League of Legends anyone?

Dodge is being completely removed and all the champions/items that use it are being reworked. Dodge runes will be refunded in the coming weeks. I see no way Jax comes out of this for the better.
[quote name='Morphx2']his stun is on-demand


I'm fucking terrified.

Of course, I've only played one game all week and it was just a co-op. If you'll excuse me, I have three hours left until I have to suffer through family. Time for Skyrim.
[quote name='Morphx2']his stun is on-demand


They do that and they'll have to nerf him in some other way. I don't play Jax, but liked that he had a mechanic that made him stand out.
I'd like to see him get something like Pantheon's passive that blocks 1-every-X hit.

I am looking forward to getting 7.3k IP though. It seemed like Dodge seals were the runes to get for melee DPS last year. But it shifted to Armor seals since they were 6000 IP cheaper for a full set, also usable for jungling, and reduced ALL physical damage.

I was starting to value Ninja Tabi more now like on Singed, I tend to have tough laning phases with him.

It's a mechanic I will miss but can live without. And comparing it to crit is dumb, IMO. You can counter that with armor, Frozen Heart, and Randuin's. How do you counter Dodge other than Sword of the Divine (which is horrible as a dodge counter).
[quote name='icedrake523']I'd like to see him get something like Pantheon's passive that blocks 1-every-X hit.

I am looking forward to getting 7.3k IP though. It seemed like Dodge seals were the runes to get for melee DPS last year. But it shifted to Armor seals since they were 6000 IP cheaper for a full set, also usable for jungling, and reduced ALL physical damage.

I was starting to value Ninja Tabi more now like on Singed, I tend to have tough laning phases with him.

It's a mechanic I will miss but can live without. And comparing it to crit is dumb, IMO. You can counter that with armor, Frozen Heart, and Randuin's. How do you counter Dodge other than Sword of the Divine (which is horrible as a dodge counter).[/QUOTE]
Attack speed. More attacks = more opportunities to hit.

The biggest bitch about this is the nerf to Sivir. She certainly sleeper atm and she'll be getting a nerf before anyone took her seriously. Sivir is really fucking good and taking away her dodge kills her usefulness as solomid. She could counter so many champs, put pressure on towers, and avoid harass by staying on the move vs autoattack+spell shield while passively harassing with ricochet.
I hope you're being sarcastic because he passive was shit. It only worked if you were running away (ie being defensive). That went against the role of a ranged carry. Not to mention her range sucks to begin with.
not running away, just moving.

if you're playing sivir you should be moving between every attack which actually leaves a very small non-dodging window early on. it makes her great against practically every ranged mid.

also, her range is ridiculous if you consider ricochet bounces off front wave into back wave and into anything behind that as well. fuck leveling that crossblade. max spell shield and ricochet and you will rape mid as long as you remember to always move when you're not attacking and have good reflexes on spellshield. you don't even have to try to harass, ricochet will do it for you.
Patch Preview already out. Sivir's Ricochet got changed, it's now a 1-time, on-hit ability instead of an active that constantly drains mana on each AA.

Also, junging was changed so smaller camps respawn faster but give less gold. It's weaker now so any idiot can do it.


Gangplank is also getting a new model so he won't have pubes up to his chest anymore.

And here is my awesome Galio ult from a few weeks ago:
[quote name='icedrake523']Patch Preview already out. Sivir's Ricochet got changed, it's now a 1-time, on-hit ability instead of an active that constantly drains mana on each AA.

lets ruin everything that makes sivir fun hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

unless that new on hit thing has a 0 cooldown fuck riot forever. that new passive is fucking terrible.

OH DEAR GOD LESS MINION DAMAGE!??!?!?!? WHAT THE fuck. Guess they really don't want tanky melee dps metagame to ever go away.
i mad
Played a game tonight since I've finished up every major non-main quest in Skyrim. Was jungle Amumu, didn't like my team comp but we kept it even early. When team fights started, we wrecked.
Well Sivir is going to be horribly boring now. No more bullying a lane all day with ricochet.

Health potions do make the game very boring though, good fix.
[quote name='Waughoo']Volibear's Spolight is out. Looks like someone you'll enjoy Ice.[/QUOTE]

I do like him. He looks cool, can jungle, and works as a tank. I wanted to get Yorick but I might get Volibear instead. I can wait on Yorick until the Dodge rune refund.
So I just did a co-op to test Jungle Tryn starting with a Longsword... gold rewards from the jungle mobs suck now. And I was barely keeping up with a duo lane in exp.

;_; I hope they revert the jungle changes.
I bought Volibear. He's ok. Just tried a custom game and co-op so don't have a great idea of what he can do. The jungle sucks ass now. Basically you just clear jungle to get to level 4, try to gank, and then lane the rest of the game. You fall too far behind if you go back to jungling since creeps give no gold or EXP. The healing relic is dumb, just makes it possible for morons and champions who shouldn't jungle able to do it and some junglers even better.
This patch was total BS.
Jungling is far to easy now, Bear is ridiculous. Probably going back to HoN, to be honest.
I wish they'd hurry up on DOTA 2, I really wanna try it. Blizzard DOTA sounds weird, dunno how I feel about it.
I just got DOTA 2 beta a few minutes ago (comes w/ 2 invites, thats cool). I play LoL religiously, will try to find time to try out dota2. Came here to talk about it and saw this thread... didn't know so many CAG'ers played LoL. Awesome!
[quote name='panzerfaust']My roommate has the beta, neither of us are too impressed. They must of put IceFrog on a really low budget.[/QUOTE]
I dunno I think its great. Its almost an exact port of DotA with better graphics. Could not ask for anything better.

The backdoor protection is homo though.

Also no one plays in the mornings when I'm on so its hard to find a game till night.
Hey folks,

After letting the jungle settle for a day and not only reading the feedback on the forums, but watching streamers, discussing with high-level players, and running some additional internal testing and mathcraft, we will be making changes to the jungle, likely tomorrow.

What will be the scope of these changes, and what are we trying to fix?

* XP Rate: This isn't as smoothed out as we'd liked (or was intended) and has been the most noticeable problem in the new jungle. While we do think this is not as drastically far off as some believe, it is lower than intended. We'll likely make updates here, especially relating to small camps.

* Penalty of missed ganks: While we do like this tradeoff, we don't like the tradeoff ratio here, something you guys have also felt pretty substantially. Changes made will effect this for the better, whether in increased reward or reduced resource loss.

* Gold Rate: Jungler gold is slightly lower than needed, and this is also related to small camp gold. We will be more careful here as to not make counter-jungling worse (since it revolves largely on stealing the big monsters out of camps), but will be evaluating this.

Classick, Guinsoo and I will be doing some final proposals and mathcraft in the morning, in hopes to release it in a hotfix. I'll try to provide status updates as we get more information. Details to come.

EDIT: This update is going into testing now. Based on the results, I'll share details. Timeframe is moved to most likely tomorrow (Thursday) to ensure accuracy. I'll continue to update this thread.

EDIT 2: We've been testing this evening with good results. Stay tuned for final details either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

EDIT 3: I do want to set appropriate expectations - XP will not be the same as pre-patch (outlevelling/easily keeping up with solo's). Our target is between solo's and duos for most the game, with you falling behind to duo if getting owned and pulling ahead if you snowball heavily. Junglers should have a big impact on the game, but not run the game like they were pre-patch. There's a happy medium here we're looking to get to.

Maybe it'll get better. Maybe.
I recently got into this and just hit level 30 not too long ago. I have a pretty good grasp of the game and know my role. Started playing ranked, but got stuck in the hell hole of getting nothing but feeder allies. My last 4 games I was the only one with a positive score out of the laning phase and its its pretty frustrating getting my elo knocked down so low when i think i deserve higher... Is there a CAG ranked team in the works?
I dont know about a CAG team for ranked. Most of us just play normal because its not as serious.

However I would like to get a group of us together sometime and do a 3v3 or 5v5 if we have enough people. But I dont see us getting 6 people together at a time to play.
You shouldn't start playing ranked immediately after level 30. You need to own more champions, know how to play various roles, and have full rune pages for roles your best at.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I dunno I think its great. Its almost an exact port of DotA with better graphics. Could not ask for anything better.

The backdoor protection is homo though.

Also no one plays in the mornings when I'm on so its hard to find a game till night.[/QUOTE]

im downloading dota2 beta now :)
I noticed that I got an email a month ago for a survey to participate in the Dota 2 Beta. I filled it out last night, lied about it since I've never played Dota. So we'll see if I get an invite.
i take back what i said about the sivir changes

Sigh, I apparently can only get into betas that I'm just interested in, not the ones that I really wanna be in. I'm in the SWOR Beta, and it's pretty boring so far. And I'm in the Tribes Beta, which is fun, but not that big of deal to me. At least Tribes is gonna be FTP when it comes out though, and I keep my character progression from the beta.
So i've been playing leona recently and I've started building meija's on her. I usually get all the basic tank items i need: philo, armor, negatron, boots and grab mejais along those lines when i can. I figured since i get tons of assists anyway i might as well benefit from it. It usually works out but since it is mostly assists the highest i ever gotten is eighteen stacks.

But i recently played a game where we were losing and people starting pointing out that i had a mejais and started calling me a noob and said they were going to report me. Mejai's was the only ap item i had. I understand that leona has low ap ratios but is getting any ap on her really considered trolling?
So far I've won every normal match in Dota 2 I've played.... which is funny cause I have no idea what any of the other champ's abilities are or what to build on my characters.
[quote name='Kasama']Wow people actually got into the damn beta? Signed up as soon as they started taking applications still waiting on a key tho :([/QUOTE]

Sadly, you arent missing much.
Dota 2 just doesn't sit well with me. If I want to play a game like that, HoN has come much further. Dota 2 is too stuck in the ways of DotA, HoN took all the things I hated about DotA and fixed em.

I still play league now though because I can't be arsed to take anything seriously, and league is the least serious of the 3.
I just can't get over the fact DotA 2 is basically a graphics update. It is a nice one though. Played a few rounds on my friend's steam since beta-Jesus doesn't love me. It's a nice change of pace from League of Legends, but I'll probably head back in a bit.
Started playing ranked this season, and wow, I forgot how terrible starting at a low rank was. I always dominate my top lane, push 2 turrets down before mine is even touched, nearing 200 cs by the 20 minute mark, but I can't carry 4 people. Typically you only have to carry 1-2 people, but everyone at that level seems to be awful.

Gonna have to duo queue to move up the ladder.
[quote name='Kasama']Well I never played the first dota so I probably won't be disappointed by the 2nd being too stuck in the ways of dota haha[/QUOTE]

Well no, that's actually the opposite. Both League and HoN have taken what DotA had to offer and stripped the bad parts. League deviated a fair amount with the jungle, runes, masteries etc. but HoN largely stayed the course of DotA. Both games are better for it.

Dota 2 on the other hand hasn't innovated at all, aside from the competitive scene additions. It's just a graphical and utility overhaul for the same game. If you played and loved DotA, I'm sure you'll love Dota 2. But if you've moved on and played the evolved versions, it just feels like a step back.

Feel free to disagree with me, I may be full of shit.
bread's done