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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Oof. Hopefully it's a single game the week that drops then. Lots of people will be going wild over that special edition though which should make the regular one easier to get. I hope it's a good sized run, look at how soldner ended up.

I'm unfamiliar with swindle, I'll have to look that one up!

Either way, probably still in for both.
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Yikes... guessing LRG doesn't much of a say in the pricing with the digital release already being $60. 

On the other hand, it's funny how I have no problem paying $30 for a physical copy of a game that's $20 digitally... but won't pay $60 for a physical copy of a game that normally sells for $60 digitally. 

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Yikes... guessing LRG doesn't much of a say in the pricing with the digital release already being $60.

On the other hand, it's funny how I have no problem paying $30 for a physical copy of a game that's $20 digitally... but won't pay $60 for a physical copy of a game that normally sells for $60 digitally.
Yep. It is funny. That's because at $30 it's either an investment for the physical future or a personal investment. At $60 you're buying a full priced game that you didn't intend on buying.

As far as $50+ price point games I was really hoping we'd be able to get The Witness.

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I'm really conflicted with this swindle game. I have a full set so far (without doubling on consoles) and I know I won't be able to keep up forever as much as I'd like to.

I know I don't like the game and it'd be an easy one for me to skip...but ugh the feeling of intentionally breaking my streak is making me feel awful lol.
The Swindle is currently free and cross buy from January 2017 PS + until the PS+ games for February are released.
yup. i also found out about it. I check every time LRG announce a new game. Next thing u know Everyone's Gone to the Rapture will be released physically. I plat the game. Didnt really like it much. Graphics, voice acting, and the music are great. Got high ratings for this game.

With Dariusburst being a shmup, they probably have great confidence that it's going to sell even with that pricing. The older shmups (especially Dreamcast) sell for ridiculous prices on the secondhand market, and we all saw what happened with Soldner being one of the most popular games until it was reprinted. This was a probably a good choice as far as taking a gamble on a premium priced game. 

With Dariusburst being a shmup, they probably have great confidence that it's going to sell even with that pricing. The older shmups (especially Dreamcast) sell for ridiculous prices on the secondhand market, and we all saw what happened with Soldner being one of the most popular games until it was reprinted. This was a probably a good choice as far as taking a gamble on a premium priced game.
Yeah, no matter what, this is still a LRG release, and this will be the only official English version(at least for the foreseeable future), so I don't see an issue either.

I guess if they make a super sized amount, there may be some sale out issues, but if these are in the smaller size run, demand should be pretty good, even at the higher price point.

And we ended up at around 11,000 total. Aw yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Subsequently, the JP VO is also one of the reasons for the delay as well.

Double edge sword. :eek:
Yeah, that's why I haven't even thought much about Skull Girls, as I figured the VO wasn't just waiting on a shelf to be added once the 10,000 was reached. I knew they needed to have the "deal" specifically worked out, and that the number reached just helped to pay for the work and cost involved.

So I never expected it as fast as the estimate that was given anyways, and if anyone looked honestly at what was involved, no one else should have either, but to each his own.

I just hope they dont underestimate the demand for this one like they did with Soldner
Well, LRG has mentioned several times, that some of these games had deals in place as far back as a year, so depending on what may have been released up to the point of this deal being made, it may be more, or maybe less. Even though I want the Vita version, I may grab this if the qty is real small.

Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours is a great addition but I have no interest in the PS4 version.
I bought the digital vita version when it was on sale for $15.99 during the holiday sale.

The Swindle is a great game but since I already own it I have to think if I want the physical release.

I still debating on Curses N' Chaos. I really like the cover art but I already own the game.

So far I have every Vita release with the exception of Thomas Was Alone.
I think I may have to start skipping some of these. 
I know I'm not getting the Swapper.

I didn't even realize this was a shmup. The game tile and 3 PSN screenshots aren't doing this game any favors
think they were trying to sell it on the anime character's design. it's quite attractively done by the artist that worked on devil survivor series, digimon cyber sleuth and plenty of others... but yeah, it's a shmup with similar feels to the japanese classics like mushihime-sama, espgaluda, and dodonpachi dai-ou-jou.

I like a good shmup but I don't know if I like a $60 shmup.  If it was the vita version I probably grumble a bit and still end up buying it.  Being PS4, the ocd isn't kicking in with the compulsory must have.

I didn't even realize this was a shmup. The game tile and 3 PSN screenshots aren't doing this game any favors
Yeah, I forget that not everyone knows every game, but I've been a fan of Darius since the OG arcade game, which was rather cool, and I recommend it highly, if you can ever find an original coin-op to play. It had a very cool 3 screen set up, that made the viewing area really long, and it also offered a cool 3D style effect.

With Dariusburst being a shmup, they probably have great confidence that it's going to sell even with that pricing. The older shmups (especially Dreamcast) sell for ridiculous prices on the secondhand market, and we all saw what happened with Soldner being one of the most popular games until it was reprinted. This was a probably a good choice as far as taking a gamble on a premium priced game.
This is kinda why I might still get it... I keep thinking about all the DC shmups and their crazy aftermarket prices. But then again, the DC had a pretty big follow b/c of it's shmups. PS4 does not.

I didn't even realize this was a shmup. The game tile and 3 PSN screenshots aren't doing this game any favors
The trailer is also awful and barely shows any gameplay. If your trailer that auto-plays on PS Store doesn't show the actual game within 15-20 seconds then you are doing it wrong. So many games seem to make this mistake.

Does anyone know if they have added an "add all vita" option to their site yet and if so, where it is on the site? With the swapper at such a low run and being able to buy 2, it seems like it would be very difficult to add that and c&c tomorrow and actually get both
This is kinda why I might still get it... I keep thinking about all the DC shmups and their crazy aftermarket prices. But then again, the DC had a pretty big follow b/c of it's shmups. PS4 does not.
I don't think shmup fans care. Just look at MUSHA prices.

Does anyone know if they have added an "add all vita" option to their site yet and if so, where it is on the site? With the swapper at such a low run and being able to buy 2, it seems like it would be very difficult to add that and c&c tomorrow and actually get both
It's probably not going to happen as they had originally planned that when they were planning the possible 3-4 release day, but since that fell apart, it doesn't seem like this will be a thing any time soon, or at least, they haven't updated, or responded to inquiries about it since.

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​I'm also beginning to think that acquiring "all" of these just isn't feasible. While I do intend to get in on this upcoming release tomorrow, I am seriously considering only getting one of each, instead of the one-per-platform that I have indulged in prior. But that's a bit of a conundrum. I will have to do a little research on each title to determine which platform I would prefer to have it on.

I've always loved cartridge formats, which usually leans me more toward the Vita. But having some of these games on a big screen with the PS4's performance is sometimes a major draw. (especially for Vita games that DON'T run on the PSTV) Some games just benefit more from the large-screen, high-definition experience. And some styles of games just lend themselves better to the big-screen, couch-style of experience.

Also, the Blu-Ray format of the PS4 has proven to be a stable and nigh-indestructible physical form of archiving games. This is in stark contrast to the scratch-happy PS1 and PS2 eras of CDs and DVDs. Normally optical media would be a negative for long-term collection, but Blu-Rays handily avoid most of the previous drawbacks.

At the moment, I'm kind of leaning toward Curses N' Chaos for the Vita, and The Swapper for the PS4.

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It's probably not going to happen as they had originally planned that when they were planning the possible 3-4 release day, but since that fell apart, it doesn't seem like this will be a thing any time soon, or at least, they haven't updated, or responded to inquiries about it since.

Tomorrow should be fun then. Thinking maybe add swapper first then go for c&c and see what happens. I wish they would do Swapper at one for the morning and 2 at night because it seems more people go in for the morning runs.

I doubt that either of these games though will go super high on eBay though if that route becomes necessary for anyone
Yep, I think that's it for me buying both sets too. I'm going to sell off my LRG vita games that I have on ps4 and only buy for ps4 in the future.
Also, the Blu-Ray format of the PS4 has proven to be a stable and nigh-indestructible physical form of archiving games. This is in stark contrast to the scratch-happy PS1 and PS2 eras of CDs and DVDs. Normally optical media would be a negative for long-term collection, but Blu-Rays handily avoid most of the previous drawbacks.
The problem in the future will be the optical drives designed to play them. They will be the first to go. Even now we're seeing disc based systems fail at a much greater rate than cartridge based ones.

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Even now we're seeing disc based systems fail at a much greater rate than cartridge based ones.
Optical drive systems have always failed faster than cartridge-based systems. You make a good point. On the plus side, systems like the PS3 and PS4 aren't exactly rare, so acquiring back-ups won't be difficult, or even particularly expensive. I have multiple Dreamcasts and GameCubes for just that reason.

But all the same, you're not wrong. A physical cartridge system will most likely last longer than an optical drive system. Although there is the worry of the Vita's physical screen being attached to the system itself, as well as its battery. If the screen fails for any reason the system essentially becomes unusable. It kind of makes me wish that they would stop white-listing titles for the PSTV, so that I can just wild-west any game I stick in the thing.

Well, there's only so much that I can do to prepare for these kinds of scenarios. Thankfully, the constant march of technology solves most of these technology-based problems eventually. Efforts like the RetroUSB AVS and the Analogue NT Mini are encouraging. In the future, perhaps we will see comparable efforts that allow us to play legacy optically-based systems with off-the-shelf components that are cheap and reliable.

​I'm also beginning to think that acquiring "all" of these just isn't feasible. While I do intend to get in on this upcoming release tomorrow, I am seriously considering only getting one of each, instead of the one-per-platform that I have indulged in prior. But that's a bit of a conundrum. I will have to do a little research on each title to determine which platform I would prefer to have it on.

I've always loved cartridge formats, which usually leans me more toward the Vita. But having some of these games on a big screen with the PS4's performance is sometimes a major draw. (especially for Vita games that DON'T run on the PSTV) Some games just benefit more from the large-screen, high-definition experience. And some styles of games just lend themselves better to the big-screen, couch-style of experience.

Also, the Blu-Ray format of the PS4 has proven to be a stable and nigh-indestructible physical form of archiving games. This is in stark contrast to the scratch-happy PS1 and PS2 eras of CDs and DVDs. Normally optical media would be a negative for long-term collection, but Blu-Rays handily avoid most of the previous drawbacks.

At the moment, I'm kind of leaning toward Curses N' Chaos for the Vita, and The Swapper for the PS4.
I decided this with the last release, I typically only pick up the Vita releases anyway, but there are just so many now that buying them all isn't really something I want to continue doing so I passed on Aqua Kitty last week and this week Curses & Chaos for Vita will be my only pick up. I enjoyed The Swapper, but really don't need a physical copy of it.

I could never do one of each. I am happy with my 1 copy per game and just choosing the platform. Some games scream Vita, while others you know you want on the big screen it's pretty easy to decide.

And hell, if you decide to go that way and have a backlog of doubles you'll have no problem trading them! You could trade your doubles for the new releases for a few months out and not spend another dime for a bit. 

Looks like imma have to start being more selective about which LRG titles I purchase. Can't keep this up financially and it's starting to feel like the releases aren't as "special" as previously. Get those Vita titles! There are some promising releases I'll definitely stalk coming soon. Good luck guys!
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bread's done