League of Legends anyone?

tank role can be filled by a variety of champs, and some are just terrible laners that belong in the jungle. others should be solo top, and then there are those that are more support like and make amazing laning partners like an alistar or leona.

so it very much depends on who you want to learn here. other than that it's simply initiate and let your team figure the rest out, easiest role in the game really.
[quote name='bjkrautk']If you're committed to spending RP, buy one of the character bundles. Sure, you're not going to get the recent adds (Graves, Xerath, Riven, etc.), but you'll at least have a decent assortment of characters to choose from, for much cheaper than buying them individually.

I'm at level 19, bought the CE from Best Buy when I started (for $20), and have still managed to pick up a handful of additional characters (Taric, Sona, Jarvan IV) for IP, and have ~11k IP left over for the Level 20 tax (T3 Runes).

Sidenote: Anyone have tips on tanking builds / play? Whenever I try to build one - using the defense mastery tree, trying to build Heart of Gold + Thornmail early - I end up as a damage sponge in my lane (particularly against melee champs like Trynd / Yi), and get behind in levels due to dying / basing to heal up. Much like playing a support, I can get a ton of assists and the occasional kill during team fights, but all too often, I instigate & die while my teammates run away.[/QUOTE]
I assume you have Amumu since he was in the bundle. He's probably the best tank, IMO. He's better in jungle but I used to lane with him.

Masteries, get 14 in utility for 1 point in extra MS and reduced CD on flash. The rest put in Defense (I skip dodge because his E gets reduced CD as he's hit).

I used to get Doran's Shield with laning. You want to get Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold as your first items. After that, I liked getting Sunfire cape since he could then farm incredibly well. After that, Aegis of the Legion, Banshee's Veil, and Randuin's Omen.

For boots, you want Merc Treads or Boots of Swiftness if they don't have much CC. IF they have a lot of auto-attackers, then you can get Ninja Tabi but I rarely do.

If you don't get Merc Treads, build Philo Stone into Elesia's Miracle for Tenacity. I usually build it into Shurelia's when I jungle but since you won't, you can skip that since you'll take Ghost and Flash.

Boots, Sunfire Cape, Aegis, Banshee's, Randuin's.

Your last item can vary. Do they have champs that rely on auto-attacks? Frozen Heart (may want to build before Randuin's).
Mostly AP champs and you have a good number of AP champs? Abyssal Scepter.

Don't build AP Amumu, he's much better as a tank.

Skill order, start with QEWEER. Q for a possible early kill. E you want to max first since it reduces damage you take (there are some games where minions do nothing to me at the end). I usually max W before Q but if you find yourself using Q a lot for stuns, get some points in that instead.
Interesting Freeweek.


All champions I never want to play against... guess I can take a small break and get to my backlog, or something. They also released the artwork and skillset of the newest champion, Shyvana, the Half-Dragon.

She seems to have freaking... everything. Although her only real form of CC comes from her ultimate. So that'll be a pain. But in general, hard core Tanky DPS.

By far the most hilarious game I've played as Soraka:


To balance my karma, the next game two of my teammates were awful Chinese players who insisted on taking top, leaving me to mid as Nasus. gg 20 minute surrender.
Had a good game yesterday with annoying teammates. I was playing with Vaguemar and we said at champ select that we were gonna lane together. No one argued about that. I was Xerath and Vague was Yorrik. We had a Graves and a EZ, so there was plenty of people who could mid. As soon as it started everyone else was like "Xer, go bot with EZ" and I'm like "We said at team chat we were laning together" and our Graves got mad. I said I'd go bot, but before minions even spawned we ran into them in jungle, and Vag had to recall. So I covered top while he was gone, making Graves rage further about me not being on bot. I told him to chill out, that I already SAID I was going and that I was just covering top while he recalled. I finally go bot, and end up raping the other team most of the game. Our EZ loved laning with me cause I had clarity, and together we harrassed the shit out of that lane. I dont remember my K/D/A, but I did pretty good. I'm just glad Graves finally shut up.
Hextech Anivia Sale D:
Skarner Sale D:

Damnit, I'm not spending anything this month that isn't IP. I hope they don't have anything else this good on sale soon :(.
[quote name='icedrake523']Anyone get Shyvana? She seems kinda boring.[/QUOTE]

She's probably really good. Could fall asleep playing Rumble but he's a very effective champ.
[quote name='panzerfaust']She's probably really good. Could fall asleep playing Rumble but he's a very effective champ.[/QUOTE]
I've faced two shyvanas so far. One destroyed the other did poorly. Both times they enemy team ended up losing. So maybe you do have to pay attention when playing her. *shrugs* maybe my experiences are invalid since i'm only level twenty but just throwing in my two cents.
melee dps that depends on sticking to people with 0 cc= bad

i actually think she is extremely similar to riven who i also think is bad.

her gimmick is a one time use dash and move speed. move speed. everything counters move speed. the one character it works on (singed) has an ult with cc reduction so he can get away with relying on move speed. dragonlady does not have that.
riven chases quite well IMO. her Q is a knock up, W is an interrupt, E is a dash, and the ult makes sure you aren't getting away with even a flash.

not the best character though, i agree. mainly as she has no sustainability in lane. jungling is the slightly better option, but only slightly. pretty much all high-tier characters in this game lane/jungle rather comfortably. riven is just a monster in situations that rarely occur.
[quote name='halfbent']Few friends I usually play with are trying to start up a LoL podcast; would love some more listens if you guys don't mind supporting:

Or subscribe to the RSS Feed: http://trinityforce.podomatic.com/rss2.xml[/QUOTE]

I'll listen to it for a free taco

Actually I did listen (while playing Minecraft), not bad. I think you should set the music down a notch IMO though. You did good but I do gotta agree with CK in that there are TONS of these podcasts out there, you're gonna need something to define your podcast as unique.

Going into Season Two, we’d like to open up the playing field for a greater variety of summoner spell choices. With this objective in mind, we’re going to retouch the existing summoner spells to shake up the classic compositions, and to help them better support the strategy of a given team composition.

Here are a few changes that you can expect to see coming up in Season Two.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Most of the classic summoner spells that you’re used to seeing will still be there for you to use heading into Season Two. Many of them will be getting retuned, however, to better suit the more aggressive gameplay that we want to promote in the new competitive season.

Most notably, Flash and Clairvoyance – largely considered the two most powerful summoner spells – will each be coming down a notch going into Season Two. Flash will now have both reduced range and an increased cooldown to make summoners feel less obligated to select it. Clairvoyance will also be receiving an increased cooldown and reduced duration to make it require more tactical use and be less punishing to junglers.

Heal and Cleanse, on the other hand, will each be receiving buffs to make them more attractive selections. Heal will now scale much more strongly into late game, while Cleanse will now remove summoner spell effects such as Ignite and Exhaust.

Out with the Old!

In addition to these changes, there were a couple of older summoner spells that didn’t really fit into how the game has developed since release. We opted to remove these less utilized summoner spells and replace them with some new options. In particular, we’ll be bidding farewell to both the Fortify spell and the Rally spell.

Rally suffers from a few unique disadvantages that are not symptomatic of the other summoner spells. Not only is it a stationary effect in a game that favors high-mobility play, but it can be quickly focus-fired and destroyed by an enemy team with good combat awareness. As a result, the Rally spell has seen little usage, and won’t be making a comeback in Season Two.

As for Fortify, one of the goals of our design changes going into the new competitive season is to continue to encourage aggressive, exciting gameplay. Having a summoner spell that promotes stagnant play by completely shutting down pushes, while also being unpopular, doesn’t mesh with our Season Two goals. We’ll be replacing this relic with a spell we think has a stronger place in the game.

And in with the New!

To fill the void left by the removal of these two spells, we’ll be supplementing the remaining complement of summoner spells with some new choices. This includes the return of the Promote summoner spell and the introduction of the new “Surge” (name not yet final) spell.

“Surge” is a brand new summoner spell that will imbue your champion with a powerful aura, boosting the combat effectiveness of both you and your allies. This new spell will fill the same niche that Rally was intended to occupy without suffering from all the adverse caveats that come with being linked to a stationary object.

Additionally, rather than promote stagnant gameplay through the Fortify spell, we’ve retooled the Promote spell for use on Summoner’s Rift. Like its Dominion equivalent this spell will provide a single minion with a significant buff to its Range, Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stats. Unlike the incarnation of Promote that was present in the League of Legends Beta, however, this new spell can only be cast on a cannon minion, preventing a group of players from spamming it to aggressively push a single lane.

Spell it out for me!

Ultimately, these new summoner spells will help encourage more aggressive and exciting gameplay in the new season. Additionally, the spells will help to promote more varied team strategies in order to open up the playing field for unexpected new styles of play. We hope that these changes will make for a generation of new and interesting gameplay as we head into Season Two!
Guess I'm back to running Heal like a noob. It's a funny thing though, if you are about to die and use heal, then kill your attacker you still get called a noob! You can do it several times to the same enemy and they never learn, but you're the noob :)
Just played with the worst team ever.

So in champ select, I waited and we got Udyr, Taric, and Vlad. Not bad. Then we needed range so the other guy picked Cait. Udyr had Tele/Ghost but changed to Smite/Ghost. I thought great, I'll play Nasus since I love solo top. So I pick Nasus and Tele/Flash.

Then at lock in, Udyr switches back to Tele/Ghost and the rest of my team has Tele. Great, so I quickly switch to Exhaust. Could have jungled if they told me.

Game starts, Udyr wants us all to tele to a ward he'll put at blue to gank WW. When he goes, WW sees him and changes his path.

I go top with Udyr and Cait goes mid against Brand. Cait dies twice to Brand quick and then demands Udyr come gank (we're level 2). Me and Udyr get a kill on Cass. Cait has a tantrum and keeps feeding since no one is helping her.

Finally I go mid but Brand's QWE combo takes off half health (even with 82 MR). I recall and go top and am there by myself a while. Cass first tries to kill me but I get her. Then I'm at their tower and Brand comes. He chases me to my turret and I'm OOM but I get a Wither on him. He flashes in for a kill but can't get out so the turret kills him and I get bonus gold for ending his kill streak.

I tell Udyr to stop swearing but he says it doesn't matter because it's not against the rules. I tell him to be mature anyway. Our bot lane was stupid, too. I don't think they ever talked in chat the first 10 min. Vlad swore when he did talk. Udyr kept saying "n***** d**" and other crap.

Yeah, worst team I ever played with. I should have followed my instincts and Alt-F4 after lock in when they all took Tele.
[quote name='Waughoo']I'll listen to it for a free taco

Actually I did listen (while playing Minecraft), not bad. I think you should set the music down a notch IMO though. You did good but I do gotta agree with CK in that there are TONS of these podcasts out there, you're gonna need something to define your podcast as unique.[/QUOTE]

Passed along the suggestions. I had the same one about the music myself.

Not entirely sure how to sell the podcast, as I'm with you guys too, trying to see what I like about it and if I'm going to keep listening. Being the normal group of guys (and former, one currently active podcaster with Splitkick.com) I play with, I wanted to at least try and get them some more exposure. They're knowledgeable about the game, and have some great passion for theorycrafting tho. Haven't listened to anything else podcast or video related to LoL that much, but from what I hear, there are some pretty bad ones that get way more attention than they deserve.
[quote name='halfbent']Passed along the suggestions. I had the same one about the music myself.

Not entirely sure how to sell the podcast, as I'm with you guys too, trying to see what I like about it and if I'm going to keep listening. Being the normal group of guys (and former, one currently active podcaster with Splitkick.com) I play with, I wanted to at least try and get them some more exposure. They're knowledgeable about the game, and have some great passion for theorycrafting tho. Haven't listened to anything else podcast or video related to LoL that much, but from what I hear, there are some pretty bad ones that get way more attention than they deserve.[/QUOTE]

Free tacooooosss
I played a game as Singed and was bot with Vayne. Didn't want to be him, but Riven took the jungle, I didn't want solo top, and I can't mid. So of course I lane against Cait and Blitz. I never get good lane matchups as Singed. Vayne fed bot early but our Akali was doing well as was Karthus.

There was one fight that broke out in our top jungle. I go in, cause some chaos but get low so have to back out. GP starts chasing me so I get towards Baron and just flash down there. GP (also kinda low) follows me with Flash (so annoyed). I had poison on so Baron starts attacking. GP takes a huge hit from Baron. He gives up chasing me but he goes towards mid and Akali kills him. I start to recall there and just as its finishing, their Brand shows up but can't act quick enough to get a kill.

We ended up winning and I had a full build. Ninja Tabi, Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart, Force of Nature, Abyssal Scepter. I didn't need any other items so I was just buying wards, but at the very end I bought a Zeal for MS, AS, and LOLZ. I botched some flips but I think I did well most of the time, especially with my AoE slow, I'd place it in intersections or possible escape routes so they'd have to go through it or us. Me and Karthus ganked their Brand, he tried to go through my slow, then turned around but Karthus put his up.

I'm starting to value Ninja Tabi a lot more now. If I see autoattack champs like Xin, Cait, Vayne, and Trynd, it's almost an instant buy. Merc Treads usually are better but sometimes they don't really have any major CC. In this case, they had a Blitz but other than his silence, the Tenacity won't affect it.
I had a really good Xerath game last night with Dusk and his friends. I think I went 9/1/15 at the end. Alot of my kills were from full-range hits with my Q to enemies in the fog of war. They would get really low and run behind their tower but would either be recalling or just not remember to keep running. I had went mid against their Kass but I couldnt get a kill on him. Our Alistar ganked him a couple times though, and got the kills. I really need to start looking into better rune pages because I keep running out of mana early game and dont want to sacrifice one of my early AP items for mana. A couple times I've had to get a Sapphire Crystal on like my 2nd back just to keep mana on me. But there has been a lot of times where I've had an enemy less than 100 health who is still hugging their tower, but I dont have the mana to finish them :(
[quote name='Waughoo']I had a really good Xerath game last night with Dusk and his friends. I think I went 9/1/15 at the end. Alot of my kills were from full-range hits with my Q to enemies in the fog of war. They would get really low and run behind their tower but would either be recalling or just not remember to keep running. I had went mid against their Kass but I couldnt get a kill on him. Our Alistar ganked him a couple times though, and got the kills. I really need to start looking into better rune pages because I keep running out of mana early game and dont want to sacrifice one of my early AP items for mana. A couple times I've had to get a Sapphire Crystal on like my 2nd back just to keep mana on me. But there has been a lot of times where I've had an enemy less than 100 health who is still hugging their tower, but I dont have the mana to finish them :([/QUOTE]

Your jungler should be giving you blue after his 1st/2nd run
You should also be building a Catalyst into Rod of Ages as your first survivability item instead of Rylai's, IMO. Most of his spells do AoE damage so the slow really isn't that potent.

I had a really good Singed game. I was 1v2 top against Kennen and Nasus. I actually did well early but they gave up and started feeding me more. I finished 13/5. What I love about Singed is he only needs 4 items plus boots. Merc Treads, Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart, and Force of Nature. Pretty much allows him to constantly ward the map. Plus the late game Zeal is fun.

I also learned you can Flip a Malazahar even if he starts ulting you (assuming you're close enough to do so).
and dont keep spamming Q. try to last hit with autoattack :)

I had a good Skarner game. Jungling is eh, but i pulled through it. Not gonna set-up runes for him as jungler, but i have top lane runes. I just used those.

His ultimate so much fun. My team kept finding them and i would just gank someone back and they would die.

Over and over!!!

And his ult comes back fast cause of his passive
His jungle clearing is really good if you have attack speed marks and glyphs as I do. If you want to jungle, it's a good page to get since it works great with Udyr, Warwick, Nocturne, and Skarner.

BTW, you copied me. I got Skarner a few days ago and now you got him.
[quote name='icedrake523']You should also be building a Catalyst into Rod of Ages as your first survivability item instead of Rylai's, IMO. Most of his spells do AoE damage so the slow really isn't that potent.

Uuuuhhh.... his ULT does Aoe, thats it. Q is targets in a line. W does nothing, E is a small amount of damage and marks enemy so next spell stuns them. I get Rylai's because everyone who I hit with E knows to move before Q hits them (they can see where Q is targeted), so Q makes them easier to it.
If it hits targets in a line, that's an AoE, it doesn't have to be a circle.

Since you run out of mana early anyway, you should build Catalyst and Rod of Ages as your first survivability item.
my leblanc has been so on point lately :bouncy:

traded flash for ghost, and been leveling chains instead of the W dash. if i get a hard counter mid (beefy or good regen) i typically see if someone wants to trade lanes, or i just roam for ganks and return to mid every so often.

i might try ranked with her, given she's such a powerful counter pick to certain teams.
[quote name='icedrake523']Look at this bad Taric stealing a triple kill


Yeah! That f***** noob! Kat jumps in, ULTS, and TARIC takes the kills!
They were beating us kinda bad. Half way they said they were trolling. Then they started Baron, we fought them and killed them, got Baron, pushed and took out all 3 towers and inhib up the lane. Then we just wrecked them. But look at how bad Waughoo's score was. He had the fewest assists on the whole team.

Skarner is so fun. I'm so glad I'm pro and have the right tunes to jungle with him unlike that noob Flippr.

3 fun games, 3 fun wins. Overall 5-1 today.

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5-1 yesterday. 0-5 today. Played Trundle in 2 games since I felt like trying a diff jungler. I completely forgot that any tanky DPS that doesn't have CC or a gap closer sucks, especially against champs with built in blinks.

Also DC'd since my stupid internet resets. Forgot it's an hour earlier b/c of the time change. That was pretty much the end for us then.

Time to go back to solo top.
bread's done