, cept it was their teemo who left. So yeah we got to win, but their entire team went afk after the teemo left. It was just a matter of taking down the nexus as fast as possible. Boring.[/QUOTE]

You're having really bad luck! Add some of us and get a premade going. Then at least you know you'll have no leavers on your side.
[quote name='Waughoo']You're having really bad luck! Add some of us and get a premade going. Then at least you know you'll have no leavers on your side.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'll add some more people from here. Some friends logged on and we played a game. Went much much better.

On a side note the new patch notes are out: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=298128 Champs like Pantheon get a minor indirect buff due to the change of Last Whisper.

And the new champion spotlight. Looks like another OP ranged hero with crazy ultimate.

[quote name='TLPRIME']Yeah I'll add some more people from here. Some friends logged on and we played a game. Went much much better.

On a side note the new patch notes are out: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=298128 Champs like Pantheon get a minor indirect buff due to the change of Last Whisper.

And the new champion spotlight. Looks like another OP ranged hero with crazy ultimate.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, most newly released champs are going to be OP so people buy them. get nerfed later
bread's done