LEGO Deals

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Target xmas clearance is what got me to start buying regular Legos for my kids, besides the Duplo which I have rubbermaid tub full that nobody plays with anymore. I think it was two xmas's ago when I found the airport set for $15-20 and I thought that was too great a deal to pass up. Now twice a year we clean up Target's Lego aisle. Although this year it's funny...with the economy in the toilet, you'd think that there would be lots of Legos sitting on the shelves. But this year only two out of about eight Targets I visited had a decent amount of Legos on clearance. Most stores were lucky to have one or two. And check everywhere for all the toy ailses and even sporting goods which is usually next to toys at Target as a lot of stuff gets misplaced this time of year. My wife found a spongebob chum bucket set in the Barbie section...yeah, she bought it, I've trained her well ($34 down to $8!)

I saw a family with three carts following the markdown lady and hoarding everything she put down to 75% or be eaten.

Time to go watch Battlestar Galactica!
[quote name='180husher']
Time to go watch Battlestar Galactica![/quote]

You are in store for a wild ride, however the ending sucks.
Anyone noticed buying Legos from Amazon is useless now? It doesn't seem like Amazon carry many sets, and the rest are hiked up in price by 3rd parties, even for sets that are available at! Bummer since I have prime and they dont charge tax.
Jabba's Sail Barge for $7X.XX? New? Thats a great deal now. I tried very hard for weeks to get one on EBay Christmas 2007 for under $120 (total cost), couldn't get it. Not even a used kit. I would have loved to get one at original retail. I haven't looked at them in about a year, but I doubt they have gone down.
Hit up my Target and Wal-Mart again today to check it out (both were wiped last week).

Wal-Mart: Really limited selection. They had the construction sets, 1 pirate set, the shanghai chase set, and some of the old star wars ones. Nothing on sale/clearanced.

Target: Last time I was here, LEGO had just got condensed to half an aisle and was wiped. This week, it got moved over an aisle and is now a full aisle again, and they had almost everything. The entire Pirates line, both new Indy sets, all of the new city sets except for the farm ones. And a ton of Coast Guard stuff (none of which was clearanced, I checked).

Also, that $100 apartment building/construction site may in fact be the worst set I've seen from LEGO.
[quote name='lordwow']
Also, that $100 apartment building/construction site may in fact be the worst set I've seen from LEGO.[/quote]

You must be new to LEGO City sets.

Try the 1997 City Center Jr. sets, those are the worst sets ever. The only issue I have with the new set is it looks like LEGO had too many construction sites, but no expensive "base" set, so they shoved 3 smaller sets together, added a dumb building and elevator and poof, you have a $100 set.

This is probably the worst City set I can remember, and that cost I think $60-$70.

This bank isn't much better. The Police Station, is the worst ever, same with the Fire Station, which fits nicely with the worst Fire Truck ever. The "new" fire truck is 6-7 years old and is one of the longest produced sets I remember.

Then there is the Cargo Center, great set in theory, failed badly. It's a $50-$60 set with 300ish huge pieces.

These were in my "dark ages", I stopped buying LEGOs a lot in 1997-1999 because of my "dark age" and a lot of the sets were crap. rescue was great and same with Extreme stunts, but besides that, blahness.
Ya, those are pretty bad, I just can not understand the $100 price tag on that apartment construction set, it looks awful and doesn't seem to have anything going for it. Kind of like all of the farm sets :cool:
[quote name='lordwow']Kind of like all of the farm sets :cool:[/quote]


Not ALL the Farm sets suck, just the farm, and the horse set is $8 too much. The Harvester is nice, and the minifigure is awesome, but not worth $40.

But the red tractor is awesome! I have waited years for that set! Plus it's the perfect size, not too big, not too small.
Went by my Target just to see if anything new popped up on clearance and there was absolutely nothing. In fact they only have an endcap for Lego now.
[quote name='bigdaddy']a Bunch of new Star Wars sets that will be 5 times more expensive than they should. And they are all Clone Wars BS.[/quote]

SW needs to die off.

Currently looking for discounted sets, but will be waiting for Space Police.

I'm still trying to decide to buy the BIG Drill set from Power Miners... just for the rock monster :p I hate it because it's really only going to be a drill a not much else.
I gave up on clearance LEGO, yet another new year without any sales.

However the 15-18th of next month is the NYC Toy Fair so we should see the remaining, none exclusive, sets for the year then. Hopefully there will be some news on the new trains that will most likely get pushed back to 2010.
I have to say, after seeing some of the space police pics, this is gonna be a cheap LEGO year for me. I think I'm going to dive in and grab the Midevil Market, just because it has so many pieces, minfigs, and cool pieces. Other than that, the 2 new Indy sets, and maybe a couple of the Pirates sets.

I don't have the money this year to spend that much anyway, but LEGO had better get some better sets rolled out next year.

Oh, and my fiance really liked:

Maybe I'll get her it for her birthday :cool:
180huser encouraged me to go clearance hunting today. I went to 2 Targets and 2 Wal-marts, 1 of each I've never been too. What a bust they were. Target had absolutely no clearance Legos and Wal-mart had the usual IJ and Dwarve's Mine. Although the only new find was one Wal-mart had the Coast Guard Ship and Tower set for $49, down from $60. I wish it was a bit lower.

I also stopped at a TRU that I've never been to. What a gold mine but of course it was expensive gold. They had sets I haven't seen in stores (only recently started looking). Recycle Truck, Cement Truck, Cargo Plane, Police Headquarters, Fire Station, Truck & Forklift, etc. I can't wait for some kind of sale at TRU.

I have the Construction Site. Its a decent set, I kind of regret spending so much on it, should have saved the money for something bigger.

I saw the Beach House in the store today. That will probably be my next purchase. Anyone have this set? It seems like a good deal, 520ish pieces for $30.
Ah, the ship and tower was still $60 at my Target today, maybe next time I stop in I'll try scanning it. It's one of the few Coast Guard sets I'm missing
The construction site set isn't bad enough to warrant some of the comments I've heard on it. I'd say the building piece is pretty lame, but the vehicles aren't bad.
[quote name='180husher']Anybody else notice speedy's signature at the end of his post this week?[/quote]

I just was going to say that. There is a better one that is really bad. It's terrorist sex one and comes with a terrorist minifigure and 72 virgin minifigures. :lol:

[quote name='FadeToOne']The construction site set isn't bad enough to warrant some of the comments I've heard on it. I'd say the building piece is pretty lame, but the vehicles aren't bad.[/quote]

Exactly what I said. The vehicles are decent, but then they shoved them with the dumb building and the price goes trough the roof. If kids today were smart they would rather get the Castle Market. :)
[quote name='PenguinoMF']
I saw the Beach House in the store today. That will probably be my next purchase. Anyone have this set? It seems like a good deal, 520ish pieces for $30.[/quote]

it's not too bad, the wife has it, but it's not big.

Comes with a nice plate though, and there are alot of yellow.

I built her a lego yellow car, and she's added a pool (stealing my blocks).
Well the only thing I was able to find at Target was the MT-21 Mars Mission vehicle with drill for $2.47 (75% off).
The stores around here are random and some are still at 30-50%. They don't have any more clearance lego sets though so I guess that's it for me.
Some Toy Fair news, including a new theme!

Construction sets for children ages 18mos and up: LEGO, DUPLO, TECHNIC, BIONICLE; City, Pirates, Space Police, Power Miners, Agents, Castle, Racers, Creator, Bricks & More, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, SpongeBob SquarePants, Thomas & Friends, Ferrari, Lamborghini, MINDSTORMS

Lamborghini is new, which is good because Ferrari is dead. I hope that LEGO will bring back normal Racer sets with minifigures, I miss those sets, but I doubt that. Plus I'm hoping that Thomas & Friends will be in System scale and not Duplo, but I doubt that too.

And LEGO considers Train as something separate than City, and it's interesting it's not listed.

And what is "Bricks & More"? Just normal brick buckets?
New, better, set pictures...

I don't understand why ONE Power Miner sets has a new bigger rock monster, I think those should have been in the bigger January release ones. And there is a HUGE brick built rock monster.

The Random Castle sets, I still feel they went "Screw Castle, it's Pirates year", and just throw together some sets they designed and never released. One set with Skellies bugs me, I want dawaves and orcs.

The Creator sets are great, the dragon is awesome. The Space Police Impulse sets are... interesting...
Thanks as always bigdaddy.

I've been kind of taken aback by how reluctant the LEGO blogs are at posting these pictures as of late. I mean isn't that kinda the point of a blog?

Either way, I like the Indy and City, glad they made some more worthwhile sets this year.
[quote name='bigdaddy']The Random Castle sets, I still feel they went "Screw Castle, it's Pirates year", and just throw together some sets they designed and never released. One set with Skellies bugs me, I want dawaves and orcs.[/quote]

Thanks for the link!

Is the chariot castle set the one that's supposed to come with the Queen? I might get it just for that. The one with the jester looks alright, if only for the jester minifig and the chance to make a Skeletor using that cape :) Looks like the orcs finally get a base.

I hope they come out with the Good Wizard impulse set here too. I don't want to have to pay $10 for it online.

I wish they put the same effort into City that they put into the Creator sets. The City sets look like crap compared to them.

Edit: Maybe crap was too strong of a word. They look ok, just not as good as the Creator sets.

Edit 2: Why don't they make more houses with black roofs? How many real life houses out there have red roofs? It makes me think of the Red Roof Inn.
I found a lonely Crab Crusher at TRU today--not on the LEGO shelf, but in clearance, it rang up at $17--not bad for a $60 set with 583 nice yellow pieces.

Only other LEGO item I could find was a stack of those Luke Skywalker minifig statues @ $9--I passed. Should I get one?
[quote name='lordwow']
I've been kind of taken aback by how reluctant the LEGO blogs are at posting these pictures as of late. I mean isn't that kinda the point of a blog?

It didn't bug me at first, but now it's starting to. i understand not printing blurry pictures of sets, but these pictures are better. Then LEGO gets mad when they are leaked. The pictures are from an official store catalog, you don't want them leaked then don't print them.

My favorite of course is Eurobricks and Brickset. Randomly EB decided not to talk about pictures as much even through that was the point when the site started. Then Brickset posted leaked pictures and two days later said they wouldn't post anymore leaked pictures! They didn't take down the other leaked pictures, they won't be adding anymore. That is the only point to the BS news section.

ABC a little while ago came back from a commercial break during the presidential parade and said "You are watching non-interrupted coverage", really? Then what the hell was the commercial break I just watched!

[quote name='cassidyarch']I found a lonely Crab Crusher at TRU today--not on the LEGO shelf, but in clearance, it rang up at $17--not bad for a $60 set with 583 nice yellow pieces.

That set was $50 normally, and they had TONS on black Friday. I guess no one likes it. The set looks great, but once built looks a little small.

And I think the City sets are lacking too. The buildings are very very blah, even the older 1980s sets have a little life to them. I hate the garage, it has no roof, it's hideous. The sets are very kiddish, yes it's a kid's toy, but it seems more like Matchbox cars. Then there is a "Bike Shop", it's the little thing next to the pizza place. It contains only one bike. That's a shop?
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I kinda like the Pizza Place/Bus station, but honestly, it looks like the type of place I'd cannibalize and rebuild a lot of it to add functionality. Kinda like the fire station without walls. With just a little more effort/pieces it's great.

@bigdaddy: I agree, I assume you read the blogs like I do, and I think ever since they started having these ambassadors or whatever, the sites have pulled back a lot and are being very pro-LEGO (I mean, obviously fans are pro-LEGO, but I have a lot of criticisms this last year too) and seem like they're trying not to lose those positions.
Well the Fire Station even when it was just walls and windows, it seems to have a modern feel. It had a nice sleek look to it.

The Bike Shop and Pizza Place is OK, but it's two walls, a window and a door with a roof. A 5 year old could make the Bike Stop in their sleep. Main Street from years and years ago was simple but had a style.

Plus I think they should remake the Bike Shop to a Post Office. LEGO never did make a Post Office (last year I mean).

[quote name='encendido5']Thanks for the link!

Is the chariot castle set the one that's supposed to come with the Queen? [/quote]

No, the Queen is above the Jester in the tower set.
[quote name='encendido5']Thanks for the link!

Is the chariot castle set the one that's supposed to come with the Queen? [/quote]

No, the Queen is above the Jester in the tower set.
I do kinda like the idea of the bus stop / pizza shop. It's not just one city related item in a set. (Usually it's just like a firestation or a hospital, etc). Also excited to have more IJ sets!
[quote name='n64ra']I do kinda like the idea of the bus stop / pizza shop. It's not just one city related item in a set. (Usually it's just like a firestation or a hospital, etc). Also excited to have more IJ sets![/quote]
I'd rather see a really well put together set with one place than a scattering of random little store fronts.

How cool would it be to have a real bike shop, with about 5 or 6 different little bikes in there? In fact I don't see why this set itself isn't that way. The other part of it's not that great IMO. The best part is the bus.
My problem isn't the different parts in one set, look at the old Main Street, it's the fact that it's badly done, just like the construction set building. I hope they fix it for the final pictures.

It's a rectangle box for a Bike Shop and it only has one bike. Bikes are expensive to make, and I think are only made in red, but two would have killed LEGO? A bike in the City minifigure set as a tie in would have killed LEGO? Maybe even a bike and a couple skateboards and call it a Skate Shop or something.
I'm liking the impluse sets for Space Police. Kinda sad on the new Power Miners though, more BIG useless pieces.

Creator series though is the golden brick of this year so far, can't wait to see them.
[quote name='bigdaddy']My problem isn't the different parts in one set, look at the old Main Street, it's the fact that it's badly done, just like the construction set building. I hope they fix it for the final pictures.

It's a rectangle box for a Bike Shop and it only has one bike. Bikes are expensive to make, and I think are only made in red, but two would have killed LEGO? A bike in the City minifigure set as a tie in would have killed LEGO? Maybe even a bike and a couple skateboards and call it a Skate Shop or something.[/quote]
I don't like the look of mainstreet much either, though. I think I've been spoiled by the castle and pirate sets... they seem really nice in comparison to the city stuff. They're big sets with lots of neat little details.

I also reallly like the creator sets. I guess that's more what I'm going for, and city will never be that, it's a simpler set type.
[quote name='bigdaddy']New, better, set pictures...

I don't understand why ONE Power Miner sets has a new bigger rock monster, I think those should have been in the bigger January release ones. And there is a HUGE brick built rock monster.

The Random Castle sets, I still feel they went "Screw Castle, it's Pirates year", and just throw together some sets they designed and never released. One set with Skellies bugs me, I want dawaves and orcs.

The Creator sets are great, the dragon is awesome. The Space Police Impulse sets are... interesting...[/QUOTE]

Anyone saved the pics? They took down that page rather quick.
[quote name='SOSTrooper']Anyone saved the pics? They took down that page rather quick.[/quote]

I might have saved them, but they will be $10 per picture.

I need money for LEGO somehow. ;)
Ya, to be fair, that's another reason they don't like these set pictures to get out, they tend to be a lot more detailed when they actually come out, some of these sets may get another set of polish before they come out.

Either way, I'm really looking forward to the IJ Dogfighting (planes... not... dogs...) set
[quote name='lordwow']Ya, to be fair, that's another reason they don't like these set pictures to get out, they tend to be a lot more detailed when they actually come out, some of these sets may get another set of polish before they come out.

Either way, I'm really looking forward to the IJ Dogfighting (planes... not... dogs...) set[/quote]

That's true with a lot of sets, however in recent years the development time was cut down. I think what you see for the most part is what will be released. However the Power Miner sets look like unfinished garbage so lets hope those aren't finale.

However with Toy Fairs none of this matters, we will get up close pictures of the sets. But for now we have these pictures I uploaded. Only one Star Wars set included because I don't care at all for them, not that anyone else here seems to like them that much. :cool:

This by the way is used as a snow blower thingie. I saw it on the news for the first time over the weekend.

And to further my thoughts about how foolish LEGO Blogs /Sites are. This is from Brickset owner.

Having mulled it over a bit, I still won't be using images marked 'confidential' or providing links to them; however I'm not going to delete comments containing links and I see there have been plenty posted here today!

They why don't you just link to them!?
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Thanks bigdaddy. I really like the city street w/ the bus. I need more regular buildings in my town. I seriously can't have 10 police stations when they redesign them once every 3 years. I'm longing for a new bank, new post office, new hospital that doesn't suck, and possible another monorail-type train/tram?
I do agree with that sentiment Trooper, while there's definitely the use for a police station and fire station, the more regular city stuff they come up with the better.
I like the fact for at least 5 years there were Police, Fire, Rescue sets but if you bought all the sets there would only be about 5 people who you could rescue.

I picture the LEGO Police chief going like this...

"How is the crime?" - Police Chief
"Well we only have a population of 6 people, and everyone is homeless, so crime can't be that bad." - Police Officer

I doubt we will ever get a monorail, I just can't see LEGO making new rail road pieces, but maybe they will. I'm still waiting for the Train set pictures for this year to come out.

There are a few very early looking IJ pictures I'll add to flickr later.

Brickset deleted all the comments I made over the last week, all the ones making fun of their new rules, and a comment about the Farm sets being at TRU and being more overpriced than normal. That site is run by fools, we need to start up CAL, :)
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[quote name='bigdaddy']I like the fact for at least 5 years there were Police, Fire, Rescue sets but if you bought all the sets there would only be about 5 people who you could rescue.

I picture the LEGO Police chief going like this...

"How is the crime?" - Police Chief
"Well we only have a population of 6 people, and everyone is homeless, so crime can't be that bad." - Police Officer[/quote]
Most of those police stations had Jailbreak Joe, or whoever his modern counterpart is now, didn't they? That would make the lego town criminal to citizen ratio something ridiculous like 1:3 no? :lol:
[quote name='bigdaddy']Brickset deleted all the comments I made over the last week, all the ones making fun of their new rules, and a comment about the Farm sets being at TRU and being more overpriced than normal. That site is run by fools, we need to start up CAL, :)[/quote]

No joke! If you look at my first post, that's what I was looking for!
Bought a Tower Raid #7037 at one Target yesterday for retail $29.99. Did a return/rebuy at my store this morning where it is $7.48, but my girl said she wasn't supposed to do it because it is a clearance item and it might not be in stock anymore(it wasn't!). She did it anyways because I just bought it yesterday. I wonder if management caught wind of me coming in with receipts and getting $300 plus credited back to my credit card and talked to the CSR girls? Oh well, I don't have to worry about it until the summer Lego clearance...or until I find that SW tank that came out at xmas floating around in some random Target.
Is there a set day that toys get clearanced at Target? I know video games and electronics are on Mondayss. I know my Target has some of those sets and I want one.
[quote name='180husher']Yeah, it's a love/hate relationship...everyone loves to hate me.:lol:

Toys are usually Thursday or Friday PenuinoMF.[/quote]

Just remember...

I know where you live.

I'm actually working on setting up a LEGO blog and forums, I don't have the forums set up yet, but I'll give you guys the links when I set them up, probably this week
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