Let's argue about Mike Brown!

Says the guy who can't seem to understand why a police officer wouldn't attempt to pull a man bigger than himself into his own car...Do me a favor: find ONE INSTANCE of that happening with video evidence.If you can do that, I'll concede defeat. Otherwise, you're blowing smoke.
According to you a police officer would never drink and drive because they shold know better.
[quote name="Msut77" post="12264145" timestamp="1416827577"]According to you a police officer would never drink and drive because they shold know better.[/quote]
No. It's just that I don't assume things without evidence backing it. Forensics don't really lie.

I'd like someone to find one instance (with evidence) of a police officer just grabbing someone (with hopes of apprehension) from within a closed vehicle. Until that happens, it's dumb to assume that is more likely to have happened versus the opposing viewpoint. Because people are creatures of habit, and don't tend to stray from their normal processes. I've yet to run across ONE officer that's done that.
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LOLZ... Since when is grabbing someone from inside a vehicle different tactically than pulling them into the car? Same logic applies. No leverage. Purely defensive position. No reason to do so, when you can just open the door...
Cause training NEVER fails, right? :rofl:

But hey, way to try to defend your own badly strewn words. It's cute how when facts are given, you throw out cries of racism and assumptions (without facts backing them).
Again with your reading comprehension issues and strawmen! Is reading too hard for you or something? Either the cop grabbed Brown or Brown tried to commit Murder 1. Those are the most plausible scenarios that led to a struggle in the car, which the forensics back up(that there was a struggle in the car; not what led to it). You want to cry about assumptions? Well you're making a whopper of one by assuming that Brown threw the first punch and tried to grab the cop's gun. You want to talk about me testing out how hard it is to restrain someone from a car? Well maybe you should have one of your buddies try to take your gun from your secured holster while sitting in the driver's seat in a LHD car.

As for crying out racism, maybe you should re-read my posts again. You're confusing me for someone else. No surprise there.

So, let's up the ante: find video evidence of what you're describing happening at least once. I'd be interested in seeing that. And explain away why some witnesses say "he pulled him into the car" and the injuries sustained. He either pulled him in, or "grabbed him" and then was assaulted. In both instances, it doesn't play out to support your position very well.
Or maybe Brown saw the cop pull the gun and was trying to protect himself from being shot because Ferguson PD has a history of roughing up black folks. Nah, that's also an impossible scenario because "training," right? Is beating the shit out of suspects part of that training too?
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[quote name="dohdough" post="12264593" timestamp="1416842637"]Cause training NEVER fails, right? :rofl: Again with your reading comprehension issues and strawmen! Is reading too hard for you or something? Either the cop grabbed Brown or Brown tried to commit Murder 1. Those are the most plausible scenarios that led to a struggle in the car, which the forensics back up(that there was a struggle in the car; not what led to it). You want to cry about assumptions? Well you're making a whopper of one by assuming that Brown threw the first punch and tried to grab the cop's gun. You want to talk about me testing out how hard it is to restrain someone from a car? Well maybe you should have one of your buddies try to take your gun from your secured holster while sitting in the driver's seat in a LHD car.As for crying out racism, maybe you should re-read my posts again. You're confusing me for someone else. No surprise there. Or maybe Brown saw the cop pull the gun and was trying to protect himself from being shot because Ferguson PD has a history of roughing up black folks. Nah, that's also an impossible scenario because "training," right? Is beating the shit out of suspects part of that training too?[/quote]Once again, your order of events fails basic reasoning. But hey, we'll see if the Grand Jury agrees.

Again, I'd like to see video evidence of what would lead up to such a situation actually happening in real life. That'd be cool.
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Once again, your order of events fails basic reasoning.
That's because you don't have any reading comprehension skills. Not my problem, bucko.

But hey, we'll see if the Grand Jury agrees.
Oh puh-lease. Everyone knows that the cop isn't going to get indicted and even if he does, he's gonna walk and still be on the force.

Again, I'd like to see video evidence of what would lead up to such a situation actually happening in real life. That'd be cool.
You know what else would be cool? If I could get a copy of Bio-Booster Armor Guyver: Act 2 with the original animation again too. Find me that and I'll go through the effort of finding yours.
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[quote name="dohdough" post="12265305" timestamp="1416856239"]That's because you don't have any reading comprehension skills. Not my problem, bucko.

Oh puh-lease. Everyone knows that the cop isn't going to get indicted and even if he does, he's gonna walk and still be on the force.

You know what else would be cool? If I could get a copy of Bio-Booster Armor Guyver: Act 2 with the original animation again too. Find me that and I'll go through the effort of finding yours.[/quote]
Funny how you won't attempt to find it, because you know you couldn't find it. Because it doesn't fucking happen.

This just in: dohdough refuses to address issues and refuses to put out any conclusive evidence backing his opinion, but still tries to claim high ground. Fails miserably.
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Funny how you won't attempt to find it, because you know you couldn't find it. Because it doesn't fucking happen.
What's even funnier is when you drop a line of argumentation when you know I'm right.

Yeah, every police encounter is magically caught on video and uploaded to youtube for everyone's enjoyment. We hardly get any video of police brutality to begin with and now you want one of a specific action? I bet cops jerk off, but that doesn't mean there's video of them during it in the line of duty. Or how about cops sexually assaulting people? Since there's no video, does it mean it doesn't fucking happen? Of course not and it's ridiculous to insist on that type of proof.
[quote name="dohdough" post="12265414" timestamp="1416858023"]What's even funnier is when you drop a line of argumentation when you know I'm right.

Yeah, every police encounter is magically caught on video and uploaded to youtube for everyone's enjoyment. We hardly get any video of police brutality to begin with and now you want one of a specific action? I bet cops jerk off, but that doesn't mean there's video of them during it in the line of duty. Or how about cops sexually assaulting people? Since there's no video, does it mean it doesn't fucking happen? Of course not and it's ridiculous to insist on that type of proof.[/quote]
Funny thing is, the things you've listed are out there on video. And they don't happen all the time. So, even if it was uncommon, you'd find it. But I know of no one who's done it, even when they were rookies. Because it's a fucking huge safety risk that has absolutely no incentive to do it.

And the shit storm is about to kick off... dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. Next few days will be fun at work...
Or maybe Brown saw the cop pull the gun and was trying to protect himself from being shot because Ferguson PD has a history of roughing up black folks. Nah, that's also an impossible scenario because "training," right? Is beating the shit out of suspects part of that training too?
Really? We're back to this argument again?

You will never in a million years get a court to agree that if a police officer pulls a gun on you, you should engage him in a struggle for the weapon. No way. No how. I don't care who you are or what you believe. No one will EVER deem that a justifiable response. You can say "But MAYBE he intended to do me harm." Well, we'll never know because you decided to engage him in a life threatening struggle and give him cause for doing you harm.

And if your defense is just a general distrust for law enforcement and an unwillingness to comply, then life is going to be very hard for you. This isn't to say there haven't been/aren't bad cops. But unless you have solid evidence that the LEO told you to get on your knees and suck his dick, you are not going to find a court that is ok with you fighting and resisting.

Even if it's not a cop, Jesus Christ, 99.9% of the time, if someone has a gun on you, the appropriate response is to back down and give them what they want. Let me guess "The cop would have killed him anyway." Again, general distrust for law enforcement = good luck in life.

But unless you have solid evidence that the LEO told you to get on your knees and suck his dick, you are not going to find a court that is ok with you fighting and resisting.
Apparently LEO do not need such level of evidence before they start shooting?
Anyways we are all in trouble when one group are no longer held accountable.
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love how all of these people have time to walk down the streets holding signs.  Maybe they should get a  fuckING JOB instead of walking down the streets protesting every fucking day. Then again if they were forced to get jobs they would say that is racist.

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love how all of these people have time to walk down the streets holding signs. Maybe they should get a fuckING JOB instead of walking down the streets protesting every fucking day. Then again if they were forced to get jobs they would say that is racist.
Im glad you have your priorities in life straight.... Money before rights.

Hey next time we should starve people like in Cuba or Africa, too hungry to fight for freedom

Im glad you have your priorities in life straight.... Money before rights.

Hey next time we should starve people like in Cuba or Africa, too hungry to fight for freedom
LOL rights. Yea they have the right to burn down stores, They have the right to steal from stores. What the hell am i talking about they steal from working people every day by sitting on their asses getting their goverment checks instead of working

Love how his family says they are not be giving the respect we should get when they only get a PHONE call telling them what is going on.

fuck them

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LOL rights. Yea they have the right to burn down stores, They have the right to steal from stores. What the hell am i talking about they steal from working people every day by sitting on their asses getting their goverment checks instead of working

Love how his family says they are not be giving the respect we should get when they only get a PHONE call telling them what is going on.

fuck them
Yea cause you lump the rioters along with everyone else.....

its the truth. the people  are just there to riot and steal crap, if not they could of stayed in their own home towns and did their own protest. Love to see they look at the video tape of all of the people who are standing around all day protesting this crap and see how many of them have  FAKE  disable claims saying they cant  STAND OR WALK long distances and kick the fuckers off  the free handout wagon


love how all of these people have time to walk down the streets holding signs. Maybe they should get a fuckING JOB instead of walking down the streets protesting every fucking day. Then again if they were forced to get jobs they would say that is racist.
Maybe they work overnight delivering newspapers and then sit on a message board all day bitching about how no one is at work during the day...

Maybe they work overnight delivering newspapers and then sit on a message board all day bitching about how no one is at work during the day...
yea right they work over night. So they must get in their cars, Drive all the way to the other cities they came from, work, get back into their cars and drive across country so they can protest again.


Why are people in denial that we have a serious policing problem in this country and that the over militarization is the cause of it.

Do you not understand why people no longer give a fark, when they are threaten by the GOV'T


I like to see people who like Fearia, continue to defend this nonsense

Quote for prosperity

Though the U.S. government does not have a database collecting information about the total number of police involved shootings each year, it’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 Americans are killed by police officers each year. Since 9/11, about 5,000 Americans have been killed by U.S. police officers, which is almost equivalent to the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in the line of duty in Iraq. {/quote]
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Why are people in denial that we have a serious policing problem in this country and that the over militarization is the cause of it.

Do you not understand why people no longer give a fark, when they are threaten by the GOV'T
And yet, when folks want to carry guns and say they don't trust the government, they're labeled as extreme wacko nutjobs.
I love the fact that despite hearing a snippet of evidence that demonstrated the outright lies being perpetuated, we get this reaction.

Thank you, Detroit, for being peaceful so far.
So this is what I got from what I just heard:

Brown steals cigarillos, clerk calls the police, Wilson hears dispatch, proceeds to area and sees Brown and blocks him off with his vehicle. This is where I got lost with all the talk of witness statements, plus I was distracted at work.

This is what I got: At this point Brown charged Officer Wilson while still inside his car and then fired off two shots wounding Brown. Brown ran but stops turns and charges, gets into a scuffle where he is shot and killed then.

Then his body was left on the street for over 4 hours. Most of the initial eyewitnesses lied putting Wilson in a negative light saying Brown was shot in the back. That snowballed out of control thanks to social media & news.

If all this is true (not saying it is) then those witnesses that lied even before this investigation got legs are really to blame for a lot of this.

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Another piece of shît cop gets away with murder.
a lot of people do. awhile back we had a person go into a Beer place, rob the place and told the person to get down on his knees and he will leave them alone. Worker gets down on his knees and the robber shoot the man in the back of the head. The robber is caught and plea bargins to a few years behind bars and then hes a free man just to kill again (what he did)

So how where they able to pull the video chat (Facetime/skype) records to see the final moments of MB's death?  That's what I am curious about.

If you are inside a car and someone charges at you, I'm sure you have no justification to use deadly force

Metal vs. Human skin....lol

Anyways I don't blame people for burning everything down, considering when your life is worthless in the eyes of others, everything else is worthless to you.

Only way to ever get even is to destroy the city and a dead city is one that a corrupt gov't won't have anything left. Only way to break a gov't is to destroy its infrastructure and economics
If you are inside a car and someone charges at you, I'm sure you have no justification to use deadly force

Metal vs. Human skin....lol

Anyways I don't blame people for burning everything down, considering when your life is worthless in the eyes of others, everything else is worthless to you.

Only way to ever get even is to destroy the city and a dead city is one that a corrupt gov't won't have anything left. Only way to break a gov't is to destroy its infrastructure and economics
Oh, hey... once again. RvB is ragging on someone because that individual has a job. Go figure.
Hey sport, I was actually trying to give the benefit of the doubt to people whom slidecage unfoundedly claimed were unemployed. In reality, you should be chastising slidecage for assuming protestors don't have jobs but since he's on your "side" I guess you're gonna defend him? Really, that's where you're at, defending slidecage's rant because he's on your side. Cause how can he know their employment situation?
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Hey sport, I was actually trying to give the benefit of the doubt to people whom slidecage unfoundedly claimed were unemployed. In reality, you should be chastising slidecage for assuming protestors don't have jobs but since he's on your "side" I guess you're gonna defend him? Really, that's where you're at, defending slidecage's rant because he's on your side.
If they are not UNEMPLOYED. Then tell me how people from 3 to 4 states over can come over and walk down your streets protesting this every day for the last month +. Sorry but they are not getting back in their cars, driving 12 hours then working then driving back another 12 hours to do another stupid march though downtown.

Also love how it showed on CNN i think that black man walked over to a white women holding up a sign supporting the cop, the guy rips the sign out of her and goes that SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO HOLD THAT SIGN. Yet he thinks he has a right to go over and take her sign and rip it up. If that was the other way around you would heard all of this outright how a white person ripped up a black person sign. BUT nope she has no right to support the cop.

Love how these fools are walking around with their hands in the air says

HANDS UP DONT SHOOT. thinking if they comit a crime all they have to do is put their hands up and nothing can be done to them.

There are even some people who think they have the right to shot a gun at a cop, throw the gun down and then think that the cops have no right to shoot back.

So you think its these people right to RIOT and STEAL and burn down places. I hope the cops crack more of them on their heads, maybe then the morons will learn but they never will

and about if someone charges at you while your in a car they have no right to shoot you? Then i guess that lady down in texas should be in prison for killing the white person who was screaming at her outside her car and she shot an unarm white man killing him and nothing was done to her. O yea that was never covered that much cause it was a Black women who killed an unarm white man

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Sure, sure. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.
I sleep fine, are you sleeping through the night now or do you still need to crawl in bed with mommy and daddy because of the monsters in your closet?

As an aside, for as much as you claim you can "take it" you sure seem to spend a lot of time going out of your way to insert yourself into arguments to try and criticize me. Methinks thou dost protest too much. That's alright, at a certain point you'll surely try to get me banned again, once again proving that you can't "take it."
There's a world of difference between pointing out the fallacies and double standards in your posts and what you did that got you banned. It was not *me* that banned you. You were banned for your post. Stand up and take responsibility for your actions and stop crying because you were held accountable for what you posted. You keep making wise-cracks about my age, yet you're the one who's acting like a three year old because you got punished for doing something that any reasonable adult would recognize as behavior that is not acceptable.
If the criminal justice system were run like these protesters want it to be, there would be more lynchings and innocent people going to prison/being executed than there ever were back in the day.

Detroit is fine here. Reports from my brothers in Chicago say it's been not too bad, just marching and some streets blocked.
I stopped watching to go finish watching my team play. How bad is it?
McDonald's windows were smashed. A local Mexican restaurant and a Little Ceaser's were set on fire. Cop car on fire. Saw a bunch of protesters say, in a separate incident, "fuck this car" and smash in the windows. Don Lemon got tear gassed.

Protesters marching in Los Angeles and New York as well. Police is escorting the group in Los Angeles.

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There's a world of difference between pointing out the fallacies and double standards in your posts and what you did that got you banned. It was not *me* that banned you. You were banned for your post. Stand up and take responsibility for your actions and stop crying because you were held accountable for what you posted. You keep making wise-cracks about my age, yet you're the one who's acting like a three year old because you got punished for doing something that any reasonable adult would recognize as behavior that is not acceptable.
So you can take it? But then when you can't take it you have to run to tattle and the other person has to "stand up and take responsibility"? Ok, got it, sport.
bread's done