League of Legends anyone?

I havent tried Galio, but I've seen some people do really well with him. Dunno how fun he is.

Anyone else finding Valdamir cheap as hell? We did a game the other day where he'd pool like every few seconds. We'd hit him with everything we had, he'd take 3/4 damage or so then pool, totally re-heal, then as soon as he was back up we'd hit him again, he'd pool, and so on. He shouldnt be able to pool that often, or survive 3+ ults at once.
[quote name='Waughoo']I havent tried Galio, but I've seen some people do really well with him. Dunno how fun he is.

Anyone else finding Valdamir cheap as hell? We did a game the other day where he'd pool like every few seconds. We'd hit him with everything we had, he'd take 3/4 damage or so then pool, totally re-heal, then as soon as he was back up we'd hit him again, he'd pool, and so on. He shouldnt be able to pool that often, or survive 3+ ults at once.[/QUOTE]

Cheap? No. Very strong? Yes.

Sounds like not only did you guys had no idea how to handle him or his pool, but he sounds fed if he has a lot of CDR and AP to heal himself quickly. Having crowd control helps, though.
Man, every time I try to get back into this game (~ lvl 20), I'm reminded why I left in the first place...queuing up solo sucks. In the past five games I've had, my team was stricken with some kind of handicap...such as a Morde incapable of killing anything (including a Jax with
Vlad was making me mad a few days ago.

I was Blitz and was doing perfect pulling and knocking him in the air, then he just pooled and ran away like a baby x1000

I usually solo queue when my wife is home cause i cant play good when she keeps bothering me :p

Yesterday I went for a straight Karthas AP build and just DOMINATED. I was bottom lane against a Sivir and an Ashe. Total domination over them. I think they really stunk too and didnt know how to play, but it was just amazing, never had anything like it. Some silly Olaf on their team was almost dead and hanging by his tower...pop my ultimate and say sorry for him dying :p I
[quote name='Waughoo']At lower levels you dont really NEED a good team composition since your enemies probably are not going to be coordinating that well (neither is your team for that matter).

For Blitz tanking is his role, but you can also use him for ganks. Get the hang of his pull, then use it to yank enemies into turrets or a group of your teammates. If you're defending by your base wall you can pull enemies over it so now they are stuck behind your turrets. Same for offense, pull an enemy over their own wall and they suddenly are all alone against your whole team. Bare in mind I never really play Blitz, but these are some of the things I've seen good Blitz players do.[/QUOTE]

I played against 1 really good Blitz player who was pulling people over walls. My team sorta sucked anyhow, but he definitely was a key asset on their team.

A lot of times it's hard for me to recognize who the good players on my team are. In one game we had a Sivir who wound up with 35 kills, but I didn't realized how powerful she was (she had like 3 infinity edges at the end). We would have won 15 minutes earlier if I stuck by her and supported her.
[quote name='wakawakawa']A lot of times it's hard for me to recognize who the good players on my team are. In one game we had a Sivir who wound up with 35 kills, but I didn't realized how powerful she was (she had like 3 infinity edges at the end). We would have won 15 minutes earlier if I stuck by her and supported her.[/QUOTE]

If you see someone stacking IE, you know they're bad. The other team must've been so much worse, wow.
I read guides and made a Word document with the builds that I read for the characters I like to use so I have quick access to it..im such a dork :p

So how is Shaco? He seems like an interesting character, but I read he should jungle at the start.
[quote name='Morphx2']Vlad was making me mad a few days ago.

I was Blitz and was doing perfect pulling and knocking him in the air, then he just pooled and ran away like a baby x1000

I usually solo queue when my wife is home cause i cant play good when she keeps bothering me :p

Yesterday I went for a straight Karthas AP build and just DOMINATED. I was bottom lane against a Sivir and an Ashe. Total domination over them. I think they really stunk too and didnt know how to play, but it was just amazing, never had anything like it. Some silly Olaf on their team was almost dead and hanging by his tower...pop my ultimate and say sorry for him dying :p I
[quote name='Morphx2']So how is Shaco? He seems like an interesting character, but I read he should jungle at the start.[/QUOTE]

Shaco should jungle because he's a good ganker, but his early jungle can get disrupted rather easily. He's been nerfed to hell, though; way less useful than he used to be.
[quote name='kilm']If you see someone stacking IE, you know they're bad. The other team must've been so much worse, wow.[/QUOTE]

I think I'm like lvl 14 now, but generally I find the people I play with are bad-okay with a good player now and then. The thing is, when someone is fed they are overpowered, so it's hard to tell who the good players are, who the good champions are, and what the good builds are. Obviously a Sivir with 30+ kills should destroy anyone no matter how you build her.

I just look at who my teammates are picking then pick someone to complement them who I like to play. It's funny when I get the "LOCK IN!!!!" in text when I'm actually spending the time trying to pick a character to best help the team.
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[quote name='wakawakawa']I think I'm like lvl 14 now, but generally I find the people I play with are bad-okay with a good player now and then.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't really get better
I have a couple PAX 2010 limited edition Jax skin (designed by the Penny Arcade team). PM me if you want them.

EDIT: All gone!
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I left a game because it was so bad in the first 4 minutes

Our Taric went into their bush at the start, saw them, didnt move. He died way before minions spawned.

We had one person speaking some non-existant language in all caps

We had an Ashe that did not want to go mid.

I was stuck in a lane (Katarina) fighting against Nunu and Sona since our Taric was crap.

The Teemo didnt want to switch with me (hes ranged and im not, would of made it easier), so he stayed in mid lane.

Worst teamwork EVER


In other news, im enjoying the heck out of Katarina!! At first I went AD and thought she was horrible, then I went AP and enjoying it tons better. Tons of kills and assists; its great!! But if my team has bad teamwork, then i can not do much.

Next person on my list to try out: Tristana!
It can be pretty hilarious to see how far south a lack of teamwork can go.

In one fairly rememberable game...started out as a 5v5, but our team had a leaver right off the bat. That wasn't too big of an issue, since it was right from the start, meaning we could gain levels faster and hopefully feed off our opponents. From the start though, there were two characters battling for control of mid...a Heimer and a Twitch. Neither wanted to leave, as each wanted their boosted xp. Bear in mind, since we only had four, that left myself and the other guy in lanes by ourselves. If they had listened to us, each one could've had their own lane (as myself and the other guy could group up), but each was deadset on getting mid.

They hated each other so much that they spent the rest game telling the other team where the other was. "Twitch is hiding in the bushes to your left"..."Dinger is pushing top" and so on. Needless to say, we lost.
I've noticed that the person who does the worse during the game is usually the one who thinks everyone else sucks. I once had a guy play Nasus and lane with my Kat. I did everything I could to keep the enemy's health down, but Nasus wouldnt do anything but kill minions. Then he would get down to about half health and decide to tower dive the enemies. He wouldnt even get a hit in on them, and die. Of course this was MY fault for not "supporting him". When he came back, he'd get in the middle of the enemy minions who would eat all his health. When the enemies would try to kill him, I'd have to jump in and waste my Ult just to keep them off him so he didnt die. He tower dives them again, dies, blames me for "never using his ult". I told him my ult was always on cooldown because I kept having to use it to keep him from dying. He goes to another lane, dies some more and blames our noob team (who is winning still despite his feeding thus far). Then he decides to push mid, which is a good idea, accept he does it alone. He dies, then starts yelling about us for not supporting him. We actually didnt even HAVE a support character, so we tell him that. He gets mad and starts yelling at us about how he is the only one that 'knows his role'. We say all he's doing is tower diving and feeding. He says "I'm a TANK, thats what I'm supposed to do but you guys are not supporting me". We meantion that he's running off by himself so we CANT help him, but once again we all just suck. We ended up having to defend alot, and he would run off by himself while we defended our towers. He'd get ganked, and it was our fault. We lost, he went something like 1/13/2 and the rest of us were like around 5/2/6, I think I was like 8/2/7 or something. In chat afterwards the other team started thanking him for feeding, which he replied was our fault again.
I think some people just cant admit to themselves that they are bad.
I also hate the one guy on my team (happens a lot) who thinks he is the BEST and makes excuses if he dies or something and trash talks the other team all the time
I think a lot of subpar players and kids like big team games because they live a lot longer. Often being able to gank someone is much more important than winning as a team. If they were such awesome players they would prefer 3v3 where their win percentage would be much higher.

In one recent game I had a back seat driver player as Ryze, telling me how to play Taric. Essentially, I needed to melee their 2 ranged champions. I am very proud because after him telling me "You need to charge more", I straight up charged down the lane without attacking. He then ragequit. Lol. My other teammates were good enough and we had a decent shot at winning if we had a different 5th player.

I've been playing Taric and Rammus a lot. On a good team they are a lot of fun. On a weak team, you are essentially worthless.

I like Warwick also, although he becomes fairly weak when everyone is 18 and grouped up. I do a 50/50 jungle which seems to work well and help cover lanes and gank. I have seen a few (like 1-2) good 100% junglers, but most of them are terrible. They wind up being like 5-6 levels behind your highest player.
Cool to see that we got a decent following for LoL here. I've just been playing for about 2 months now, and I like it. I rotate a lot with Xin at the moment, Akali, and just started playing my Gangplank again, went 20/0 in my first game with him after a hiatus for a few weeks.

I'll add whoever I see posted their user name around here in the thread, and for me it's
I will try to be on tonight as long as my wife doesnt bother me while she studies for school (oh, help me help me, blah blah blah blah)
Oh Katarina, how do i love thee!

I want her skins to be on sale :(

Im using some custom ones from leaguecraft.com, but other people cant see them
[quote name='Morphx2']Oh Katarina, how do i love thee!

I want her skins to be on sale :(

Im using some custom ones from leaguecraft.com, but other people cant see them[/QUOTE]

The best one I've seen is the Yoshi someone made for Kog-Maw. I may buy the champ just for that.

FYI, I'm on now and will be for a couple hours if anyone wants to play
My friend who played DotA and HoN is playing it now. He stopped playing them because DotA was too limited and HoN too competitive (and he sucked). I tried it out tonight in practice and had fun. It's kind of annoying that they rotate characters each week.
[quote name='icedrake523']My friend who played DotA and HoN is playing it now. He stopped playing them because DotA was too limited and HoN too competitive (and he sucked). I tried it out tonight in practice and had fun. It's kind of annoying that they rotate characters each week.[/QUOTE]

Those characters are the ones you have to actually buy with the in-game currency (IP). They do that so you can try out all the characters before you spend your IP on them. Nothing sucks worse then spending 6000 IP on a character you end up never using.
True. I just wish there were some that you could always use.

I played a game with my friend who is level 13 so I was with higher ranked players and was awful as Annie (0/10/0).

I tried out Rammus in practice and did well. Then used him in a couple games. First game was good, I was like 3/3/2. The second game my teammates weren't that good. I finished 3/7/1 but kinda just gave up at the end. I'll miss Rammus. I wish I could get the King skin that makes him look like Bowser.
I went nuts and bought Galio with rune points. I am almost 20 and want to save for runes.
Galio is sooooo much fun. First game with him I was like 9-3-19!

I went AP and since magic resists adds to his AP, I got around 650-700 towards the end. I was almost 2-shotting Annie and Veigar; they couldnt even hurt our team without them dying to my super long range abilities
[quote name='Morphx2']I went nuts and bought Galio with rune points. I am almost 20 and want to save for runes.
Galio is sooooo much fun. First game with him I was like 9-3-19!

I went AP and since magic resists adds to his AP, I got around 650-700 towards the end. I was almost 2-shotting Annie and Veigar; they couldnt even hurt our team without them dying to my super long range abilities[/QUOTE]

Galio is incredibly potent at high levels and works very well in the right comp, but generally in solo queue he's weak.

And carry Galio is kinda... :roll:
[quote name='icedrake523']Alistar, Ashe, Cho'Gath, Evelynn, Ezreal, Karthus, Morgana, Nasus, Ryze, Sona are free this week.[/QUOTE]

Uhg... that means EVERY game will have a Sona who doesnt know what she's doing. Not to mention the people trying to play as Eve (I dont really care if someone picks a bad character, I just hate when someone picks one and then someone else queue dodges).

I thought Ashe was always free?
[quote name='Waughoo']I thought Ashe was always free?[/QUOTE]

In Tutorial mode, yes. But she's only 450 IP so a lot of people have her.
[quote name='Waughoo']Uhg... that means EVERY game will have a Sona who doesnt know what she's doing. [/QUOTE]

That happened to me. I was Alistar and I went bottom with Sona. The Cho'gath and Tristana owned us.
[quote name='kilm']Galio is incredibly potent at high levels and works very well in the right comp, but generally in solo queue he's weak.

And carry Galio is kinda... :roll:[/QUOTE]

Ive been carrying my team every game so far with Galio :D Once I get Lich Bane, gg since I can wreck towers!
I played with the WORST Sona ever. He was bottom and doing bad, so i went to help him and he was mad that I wasnt initiating anything (laning against Garen and Taric). He kept dying over and over by overextending. He said "ug, this dps build I read that was awesome isn't doing good!" I said there is no way we will ever beat them in this lane and to just play defensively. He didnt listen and he kept dying

[quote name='Morphx2']I played with the WORST Sona ever. He was bottom and doing bad, so i went to help him and he was mad that I wasnt initiating anything (laning against Garen and Taric). He kept dying over and over by overextending. He said "ug, this dps build I read that was awesome isn't doing good!" I said there is no way we will ever beat them in this lane and to just play defensively. He didnt listen and he kept dying


I do not know what you were playing but Garen and Taric lane means stay back and play defensively. Initiating against that is a big I want to die. I recall having the exact same problem as TF. The only way I was able to be effective was to stay back and stun Garen whenever he overextended and just hit him hard before he ran away. Taric's stun is GG if you get caught in it with Garen on your arse.
I've been playing Taric a lot lately. I like him. He's a great support for good DPS players. With randoms you edge towards a 50/50 win/loss. On a good team you make your team win faster and possibly roll the other team, on a bad team you can't really do anything to convert the game into a win (this is probably true for most the tanks & support).

The one annoying thing is I get bad players who wander away from the group and expect me to heal them to full when they have 3 enemy champions on them. They really need a message that says "Your ally tried to heal you, but you were taking way too much damage. Try to avoid getting teamed up on" when they die.
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Ill add ya tonight.

Oh yeah, I JUST hit level 20 last night. I am exactly 1 exp over level 20, just made it :D

I bought some runes for Galio to fill up the page. Cooldowns, magic penetration, and mana regen. :) I was clicking on the WRONG rune and didnt realize it till I bought 5 of em :\ I wish I could sell them back. I think I bought pure + mana runes by accident. Complete waste.

I was in a game a few days ago, pretty even match, both down to our last 3 towers (besides nexus + towers). I told our twisted fate to keep backdooring their base with his ultimate when the minions go there to get the towers down, but he never did :\

In other fun news, Galio farms so well :)
Yeah you're only option is the rune combiner, but that's a crap shoot. I would just keep the runes. You never know, you might want them for a champion one day.

Servers are still down for the patch, and got 2 hours added onto the maintenance time.
oo, i didnt know it was patch day. The patch notes are so minor too :\ Nothing big changed

Good thing im at work for another 3.5 hrs
Tiny patch is stupid. ANNDD Vlads pool seems buffed, which is the stupidest thing EVER. patch notes below for those getting errors on the site.

PVP.net and League of Legends will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 10/5/2010 from 2AM until 12PM PDT.

New Skins in the Store

  • Bilgewater Swain
  • Northern Front Swain
  • Professor Ryze
  • Tango Evelynn
  • Tango Twisted Fate

PVP.net v1.20.10
  • Improved matchmaking specifically for the Solo Ranked Queue
  • Refactored back end stats processing. This change will temporarily remove the display of matches in your Recent Matches list, however these games will still count towards your lifetime statistics.
  • Fixed a bug where the patcher was not displaying news correctly
  • Fixed a bug where players could use skins that they did not own

League of Legends v1.0.0.102

Swain, the Master Tactician
  • Decrepify - Swain sets his raven to cripple an enemy. Over the next three seconds, the target takes damage over time and is slowed.
  • Nevermove - Swain marks a target area. After a short delay, mighty talons grab hold of enemy units dealing damage and rooting them.
  • Torment - Swain afflicts his target, dealing damage to them over time and causing them to take increased damage from Swain's attacks.
  • Ravenous Flock (Ultimate) - Toggle: Swain transforms into the form of a raven, during this time up to 3 lesser ravens strike out at nearby enemies each second. Swain is healed for half the damage dealt by the Ravens.
  • Carrion Renewal (Passive) - Swain gains increased mana regeneration for 5 seconds upon killing a unit.

  • Cursed Touch duration reduced to 4 from 5

  • Base movement speed reduced to 315 from 320
  • Courage duration modified to 3 at all levels from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
  • Courage active damage reduction changed to 10/15/20/25/30% from 30% at all levels

  • Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown increased to 17 from 15 at all levels

  • Attack range increased to 425 from 400

  • Sanguine Pool
    • Duration reduced to 2 seconds from 2.5
    • Slow duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1 second
    • Damage per second changed to 20/33.75/47.5/61.25/75 retaining the same overall damage
    • Fixed a bug where Sanguine Pool wasn't dealing enough damage

  • Manamune attack damage conversion increased to 2% from 1.5%

OP I ask/demand we list all LOL names in the OP.

Anyone else make it to ELO hell?
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Tiny patch is stupid. ANNDD Vlads pool seems buffed, which is the stupidest thing EVER. patch notes below for those getting errors on the site.

OP I ask/demand we list all LOL names in the OP.

Anyone else make it to ELO hell?[/QUOTE]

Vlad's pool is actually more nerfed than anything else.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Tiny patch is stupid. ANNDD Vlads pool seems buffed, which is the stupidest thing EVER. patch notes below for those getting errors on the site.

OP I ask/demand we list all LOL names in the OP.

Anyone else make it to ELO hell?[/QUOTE]

I didnt start ranked matches...kinda scared to do it too :p
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Vlads pool needs to not exist.[/QUOTE]

His pool is so gosh darn annoying. I was Blitz and everytime I did a pull on him he pooled and ran away.
Vlad is seriously broken. I dont know what the cooldown on pool is supposed to be, but I've played guys who can use it about every 5 seconds. Our entire team couldnt kill him cause he'd just pool and heal, and it was like we had done nothing. I'm sure we could of done more if we had like 2 or 3 stuns/silences but you should never have to waste that many on one champ.
I had a 75 minute game last night, it was crazy

Our team:

Galio (Me of course!)

Other Team:
Ms. Fortune

So our Udyr had NO idea what he was doing and kept running away in team fights. Our Soraka wasnt doing much, but had 25 assists somehow.
Basically, our damage was from me, vlad, and a little Ashe.
I always go AP Galio cause he is so fun. And no one on my team would initiate anything except for Vlad. and when he did Udyr ran away and Ashe was barely doing anything.

So it was basically 2.5 v 5 the whole time and somehow it was a LONG game. I think I went something like 20-10-25 at the end. I got my AP to around 775 too. I kept trying to push their towers since I had lich bane and could 3-4 hit the towers. I got up to their nexus towers before Cho showed up, who had so much health and everything I couldnt do much alone. No one on my team was pushing any towers except me (which was late game!). More than half the team fights the other team ran away with a SLIVER of health and no one could finish them. After my huge ultimate, they are all hurt and no one was doing anything to the other team, I was so pissed :\

So we lost...but I gave it my all once again.

The other team at the end said I was rocking it and they thought I would be a bad Galio, but they were surprised I was good :D

Too bad Galio has long cooldowns though :\ I missed a few of my skill-shot spells and couldnt finish them a few times, but that takes more practice

Waughoo, maybe Vlad had lots of cooldown reductions?
I had a weird game. I played as Nasus for the first time in a real game (I'm still learning how to use spells). I was top by myself since the Ryze on our team was a dumbass. He was mid but couldn't be trust. I basically just farmed against minions and slowly pushed against their turrets. Eventually I got to the last one and my teammates helped me. But we didn't even destroy an inhibitor and they surrendered.

I only finished 2/1/1 but I think I did good since I pushed top all by myself.
bread's done