League of Legends anyone?

Double IP weekends happened all the time when I started playing. But yeah, they never do them now. I did see it brought up on the LoL forums before, and a Red was like "Oh yeah... we dont know why we stopped doing those" and that was the last it was heard of.
Which is BS. The reason is really obvious. At least 1 million people play everyday. They have no reason to entice more people to play like a game with a dwindling MP community might. With enough people playing, giving people more IP means they'll use less real money to buy RP for champs and skins. Even now they stopped releasing 2 skins with each champion because they know a new release skin always sells well. So why release it with the champion and as part of a bundle when you can hold it back and get people to buy it at full price simply because it's new?
Gotta love supports:

[quote name='Morphx2']you cheap people[/QUOTE]
why hello. welcome to cag.

i love it when people lose their lane and then blame someone else for sucking

i mean damn. people have bad days sometimes. give people a break yo
calculating how much IP I need...

3x move speed quints
1x ap quint
1x armor quint
3x ad quint
10x attack speed marks
10x ad marks

yeah this'll take forever
Don't worry about runes until you're level 20. The Tier 1 and 2 aren't worth it. They have cheap quints during Halloween and Winter. The Halloween ones are Tier 2.5 but they're much cheaper and you miss out on very little compared to tier 3. The Winter ones are the same as the regular Tier 3 but cheaper.
[quote name='icedrake523']I tried to log in and the queue position is over 20,000 and a 10 min wait. WTF?[/QUOTE]

im in queue too lets play
[quote name='panzerfaust']Lets hit ranked when you're 30, kain. I've been meaning to try it again.

You don't need full runes for 1700 and under elo anyways =][/QUOTE]
Did you even add me yet? Haha.

I don't even think I have enough heroes to play Draft Mode...
i'm playing jungle riven, with a garen/akali/graves/leona.

graves lane just destroys. 13 kills, no deaths, 12 minute IE. easy win, right?

unfortunately garen is retarded and gets no CS and has no map awareness (was fighting jax in jungle, and garen just stands near tower). akali loses lane and then decides she wants to jungle instead for some retarded reason. so now i can't jungle and i get stuck defending mid for a long ass time.

game goes on and we lose teamfight. graves complains that no one tanks for him.
graves - "you guys suck, you leave me to die."
me - "i have no peels." (i can't shake anyone off of you.)

fine. i'll go tanky and pray something happens.
nothing happens. graves also makes a dumb play near the end and gets murdered 4v1.

graves - "riven you're terrible, you're 3/6. why are you building frozen heart lol noob"
me - "have you seen garen? leona has half his CS."
leona - "riven qq"

i was 3/6/10
kinda hard to kill things when you're switching to becoming tanky AND there's a farmed graves

it's alright though.
played a support sona game later and the enemy kept diving me for some reason. yeah. go for the support. don't kill the carries.
Frozen Heart is a bad item for Riven if you bought it. Randuin's or Atma's would have been the better choice. But sounds like your team was a bunch of jerks, not much you can do about it.
i would generally build LW and then GA

but i had no idea how to play tank riven so i bought warmogs and was gonna build FH as i had no idea what to build
Ranked game trollers for the win. Man the community in this game is one of THE WORSE I have ever seen in my life. Even worse than X360 call of duty players. So bad.
[quote name='kainzero']i would generally build LW and then GA

but i had no idea how to play tank riven so i bought warmogs and was gonna build FH as i had no idea what to build[/QUOTE]

If you build Warmogs, Atma's go well with it. Fully stacked, you get like 1200 HP which turns into 18 bonus AD with Atma's (plus your base HP).
[quote name='icedrake523']If you build Warmogs, Atma's go well with it. Fully stacked, you get like 1200 HP which turns into 18 bonus AD with Atma's (plus your base HP).[/QUOTE]
yeah i was more or less looking for something to peel with.
maybe mallet/randuin's would've been better

eh, doesn't matter anyway, hopefully i won't have to do that build again

(plus my jungle riven sucks without ad quints/marks)
Tanky riven blows, don't listen to your teammates.

For jungle start Dorans, get Tabi (switch for mercs later on), and go straight to bloodthirster -- another Doran before that if it feels appropriate. She's absolutely insane mid game so you gotta capitalize on that damage and get a GA for a flash -> stun -> win. I guess those AD runes are pretty significant, though.

Rarely will you have to do the warmog/atmog combo. Grab Aegis after GA if you feel your team is too fragile, but usually you'll be going Maw after GA if things are looking good.
well with a farmed graves and no tank, i thought going tank was the best choice. (flexible play! remember that?)

also if i try wraiths-red camp jungle with doran's blade and my current setup of armor-pen marks and armor quints, i don't clear wraiths fast enough to get to red when it spawns and i barely survive clearing the red camp.

i'll still be experimenting but it looks like runes are a necessity
i bought armor quints because i learned to jungle with maokai at level 20, they made up for the lack of rune slots and i could still jungle effectively with him.

i miss maokai. dude was baller
another kickass sejuani game
its either my team is smart and we win or my team is dumb and i fail because i cant gank lanes

sejuani just needs people who can do good damge when i slow.

darius top lane with sejuani jungle is so strong
When I tried to login, there was a 2 hour wait time. Now it's 3 hours. Good job, Riot. It's been a long time since they had issues with a patch, figures they'd make up for it by having a week long fuck up.
I wouldn't recommend playing until they get their server issues fixed. At least 1-2 people with connection issues in all the games I've played the last two days.
hi my name is Xerath and im an idiot and like to Q first, then use my E and hope my ult hits them after

instead of casting my E and then Q while its in the air because i know my E will land before the Q reaches them and automatically stun them if i land my Q, then i can follow up with my ult because it will be easy to aim.

And i like to get a DFG because i am a short-range caster and need to get in close to do damage

instead of playing Xerath properly and using W to use my 3/4 screen abilities
That Xerath was so bad. We could have won if it weren't for him since we weren't that far behind in gold.

I also played a game with a really annoying Kat mid. I was Jax top and a big minion wave was pushed there. Nothing I can do against Irelia farming it so I went mid to cover. Then Kat came back. I thought, ok, let's get the tower. Instead she tells me to get out of the lane because I'm invading it and not to get the tower so she can farm.

I know people like to keep towers up to farm but there were already 3 towers down (ours and theirs bot, theirs top). The laning phase was pretty much over. Then she kept getting caught, we'd try to help but died and she was mad that we fought there. She also kept getting caught by Blitz' grabs.

Waughoo, please come back and play with us :cry:
Hehe, maybe I'll be on Tuesday/Wednesday? I'm off those two days. My big problem is that it's hard to plan a 40-60 min game when you dunno if the baby will need me. But Lauren will be home, so maybe it'll be ok. I've kinda hit a wall in D3 anyhow, thanks to Blizzard's crazy nerfs.
[quote name='icedrake523']Instead she tells me to get out of the lane because I'm invading it and not to get the tower so she can farm.

I know people like to keep towers up to farm but there were already 3 towers down (ours and theirs bot, theirs top). The laning phase was pretty much over.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if this "keep the tower up to farm" theory is really sound? Unless the opponent freezes the lane behind their tower (which may not really be a good idea because it just frees that lane for ganks), I feel like you can still get the minion waves... you just get them later when they build up and get to your side.

The worst allies are like "let my tower fall so I can farm." I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
I think people just hope that if the tower falls, top will go roam and kill their team while they finally get some farm ;)

But if you are zoning someone hard, it can be beneficial to keep their tower up. They will get the wave eventually but they are factually missing quite a few last hits, and we'll have to clean up what's left while under tower. An out of control top is also very hard to gank.
bread's done