Leaked GameStop Black Friday Flyer


5 (100%)
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I have taken the liberty of linking many of the games and the price they WILL be.
I tried to limit the ones to the games that are at the lowest they have been.


Buy 2 Get 1 FREE on ALL pre-owned products
30% Trade in bonus when trading any items towards ANY purchase

Xbox 360:
Battlefield 4 (Friday ONLY) $29.99
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Friday ONLY) $49.99
Payday 2 $19.99
Halo 4 Game of the Year $29.99
Borderlands 2 Game of the Year $29.99
Dishonored Game of the Year $24.99
Splinter Cell Blacklist $24.99
Skyrim Legendary Edition $29.99
WWE 2K14 $39.99
Madden 25 $39.99
NHL 14 $39.99
NCAA 14 $39.99
Need for Speed Rivals $39.99
Assassin's Creed Black Flag $39.99 (Friday ONLY)
Dynasty Warriors 8 $24.99
Saints Row 4 $29.99
Deadpool $19.99
Rayman Legends $24.99
Sniper Elite V2 Silver Star Edition $14.99
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 $19.99
Just Dance 2014

Playstation 3:
Tales of Xilia $19.99 (Friday ONLY)
Dragons Crown $29.99
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn $19.99
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix $19.99
Borderlands 2 Game of the Year $29.99 (Friday ONLY)
Just Dance 2014
Ni No Kuni $14.99
Skyrim Legendary Edition $29.99
Beyond 2 Souls $39.99 (Friday ONLY)
Battlefield 4 $29.99
Saints Row 4 $29.99
Assassin's Creed Black Flag $39.99 (Friday ONLY)
Payday 2 $19.99
Call of Duty Ghost's $49.99 (Friday ONLY)
Splinter Cell Blacklist $24.99
NFL 25 $39.99
NCAA Football 14 $39.99
NHL 14 $39.99
WWE 2K14 $39.99
FIFA 14 $39.99
Need for Speed Rivals $39.99
Rayman Legends $24.99

Playstation Vita:
Killzone Mercenary $19.99 (Friday ONLY)
Soul Sacrifice $19.99 (Friday ONLY)
Little Big Planet $19.99 (Friday ONLY)
Rayman Legends $24.99
8 GB Vita Memory Card $9.99 (Friday ONLY)

Wii U:
Rayman Legends $24.99
ZombiU (used) $9.99
Wii: (b2g1 free on all preowned, remember)
Xenoblade Chronicles $39.99
Metroid Prime Trilogy $39.99
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I would just like to chime in to prevent bullshit spreading.

You do not need the disc of the ps3 version to play bf4 ps4 version. When u buy it inside is a code to redeem on the store for a $10 version. The PS4 does not play ps3 games it wouldn't even work.
That's what I remember reading.

The PS3 game will have a voucher with a code. Then you redeem it on the Playstation Store and the download for BF4 for 10$ will appear.

Hey guys i have a question for you-  i see that skylanders swap force is going to be on sale for 49.99 and was wondering if gamestop accepts manufacturers coupons($10 off Swap Force Starter Pack) on that day? Black Friday starts on the 29th and the coupon expires on November 30th and wouldn't mind getting it cheaper than $50 

I thought you needed to the PS3 disc in your PS4 tray, and Naomi said "don't hurry in and trade in your BF4 just yet". I was thinking to myself "PS4 must be designed to read the header section of the PS3 discs, which is designed specifically for the generation transition".

I am usually not interested in military shooters so my memory may have failed me.

Amazon was kind of weak last year though. Hopefully they pick it up again.

It seems like Old Navy always gives away a Nintendo game
Amazon's initial offerings may have been weak but they seemed to match most of what other retailers had, which was a major plus for them as most retailers don't price match BF deals

Only thing that peeks my interest is PS+ 29.99 for a year.

BF4 for 29.99 is a good deal, too bad its not PC edition.

So you guys are saying that the code for BF4 on PS3 will give me access to the PS4 game for $10?

Well chances are I can go to gamestop that day and offer someone $10 for the code and download the game for $10 so $20 total. And the person who buys the game for $30 will get $10 from me so they are getting it for $20 to.

I'm saying most if not all that buy the system will also likely buy Mario because guess what, it's Mario. Not even talking about those that already own the console.
Uh, what Mario are we talking about here? Because NSMBU was severely underwhelming and I could never recommend it to anybody for more than $20 tops (and even then, only cause WiiU has no games). I demoed Super Mario HD Land and that game was, again, terribly underwhelming at best. I expect that it would tank sales-wise and bomb in reviews but having Mario's face on it alone probably guarantees a million sales, but yeah unless they completely change everything about the game I demoed this will be the first 3D Mario game to ever really disappoint fans. It really does suck that badly.

And no online multiplayer for a multiplayer heavy title is a fucking joke, even for Nintendo. Obviously a lazy/cheap cash in if there ever was one.

I would love to see a poll of people who actually go out on Black Friday and have a great time with no fights.
I went out for Black Friday in 2010. I don't know about "having a great time" but I can confirm that I didn't get in any fights, nor did I witness any.

When heading out on Black Friday, you need to actively avoid low-income areas. For some of those consumers, Black Friday deals can be the difference between presents under the tree for the kids, or no presents under the tree. Those consumers are going to take these sales REALLY seriously, and competing with them is just a bad idea. They are almost certainly going to be more motivated than you, and the likelihood of open conflict increases. Stick to the stores in the more affluent areas, even if you have to drive farther and their stock isn't as good.

Another important factor is staying out of the way of mothers. Women in general are going to take Black Friday more seriously. But mothers shopping for their children are ruthless, do not get in their way. Be prepared to give up on a deal if it means coming into direct conflict with one of these "power shoppers." And don't assume that older = weaker. An elderly women out on Black Friday is to be feared. That woman has braved the sales countless times, and is probably a lot tougher than she looks.

It's also a really good idea to chat up the people in line. Being generally friendly with everyone around you can help smooth over potential conflicts once the store opens. It's also just a good way to put everyone else at ease. Commiserating with each other about how cold it is never hurts. Conflicts are less likely to break out between people who know each others' names.

Be smart, be cordial, be polite. For everyone's sake.

Fwiw, I went to Walmart at like 8pm last black Friday and scored multiples of dance central 3 and forza horizon. Went back the next day and got even more copies.
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Uh, what Mario are we talking about here? Because NSMBU was severely underwhelming and I could never recommend it to anybody for more than $20 tops (and even then, only cause WiiU has no games). I demoed Super Mario HD Land and that game was, again, terribly underwhelming at best. I expect that it would tank sales-wise and bomb in reviews but having Mario's face on it alone probably guarantees a million sales, but yeah unless they completely change everything about the game I demoed this will be the first 3D Mario game to ever really disappoint fans. It really does suck that badly.

And no online multiplayer for a multiplayer heavy title is a fucking joke, even for Nintendo. Obviously a lazy/cheap cash in if there ever was one.
i honestly think rayman origins/legends is better than the last few mario games. too many 2d marios latley which nintendo needs to change. you can tell 3d land was originally gonna be for the 3ds and would love nintendo to do a true 3d mario like sunshine allready lol. as for no mp in 3d land i think its lazy on their part
So you guys are saying that the code for BF4 on PS3 will give me access to the PS4 game for $10?

Well chances are I can go to gamestop that day and offer someone $10 for the code and download the game for $10 so $20 total. And the person who buys the game for $30 will get $10 from me so they are getting it for $20 to.
Feel free to do that if you want to buy a useless code. Read back a few posts you have to have the PS3 disk in the PS4 for it to work.

Uh, what Mario are we talking about here? Because NSMBU was severely underwhelming and I could never recommend it to anybody for more than $20 tops (and even then, only cause WiiU has no games). I demoed Super Mario HD Land and that game was, again, terribly underwhelming at best. I expect that it would tank sales-wise and bomb in reviews but having Mario's face on it alone probably guarantees a million sales, but yeah unless they completely change everything about the game I demoed this will be the first 3D Mario game to ever really disappoint fans. It really does suck that badly.

And no online multiplayer for a multiplayer heavy title is a fucking joke, even for Nintendo. Obviously a lazy/cheap cash in if there ever was one.
I think it's safe to say that the Mario games just "aren't for you".

There's a difference between a game being bad and you not enjoying a certain style of game. I'm thinking you fall into the latter category.
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In this case, you "could" say that the money is the reason.

The difference, in this case, was that I didn't get Graces F or Vesperia day one even though I feel like I should have (I didn't own either console at that time and had a lot less money). I understand games get cheaper and I'm on this website for many reasons, but...

it's truly apparent that Xillia's initial sales don't matter that much right now if someone is selling the original game at $20 already. This is a JRPG we're talking about, and I would have rather given that money to charity or to a different business operation. Ys Celceta could be a $10 game a year after release and I would feel great about spending $36 for it.

Namco clearly has a different strategy than someone like...Gaijinworks or XSEED does right now who is doing cartwheels to get a sale. Graces F was already $20 earlier this year too, and I can support someone who needs it much more than them. I'm the one who robbed myself in the end when the signs were all over the place.

If I'm wrong, I'd be happy to learn from it or for someone to say that I'm not right. Besides, $20 isn't worth the lines!
Well can't win them all dude!
BF4 for pc for $30.  Why did they have to do that for?   Now I will feel bad about spending $48 on a pre-order.  1st world problems.

Any other game I'd wait and get it for $30.  Hell I'd wait if I knew I could walk into my Gamestop on BF and get it for $30 for the pc.  I doubt they will have many copies for the pc. 

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Lol @ the guy who said Super Mario 3D World is gonna suck. Looks to be the best game coming out in November. Better than any launch game thats for sure. Probably will get a minimum of an 88 on Metacritic.
i honestly think rayman origins/legends is better than the last few mario games. too many 2d marios latley which nintendo needs to change. you can tell 3d land was originally gonna be for the 3ds and would love nintendo to do a true 3d mario like sunshine allready lol. as for no mp in 3d land i think its lazy on their part
Oh god, here I go taking the troll bait. I'll translate to the best of my ability:

"Too many 2d Mario games lately"? There's been four over the past seven years, each one on a different platform. How many Call of Duties and Assassin's Creed titles have we had in the same amount of time?

"Super Mario 3D Land was originally gonna be for the 3DS" Uh...Super Mario 3D Land IS on the 3DS. What the crap are you talking about?

"I would love Nintendo to do a true 3D Mario like Sunshine" What exactly about the two Super Mario Galaxy titles and Super Mario 3D World discredit them from being a "true 3D Mario"?

"No multiplayer in 3D Land" I can't imagine multiplayer working very well on such a small screen. Super Mario 3D World's multiplayer should work pretty well since you'll be on a big TV screen.

If you're going to troll you could at least try to act like you're putting a little bit of thought and effort into it and use some capitalization and puntcuation, not to mention proper spelling.
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Oh god, here I go taking the troll bait. I'll translate to the best of my ability:

"Too many 2d Mario games lately"? There's been four over the past seven years, each one on a different platform. How many Call of Duties and Assassin's Creed titles have we had in the same amount of time?

"Super Mario 3D Land was originally gonna be for the 3DS" Uh...Super Mario 3D Land IS on the 3DS. What the crap are you talking about?

"I would love Nintendo to do a true 3D Mario like Sunshine" What exactly about the two Super Mario Galaxy titles and Super Mario 3D World discredit from being a "true 3D Mario"?

"No multiplayer in 3D Land" I can't imagine multiplayer working very well on such a small screen. Super Mario 3D World's multiplayer should work pretty well since you'll be on a big TV screen.

If you're going to troll you could at least try to act like you're putting a little bit of thought and effort into it and use some capitalization and puntcuation, not to mention proper spelling.
someones opinion is differint from trolling. anyone who has seen me here since i joined cag knows i dont troll lol. i simply want a diff type of mario game and i know others do too. im not knocking anyone who has enjoyed the previous ones latley. its funny who people get angry and turn into grammar police, waaaay of topic doing that. btw dont get me started on ass creed and cod lol. oh and i was talking about the wii u 3d land when i said it looks like it was originally ment for the 3ds, my mistake
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So even though I just bought a PS+ sub, I could buy a $30 sub and it wouldn't matter that it's so soon?
Nope, will just add to your length. Say you have 11 months left right now, add the new card to your account and you are good for 23 months. Plus the code doesn't expire, you could just wait and put the code in before your sub expires, but might as well do it when you buy it as it just adds on to your current length.

Im in for like 3-5 PS+ cards, enough to basically cover me through the ps4 console cycle. Already have 2 years of ps+ currently, 5 would put me at 7 years. Stock up and never have to worry until ps5.

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I have a question for you guys. My son wants a Wii U for Christmas and skylanders swap force. I see they have the Wii U bundle with Skylanders Swap force for $299 and also comes with $25 GC and a free skylanders backpack, but it is 8 GB. Is it worth to get this bundle or should I go with the Deluxe version. He is not a hardcore game and probably won't be interested in any downloads. Do you think I will be better off getting this bundle and is 8 GB big enough or go with the deluxe version with 32 GB.

Thanks for help

Wait for the rest of the BF deals to roll in.

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someones opinion is differint from trolling. anyone who has seen me here since i joined cag knows i dont troll lol. i simply want a diff type of mario game and i know others do too. im not knocking anyone who has enjoyed the previous ones latley. its funny who people get angry and turn into grammar police, waaaay of topic doing that. btw dont get me started on ass creed and cod lol
But if you're going to offer an opinion on videogames you could at least have the common decency to get titles right. Otherwise it appears that it's just a slapdash wave of negativity - I.E. Trolling.
Booo GameStop. What the shit are they thinking with Forza Horizon?! $30 for 1yr PSN is good though...

I just want some good Vita/3DS deals or bundles this BF. 

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But if you're going to offer an opinion on videogames you could at least have the common decency to get titles right. Otherwise it appears that it's just a slapdash wave of negativity - I.E. Trolling.
no negativity from meas im too positive on here for that lol. as for this bf ad im wondering if the titles on the 2/50 promo will change since it goes through bf. im hoping the pokemon games stay on it
Deals are above average this year , prob due to next gen
Agreed. Not sure why people keep posting that its crappy.

Especially the BF4 deal, basically allows to get ps4 for xb1 version for 40 with their 10 upgrade program. 30 for a year of ps+ is crazy good, cant beat that. Couple of other things aint bad either.

Hopefully amazon matches, daddy's got credit to burn!

Really late to the party but wow GS's BF sales are amazing. Im laughing at those who say they all suck. Several amazing deals that probably wont get beat by other retailers. 

And I think someone asked how it is in person at BF sales. I have gone to every black friday in person since 2007 and never witnessed any fights or anything really bad. Just huge crowds of people and loooooong lines to pay. Usually I just buy games and blu rays so its really simple. Know your stores layout walk in and grab the things you want and go straight to the line. Every retail store I go to takes about 30 minutes to get in and purchase my stuff. Really simple. Only online things I buy on BF are through Amazon. Sometimes Bestbuy.

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$9.99 for WOW Mists of Pandaria isnt bad at all. It says you get a digital code with that?

I cant read it since its blurry but is it a time card for 1 month or 2 months or something?

bread's done