League of Legends anyone?

i won ranked game finally

Zilean (me), LeBlanc, Fort, Malph, and Udyr


Cait, Cho, Shen, Ryze, Karth

Early game they whooped us, team fights......they stood no chance. My ult on our carries won it :D
the other night we had a crazy game. I have the memory of a rock, but i do recall somehow ending up with just our nexus up. We defended and 3 of our ppl pushed mid after we killed most of their team and we actually won the game having no inhibs or turrets lol

I'm trying to get back into the swing with akali btw, and its really annoying when i dont get time to change my masteries and i'm stuck with a standard caster build =(

happened 2 in a row, second was cause the game froze up on me. first was i couldnt decide fast enough who to play. Also ranked game that is suppossed to be normal game is FTL

[quote name='Duskwraith']I'm trying to get back into the swing with akali btw, and its really annoying when i dont get time to change my masteries and i'm stuck with a standard caster build =(

happened 2 in a row, second was cause the game froze up on me. first was i couldnt decide fast enough who to play. Also ranked game that is suppossed to be normal game is FTL


Try this

I've been playing Malphite the past couple games today. First was a solo queue, got 2 kills with my ult. Ended up losing though. You know you're team sucks when you're the tank and have more kills and fewer deaths than everyone else.

The other games were with Waughoo and some other people and we won all of them.

I just LOOOOOVE his ultimate. It's the best initiator in the game by far. I wish Randuin's Omen's CDR didn't get such a nerf, otherwise it would be so good with Malph's ultimate. I build Glacial Shroud, it's so damn expensive though.
That just makes me a target for Madred's. I don't really have mana problems late game once I get Banshee's or Glacial Shroud.

I had an entertaining game tonight.

I went top with Annie, Vlad went mid, and Cate and Poppy went bot. Their Cass was mid and was harassing Vlad who made me switch with him. I found it stupid since I have a poor mana pool and really can't resist constant poison. Their Shen disconnected so it was a 4v5. Their Nunu kept calling us noobs for killing him and said we would die and lose b/c we'd towerdive. All 5 of us ganked Sivir who was pushing mid and she whined about it. I ran away from a fight and Nunu said "Typical Malphite. All they do is not die." Their Cass called the rest of my team the n-word b/c they wouldn't gank without me. The only one who didn't talk crap was their Xin. They eventually surrendered. I'm so glad we won it, even if it was 4v5, b/c they were the biggest a-holes I've played with.
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[quote name='icedrake523']I've been playing Malphite the past couple games today. First was a solo queue, got 2 kills with my ult. Ended up losing though. You know you're team sucks when you're the tank and have more kills and fewer deaths than everyone else.

The other games were with Waughoo and some other people and we won all of them.

I just LOOOOOVE his ultimate. It's the best initiator in the game by far. I wish Randuin's Omen's CDR didn't get such a nerf, otherwise it would be so good with Malph's ultimate. I build Glacial Shroud, it's so damn expensive though.[/QUOTE]

Malph gets banned a lot in ranked, but I don't see many people playing him in normal. Morde also gets banned a lot. I guess people don't like the guys with anti harrass shields.
I used to main Morde. I can see how he's a pain in the ass, but now that his shield generates less at early levels and it decays twice as fast, he's really not a viable champion anymore. Late game, he's pretty useless without his ultimate. All he can really do is spam his abilities (which aren't that strong) and auto-attack, then wait for an enemy low in health and ult them.

I can see why Malphite would be banned though, he can completely turn a game around.

I think banning champions is lame to begin with. I always play tanks, so I hate just about any ranged champion who gets Madred's Bloodrazors. I hate Ashe how she constantly slows you with auto-attacks. I also hate Tryndamere's ultimate. But when I play against them, I deal with it.
I just played 2 games with some of my peoples. Lemme tell you, both teams we faced were 80-100% ap teams and i was galio both times........ talk about hilarious. Karthus your ult tickles, mord your ult tickles..... lol

and now its time for bed.
My fav people to ban are

Rammus or Shen

In another note, I am totally kicking ass with Xin. He is so OP. I think he was the 2nd champ I bought (first being TF). I never even build him full DPS. Usually DPS/tanky.

In no particular order

Doran Shield
Sword of Divine
Then seeing where I am in the game for my last slot

AND I keep carrying my team to victory like this!

Bottom lane was Lux and me vs another Xin and Heimer. I singlehandidly got Lux to 20 stacks of Mejia in that bottom lane :D
[quote name='icedrake523']I used to main Morde. I can see how he's a pain in the ass, but now that his shield generates less at early levels and it decays twice as fast, he's really not a viable champion anymore. Late game, he's pretty useless without his ultimate. All he can really do is spam his abilities (which aren't that strong) and auto-attack, then wait for an enemy low in health and ult them.

I can see why Malphite would be banned though, he can completely turn a game around.

I think banning champions is lame to begin with. I always play tanks, so I hate just about any ranged champion who gets Madred's Bloodrazors. I hate Ashe how she constantly slows you with auto-attacks. I also hate Tryndamere's ultimate. But when I play against them, I deal with it.[/QUOTE]

I think at low-mid ELO in ranked people just ban whoever killed them or was annoying in other games.

Morde is a wasted ban (Like you, my brother thinks Morde sucks now). I see Tryn banned a lot too. Tryn is sorta cheap, but I've really never seen Tryn carry a team. He kills you once by a turret and lives.... big deal. If you have a champ who goes 20,1 then your team has a problem. I've seen good Eves carry a team, and win the game when the rest of their team sorta sucked.

Shen, ammumu, Malph, and rammus get banned a lot, so it's good for players who like playing the other tanks.


Another patch preview


Eve is getting her early game/jungling nerfed
Caitlyn is getting a buff. Her Q does more damage and she can still ult a champ if she loses sight of them.
Pantheon's W is getting a nerf in duration.
Heimerdinger is being overhauled, ammo system determines when and how many turrets he can set up.
Rammus MIGHT be getting nerfed, may have just been a joke.
Crits and Dodges will be changed a bit so you won't get so many at once or go a long time without them.
I've tried Jungle Rammus last few games since they probably will nerf him.

Did well in my premade games. The one solo queue was pretty bad. Pantheon lost our tower in 5 min. I did kill their jungle Olaf as he was trying to steal my red buff, think we got someone else, too. We got an ace very early on too. However, we couldn't hold lanes and their Olaf, despite being bad, was backdooring. Pantheon was awful and he's completely useless unless he's fed early.

Last game we dominated.

He's a pretty straightforward jungler. My core is really just Merc Treads, Heart of Gold, and Aegis of the Legion. I constantly buy wards as well which have paid off.
on any tanky guy that has to get in the middle of a bad situation the new zhonyas and an abyssal scepter are godly. sunfire cape optional. i try and get them pretty much every time i play singed/rammus/amumu. good abilities with good defense increases are just too perfectly synergized to pass up. i also find myself buying treads less and less instead opting for quicksilver sash.
I might be one of the few people who, despite playing always playing tanks, never gets Sunfire Cape.

You basically pay 800 gold for 20 HP and a passive that is really only good for farming. I hate how I will draw turrret aggro if I'm attacking a turret while an enemy champ is standing by me.
[quote name='icedrake523']I might be one of the few people who, despite playing always playing tanks, never gets Sunfire Cape.

You basically pay 800 gold for 20 HP and a passive that is really only good for farming. I hate how I will draw turrret aggro if I'm attacking a turret while an enemy champ is standing by me.[/QUOTE]

I like sunfire on Rammus. I read one build on mobafire which called Sunfire Cape Rammus's core item. He really needs it to farm. I've gotten it before on Nasus and Mundo, but you really don't need it. I'm starting to think I should get warmog's on Nasus, since he's a great farmer and it syncs with his need to farm minions for siphoning strike.

I'm also finding Randuin's Omen to be a better tank item than the Aegis. It's hard to notice the Aegis doing anything, where I've saved many teammates or assisted in many kills with the Omen. It also helps your survivability against fast auto attackers.

I've actually never bought a frozen heart with anyone. I should try it out on Nasus. Would be really good for Rammus, since he usually has mana issues.
[quote name='wakawakawa']I like sunfire on Rammus. I read one build on mobafire which called Sunfire Cape Rammus's core item. He really needs it to farm. I've gotten it before on Nasus and Mundo, but you really don't need it.[/QUOTE]
The way things have been going as Jungle Rammus for me, I don't really need it. Defensive Ball Curl (and Smite for buffs) helps you clear camps quick. I also avoid HP items if the other team has someone build Bloodrazors. You're mostly going for ganks and only staying in lanes to take out towers.

I'm starting to think I should get warmog's on Nasus, since he's a great farmer and it syncs with his need to farm minions for siphoning strike.

I'm also finding Randuin's Omen to be a better tank item than the Aegis. It's hard to notice the Aegis doing anything, where I've saved many teammates or assisted in many kills with the Omen. It also helps your survivability against fast auto attackers.

I've actually never bought a frozen heart with anyone. I should try it out on Nasus. Would be really good for Rammus, since he usually has mana issues.
I wouldn't recommend Warmogs since it doesn't give you anything but HP, HP regen is pretty useless late game.

As Nasus, I always went:
Merc Treads, Aegis (sell Doran Shield to finish), Sheen, then work on Banshee's or Randuin's, then the other.

Glacial Shroud is best for Malphite. I get it for him and then finish Frozen Heart as my very last item. Neither Rammus nor Nasus really have cooldown issues which is what you're paying for with Glacial Shroud. It is good to get it and build it into Frozen Heart if there are a lot of autoattack AD champs on the other team.
Hey guys! Had my surgery this morning and am doing well. I think I'm gonna be in the hospital till Thursday unless something goes wrong. I don't know how long it will be before I can play again because sitting up hurts alot. It sucks I can't have a laptop here, but then again I can't stay awake long enough to do much anyhow. I've made a new friend, his name is morphine button, and he's just freaking awesome ;)
[quote name='Waughoo']Hey guys! Had my surgery this morning and am doing well. I think I'm gonna be in the hospital till Thursday unless something goes wrong. I don't know how long it will be before I can play again because sitting up hurts alot. It sucks I can't have a laptop here, but then again I can't stay awake long enough to do much anyhow. I've made a new friend, his name is morphine button, and he's just freaking awesome ;)[/QUOTE]

wooooooooooo!!!!!!! you are alive!!!!!!!

They don't have LOL at the hospital?? Savages...
[quote name='Waughoo']Hey guys! Had my surgery this morning and am doing well. I think I'm gonna be in the hospital till Thursday unless something goes wrong. I don't know how long it will be before I can play again because sitting up hurts alot. It sucks I can't have a laptop here, but then again I can't stay awake long enough to do much anyhow. I've made a new friend, his name is morphine button, and he's just freaking awesome ;)[/QUOTE]

Get well soon! I miss my laning partner.
Patch notes

PVP.net v1.27.47
  • Fixed a bug where selecting a Skin late in the countdown process would produce an error
  • Fixed a bug where players that had been disconnected from chat could not enter the Matchmaking queue

League of Legends v1.0.0.109

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands

  • Renekton uses a new resource system called Fury. Renekton gains Fury by attacking or dealing damage with spells. When he has gathered enough Fury, the resource will be expended to empower his skills with bonus effects.
  • Cull the Meek: Renekton swing his blade, dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing for a portion of the life dealt. Fury Bonus: Heal amount raised dramatically.
  • Ruthless Predator: Renekton's next attack swings twice, dealing a portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target briefly and applying on-hits each time. Fury Bonus: Renekton's next attack swings three times, dealing a huge portion of his weapon damage, stunning his target greatly and applying on-hits each time.
  • Slice and Dice: Renekton dashes forward, dealing physical damage to targets along the way. If he hits a target, he can use Dice for a brief period of time for the same effect. Dice Fury Bonus: Renekton deals 50% increased damage and reduces the armor of units hit.
  • Dominus (Ultimate): Renekton empowers himself with dark energy, gaining size and bonus health. He deals periodic damage to enemies around him and rapidly gains Fury.
  • Reign of Anger (Passive): Renekton gains 5 Fury per autoattack. Having sufficient fury empowers Renekton’s abilities with bonus effects, but this drains Fury. Out of combat, Renekton loses 5 Fury per second.


  • Piltover Peacemaker
    • Base damage changed to 20/65/110/155/200 from 40/70/100/130/160
    • Attack damage ratio increased to 1.3 from 1
    • Damage loss per unit increased to 10% from 6%
    • Maximum damage loss increased to 50% from 30%
  • Ace in the Hole
    • Base damage increased to 250/475/700 from 250/400/550
    • Now provides vision on the target for the duration and thus is not canceled when the target leaves line of sight
    • Fixed a bug where Ace in the Hole didn't scale from the Havoc mastery
    • Damage is now treated as a spell instead of an attack
    • No longer triggers hit effects like Blessing of the Lizard Elder
    • Now triggers spell hit effects like Rylai's Crystal Scepter
    • Cannot be dodged or blocked by Pantheon's Aegis Protection


  • Feast now loses half stacks (rounded up) instead of 3 stacks on death


  • Base mana reduced to 180 from 212
  • Mana per level increased to 42 from 38
  • Base damage reduced to 48 from 53
  • Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.9
  • Base armor reduced to 12.5 from 14.75
  • Hate Spike mana cost increased to 12/15/18/21/24 from 8/10/12/14/16
  • Shadow Walk duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
  • Shadow Walk cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 at all ranks upon breaking stealth
  • Malice and Spite duration reduced to 10 seconds from 15


  • Judgement bonus attack damage scaling increased to 1.2 from 1.0 per second


  • H28G Evolution Turret
    • Improved Turret AI so they will prioritize attacking Champions that attack Heimerdinger
    • Turrets now work on an ammo system (25 second ammo cooldown)
    • 1 second placement cooldown
    • Levelup progression changed:
      • Rank 2 - places green turrets
      • Rank 3 - places 2 turrets
      • Rank 4 - +150 Health
      • Rank 5 - places red turrets
    • Fixed a bug where Upgraded!!! turrets would stop firing resistance piercing and area-effect shots
    • Turrets now gain 15 health per Heimerdinger level down from 21
    • Turret magic resistance increased to 80 from 60
    • Tooltip now references 'turrets' rather than 'towers.'
  • Upgrade!!!
    • Now increases number of Hextech Micro Rockets to 5 while active
    • Now increases missile speed on Ch-1 Concussion Grenade to 1000 from 750 while active
  • Fixed a bug where Techmaturgical Repair Bots provided less health regeneration than stated


  • Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
  • Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready


  • Shunpo damage changed to 80/120/160/200/240 from 90/120/150/180/210


  • Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 8 seconds from 12
  • Electrical Surge range decreased to 800 from 825


  • Fixed a bug that caused Lux to have 0 base mana regen


  • Shield decay reduced to 3% from 5%


  • Base movement speed increased to 325 from 320
  • Siphoning Strike damage bonus per kill increased to 3 from 2


  • Undertow
  • Fixed a bug where Undertow was dealing too much damage
  • Attack damage scaling increased to 0.5 from 0.3
  • Base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 65/110/155/200/245


  • Aegis of Zeonia stun duration reduced to 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3/1.5 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds


  • Puncturing Taunt cooldown increased to 12 from 9


  • Ricochet bounce radius reduced to 450 from 500
  • Ricochet damage loss per bounce increased to 25% from 22%


  • Fixed a bug with Radiance where it would cause performance issues while on


  • Undying Rage duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
  • Battle Fury passive critical chance increased to 10-50% from 0-50%


  • Base attack range increased to 500 from 475
  • Ambush duration reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 20/30/40/50/60
  • Ambush's attack speed bonus now reaches its maximum duration twice as fast


  • Blood Scent now properly remembers toggle state when you respawn

Xin Zhao

  • Three Talon Strike cooldown changed to 10 from 12/11/10/9/8
  • Crescent Sweep base damage reduced to 125/225/325 from 125/250/375


  • Chronoshift duration reduced to 10 seconds from 13


  • Chain Vest now shows 6 items it builds into instead of 5
  • Longsword upgrade paths updated
  • Wards no longer grant experience on death
  • Vision Ward cost reduced to 125 from 150
  • Rabadon's Deathcap cost increased to 3400 from 3300
  • Black Cleaver now appears in the Attack Speed tab


  • Ardor
    • Now provides all of its benefit at level 1 rather than half at level 1 and the other half scaling up to level 18
    • Fixed bugs where Ardor was not counting Ability Power and Attack Speed from many sources - essentially anything that wasn't an item
    • Fixed a bug where Ardor and Zhonya's Ring/Rabadon's Deathcap were double multiplicative
    • Clarified the tooltip


  • We have changed how critical strike and dodge chance work. You will now get fewer ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ streaks where you get no critical hits/dodges in a row, or a lot of them in a row. Your average chance to get a crit is the same as before though – if you have a 50% crit rate, and you make 100 attacks, you’ll still crit about 50 times.
  • Baron's Wrath of the Ancients spell no longer targets stealthed units
  • Jungle monsters that previously had negative magic resistance now have magic resistance of zero
  • Monster camps will now properly updated when scouted with vision
After you click on the shortcut to launch the game

Hit these keys if it says server busy

L R L R D D U U 3 4.

the L, R, D, and U's are on the directional pad. Then hit the numbers 3 and 4. It should turn from busy to PLAY
Yay Waughoo!

I had a great jungle Rammus game today. Then two awful ones (of course that was when my win of the day bonus was up). One game I screwed up my jungling, didn't get level 2 in DBC, didn't recall when I probably should have. Then I played again but our Kayle DC'd constantly. We did well 4v5 but they always focused our Renekton, Vlad, and me (Malph) so we couldn't make the most of killing a lot of them.

I finally spent some of my 13,000 IP. Bought Nunu and 3 flat CD glyphs. I hate Nunu's iceblast b/c the slow is so strong. If you can't beat em, use em.
nunu is good jungler. always has top health in there

Summer and I had great game yesterday, we tore it up!

Then I went in a ranked game solo queue. I wanted to be Blitz, but the other team was all beefy, so I went with Veigar for the stuns

Veigar (me), Shen, Trist, Shaco, and Cait


Renek, Garen, Malz, Zilean, and Cho

Holy crap, our Trist was semi-fed, then at the end she just MURDERED THEM. It was GREAT. I didnt think we could do it, but our Shaco and Shen went in first while I protected Trist. with stuns and nuking malz

Our Cait was great too, used all of her abilities REALLY well
I jungled with Nunu in practice a bit and he is good since Consume works as a second smite. He's also a good counter-jungler because of that, his slow, and speed boost. I wish there was a counter to keep track of his passive like they added for Pantheon.
Hmm, i thought he had a counter for his passive. O well :\

You should of bought his sesame street skin like i did :)

It is good you like being tanky and a jungler, so we always have one when we play together :D I havnt jungled in ages.
I hate this game. Haven't won since my win of the day bonus was up yesterday.

I love how "all push mid" or "b" means "go push sidelanes and get buffs"
[quote name='Xavin']For carries I'd suggest MF personally, she's pretty versatile and has great damage output.[/QUOTE]

MF is too squishy for me

[quote name='Morphx2']For Carries

Xin, Corki, Ashe, Sivir for tower pushing all day every day, and of course..Panth :p[/QUOTE]

Xin was pretty fun. The others don't interest me much. Maybe I'll try Panth again. The week I got him Malphite was free and I laned against him a lot.

[quote name='panzerfaust']How is Irelia as a character? I was looking into getting her soon..[/QUOTE]

Waughoo has her. I only player her in a practice game once. From what I read, she's not that viable. She has poor health and doesn't do a great deal of damage. Seems very item dependent. I rarely ever see people play her.
[quote name='icedrake523']I jungled with Nunu in practice a bit and he is good since Consume works as a second smite. He's also a good counter-jungler because of that, his slow, and speed boost. I wish there was a counter to keep track of his passive like they added for Pantheon.[/QUOTE]

Nunu is an awesome jungler/ganker. I do really well with him, even though I make a lot of mistakes.

I don't like starting nunu at blue buff. It takes too long and puts you near death. If you start at golem camp, then run to wraiths, consume the blue one (gets u level 2) and run away to the wolves, then do blue buff, you should be level 3 and be full health. I also like getting the red health crystal as his first item.

Banshee's veil works really well on him, makes them have hit you with 2 disables to stop your ult.

He's the only characters I can routinely get 20 stacks on Mejai's.

I believe if you attack a minion 7 times you can cast absolute zero for free, but I don't really have mana issues with him so I don't worry about it.
I was starting with Cloth Armor+5 HP like most other junglers. What I did was Consume the big wolf and hit it once. This allowed me to hit level 2 after blue buff and finish the little lizards faster with W. As long as you keep using HPs, you won't get low against blue buff.

Doing Cloth Armor+5 HP probably gives you more sustainability in the jungle, but Ruby Crystal gets you to Banshee's faster. I was considering building the cloth armor into Madred's and a Wriggles, then selling it late game. Might be something I'd do to counter jungle.

I'm thinking of retiring Jungle Rammus. No Madred's makes him a slow jungler, i think he gets slower as he levels up, especially if you can't stack more armor. Unless I get a lot of chances to gank, my build takes awhile since I go Heart of Gold > Merc Treads > Aegis and buy a lot of wards in between. I want to get Udyr but want to try him when he's free first.
I'm finally on a winning streak. My last game we went to dragon, their Renekton, Irelia, and Trundle already got him but I started my ult. They couldn't do anything except attack me and I got a triple kill. Then I walked towards a minion to eat it but hit a Teemo mushroom and died.
bread's done