League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='crystalklear64']i tried him on one of my smurfs and did not much care for him. his teleport/snare has a really nice ap ratio but it seems so hard to land a kill with him.[/QUOTE]
He's a tank, you're supposed to gank and kill with a teammate.

and yes i know SOMEONE will claim he should be tanky. SOMEONE can eat a dick.
No you
yeah you pretty much lock the opponent in place, then hopefully your teammate will continue to stun and lock them down. rack them assists up like john stockton.

i build gp10s into shurelya/frozen heart/randuins.

i'd want to try him mid one day. sprouts are so fun.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']They're nerfing Nunu... it's a subtle one, but quite the big one. It's not active now and I've seen no mention of it at all on their forums, but its clear as day on this brand new video.

I'm on my phone so I can't check the date of this video but if they recorded this then it's live now, and I don't think it is.
played a game last night, trying to learn mundo jungle.

this one guy locks in tryndamere right away. after that a guy picks nasus and calls top lane. tryndamere says nothing and duals top with nasus. throughout the entire game the nasus is complaining.

so this is what happens when school is out for the summer, eh?

ironically, we ended up winning the game... even though i made a few really bad plays, we clutched it out in the end.
Hey I had a game like that last night too except for the clutch win part.

Was playing with my usual group of 3, didn't have a jungler which is normal for us, I went top with a Rumble and he flipped out. My friend who plays tryndamere started jungling early on and Rumble demanded that someone go bot, not him of course! So I stayed top with him till he called me enough names for a good tribunal case, then he ended up going bot anyway. I owned top when he left, but our other pub, a Graves, apparently had enough of these shenanigans and left telling everyone to report me after another good 2 minute session of harassment. I didn't type a word the entire time and we were all laughing at it on skype. The Graves got a leave and we all reported the Rumble.
once i hit level 21, every team i'm on has a jungler now. it's weird. although sometimes it's me jungling but yeah. i remember like it was just last month that no one even worried about jungle invasions.

i haven't seen 2-1-2's in a long time.
Tried DOTA 2 tonight for the first time. Game is alright. I don't know if I like it better than league yet but the idea that I can quit the game 5 minutes after someone rage quits.

Although I haven't been playing much league lately. Every game I would go in would just be retard city. I needed a break, so I started Fallout NV.
dota 2 is frustrating atm because so many newbies and purposefully clunky controls/ui.

hon is just so silky smooth by comparison, its really hard to get into.

had a great game as lee sin. it seems like kiting teams are the meta for whatever my grouping is, so champs that punish people for being pussies are great. kassadin, lee sin, urgot, gragas, all good shit. already had a jungler in that game so i laned solo top against a darius. absolutely wrecked him. had some trouble until level 3, but once i reached 3 and had a point in everything... ranged ad attack>aoe magic attack>reactivate ranged ad attack for the homing kick>shield a creep to run away and avoid the grab/spin>repeat. it was great. killed their shaco jungler a bunch too since he came to gank. that aoe reveal is 2gud.
Got murdered tonight. Tried out support and it just didn't end well was able to win two out of the four, but if it's not an aggressive support like Maokai, Blitz or Alistar, feels like I can't do jack shit. Despite that, those two wins of mine were the only ones I could get out of all eight of the games.

And is it me, or is Lee Sin's Q more narrow now?

[quote name='WormFOODx']I'm on my phone so I can't check the date of this video but if they recorded this then it's live now, and I don't think it is.[/QUOTE]

It was actually. Turned out that it was a bug and its corrected.
Darius is incredibly difficult to play, at least managing his Q for me. I find myself watching where to grab the axe more than the enemy, and even then it let's others interpret where you are headed. I really want to play as Karthas AGAINST him. Dot dot dot boom!
I'm a daddy! My wife's blood pressure was too high, so they gave her a c-section yesterday. Baby is a full month early, but is healthy.
Emilia Elizabeth Waugh.
[quote name='Waughoo']I'm a daddy! My wife's blood pressure was too high, so they gave her a c-section yesterday. Baby is a full month early, but is healthy.
Emilia Elizabeth Waugh.[/QUOTE]


You should have named her Katarina Lux, you could have gotten Riot Points.
hey im back from spain

they lost my suitcase so hopefully i get it back tomorrow

then my car wouldnt start, so i tried to jump it, still wouldnt start, so i got a ride home from a woman and her family.

thankfully my keys were in my carry-on suitcase

ug, ive been flying all freaking day, been awake 24 hours

[quote name='Waughoo']I'm a daddy! My wife's blood pressure was too high, so they gave her a c-section yesterday. Baby is a full month early, but is healthy.
Emilia Elizabeth Waugh.[/QUOTE]


Yeah I am going to go back to playing League. Every DOTA 2 game I played so far is run around like a retard ganking until one team is so OP they automatically win.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Congrats.

Yeah I am going to go back to playing League. Every DOTA 2 game I played so far is run around like a retard ganking until one team is so OP they automatically win.[/QUOTE]
Thats just how it is by design. Killing someone in DotA means so much more than in LoL since you also cause them to lose gold. Gives you less margin for error. Same thing with denying. Mistakes are punished much more severely. Its why LoL is seen as the "casual" moba. Very forgiving mechanics.
finally got my stupid latency fixed Since I came back from Spain, my ping in LOL was around 150 to 300 I finally did a speedtest yesterday, my internet was at around 1/2 to 1/3 the normal speed I called and they said they will work on it today, but this morning it seems fine and my ping was back to normal at around 70. I was in a ARAB game as Lee Sin yesterday with 300 ping, it was so %&$&$ annoying trying to land skill shots
the amount of whining in this game is unreal

-blame the jungler after you get ganked. don't put down any wards either, just blame the jungler
-play shen, everyone whines when you don't ulti them and let them die
-no matter the gank, people whine because you didn't gank their lane
-they also complain that you didn't gank for them when they push the lane nonstop
-people accuse me of feeding when i get 5-man ganked in bot lane. there's literally nowhere to run since we just get tower dived from both the front and back.


this game sometimes...
[quote name='panzerfaust']Add holdthephone, kain. I'll keep you sane.[/QUOTE]
i'll add you when i get back

yesterday i played with 2 friends and we dropped 5 games. we won one in the middle but only because their vayne d/ced.
frustrating because i thought we all played well but we just got outplayed. *sigh*
[quote name='Morphx2']guess it is not fixed, still laggy as hell[/QUOTE]

I played LoL my entire junior year with 200-300 ping and it didn't hurt me. Get on my ELO.
That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, playing an ARAM game is a pain in the ass. It takes forever to get a full room and it's usually just poking each other for a few minutes, the one team wins a fight and then just snowballs in their favor. The only real action is when you wreck them or they wreck you.

I did have one awesome game with a pre-remake Kayle. She was so good for ARAM. Spammy heal, slow harass, activated ranged AA, and shield ult.
[quote name='icedrake523']I played LoL my entire junior year with 200-300 ping and it didn't hurt me. Get on my ELO.[/QUOTE]

Eh, i will play support and win games for my team :p

The Ezreal on my team got a trinity force at 15 with me :D

At 20 minutes he had zeal, 2 doran blades, serk greaves, critical chance cloak

they surrendered

i went 0-1-19

[quote name='icedrake523']That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, playing an ARAM game is a pain in the ass. It takes forever to get a full room and it's usually just poking each other for a few minutes, the one team wins a fight and then just snowballs in their favor. The only real action is when you wreck them or they wreck you.

I did have one awesome game with a pre-remake Kayle. She was so good for ARAM. Spammy heal, slow harass, activated ranged AA, and shield ult.[/QUOTE]

Kayle can still heal, has a slow, an activated AA, and a shield ult :p

Play her as ranged AD-like items and rape faces
she doesnt need the ratio's now

her shredding is super duper strong, especially running her top lane

go try it and build her like an AD carry.

Q them, then E and shred their health away. Chase with W :D

I don't think there's a DOTA 2 thread, so I'll post this question in here. I received an email Steam stating that you can play DOTA 2 by buying the DOTA 2 Invite bundle for $39.99. I haven't been following this game much, but I am interested to try it but haven't received a beta key. Isn't it still in beta? And it's going to be free when released right? Are you basically buying a beta key and some cosmetic items for use in the full game or something?

Here's a link to the bundle: http://www.dota2.com/store/itemdetails/57939587?appid=570&l=english
[quote name='tcrash247']I don't think there's a DOTA 2 thread, so I'll post this question in here. I received an email Steam stating that you can play DOTA 2 by buying the DOTA 2 Invite bundle for $39.99. I haven't been following this game much, but I am interested to try it but haven't received a beta key. Isn't it still in beta? And it's going to be free when released right? Are you basically buying a beta key and some cosmetic items for use in the full game or something?

Here's a link to the bundle: http://www.dota2.com/store/itemdetails/57939587?appid=570&l=english[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what you're doing. The game will be F2P when it comes out. The $40 is to get early beta access now and then some items when it finally launches. Not even close to worth it.
[quote name='Morphx2']she doesnt need the ratio's now

her shredding is super duper strong, especially running her top lane

go try it and build her like an AD carry.

Q them, then E and shred their health away. Chase with W :D


Shredding doesn't make her heal less awful.
I play a co-op game around noon everyday. I don't have much interest in playing video games anymore. I'm hanging out with my friends more before they all leave me soon :cry:
[quote name='icedrake523']Shredding doesn't make her heal less awful.[/QUOTE]

Her heal isn't supposed to be great it's about having sustain in top lane and keeping her out of bottom as support.
I know her heal isn't supposed to be like Soraka or even Taric, but it's just an awful spell to use at all. It has a high mana cost for a pathetic heal amount and negligible MS buff that barely lasts. It's one of the worst in the game.
[quote name='icedrake523']I play a co-op game around noon everyday. I don't have much interest in playing video games anymore. I'm hanging out with my friends more before they all leave me soon :cry:[/QUOTE]

thats cool, we werent friends anyway!
I thought about playing some LoL last night, but after the week I've had I was too tired to play well. I'm gonna try and play a couple games sometime soon though. It's just easier for my to play D3 though because I can pause it whenever I need to. Also people on D3 are stupid enough to pay me $5 for crap items :)
First world problems are still problems.

But yeah, pretty epic fail by Riot. I got my win of the day in so I'm content. That's all I really play now.
bread's done