Let's argue about Mike Brown!

You know, every time you post a troll meme, it just further entrenches the fact that you have literally nothing of value to contribute.

[...]When Dohdough says the only undisputed facts[...]
Except that isn't what he said. Perhaps you should go back and re-read his post.
So in this day and age and with all the information available, we still have a problem vetting people with authority to use force, we are in BIG trouble

Except that isn't what he said. Perhaps you should go back and re-read his post.
When did I say that eyewitness accounts were definitive proof? The only definitive proof of anything is that there was a struggle in the car and the cop killed an unarmed teen.
You really want to have a semantics argument about "definitive proof" vs. "undisputed proof"? Substitute definitive proof for undisputed proof in my post and my point still stands.

Look sport, you're running out of daylight here. If you want to have time to play with your friends you should probably get off the keyboard and get to the playground before they have to go home for dinner.

"Definitive" has a pretty... definitive meaning. Very different than "undisputed". The two words really aren't even close in meaning.
For instance, if Mike Brown had started an incident but then stopped resisting and was shot after he stopped resisting submitting to the arrest, the cop murdered him. It's all a question of context that the undisputed facts fall under.
This is actually interesting from a self-defense perspective. People who actually know self-defense laws know that you're only allowed to continue fighting until the person is no longer a threat. Even if they start the fight, if they back down, you can't just keep kicking the shit out of them and call it self-defense. This opens up worlds of gray areas for courts to sort out though. For instance, say somebody sucker punches you, then backs off and says "Hey, man. I don't want to fight." What do you do?

HOWEVER, if you believe your life is in danger, you can respond with lethal force (how Zimmerman got off). And ultimately, dead men tell no tales. I've raised the point before that any person carrying a gun would legitimately have their life "in danger" any time they got into a physical altercation because "he went for my gun" is always in play.

This is why in concealed carry courses, they teach you to avoid conflict and to back down in any argument you ever get into while carrying...because you have a crap ton of responsbility strapped to your body (where Zimmerman was wrong).

Obviously, police officers can't exactly abide by these same rules. Does that mean our law enforcement should stop carrying firearms? Of course not. That's crazy. But it also takes a special kind of crazy to attack and go after somebody's gun. There's just so many factors at play here beyond "White cop shoots unarmed black teen."

My opinion...regardless of who it is...flip-flop their skin color...I don't care, if the evidence supports a significant attack against the police officer, then the action was justified. I have no qualms with law enforcement killing anybody who punches them in the face and tries to grab their gun. Just prove to me that's what actually happened.

"Definitive" has a pretty... definitive meaning. Very different than "undisputed". The two words really aren't even close in meaning.
Nah, not always. See, I'll use an example for you sport.

The definitive truth is that you will work for Walmart for the rest of your life.

The undisputed truth is that you will work for Walmart for the rest of your life.

See, same result, champ.

Nah, not always. See, I'll use an example for you sport.

The definitive truth is that you will work for Walmart for the rest of your life.
The undisputed truth is that you will work for Walmart for the rest of your life.

See, same result, champ.
Man, it really burns your biscuits that I have a job and support my own family, doesn't it?
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Man, it really burns your biscuits that I have a job and support my own family, doesn't it?
Are you implying I'm jealous of you, Walmart? Shit, anyone can pick up those things, son. Particularly if you just settle for retail.
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Cool. Glad to see you admit that anyone can get a job. Will you be sure to bring that up next time someone complains about unemployment et. al.?
Cool. Glad to see you admit that anyone can get a job. Will you be sure to bring that up next time someone complains about unemployment et. al.?
Sure, and you can start arguing hypocrisy when I ever say unemployment is permanent. How bout that, sport?
145 ft kill shot with a hand gun? I dunno, that's seems like a hell of an unbelievable shot.
According to Fearia, Wilson's training is equivalent to Jack Bauer and never fails.

So after Brown went away from the cop car the cop chased after him... we knew that. Have you explained the blood of Mike Brown's in the cop car yet?
Is there really a point in asking for an explanation other than trolling when there's a consensus that there was a struggle in the car? This isn't a debate about whether or not Ridley Scott was trolling us with Prometheus.
According to Fearia, Wilson's training is equivalent to Jack Bauer and never fails.

Is there really a point in asking for an explanation other than trolling when there's a consensus that there was a struggle in the car? This isn't a debate about whether or not Ridley Scott was trolling us with Prometheus.
Well, he was posting that link like it was some ground breaking revelation that Wilson got out of the car and chased after Brown. I was wondering if he had any other old news to reveal?

[quote name="Purple Flames" post="12260799" timestamp="1416699666"]Let me just ask you a question: do you think it's alright for a cop to fire at an unarmed fleeing suspect?[/quote]
If you're fleeing, wouldn't you be shot in the back?
Let me just ask you a question: do you think it's alright for a cop to fire at an unarmed fleeing suspect?
Generally no I don't personally, but there have been specific instances where courts have upheld use of force in situations such as this. Typically it's in situations of a fleeing felon and if I recall correctly they have to be fleeing because of a violent felony, not a property crime.
I'd love to see your citations on that, unless, of course, you're misrepresenting an argument to strengthen your side.

For someone that loves to dish out passive aggressive insults and similar rhetoric, you sure do seem to be a bit touchy about getting a taste of it back, huh! Is that standard training for rent-a-cops such as yourself?
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[quote name="dohdough" post="12261127" timestamp="1416713287"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ritZxM_uejA

For someone that loves to dish out passive aggressive insults and similar rhetoric, you sure do seem to be a bit touchy about getting a taste of it back, huh! Is that standard training for rent-a-cops such as yourself?[/quote]
Irony being that I've only dished it back. But good job on trying.
Sorry Bob but Pillsbury probably put you on the ignore list.
That's fine - I don't do that for him. I do it for anyone who is already engaging or considering engaging him in conversation. It's like a giant red flag to warn them that he's simply not capable of carrying on an honest, adult conversation. Or, as he'd say, that he literally has nothing of value to contribute.
[quote name="detectiveconan16" post="12262536" timestamp="1416778676"]Wuh... They're saying Michael Brown stole a car, got into a car chase, and was shot by Officer Wilson 145ft away? What the fuck.

Heard on the radio about a 12 year old Cleveland boy who thought it was a good idea to play with an airsoft gun in public, and was killed by the police.[/quote]
Who's saying that? When we've mentioned "chased him"previously, it was meant as a foot pursuit.
Let me just ask you a question: do you think it's alright for a cop to fire at an unarmed fleeing suspect?

If you're fleeing, wouldn't you be shot in the back?
Wuh... They're saying Michael Brown stole a car, got into a car chase, and was shot by Officer Wilson 145ft away? What the fuck.

Heard on the radio about a 12 year old Cleveland boy who thought it was a good idea to play with an airsoft gun in public, and was killed by the police.

Look at the picture of the airsoft/bb gun. Unless something more comes out, I see nothing wrong with what the cop did. Yeah, sucks that it was a 12 year old kid, but I'd put a lot of blame on his parents. Letting your kid run around with an illegal toy gun is just dumb.

Irony being that I've only dished it back. But good job on trying.
So are you butthurt about being a rent-a-cop, Wilson being compared to THE Jack Bauer, or the realization that you put yourself in a rhetorical trap with all that talk about training never failing until it's a situation that fits your argument?

That cognitive dissonance must really be fucking your brain if all you can do is repeat what I'm saying as a comeback.

But hey, maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. We should probably bond over our left-leaning stances and our love of pig's in a blanket...unless you insist on eating sausage and pancakes separately, then there's no hope for us.
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So in this country,

You discipline your child with a stick to be a good person and you may end up in prison for child abuse

However if you let your child run around and possibly not make good decisions and let a GOV'T official i.e a stranger with a gun kill your child then said person do not go to jail

So a white guy on a plane slaps a unruly child, he gets his life turned around and is charged with a crime

A cop shoots/kills a unruly child it is justified

Wow good job Amerika !!!!

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[quote name="dohdough" post="12262662" timestamp="1416782477"]So are you butthurt about being a rent-a-cop, Wilson being compared to THE Jack Bauer, or the realization that you put yourself in a rhetorical trap with all that talk about training never failing until it's a situation that fits your argument?

That cognitive dissonance must really be fucking your brain if all you can do is repeat what I'm saying as a comeback.

But hey, maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. We should probably bond over our left-leaning stances and our love of pig's in a blanket...unless you insist on eating sausage and pancakes separately, then there's no hope for us.[/quote]
Do me a favor. Read my statements again from page one all the way to here. Then tell me again where I said Wilson's training was Jack Bauer level, his training can't fail (but apparently did? ), and that I'm a security guard. When you find all that, I'll be amazed.

I'm be waiting.
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Do me a favor. Read my statements again from page one all the way to here. Then tell me again where I said Wilson's training was Jack Bauer level, his training can't fail (but apparently did? ), and that I'm a security guard. When you find all that, I'll be amazed.
Wutdafuk? Are you for real?

I'm be waiting.
I'm be waiting too brah...I'm be waiting too :rofl:
[quote name="dohdough" post="12263169" timestamp="1416798238"]Wutdafuk? Are you for real?

I'm be waiting too brah...I'm be waiting too :rofl:[/quote]
Again. Your leaps of logic and lack of backing evidence is amazing. Assumptions are great.
Again. Your leaps of logic and lack of backing evidence is amazing. Assumptions are great.
You wanna know what else is great? Reading comprehension. Wanna know what isn't great? Your reading comprehension.

Here's your lesson for the day: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hyperbole

Now go back to my posts that confuse you and let's see if you can figure it out. I have no interest in fishing through your cesspool of posts to rehash everything...again.
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[quote name="dohdough" post="12263215" timestamp="1416799621"]You wanna know what else is great? Reading comprehension. Wanna know what isn't great? Your lack of it.

Here's your lesson for the day: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=hyperbole

Now go back to my post that confuses you and let's see if you can figure it out.[/quote]
Says the guy who can't seem to understand why a police officer wouldn't attempt to pull a man bigger than himself into his own car...

Do me a favor: find ONE INSTANCE of that happening with video evidence.

If you can do that, I'll concede defeat. Otherwise, you're blowing smoke.
Says the guy who can't seem to understand why a police officer wouldn't attempt to pull a man bigger than himself into his own car...
There you go with that reading comprehension problem again. Did I ever say that Wilson pulled Brown into the car?

Do me a favor: find ONE INSTANCE of that happening with video evidence. If you can do that, I'll concede defeat. Otherwise, you're blowing smoke.
Looks like someone learned something from me today! FEELS GOOD. I knew you weren't hopeless.

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Cops LOVE to get their perp and not let them get away. It's not that crazy an assumption to think that the cop grabbed Brown. To say that it's more likely that Brown punched the cop and tried to kill himself a pig is an even bigger leap of faith.
LOLZ...since when does "grab" mean "pull someone into the car?" It's almost as if there's a difference between "grab someone to not let them get away" and "grab someone to pull them into the car."
[quote name="dohdough" post="12263348" timestamp="1416803089"]LOLZ...since when does "grab" mean "pull someone into the car?" It's almost as if there's a difference between "grab someone to not let them get away" and "grab someone to pull them into the car."[/quote]
LOLZ... Since when is grabbing someone from inside a vehicle different tactically than pulling them into the car? Same logic applies. No leverage. Purely defensive position. No reason to do so, when you can just open the door...

But hey, way to try to defend your own badly strewn words. It's cute how when facts are given, you throw out cries of racism and assumptions (without facts backing them).

So, let's up the ante: find video evidence of what you're describing happening at least once. I'd be interested in seeing that.

And explain away why some witnesses say "he pulled him into the car" and the injuries sustained. He either pulled him in, or "grabbed him" and then was assaulted. In both instances, it doesn't play out to support your position very well.
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bread's done