Let the throttling begin: Netflix raising prices almost double in Sept


58 (100%)
Update 8 24 11
Just noticed Netflix was started enforcing streaming device limits (ie how many devices at once can stream) Guess this is so they can push their "family plan" is that is rumored

Netflix just announced that they are raising the price of their plans. They are splitting off the streaming and non streaming plans.

Stream only will cost $7.99 with no disc option
DVD only with no stream will be $7.99

Both 1 disc out at a time and stream will be $15.98. More discs out raise price more

edited to add more price
2 disc only $11.99

2disc with stream $19.98
3 disc with stream $24.99
4 Disc with stream $29.99

1 Disc out (2 max per month) $4.99
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[quote name='GamerChris']Blockbuster is pretty similar. I've had Xmen First Class, Bridesmaids, and Thor at the top of my list along with two games. I ended up getting something way down at #7 on the list.[/QUOTE]
It does. That's why I strip my queue to one or two titles based on what I want. If I wait more than a day or two for shipping of that title(s), then I put a title they easily have copies in. I take that copy when I receive straight to my local store and swap it for the title I want. I am blessed to still have a location fairly close to my home.
Anyone still pissed about the price increase and the service?

Now they have the rights to Walking Dead and are going after new episodes of Reno 911! as well currently being in a bidding war for Arrested Development's new episodes.

Lots of people ran away and there keep popping up new reasons to come back.
I was just on DS9 season 2 episode 13 and it went down. = ( Best star trek ever by the way, just wish amazon instant would run on ps3 without playon or such.
I was bothered by the price increase but not so much anymore. They've added some great stuff to Instant Watch recently (Wonder Years, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead). The changes just made it easier for me to drop the disc service.
I'm glad I dropped the streaming. I pay for cable and I can OnDemand some of these shows anyways. I couldn't justify the added cost since I barely used the streaming. I usually have a backlog of DVR'd shows and movies anyways.
Im actually very pleased with them and have been. People always find something to gripe about. Since Netflix came out its been $7.99 and that was how long ago? Times have changed, new competition has come in, companies are hungrier than even and they made a choice to charge for both streaming and dvds. I had a 2dvd limit and changed them out once a week. I did drop it just because i cant keep up with both dvd and streaming movies. Now i resort to redbox for new movies. Although once they get the game service i might pick it back up again.
I wasn't bothered by the change but it's a smart move. The funny thing is that the internet threw a fit when they decided to split and now that netflix is saying they made a mistake (and actually are listening to their customers) the internet is still going to complain saying they need to make up their mind.
What a complete disaster. This is no way to run a company, and if I'm on the board I'd be suggesting Mr. Hastings step down. At least they came to their senses and realized how completely retarded it was to split the services up. The only person I feel bad for is Andy Rendich who was to be the new CEO for Qwikster. It must have been a great moment for him and his family but now all that is taken away.

I've been thinking about Netflix's pricing, and I came up with a structure that I think would have been looked at more favorably than what they're doing:

Streaming only - $7.99
DVD only - $7.99
Streaming + DVD = $12.98 (i.e. Save $3 a month when you get both)
Streaming + DVD Yearly subscription = $135.76 (i.e. Save an additional $20 a year if you lock in a yearly subscription, $60 early termination fee)

I really think they should create some sort of savings for bundling the two services. I imagine even this small discount would bring back some customers.
[quote name='DestroVega']It's clear right now they have major problems in deciding the direction of their business.[/QUOTE]

Yes but I think they just have major PR problems - it is clear they eventually want out of the physical media / mailing business. I highly doubt it is the CEO making these decisions without input from all of the higher-ups either.
All of this reminds me of when Jim Keyes took over as CEO of Blockbuster, and promptly ran it straight into the ground.

Hastings started Netflix, but he is in the process of doing the same thing.
[quote name='ssjmichael']What a complete disaster. This is no way to run a company, and if I'm on the board I'd be suggesting Mr. Hastings step down. At least they came to their senses and realized how completely retarded it was to split the services up. The only person I feel bad for is Andy Rendich who was to be the new CEO for Qwikster. It must have been a great moment for him and his family but now all that is taken away.

I've been thinking about Netflix's pricing, and I came up with a structure that I think would have been looked at more favorably than what they're doing:

Streaming only - $7.99
DVD only - $7.99
Streaming + DVD = $12.98 (i.e. Save $3 a month when you get both)
Streaming + DVD Yearly subscription = $135.76 (i.e. Save an additional $20 a year if you lock in a yearly subscription, $60 early termination fee)

I really think they should create some sort of savings for bundling the two services. I imagine even this small discount would bring back some customers.[/QUOTE]

That is what really annoyed me. Just give us some discount for subscribing to both plans. $2-3 off would be enough.
Well I for one am really happy with Netflix now that they changed their mind about the split. I'm glad they actually listened to the customers about this, since the main reason I love Netflix is for the convenience, and keeping it as one site is certainly more convenient for me.
Netflix's rise into stardom is the reason it is crumbling now. All of their contracts with the big companies are ending now or soon (ahem Starz) and now that Netflix is making ass loads of money, the movie guys want more money to show their stuff on Netflix.

This has inevitably lead to price hikes and if Netflix can figure out how to keep being profitable, it will eventually lead to more price hikes, and more price hikes.

Netflix has little to no Leverage against these movie companies because there really isn't a whole lot in it for said movie companies. Sure, their movies get watched, but that causes DVD sales to go down (which is where most of the money comes from after theaters) because people don't feel like they need to buy the movie when it's on Netflix. If a movie cost Netflix $1 million (fake example) in "rent" to show on Netflix 5 years ago when their subscription base was probably 50% of what it is now, then that same company will probably want 1.5-2 million now to make up for the extra viewers. Multiply that by 10000 and you have a hell of a expense increase. So what can Netflix do to deal with the price hikes the movie companies want? Raise prices for memberships.

Eventually I see Netflix adding in advertisements in the beginning of movies (like on DVDs) and in the middle of shows (like normal TV), like Hulu, but for now, I guess this is a fair price increase. $8 to watch all the semi-old to old movies/TV shows I want is still a damn good deal.

That being said, I don't think Netflix has a clue on how to deal with this flak they are getting from the movie companies and that is why they are making bad decisions. They'll figure it out, I just hope they don't crash Netflix into the ground doing so.
I didn't care about the split. It made sense from a business perspective. What annoyed me was the fact that they didn't outline any kind of plan to integrate the two sites, thus making it a pain to juggle the two accounts. So, I'm glad they have decided against that move. The company definitely seems to be in complete disarray, though.
fuck, I was about to poke fun of Pachter for being wrong again about Netflix creating Qwikster to sell to Amazon, but now he even has a theory for why Netflix canned Qwikster. He claims it's because Amazon backed out of a buyout. This guy is so full of shit, it's not even funny anymore, it's just sad.

How does someone like this still have a job? How is it that his firm doesn't see through his bullshit? There's no way in hell Netflix would sell their streaming service to Amazon, no way. It's makes them too much money, it's the future and it's only going to get bigger. They're going global, they have House of Cards. Netflix would never sell that to Amazon. Pachter claims they'd do it, just to hold on to Qwikster. Is he retarded? If anything they did the split to get rid of the DVD service not hold on to it. What a joke of an analyst.
^come on pachter is not even that bad. if anyone is speculating here its probably you. Who knows what type of sources pachter has.

but anyways im glad netflix decided not to split. would have been a horrible decision.
bread's done