League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='crystalklear64']You always have to keep in mind how stupidly powerful Tryndamere is if he gets his stuff. Kyle does stupid shit all the time early on I personally think because he doesn't know the other character's damage and life since he never plays the other champs and the fact that IF he gets a crit or two he'll win just reinforces that playstyle, but with even a little support late game he usually comes through.

He also will be the last one to surrender because of that, which sucks when the entire team is getting raped, even if we do win, its just not a fun game. Its tough to convince him to surrender and its tough to justify surrendering when theres a Tryndamere on your team so I usually just vote however he goes.[/QUOTE]

I just wish he'd try to do less crazy stuff like chase past the mid turret when he used his ult a second ago and has no HP.
[quote name='SEH']
I've said it before and I'll say it a million more times, the worst community/player base of any fucking game ever made. Just horrible.[/QUOTE]

Yup, main reason why I quit playing that game. It gave me high blood pressure. So glad I quit. Much happier man.
[quote name='kaiyouske']Yup, main reason why I quit playing that game. It gave me high blood pressure. So glad I quit. Much happier man.[/QUOTE]

I quit for a few weeks when SWTOR came out, and now that I look back at it, I was a much more pleasant person. When playing LOL I get super ragey and irritated. It just sucks that there's nothing out there that my friends are really that into.
My GF and myself keep playing and we're constantly getting put on horrible teams. I'm level 30 and have unlocked about half the champs, whereas she... well she tries.

If anyone is interested in setting up some games, let me know. We usually get on around 8 PM Eastern and shut down for the night around 10 PM Eastern. We could be convinced to play longer or earlier with a good team though.
me and waughoo are on pretty much every day. waughoo probably your best bet to add. usually play starting around 5-6pst which i think is around 8 eastern? just be around and add us to friend list and you'll get spammed with invites. i know he's on atm.
[quote name='kaiyouske']Yup, main reason why I quit playing that game. It gave me high blood pressure. So glad I quit. Much happier man.[/QUOTE]

Due to the sports team I root for, I've become accustomed to disappointment and frustration so LoL doesn't bother me.

Also, what should I buy next?

a) Kennen
b) Fizz
c) Sejuani
d) Brand
e) Graves
f) AP Runes (flat quints and scaling glyphs)

I'm almost able to afford 2 of the above.
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A Taiwanese man who died while playing video games at an internet cafe was left for hours after fellow gamers failed to notice his death.

The body of Chen Rong-yu, 23, was found slumped in a chair at a cafe in New Taipei city on Tuesday night, according to local reports.

He was rigid on a chair with his hands stretched out towards the keyboard and mouse, police said.

He had been playing League of Legends.

Mr Chen's body had apparently been sitting there for up to nine hours without any of the 30 other people in the cafe noticing.

He was last seen by a waitress talking on the phone around noon on Wednesday.

An initial police investigation found he might have died of a cardiac arrest triggered by low temperatures.

The man's family said he had been treated for a heart problem in September of last year.

Police are still looking into the cause of the death.

They say they suspect that a combination of tiredness, lack of movement and the cold weather could have caused blood clots and a heart attack.

[quote name='icedrake523']Did you happen to get it on reply? I'm curious how the hell we won that last fight.[/QUOTE]

No, doesnt look like I have that one
In a game last night where our team reported 3/5 of the enemy team for negative attitude and offensive language and a yi for being unskilled. The Yi was a bad jungler, so we had a fight between the yi and two people on their team, constantly bitching at yi. Then there was an Annie mid who would throw a fit whenever she died. They surrendered at 20 but oh god it was fun to witness.

I don't usually report people for offensive language, or negative attitude but this game there was constant bitching :lol:, and the chat logs were full of offensive language and Annie just typing in random shit like crazy when she died.

Then in another game we played, we had an Amumu say he could not Jungle Amumu when we asked him to jungle and then when the team wasn't doing so good, he started bitching and whining that we suck, lol.
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LoL at 5760x1080, it's not as good as it looks :p
[quote name='Phelmo']

LoL at 5760x1080, it's not as good as it looks :p[/QUOTE]

Theres a big topic on the LoL forums about this. Apparently Riot can ban you for using resolutions other than the ones provided in the game. So when you do a 3 monitor setup, and edit the game files to force LoL to make use of it, they are able to tell and do ban for it. Use at your own risk.
I personally dont see a problem with it. If you got the money, go for it I say. It's not like they can see past the FOW anyhow
[quote name='Waughoo']Theres a big topic on the LoL forums about this. Apparently Riot can ban you for using resolutions other than the ones provided in the game. So when you do a 3 monitor setup, and edit the game files to force LoL to make use of it, they are able to tell and do ban for it. Use at your own risk.[/QUOTE]

You do not need to edit the LoL source files at all, it shows up as a resolution just like any other would in the options menu.

I don't use it anyway, it makes it harder to use the mini map and you have to used locked camera (which sucks).
[quote name='icedrake523']Remember when Riot gave away Pantheon and his Perseus skin to people who hadn't played the game in months and then realized they fucked up? Now they're giving 400 RP to people as soon as they hit level 3.


So what does this mean if you're level 30 and have been playing for over a year? You don't get anything :)[/QUOTE]

I sent them a message on Twitter asking what they're going to do to reward those of us who constantly pump money into the game. As expected, I got zero response. What do I get for putting on average $20 a month into the game? Absolutely nothing but a banning every 6-8 weeks.

It's like all those deals you can get on cable/satellite TV. If you're a new subscriber you get all the swag, if you're a current subscriber, they couldn't give a shit about you.
Also, if Morde ults a Yi wearing the new skin and gets the kill, the ghost of Yi will literally make every person in that game crash.
Had a very bad night of losing 5 in a row. Lost 4, my friends are like play one more, that 5th game took over 70 minutes and we lost because our AP Janna could not do any damage :bomb:
[quote name='SEH']Also, if Morde ults a Yi wearing the new skin and gets the kill, the ghost of Yi will literally make every person in that game crash.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? GG Riot, almost as good as when Yorick's ult was bugged and you could get 20 kills off it.
[quote name='icedrake523']Are you serious? GG Riot, almost as good as when Yorick's ult was bugged and you could get 20 kills off it.[/QUOTE]

Totally serious.
That Yorick thing was much worse. Yorick was far from getting 20 off of it.


Hell, I got hit with over 100 deaths one game because my ally Yorick ulted me. Good thing my deaths were basically 5g a pop back then.
So i made a ticket asking for a skin-swap because Ravager Nocturne wouldnt show his leash when he casted his fear.

They said no skin-swap, but they were able to recreate it over there and working on a fix!

Another bug, last night I had a game where Yorick's slow ghoul was invincible and untargetable. It had a mission to kill the tower, and it did, without the tower fighting back and none of us could stop it
I had a super Yorick minion happen to me once. It was the lifesteal minion at that. I was completely unkillable that entire damn game. Strange thing was that it couldn't move, it just stayed in one spot right above our top tower. So no enemy minions would move past it and no champions could kill it. They had to push that lane the entire game by tanking it.

Darn shame it never upgraded in attack damage though. He got slow as the game progressed.
Had a game with CK and Waughoo. We were losing, our Nid and Yi weren't doing much. I wanted to surrender since it was 7-22 and their Poppy was wrecking. But we kept at it and came back.

I had a good juke. I was in bot near the first bush near the tower. I saw them come from river and cut me off from the tower. I went to the lower bush and waited. When they showed up in the spot between bushes, I flashed over and got back to the tower. Their Poppy said it was a waste in all chat.
Just did a game with Omega on the smurf account. Tried out Blitz, and got a couple really good grabs off. I think I only missed like 2 or 3 grabs all game :)

We won, Akali owned them so hard.
So my friend played a game last night and told me about this Sona.

Sona built Berserker's Greaves, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, Rabadon's Deathcap and Trinity Force. I am serious because he showed me a picture of the end screen.
I've seen lots of AD Sonas lately with builds similar to that. I'm guessing someone used it in a stream so obviously now most of the retards out there have to try it. Same goes for AD Kennen.
Let me know if you guys want to do a smurf account night. I've currently got about 200 wins, but my gf only has around 20. She's level 11 and I'm not against creating a new account to get into lower games.
I don't know how to tell one of my friends that his builds ALWAYS fucking suck. Like, we all bitch about his builds to him yet he never understands. Just played a game where he was Wu. He went Frozen Mallet and Wits End. I tried telling him like 25 minutes in that he needs to go Atmogs and he kept arguing he needed attack speed. I tried explaining it's not about attack speed, but more so sustaining long enough to hit your Q/E a few times, and that you're E will give you an attack speed boost. Still, never got the Atmogs and we lost the game because he didnt do a damn thing.

Like, he always wants to play carries, but never gets damage on them or always wants to do some retarded build, shits so annoying.
Wit's End isn't a horrible item for a tanky DPS, but Wukong doesn't really need AS since he gets it from his E.

Personally, I never build Atmogs. I get Randuin's for HP and Armor. I also rather build the Phage into a Trinity Force late game.
[quote name='icedrake523']Wit's End isn't a horrible item for a tanky DPS, but Wukong doesn't really need AS since he gets it from his E.

Personally, I never build Atmogs. I get Randuin's for HP and Armor. I also rather build the Phage into a Trinity Force late game.[/QUOTE]

Every time I play Wu I rush the Atmogs, pretty unstoppable (as is with pretty much everyone). Also, I guess I should've put the Wits End into context. Their only magic damage was their support, rest of their team as all AD, so the MR was totally pointless.

It's just annoying because he does this shit in EVERY game, it's like he's unintentionally trolling and it really, really pisses the rest of us off. We lose probably 95% of the games we play with him (he's on all the time, so it's hard to avoid playing with him, and none of us want to be complete dickheads and tell him we dont want to play with him anymore). We've all tried explaining to him or helping him map his built out, but as soon as someone says something he gets super defensive and will try to spin everything or spit out 90 different excuses.

I don't mind losing, but losing while also being trolled by a friend (albeit unintentional) is lame and just makes me want to uninstall the damn game.
its weird seeing rush and atmogs in the same sentence when the sentence isn't: you can't rush atmogs because it costs 400 million gold which is unobtainable in any non-stomp match with any decent amount of speed and if you're stomping then you don't need it anyway.

also i know what you mean about friends and bad picks. this one waughoo guy i play with always picks the worst champs. just grin and bear it.
It's not that hard to rush an Atmogs. When I'm top lane Wu, I start with the health crystal, put pressure on my lane a bit to force them out, then just focus last hitting. It doesn't really take that long to build up enough gold.

fuck it though, it didn't even have to be Atmogs, just some sort of damage period rather than trying to get AS. It doesn't take much for Wu to hurt, but when all you've got is a Frozen Mallet, you're not really going to be doing much. Cool, you can slow them, but you're getting bursted, so it doesn't matter.
I usually get Philo Stone or a Wriggle's if they have another jungler. Lane sustain and free ward to protect from ganks? Yes, please.

I don't like Atmogs either because of the price. It works on Lee Sin because his Q scales well off damage, but most other champs I'd rather just build a HoG and Randuin's later.

[quote name='crystalklear64']
also i know what you mean about friends and bad picks. this one waughoo guy i play with always picks the worst champs. just grin and bear it.[/QUOTE]

You think that's bad? There's this one guy I play with that refuses to buy any item that doesn't do damage. I once suggested he get a Cloth Armor since a Wukong was wrecking him. All he said was, "Cloth armor doesn't do damage" and proceeded to feed.
I play with this one guy, he just rages at our team the whole game over everyone's builds or how bad they play HIS champs. And this other guy, well, I'm sure he'll end up banned soon.
[quote name='crystalklear64']someone smufing with akali? how gay do you even have to be

also does she know the intricacies of soraka yet?
do you know that twitch is bad yet?[/QUOTE]

I actually rarely play twitch. He's annoying, but not a game changer. She has recently decided that she likes Sona better, but she also wants to get good with Ashe or Vayne.

Either way, we've played some more.
Vayne is very difficult to play. Her single target damage output is probably the highest in the game but she's incredibly vulnerable. Have your GF play Caitlyn or Graves first. Cait has the longest base range and Graves' passive at least gives him some resistance.
Had a nice 4 game losing streak. My last game was fucking terrible. The enemy team seriously had twice as many kills as us and there was a overfed vayne and the team though it was a good idea to just run out don't bother defending and then when the other team kills them they don't get the idea to defend. I got killed atleast 3-4 times trying to defend base from the enemy team, but no they didn't get the hint.

Then we had an Irelia who was our worst offender that game at 5/18/6
Hey we had a bad Irelia last night too! She was jungling and I was Ziggs mid against Cait. I kept getting Cait lowish, and she's just pushing and auto attacking the tower. Irelia wont gank when Cait's at the tower of course, she waits till Cait is on her way back to her tower, then jumps in. Cait gets away, and of course it's MY fault. Then I get her low again, Irelia comes to gank but runs in when Cait is still on her side of river. She's been pushing hard the whole game, so why you wouldnt wait 5 seconds till she's at least in the middle of the map is beyond me. She's scared off again and it's my fault of course. Then the ONE TIME Irelia ganks with Cait at the tower, it's when I'm out of mana. I have enough mana for my Q, thats it. Irelia rages that "The best zoner in the game should have been able to do something, but all I did is throw one bomb". At various times she tried to gank other lanes, really badly. It's always everyone elses fault though. She blames me for not pinging for ganks when she's at wraiths because she's busy watching the map (wtf?). It's funny because everyone on both teams tells her how bad she is, and she takes the normal "lulz you nubs are terrible, we'd win if my team wasnt so bad". Trolls suck.

Next game though, I was Ziggs mid against a Swain. I always have trouble with him with Lux, so I'm expecting the worst. I tore him apart. I had like 2 or 3 kills on him during laning, and kept his CS to like 36. He ended up as a free kill the rest of the game. Their Sion got fed somehow though, and took like 4 of us to kill. In teamfights we could either focus him and his team wrecked us, or focus his team and he'd wreck us. We ended up catching their people by themselves in the jungle and turning the teamfights into 5v3s... 5v2s actually cause Swain was so bad. So ended up winning.

CK has had me doing some HoN. So far I'm not really that into it. Although every real game we've played we ended up winning. My first game I took some guy who has a Karthus ULT. Early game some dude is telling me how bad I am, even though he's been told it's my first game. So then I ended up KSing him a few times. I think my K/D ended up even, and it pissed him off more. I've found the community really is as bad as people say on HoN. People are just jerks if you do even the slightest thing wrong.
bread's done