League of Legends anyone?

Played first game against people and I didn't do so well.Turns out it's difficult to farm until level 7 or gain enough gold to buy a decent starting build.Wards are definitely a must and armor.
Just last hit minions and don't use all your spells on them unless you need to do it to defend a tower or push the lane.

Don't buy any runes until you're level 20. The optimal combination of AD and Armor Pen is 6 Armor Pen marks, 3 flat AD marks, and 3 flat AD quints.
I don't even fuck with ArPen anymore, not really worth it. Just use all AD reds. Allows for easier last hitting and better harass.

Just got done with a game where we were matched with a level 21 and 24 player (other team was all 30's). Imagine the outcome. Stupid ass game man.
Not for 6300 IP. I enjoy playing support but it's too frustrating to solo or even duo queue as one which is a large portion of my playing time. If they make it 3150 (fat chance) I might be interested.
[quote name='kirby145']If anyone is new I can teach you to play if you give me a referral ;)[/QUOTE]
Carry me to 1600 and I'll give you all the referrals you want. :D
Just played with a stupid team. We were doing well but there were usually 1 or 2 doing some shit elsewhere during a fight. Twice I told them to go to Baron, they took forever and we ended up losing it both times and the fight. I didn't stay for the rest of the game since I had to go eat.
I just had the greatest game of LoL I've ever played. I was jungle Skarner, Morde top, Lux mid, Graves and Janna bot. We were against Renekton top, Brand mid, Irelia and Corki bot, and Trundle jungle.

I got a good gank on top early but Morde kept pushing too much and staying in fights he should have left. He said he had AD rune page and ended up leaving pretty early.

However, we still kept doing pretty well so I tell everyone to stay in the game.

We keep winning team fights and after we get 4 of them in 1, we get Baron (unfortunately Lux was dead at the time) and we mad push mid. We get the inhib and start to go back, then Janna stays around too long and Irelia and Trundle go after her. Graves and I go back, at this point I had no mana at all, and we kill both of them. The rest of them start chasing us in mid, Lux is up by then, she fires a laser, they're all half health and we again finish them off and finish the nexus turrets and win.
Geez, they are retiring another big list of skins from the store. Why so many? And honestly, why in the hell would you remove a finished product from the game? It's not like they take up space or something.
Well i just a terrible game. We needed a jungler and instead we get instalock wukong -_-. I go bot with janna who decides to leave to help karthus and I'm left alone with ashe and blitz bot. Wukong feeds and then leaves and of course no one wants to surrender. gg.
[quote name='Waughoo']Geez, they are retiring another big list of skins from the store. Why so many? And honestly, why in the hell would you remove a finished product from the game? It's not like they take up space or something.[/QUOTE]

Because no one is buying them, so trying to make a sale for some last ditch effort?


I picked Jarvin and locked it in. Then someone picked Xerath and said "top" after we had Cass going mid.

Im like I am top. He said no, go jungle (we had no jungler).

But I kept to my guns and said no.

So Taric and I went top and Xerath and Ashe went bottom.

We laned against an Olaf. This Olaf was terrabad and was mad that we had no jungler and called us noobs.

The enemy Shyvana did well though and kept some pressure.

Then I got jumped on the tower 2 times by 4 out of the 5 enemies!

I died both times and Cass called me bad because I overextended :\

SO I got my wriggles, frozen mallet, and figured it was time to kick some ass and take some names.

I ended up 18-2-3 with a wriggles, dodge booties, mallet, atma and a wits end!

I was 1v3ing them (well, it was really 2v3, but this Taric was just running for his life in circles so he wouldnt die to Veigar, Alistar, and Shyvana). While I was just wailing at them and slowing Shyvana enough with my mallet that she couldnt escape. Then I would kill everyone else.

Now I have to buy a skin for Jarvin since he just tackles everyone without caring.

He is a real man.
[quote name='Waughoo']Geez, they are retiring another big list of skins from the store. Why so many? And honestly, why in the hell would you remove a finished product from the game? It's not like they take up space or something.[/QUOTE]

What especially sucks is the Spooky Gangplank was 50% off earlier in the week, now he's even less. Sucks for people who bought him on the first sale.

I might buy Feral Warwick. I like the more werewolf look and I see people actually do some pretty decently with him lately.
Guess who's banned again...yup, this guy. Got a 7-day ban this time (up from the usual 3-day). It's such a joke at this point.
Been playing Warwick since I got the skin. Other than one game where my team NEVER said anything in chat and another where our Xerath rage quit after going 0/2, I've done pretty well with him.
[quote name='Morphx2']learn your lesson then and stop being rude to people?[/QUOTE]

That's the thing, I'm not rude at all (no moreso than every other person I play with). When someone on our team fucks up, I'll let them know about it, but I try to encourage/give them advice in the process. People get uber butthurt about it though and don't know how to take criticism.

Take a game I played yesterday for example. We had an Olaf feeding Fiora top. I asked him to stop feeding, but also told him to grab some armor, and play passive to try and bait her into tower diving. He immediately got all pissy about it rather than seeing that I was trying to help.

The player base is a bunch of fucking morons and trolls, and when you wind up playing a marathon session, you're bound to get reported for absolutely nothing a few times. I even tried playing games where I literally say nothing the entire time, but I wound up getting banned regardless.

You cant have a player base full of trolls, then also have them be the judge, jury, and executioner as well when it comes to punishing your players. It just doesnt work.
The Tribunal does not ban players. If you get banned it's because your report passed through the Tribunal with enough punish votes and then was looked at by someone who works for Riot and decided you did something deserving punishment.
[quote name='Genocidal']The Tribunal does not ban players. If you get banned it's because your report passed through the Tribunal with enough punish votes and then was looked at by someone who works for Riot and decided you did something deserving punishment.[/QUOTE]

That is true, however, you are rewarded for voting with others. The Tribunal is just everyone clicking on the "Punish" button to get free IP. It's a broken system.

I honestly don't give a shit though. Gives me more reason to finish up ME3.
I get troll reported at least 3-4 times a day depending on how much I play. Sometimes it doesn't happen, but it definitely happens more than it doesn't. I get queued with people that will tell me they're reporting me because I didn't leash hard enough, or because I didn't gank as many times as they'd like, or because I didn't use smite on a dragon when it was totally unnecessary (yes, those are all real examples). Guess I'm just at an utter shit ELO.

Like I said though, I'm honestly not bothered by getting banned anymore, it's just a running joke at this point among my friends and I.
I love Warwick. If my team can manage to not do anything stupid until I'm level 6, the game is over. I love ulting some asshole champion I hate like Vlad, Ezreal, or Tristana. Want to pool/blink away? Not on my watch.

Just had a game where I ganked Kennen top by ulting him. Talon recalled, I stay in the lane and fight with Udyr a bit. Then I go into the tribush, Udyr comes, I get him low but Kennen shows up. Fortunately, Talon is coming, so I wait in river bush, we get Udyr, Kennen goes to run away, I ult him again. He was SOOO mad.
[quote name='Genocidal']The Tribunal does not ban players. If you get banned it's because your report passed through the Tribunal with enough punish votes and then was looked at by someone who works for Riot and decided you did something deserving punishment.[/QUOTE]
You supposedly can't get banned (perma) without Riot seeing your case, but you can most certainly get suspended from tribunal (ie. the 3,7,14 day "bans" people talk about) without review. This is a difference a surprisingly large people do not realize.

Another one lots of people don't know about is that your accounts are linked based on your IP. So if, for example, you leave a in the middle of a game, switch accounts, and try to start a new game, the game won't let you. Also when they did that "good behavior" thing where they handed out free RP to people, if ANY of your accounts were suspended, none of them got points. How much farther the links go people don't know but they are linked.

Waughoo was telling me about a guy who was only going to play Eve and troll one account and be legit on the other and Riot told him they'd hate to have to ban all his accounts (or something similar to that.)

[quote name='icedrake523']I love Warwick. If my team can manage to not do anything stupid until I'm level 6, the game is over. I love ulting some asshole champion I hate like Vlad, Ezreal, or Tristana. Want to pool/blink away? Not on my watch.

Just had a game where I ganked Kennen top by ulting him. Talon recalled, I stay in the lane and fight with Udyr a bit. Then I go into the tribush, Udyr comes, I get him low but Kennen shows up. Fortunately, Talon is coming, so I wait in river bush, we get Udyr, Kennen goes to run away, I ult him again. He was SOOO mad.[/QUOTE]
WW is one of those auto-buy QSS champs like Malz or Morde. Luckily, the majority of LoL players find pushing '1' too complicated.
[quote name='icedrake523']I love Warwick. If my team can manage to not do anything stupid until I'm level 6, the game is over. I love ulting some asshole champion I hate like Vlad, Ezreal, or Tristana. Want to pool/blink away? Not on my watch.

Just had a game where I ganked Kennen top by ulting him. Talon recalled, I stay in the lane and fight with Udyr a bit. Then I go into the tribush, Udyr comes, I get him low but Kennen shows up. Fortunately, Talon is coming, so I wait in river bush, we get Udyr, Kennen goes to run away, I ult him again. He was SOOO mad.[/QUOTE]
WW is one of those auto-buy QSS champs like Malz or Morde. Luckily, the majority of LoL players find pushing '1' too complicated.
[quote name='crystalklear64']WW is one of those auto-buy QSS champs like Malz or Morde. Luckily, the majority of LoL players find pushing '1' too complicated.[/QUOTE]

But Quicksilver Sash doesn't give you damage.

Had a couple good games with Flippr and Waughoo tonight. We were Warwick (me), Cait (Waughoo) and Jarvan (Flip). First game was good but we had a bitchy Soraka and Vlad. Vlad was pissed at my gank attempt on Malz mid because I just ran at him, no boots or red. Later he wanted a gank when I had no mana (and he wasn't at tower either). Soraka bitched I never ganked (though I did when I could) and at Flippr for stealing a couple kills.

The second game we had a stupid Sejuani who bitched at Waughoo for not having a good CS even though Orianna and Ez kept zoning him out. I couldn't gank because they warded the shit out of it. He never helped in fights.

The third game we were doing well early. We were all full health and ready to fight but our Cass had to recall to buy a Giant's Belt even though I said to stay. We push anyway, we see them all in a bush and decide to go in. Bunch of us die, Cass gets there too late and they ace us. They pushed and got mid and then bot, we had to defend for awhile. We got them as they were retreating bot. I chased Nautilus like hell, then went to ward Baron. We go there, we can tell they're all waiting in that small bush, so Flipp does his Q+E combo, I ult Warwick (was ulting Corki all the time but Warwick was ulting Waughoo so I had to stop him first. Corki was shit anyway). We ace them and finish it. Could have ended 20 min earlier if Cass stayed with us instead of getting the Giant's Belt but oh well.
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Just went 7/0/14 in a game. We actually had a really good Fiora. It looked bad at the start cause we didnt have a jungler, and it worked out so I had to solo top as Lux. But Fiora came top with me at the start so she could get a little early farm. I just zoned out their Renekton while she farmed. Then Lee Sin came to gank, and we killed Ren but Lee ran with like 50 health. Fiora went after him, and died. He somehow didnt die, but he had to have gotten away with like 10 hp. After that she jungle/roamed. I stayed and farmed. By the time Ren was back, I had like 2 1/2 levels on him. I did about half his health if I did my Q->AA->E->AA combo. Once I got my ult I got him a little low, lasored, and he was saved by lifesteal off a minion he just killed :( But I farmed more, went back for toys once, and continued to zone him out. TF tried to gank me twice, both times I got away with lots of health. Once I lasored Lee Sin for a kill, snared TF as he ulted in, then flashed away just when his gold card came up. I think he was getting pissed. After that I took their tower because Ren gave up on me. A big fight broke out bot, so I pushed top. It had like 15% left on it when I ran, and I got back to my tower in time for TF to not ult to me quickly enough, and Lee and Teemo had ran all the way from bot for nothing. After a while we're doing good and I'm like "Should we tell them they keep forgetting to kill me?" because I was like 5/0. We all go bot, gank TF, then ace their team. I got a couple kills out of it and Fiora is like "Lux is shitting all over you guys!". Then we took the nexus, and I think they may have cried.
[quote name='crystalklear64']You supposedly can't get banned (perma) without Riot seeing your case, but you can most certainly get suspended from tribunal (ie. the 3,7,14 day "bans" people talk about) without review. This is a difference a surprisingly large people do not realize.

Uh, no? Riot reviews all the cases before they actually ban.


Go there for questions on the Tribunal. If you look through some of that, Tryndamere (Riot's President) says that you cant be banned without a review.

I've said it a couple times, Tribunal only weeds out the people who should be pardoned and red-flags the cases that need looked at.
I hope you had Mejai's that game.

I played 2 games today. The first was a disaster, our Janna dc'd at the start so Vayne was solo bot. Our Janna was going AP and had Cleanse/Flash. I tried to gank Rumble who was horribly overextended but Jax and I chased him to the turret, he had just a sliver of health but we both ended up dying so it was GG there. Then our Kat was feeding their Kat and Vayne started feeding, too.

But the next game more than made up for that. I was heading bot just as their Cass was to gank, our support GP ended up dying but me and Tristana ended up killing all 3 of them.
I got an email one time saying to stop being rude or i might get banned

So i stopped :)

Last night I had a game where I picked Olaf and I guess everyone assumed i was jungling for some reason (i didnt have smite).

So I went top and i get yelled at by everyone and calling me a troll and blah blah. Pantheon said why u no jungle. I said well, you never asked.

Who knows when jungling became MANDATORY and it MUST BE DONE AT ALL TIMES.

So they leave me alone top lane because no one wanted to lane with me

Ended up 7-1-2 and killed everyone and made them surrender


And for that game with ice waughoo and myself, i didnt think they were in there, i was just checking and then it was SURPRISE!
There's nothing wrong with Ninja Tabi. They're the cheapest boots and worthwhile if the other team is heavy AD, especially someone like Tristana or Trynd who is going to right click you all day.
Patch notes. Maw of Malmortus is probably going to be a staple for manaless AD champions like Renekton and Riven since they have few MR options.

New Skins in the Store

  • Bittersweet Lulu
  • Wicked Lulu

League of Legends v1.0.0.136
Lulu, the Fae Sorceress

  • Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) - Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.
  • Glitterlance - Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.
  • Whimsy - If cast on an ally, grants them movement speed and ability power for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.
  • Help, Pix! - If cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.
  • Wild Growth (Ultimate) - Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking enemies away from them and granting them a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.


  • Rocket Grab
    • Damage increased to 80/135/190/245/300 ( 1.0 ability power) from 60/120/180/240/300 ( 0.8 ability power)
    • Mana cost reduced to 110 from 140


  • Fixed a bug where Fiora could consume the second cast of Lunge on the original target while still moving toward the original target.


  • Fixed a bug where Demacian Justice would not finish casting if Garen lost vision of the target during the cast


  • Hiten Style
    • Passive health restore reduced to 5/7/9/11/13 from 10/14/18/22/26
    • While active, health restore doubles to 10/14/18/22/26
  • Transcendent Blades cooldown increased to 70/60/50 seconds from 60/50/40


  • Eye of the Storm Attack Damage bonus is now lost if the shield breaks


  • Health per level increased to 98 from 88
  • Counterstrike area of effect radius increased to 375 from 350
  • Grandmaster's Might (New Active): Jax gains 25/35/45 ( 30% of his bonus attack damage) armor and 25/35/45 ( 20% of his ability power) magic resist for 8 seconds. 100 mana, 80 second cooldown.


  • Updated Ragnarok's buff tooltip to reflect it now grants Armor and Magic Resist instead of flat damage reduction


  • Now has improved targeting displays for her spells


  • Right clicking on an enemy while using Powerball will now move you close enough to hit the target
  • Base armor reduced to 20.8 from 24.8
  • Base attack damage reduced to 53.5 from 58.8


  • Fixed a bug where Riven could get locked out of moving during her third cast of Broken Wings


  • Updated Rumble's recommended items


  • Fixed a bug that caused Deceive to sometimes deal more damage than intended
  • Two-Shiv Poison damage adjusted to 50/90/130/170/210 ( 1.0 bonus attack damage) from 40/80/120/160/200 ( 0.5 total attack damage)


  • Vorpal Blade
    • Damage reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 from 60/105/150/195/240
    • Cooldown increased to 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 from 5/4.5/4/3.5/3
    • Fixed a bug where last hitting with Vorpal Blade healed for less than intended


  • Updated Fury of the Dragonborn tooltip to more accurately reflect actual values in game
  • Fixed a bug that caused Burnout to last longer than intended
  • Dragon's Descent passive Armor and Magic Resist bonus reduced to 10/15/20 from 15/20/25


  • Power Chord damage increased to 18-188 from 10-180


  • Re-timed Starcall's animation to sync better with Soraka's actions


  • Fixed a bug where Event Horizon stopped stunning units if Veigar died


  • Power Transfer
    • Augmented Power Transfer now grants Movement Speed when the missile is launched rather than when the cast animation begins
    • Fixed a bug where Viktor could gain the Movement Speed from Power Transfer without actually casting the spell
    • Fixed a bug where Augmented Power Transfer's Movement Speed lasted only 2 seconds instead of the intended 3
  • Fixed a bug where Graviton Field disappeared when Viktor died
  • Fixed a bug where Chaos Storm disappeared when Viktor died (though it will not respond to commands while Viktor is dead)


  • Vampiric Scepter Life Steal reduced to 10% from 12%
  • Wriggle's Lantern Life Steal reduced to 12% from 15%
  • Bloodthirster
    • Life Steal reduced to 12% from 15%
    • Life Steal per stack reduced to 0.2% from 0.25%
    • Now only loses half stacks on death rather than all of them
  • Hexdrinker
    • Recipe changed to Long Sword Null Magic Mantle from 2 Long Swords Null Magic Mantle
    • Total gold cost reduced to 1400 from 1800
    • Attack damage reduced to 25 from 35
    • Shield strength reduced to 250 from 300
    • Shield duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
  • New Item: Maw of Malmortius
    • Recipe: Hexdrinker Pickaxe
    • Total gold cost: 3300 (combine cost: 925)
    • 55 Attack Damage
    • 36 Magic Resist
    • Unique Passive: 1 Attack Damage for every 2.5% health missing.
    • Unique Passive: If you would take magic damage which would leave you at less than 30% of your maximum health, you gain a shield which absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.

Summoner Spells

  • Fixed a bug where Clairvoyance would disappear if the caster died
  • Heal
    • Base heal amount reduced to 120 from 140
    • Recently Healed debuff duration increased to 35 seconds from 25


  • Champions will now attempt to run home when they disconnect, instead of Recalling
  • Fixed a bug where the Dominion center buff could cause double kills against Kog'maw, Karthus, etc.
  • Crest of the Ancient Golem scaling Mana Regeneration reduced to 0.5% of maximum Mana/Energy from 1%
  • Cleaned up champion passive tooltips
  • A champion chasing a fleeing opponent will now attack more consistently than before
  • Fixed a bug where Ally disconnect messages were not displaying correctly
  • Fixed a bug where using control F didn't display a Ping/FPS overlay
  • Fixed a bug where players could unintentionally disconnect and reconnect as a spectator
  • Made a few server side adjustments to prevent specific cases of lag

Co-op vs. AI

  • Improved cast logic on ultimates for Caitlyn and Lux bots
  • Fixed a bug where bots in Dominion would sometimes idle under enemy capture points
Had a couple good games last night with Dusk. Had a 7/0/7 Lux game, ended with 20 stacks. Was mid against Orianna, she spent the whole time stuck at her tower. She'd come back from a recall, I'd combo her once and she'd be under half health again.

Also had a Cait game. Didnt do as well, but I would die and we'd end up with like 3 kills for it. So it worked out fine.
Ive been doing well with Riven

I think i am enjoying top lane more and more and learning to rock n roll

flippr tip of the day: If you have minions and the opponent has very few (or none), that is when you harass. If they hit you back, minions will hit them and they will feel it a lot if it is pretty early in the game

Had a FLAWLESS VICTORY last night. Our entire team never died. It was around 16 min or so the other team said they were surrendering at 20, so we pushed and won before that.

I just checked my LoLreplay, and of course it didnt save that game. It recorded the 2 loses we had though :(
[quote name='Morphx2']Ive been doing well with Riven

I think i am enjoying top lane more and more and learning to rock n roll

flippr tip of the day: If you have minions and the opponent has very few (or none), that is when you harass. If they hit you back, minions will hit them and they will feel it a lot if it is pretty early in the game

This. So much. I remember dying so much to this when i first started. It's also pretty much free harass if you can see when they will try to last hit a minion as you know their attention is focused elsewhere. If they try to retaliate your already ahead in damage.

Speaking of playing top. Last game I killed olaf top three times (along with udyr once) and he leaves to go mid. I call mia and next thing i hear is enemy has scored a triple kill -_- Luckily shyvana can carry.
I think I can play an AD carry now. Bought Graves and played 2 games with him. First didn't count, their Cait went bot, placed a trap, dc'd, came back, placed a trap, dc'd. It was me and Lulu against their Lulu. Only finished 2/2/5.

Other game it was me and Lulu vs Vayne and Blitz. Was getting kinda outzoned, needed Lee Sin to gank but he never really did. Finished 10/4/13. I was bot farming while my team defended our mid turret. They initiated, I got there and got a quadra with my ult and buckshot.
People suck at Lulu so hard. Every single one that plays super-aggressive loses the game for their team, doesn't matter if they're on mine or the enemies'.

On top of that, shitty bot lanes whining I don't gank when they feed the enemy jungler by overextending and pushing to tower ever single time...

I hate new champion weeks. Filled with so much aids.
Laned with a Soraka bot as Graves against Vayne and Zilean. Of course Zilean kept putting his bomb on me since Soraka just stayed under the tower and let Vayne farm. She said never play a AD carry again. I finish the game 10/2/9. I told them to recall after we got Baron, Warwick went to steal Blue, TF spotted him, killed him, they got Cho too since he tried to help. Then we killed them at dragon and they surrendered.
If anyone wants to know what the most overpowered champion in the game is it's Poppy. Almost to 1800 using just this champ.

Why? She can carry through anything.

Her ultimate (Diplomatic Immunity) is essentially invincibility for 8 seconds if you can use it to its potential.

It gives the CC immunity of DOTA's BKB, which is stated will never exist in LoL. Yet here it is, free of cost on Poppy. Not only this, but she is immune not only to magic but physical as well. Oh, and to top all of that off, it gives 40% increased damage to the target. Just a little bonus that says there isn't a single person who can beat your damage.

Note: There are 3 important ways to use the ult
1. To kill a single target 1v1.
2. To use on a low damage, low crowd control champion. Then destroy champions in the area while invulnerable.
3. To escape death. Simply ult a target that can not kill you when being ganked or targeted.
If you want to rank up like mad just read Spamhappy's Poppy guide. I don't follow it strictly- In fact many times I roam the map rather than lane, securing dragon and jungle areas.

However the guide provides you with runepages. You must get the armor rune page, as it flat out counters any AD top laner. In addition you need at least 1 more rune page for other situations, such as true damage and magic damage champions.

It has matchups. In some cases Poppy will completely own a certain champion in lane- abuse this. In many, many other cases the lane will be a draw or against you. You can still easily win if you get enough farm. Farming champions works as well as farming creeps.
Playing lowbies past 1AM is almost impossible due to the insane amount of foreigners. My friend and I played until 6AM yesterday and got nothing but Asians spamming chat. Figured it was just an unlucky night. Nope. Just played three games where the other three players on our team were literally all Asians every single time.

I dont even care if they dont speak English as long as they have some concept of how to play. That wasnt the case though. They did nothing but spam chat with English binds, saying things such as "WTF", "GO HEEL", and "IM FEED" the entire time. All this went on as they just fed non-stop. This last game it was 0-8 within the first five minutes of the game.
I was jungling last night and i had such a bad team, but i did my best to get them kills.

We had a Udyr top against fiora, udyr was level 2 while she was 4, and I was level 4 too. I was like $#^@^

BUT i managed to gank and secure kills on fiora for him like 3 times, but he was still very bad.

Our bottom was trolling with 2 ranged AD, Cait and MF vs Janna and Cait. Ive never seen such bad positioning.

The only good person was our mid Orianna, but we both couldnt carry those 2 losers
bread's done