League of Legends anyone?

Pfft, last night when I went adc my support and jungler start fighting so my support thinks it is a good idea to just keep running up to Vayne and standing in front of her to throw the game. Was so pissed.
you can still be dead if you want.

@lostroad: yeah i had a game where i was graves and my jungler was terrible and would wait for me to nearly die before going in. by the time he was actually in, i was already dead, and he'd try to 3v1 the team and obviously fail. their vayne got mega farmed even though we smashed them early game.

but it's okay because we won because i didn't fall behind and we were smarter teamfighters.
You have no power to tell me to be dead!

I am one of the elder beings of this thread with many posts.

Only Waughoo or Icedrake, the other officers may tell me to be dead!

Respect your elders!
I didn't tell you to be dead, I said that you have the option of remaining dead if you so desire, in essence restating your power.

But I don't respect you anyway.
This is Solo Q.
I keep popping on thinking I'll play a couple solo queues. Then I get on and have this overwhelming desire to NOT deal with the idiots I'll get teamed with. So then I just play custom games.
yeah. i played a game yesterday where i did well but these two guys would always venture out by themselves and get caught, then they fought with each other over who was feeding. meh.

the worst part is that we were never that far behind either.
We played a second game last night where our teammates all picked champs and said nothing. Xin did call top, but the only choices left were tank, junlger, and support. Ice went support, and I dont really do any of the others. So I just went Lux figuring someone would dodge, as it had already taken 3 tries to get a game where someone didnt dodge anyhow. Well at the last second Xin took smite, so now that he had called top he's gonna jungle. He wanted help with Wolves and a pull on Blue, our Ahri kinda just stood there, but I helped. She did pull blue, but then went and stood at the tower for the first wave. Xin was like pinging her to move off the tower, and she's just like "STFU". She was against another Ahri, and didnt do well at all. I'm now stuck top vs a Shen, and they have a jungle Lee Sin. Early game I would get some hits in on Shen, and in would come Lee. But I always snared him and got away though, but he was just slowing do my work in the lane. After awhile though, Lee spent most of his time between bot and mid, so it was just me and Shen. This didnt go well for Shen. He just didnt seem to know how to deal with me. Everytime he went in for last hits, I'd hit him with and E and a auto attack so my passive would trigger. He'd try and dash away each time, but only after my auto attack was in the air, so it would follow and still hit him. I ended up getting like 3 kills and the tower on him, and all he did to me was hit me with his combo once.

The rest of the game was back and forth. If we lost a team fight, Xin would try and surrender even though it was a close game. Every fight we lost though was mainly because Ahri would jump in and get bursted down. But we were doing a lot of damage to them, and I had a couple good blind laser kills. After they killed us once though, we all ran to Baron thinking they were doing it. Instead they were doing out bot tower, so we started Baron. They kept coming to stop us like one or two at a time. Everytime they got close they'd get killed or hurt really bad. We ended up killing 4 of them and getting Baron. We pushed mid, Xin got dragon, and eventually was able to kill 4 of them in another fight and finish it.

It was actually a really good game for a change, even though Ahri sucked and blamed it on our lack of tank, and Xin tried to surrender like 3 or 4 times.
every time i pick irelia i seem to win

i could have a bad game
i could get smashed by 30-40 in CS
i could make 3 bad plays/dives in one game

but i win


this is the complete opposite of riven where i lose all my good games
I can never win with Irelia. I usually have a challenging laning phase. By the time I have enough items to be OP, my teammates have already fed the other team. I do better with Nasus when it comes to passive farming solo top champs.
my general plan with irelia is...

-don't snowball the other hero, your late game will smash them anyway. it's okay to lose by about 30 cs. (1 death = 10 cs)
-farm under tower if they let you: Q makes it easy
-don't die

works for me
i must say though, the constant fighting in teamchat is really wearing on me. even worse is when it happens in champ select.

i'll play the meta because it's what i know and it's easy to figure out, but if some people wanna try some weird stuff in ranked (dual stealth jungle) then whatever, let's go for it. but nooo, pre-game fighting, in-game fighting, and 5 dodges come in.

i've gotten flamed in champ select for picking a "bad matchup" that's not really a bad matchup. at an elo where playstyle matters more than matchups anyway. usually i just concede because i don't want to argue with anybody but it is annoying.

in the last game i played i tried to pick sivir because support said they were going blitz. you know, i thought, boomerang-aa-ricochet cancel was pretty fierce burst after a grab. "omg nooo don't pick sivir." fine whatever, i'll pick ashe. "ashe you better take heal and not ignite." fine, i'll take heal. "i got a bad feeling about this ashe."

6/2/6 25min enemy surrender.

i also played a really messy game where i was botlane graves and even though i was destroying the other guy in CS, there was like a billion ganks in the early game and the blitz kept stealing my kills so my stats looked bad. something like 1/4/4. also in low ELO tanks don't know how to guard the AD so the other team triple dives me with malph ult - naut ult - leona ult / zephyr. i'm like 2/7/11 because i'm the first one to pop and everyone's like "this graves" "graves sucks lol." because you know, i'm the guy who has to fend off a 15/1/7 malphite and nautilius in my face.

i finish 3/10/20 and we win. calling me out, wtf.
aye i hate when noobs get upset over advanced play that doesn't even concern them. it's like people complaining about balance in fighting games and they can't even land half their links yet.

talking about matchups at 1400 elo, lulz.
kinda like talking about matchups in fighting games too, right?

it doesn't help that i'm from the school of "learn all your bad matchups anyway"
i used to hate playing support because i thought "no last hitting = floating around doing nothing" but i'm realizing more and more that support plays a much bigger role in bot lane than adc carry. and i'm not talking just about the current popularity of killers/stunners in taric/blitz/alistar/leona but also sona/janna/soraka.

i feel like support carries way more influence in bottom lane. does a lot of harass and initiation. initiation by either skills, or by dewarding and warding to allow for ganks or to allow adc to push. establishes map control through wards and lets your team wander and pick off people.

most ADCs are equal since there's nothing but do damage safely and CS. they usually can't play aggressive/initiate because they get blown up and then the support does no damage. but the very nature of support makes it completely different and introduces enough imbalance to make it more of a matchup.

also zyra is sexy
Soraka is awesome. Early on she's really weak with long CDs, low HP and armor, and horrible HP regen. But once I have CDR boots, Aegis, HoG, and Philo/Shurelia, I often just buy wards the rest of the game.

Her Silence is very underrated, too. It's obviously very useful on mages but also on AD champs like Renekton and Lee Sin who rely on their abilities just as much.
Soraka makes my Lux sad. If I'm not careful, they will either silence me out of my Ult, or heal their team so they survive it.
[quote name='Waughoo']Soraka makes my Lux sad. If I'm not careful, they will either silence me out of my Ult, or heal their team so they survive it.[/QUOTE]
Whenever I try to silence you, I just end up giving you mana :cry:
It's only kill stealing if they were gonna die anyhow and you still hit them... and only if I had been the one who would have got the credit.
I can't stand the ranked trolls anymore. Probably going to quit this game. I can see it now.... 200 usable champs but the game is still unbalanced as shit and the community crappier as ever. Yeah, I want no part of that. :p
bread's done