League of Legends anyone?

i love ranked games when im in the mood to actually try. I usually solo queue and up to 1349. Not many AFK people

Been having good games.

If I am captain i troll and ban heimer and yi just because i can

When normal gets draft mode, then it will be a lot better
Well, I played 1 game tonight, and won. That brought the Riot servers crashing down apparently. My team and I couldn't start a game afterwards because 'you are already in an existing game'. After awhile, I finally did something that stopped the server from thinking I was in this phantom game, but one of my teammates couldn't get it fixed. So me and this other guy tried to start a game, got clear through champ select and then the game wouldn't start. So I finally said screw it, and gave up.

At least when DotA 2 comes out the LoL servers will be empty and we shouldnt have these problems.
[quote name='Waughoo']At least when DotA 2 comes out the LoL servers will be empty and we shouldnt have these problems.[/QUOTE]

I don't see that happening. The game play and target audiences are different enough that League won't lose too much of their player base.
[quote name='Morphx2']2 sold so far

want to buy one rabbit?

Ice: Cause there are no walmarts near you :p[/QUOTE]

Eh? ._. You serious?

Well it looks nifty in-game, I'll give you that. But no. Never!
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Who had them Cait codes for sale? PM me, I'm interested. I looked all over today and couldnt find that damn issue of PC Gamer anywhere.
[quote name='SEH']Who had them Cait codes for sale? PM me, I'm interested. I looked all over today and couldnt find that damn issue of PC Gamer anywhere.[/QUOTE]
its not supposed to be out till the 13th.
I dunno what to do with my IP. I've been thinking of flat AD runes and a new rune page. But the new champions coming up look tempting too. And we all know they won't be 3150IP or less x.x
There only like 3 champions AD runes are useful for jungle Lee Sin, jungle Trundle, and Jax (gives him HP). Otherwise Armor Pen is the way to go since it's much better late.
i like ad runes on urgot and pantheon as well. no matter what you do they're not going to be good late game so i want to maximize early game effectiveness as much as possible. they're champs that let your carry make it to late game by controlling early game.
Yeah, it'd be specifically for Lee Sin. The guy deserves his own page since he's the only melee champion I currently enjoy. Jarvan got old fast, man.

[quote name='crystalklear64']i like ad runes on urgot and pantheon as well. no matter what you do they're not going to be good late game so i want to maximize early game effectiveness as much as possible. they're champs that let your carry make it to late game by controlling early game.[/QUOTE]

I dunno about that. An entire page of MR per lvl runes is +72MR. It's like a freaking free FoN. And an entire flat armor rune page is +40Armor!

Edit -- I can't stop feeding. Dx
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Hello everyone. Newbie entering this part of the forum.

Started playing LoL around 2 weeks back and it's a pleasant change to the DotA scene. Played DotA since the 5.84 days so I'm not a total noob when it comes to MOBA games (thank god).

Oh, and it sucks that I won't be able to buy that PC Gamer Mag. Damn Canada doesn't have them. And I'm sure you all know this but Poppy's now 450IP. Garren, 1350IP.

While I want to agree with you, I'm sure a chunk of the LoL players will go to DotA 2. Personally, I might go back as well. DotA has been lacking the system behind the game and DotA 2 will address that problem.
Welcome to the thread. We mostly complain here.

Here are good sites to learn more about champions

www.leaguecraft.com (my preferred site. The top-rated guides have lots of detail)
www.mobafire.com (better layout for quick reference, but I find the top guides more offense-based than I prefer)
www.solomid.net (not as many guides as the other sites, but they have some by high-ranked players. However, their builds and strategies don't always translate well to lower-ranked games)
http://www.youtube.com/user/stonewall008 (this guy has videos on every champion jungling. You won't be jungling at low levels since you need runes and masteries but it's cool to check out)
[quote name='icedrake523']Welcome to the thread. We mostly complain here.

Here are good sites to learn more about champions

www.leaguecraft.com (my preferred site. The top-rated guides have lots of detail)
www.mobafire.com (better layout for quick reference, but I find the top guides more offense-based than I prefer)
www.solomid.net (not as many guides as the other sites, but they have some by high-ranked players. However, their builds and strategies don't always translate well to lower-ranked games)
http://www.youtube.com/user/stonewall008 (this guy has videos on every champion jungling. You won't be jungling at low levels since you need runes and masteries but it's cool to check out)[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the welcome. If complaining is what you do here, then I'll start as well. I swear to god Jax is too OP. Anybody and everybody can own with the dude.
Jax isn't really OP, he just snowballs heavily. His passive gives him HP for each bonus AD and AP. You have to shut him down in the laning phase. Avoid auto-attacking him since he has a very high dodge chance which allows him to activate his stun. The more you play, the less you'll see him since people know to shut him down.
[quote name='icedrake523']Jax isn't really OP, he just snowballs heavily. His passive gives him HP for each bonus AD and AP. You have to shut him down in the laning phase. Avoid auto-attacking him since he has a very high dodge chance which allows him to activate his stun. The more you play, the less you'll see him since people know to shut him down.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. He needs to have an okay early game and he's pretty much set. Granted I haven't played the game long enough to judge but having a hero that's great mid to end game for an okay early game is too powerful. Strong emphasis on okay. He doesn't need to have a good early game. As long as her gets a few last hits here and there, he's set for the game.

That's just my two cents anyway. The passive is way too strong. Should limit the HP he gains from it or lower the amount of HP per AP/AD.
When Jax gets fed and has his items, you have to CC him. He has to buy Ninja Tabi for the dodge, not Merc Treads for the Tenacity (CC reduction). You have to beat him with CC as well as abilities (as they can't be dodge).
A friend of mine just started playing League of Legends a couple of days ago. He's really enjoying it. Sadly, he's enjoying it a bit too much. He's already bought both champion bundles and quite a few other champions with RP xD. And skins to boot.

He's pretty decent. Once he understands a bit more about all of the champs he should be golden. Been playing with him on an alt of mine, and I picked up Yorick there. He's a pretty interesting champion. When I first tried him out, I thought, "How the heck can this guy be one of the 'best harassers' in lane? His W is his only ranged skill and you have to be really close by to cast it!"

But man.. once you cast anything, those little ghouls dash towards champions. Beat up minion? Let's aggro the champion! I wanna lane with a Maokai using Yorick for the funny harass xd!
[quote name='RabbitSuit']A friend of mine just started playing League of Legends a couple of days ago. He's really enjoying it. Sadly, he's enjoying it a bit too much. He's already bought both champion bundles and quite a few other champions with RP xD. And skins to boot.[/QUOTE]

I seem to be doing well with Lux lately. I keep getting lucky with random shots into the fog of war. Like a couple days ago, our jungler wanted some guards around blue buff at the start of the game. 3 of the other team showed up, but our team backed off. I stayed behind the wall around blue, and just threw a random E in to see if the other team was still there. 2 of them were in the middle of my E, and were low health so I popped it. Instead of killing them, I stole the blue. So then I went mid against Brand, with fast cooldowns and mana regening faster than I could use it. I had double his CS all game :)
Well! My run with Yorick was short. Just played a game and I was laning against the WORST possible person for Yorick and I didn't even realize it until midgame.

Yorick vs Nasus. Yorick's minions count for Nasus's Q... I won the lane, but fed the bastard's Q like hell.

Don't think I'll buy him on my main account now.
Finally gave the game a try this weekend, and I'm into it. Picked up the CE at Best Buy...and I'm definitely glad that I did, since it allowed me to try out more character types than the rent-a-champion system would allow.

Bought Ashe with IP after the tutorials, since she reminded me so much of how I used to play the Rogue in Diablo. (Hit with arrows, then back up before shooting again.) Not sure if I'm better with Trist and Teemo (who both have better escape tactics), or if I just learned to be less of a feeder. (I'm also hoping that Cait becomes a rental soon, since she fits the character type I'm obviously most comfortable with.)

There's still a number of things I need to work on (finding where the items are that are referenced in build orders, the whole rune-combining thing, playing a melee character without getting in front of your minions, etc.) ....so I'm playing in the Co-op v. AI games.
It's nice to know multiple AD Carries since they all bring something unique to the game. Cait has the early lane dominance and sniping ult. Ashe has the utility. Tristana is one of the highest scaling and has a quick cooldown escape. Cait is actually a very common free champion. There are very few ranged AD carries, and a good bulk of them cost 6300IP. So riot tosses her in the rotation around once a month.

Oh, and PC Gamer Magazine actually has a Cait + Free skin code in it this month's magazine (released on most stores tomorrow). So if you don't mind buying a PC Gamer magazine, you can pick up Cait that way.


Just watch out for code thieves. Since the magazine isn't sealed, lots of folks have reported their codes stolen on the League of Legends forums. If yours is, send a ticket through Riot's support team with a picture of the magazine (and code within it), the receipt, and your summoner name and they'll add it onto your account.

I had some trouble going into Melee champions when starting out too. I found tanky-AP characters like Maokai, Cho'gath, Singed and Rumble as a very good transition stage into getting into melee AD. Let's you still keep the harass, with being able to walk up into Melee range and slap some shit~
Picked up two copies of PC Gamer from my local WalMart and luckily both codes worked. Stupid that the magazine isn't sealed, or the code isn't a scratch/pull tab though.
Riven just got her third normal splash art. The first two were just changes to how the sword was being held. Since apparently it was being held backwards. Then the edge was facing the wrong way and looked like a canopenner. Now it's this:


It looks awesome, but that giant glove is strange now.

Oh and there's been an announcement again confirming tomorrow is the final day of season 1's ranked ladder. Hope some of you folks were able to pick up gold
Congrats Panzer!

And yeah, Riven is being released tomorrow. Hopefully she's a 4800 (cause 3150 will never happen :( ), seeing how the past five champions were 6300.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']So I downloaded and installed the game today but I am definitely scared to jump in. Any CAGs out there willing to teach a newbie?[/QUOTE]

Play against bots for a bit.
[quote name='Zarathos']LoL Caitlyn skin (from PC Gamer):


I figured this was as good a place as any to post it...[/QUOTE]

much appreciated sir!
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']So I downloaded and installed the game today but I am definitely scared to jump in. Any CAGs out there willing to teach a newbie?[/QUOTE]

You picked a great day to join. Hate to rush you, but make sure you play at least 10 games of Co-op vs AI/Normal today. It could be all 10 in one mode, or any combination of the two. Just make sure you get that in since today is the last day of the season!

People with at least 10 matchmade games completed (Win or Lose) will get the champion Kayle for free and this limited skin:


So be sure to try to wrap that up! The champion is cheap, and easily unlockable in a day. But that skin won't be avalible anymore. And it's free, so aim for it!

And some tips for the time being

1. BE A CAG!

Don't buy any Runes or champions right now. Always try a champion out in a freeweek before purchasing them. Some may look awesome, but after grinding up the IP for one and buy it, you could find out it's exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Cycle between the freeweek champions, getting yourself used to playing multiple champions and learning how to beat them as well. As for runes, you can do perfectly fine without them until lvl 20. And at that point, you're able to purchase the highest leveled runes in the game. You'll replace all your lower runes with those sooner or later. So you can skip T1 and T2 altogether and save yourself some time.

2. Don't play too much Co-op vs AI.

It's fun and dandy, and even though you can win despite your teammates failing on levels never before imagined, you'll be less skilled than a player going through normal games.

You get placed with like-skilled players in normals too. So don't be too afraid to go in against them. Chances are you won't run into smurfs past lvl 5 anyways.

3. Learn the items and look up champion guides!

It'll set you WAYYYY ahead of the pack to be able to cycle through the shop quickly and know what to purchase ahead of time.

www.solomid.net has great guides and is pretty much the only website I'd recommend at this time. However, most of it is written for high-levels of play and doesn't translate well into normal games.

I suggest you avoid jungling guides and support guides. They require you run specific runes/masteries you don't have, and put pressure on your allies to do their job properly (e.g. Supports never taking minions, leaving an ally to fight 1 v 2).

[quote name='bjkrautk']... (I'm also hoping that Cait becomes a rental soon, since she fits the character type I'm obviously most comfortable with.)...[/QUOTE]

The new rotation was just posted. Cait is one of the freeweekers.


Also has Talon, Nocturne, and Gangplank. Good week for Rammus.

[quote name='Zarathos']LoL Caitlyn skin (from PC Gamer):


I figured this was as good a place as any to post it...[/QUOTE]

Good man.

[quote name='panzerfaust']much appreciated sir![/QUOTE]

Lucky :bomb:
Okay, forget what I said above.

"Hello Summoners,

Our release team has confirmed that an extra 24 hours is needed to ensure quality release. There will be no downtime tonight for the Riven patch. We are sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience."


Looks like we have another 24hours...



Here's the previewed Riven skins though.
That Jori-whatever Rioter said that CSR was mistaken.

I wouldn't really trust most of'em regarding updates since they're zendesk's call-center employees instead of Rioters most of the time.
So what do you guys think of DotA 2 now that some competitive matches have been seen?

I have to admit, it seems rather low-budget. It's hard to criticize the actual gameplay, I mean, it's the same as the original apparently. But I find it strange that this guy had the opportunity to make a sequel with Valve and they decided, "oh let's just try to model everything off the Warcraft III engine." Which is silly because the model variety in the original DotA was the result of the limitations of custom map making -- you have to use units from actual game and its campaign. Now they had the opportunity to make this game stand out yet the hero models look incredibly generic, mainly because this isn't Warcaft III anymore, that charm of map making customization is gone -- we're paying money for this.

I'm happy that it looks very clean and they didn't bother getting messy details everywhere like HoN did. But I expected more flare from the sequel to DotA, and right now now the entire presentation looks very amateur.

edit: And I don't know, it seems awfully pretentious that this guy thinks so highly of the original DotA that he's not changing a goddamn thing. We've been playing knock offs that do the game just as well, and I've been hyped for DotA 2 because I was sure there'd be a new vision and tons of money behind it. It's just generic WC3 units running around on a source engine -- and how can anyone say the menus look good right now? Those huge character portraits are obnoxious, and the voices are horrible.
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The detail looks alright to me. I'm just kinda bummed out about the whole, "it's the same thing" ordeal going on. It's practically a graphics update.

I still plan on playing it, but I don't see myself going too far with it.
ah dangit I just bought Kayle 2 days ago. Is it ten games total from anytime (Just made this account...3 days ago)?
You have to be level 30 and play a total of 10 ranked games. Since you said you made the account three days ago, I doubt you're level 30 already.
bread's done