Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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Ugh, here I am with a day off of work (so I don't have to be up early) and extremely hung over. And yet I'm up early, I'm perched over my keyboard, haggard and miserable, waiting for this shit to go on sale, so I can buy video games... lol

Whew! I refreshed the pages when the JavaScript timers still said there were a few seconds to go, and saw they were all available to add to cart. Got my order confirmation at 7:00:29.

Munch's Oddysee HD sold out before 2 minutes, and the CE sometime before that.

Revenant Saga looks pretty bad, so I only picked it up for Vita, meaning no big bundle for me.

Haha, first release I wanted I actually missed because Shopify is garbage.

What a joke.
How exactly did it fail for you? Flawless transaction for me. They actually put up a bunch of items before 10:00AM. Had three tabs open, click click click, checkout paypal, done.

The vita titles actually seem to be more feverishly sought now that the system is on its last legs. Maybe just my perspective being off but even the play Asia titles for vita seem to be moving faster.
Got a standard edition no issues, but I forgot to change my shipping address so now I am going to have to hope that customer service can update that for me since I no longer live at the address it's currently set up to be shipped to. 

Whew! I refreshed the pages when the JavaScript timers still said there were a few seconds to go, and saw they were all available to add to cart. Got my order confirmation at 7:00:29.

Munch's Oddysee HD sold out before 2 minutes, and the CE sometime before that.

Revenant Saga looks pretty bad, so I only picked it up for Vita, meaning no big bundle for me.
Pretty same situation and experience for me too. Confirming the regular edition vita of Munch was up when the timer had like ~10 seconds remaining? Made the process pretty quick though just ALT+TAB'ing each page...

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How exactly did it fail for you? Flawless transaction for me. They actually put up a bunch of items before 10:00AM. Had three tabs open, click click click, checkout paypal, done.
I wasn’t really trying and had not logged into anything. PayPal error twice and had to enter some info. Still got the vita odd world. That was my slowest check out ever by far. Lol.
That said, there are going to be some titles that are just going to sell out fast no matter the print size that will end up still being attractive to resellers/speculators. Today that's with Oddworld. Resellers aren't necessarily completely gone. Some certainly gave up, but others are getting more savvy and will still make the higher profile games a pain to get.
Edit: taking first this post back because it seems like a lot of people are having trouble with Oddworld this morning.

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Got one of each, no problem. Just standard edition for me, thank you. And no double-dipping on Revenant Saga, I just got a PS4 copy. I considered the Vita version, but some of the reviews on steam indicated the potential for performance issues. Might as well get the version that runs on more powerful hardware.

I'm fairly sure they sold so fast because of a skewed split between morning and evening releases. Gotta sell that morning batch faster to kee the resellers hyped for the evening batch.
The Metronomicon soundtracks definitely went up early. Put one in my cart and and grabbed the game right away and didn't have to stress over getting a soundtrack/game bundle. Nice and easy, and they are both still available several minutes later. 

Wow, it was bound to happen - missed my first LRG release despite being online at 10.  Had the Oddworld CE in cart only to be taken out after entering payment.  Thanks for limiting it to 2 per order - really appreciate it. If I miss out on the afternoon batch - which I will assume be limited to 1 per order - I will likely be over my complete LRG collection to this point.  While it would be good to not have to buy every release - this CE was actually one I really wanted.

I'll try...if I don't get's fine. It's a pretty old Oddworld game anyway, that isn't a lot of people's favorites (I haven't played it yet). Think I'm one of the few that preferred the PS1 offerings over the later ones.

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Wow, it was bound to happen - missed my first LRG release despite being online at 10. Had the Oddworld CE in cart only to be taken out after entering payment. Thanks for limiting it to 2 per order - really appreciate it. If I miss out on the afternoon batch - which I will assume be limited to 1 per order - I will likely be over my complete LRG collection to this point. While it would be good to not have to buy every release - this CE was actually one I really wanted.
Yeah, the odd thing about Shopify is that if you have an item in the cart that's oos, they kick you back to Shopify if you were checking out with Paypal, and then you're stuck going through the entire process again through shopify, and not Paypal, lol.

Aw well.

Guess I saved a ton today, and for future morning releases, because now that I've actually missed one, I think I can miss all of the big releases now too. <3

Rather get sleep anyways, lol.

Back to short hibernation, peace!

I'm fairly sure they sold so fast because of a skewed split between morning and evening releases. Gotta sell that morning batch faster to kee the resellers hyped for the evening batch.
QFT. This seems to happen every time. The real indicator is how quick the 2nd batch sells out. I’ve seen the first batch sell out in 15 min and the evening batch last for days.
There were ~1000 CE and 1500 standard Oddworld up.   CE sold out in about 1.5min.  The standard took about 2Min 45sec and then it showed it was locked at 2 remaining for the next 15 seconds (which was weird).  Looks like metronicom is selling about 1 copy every 5 seconds.  That Kemco rpg (vita) is selling about 4 every ten seconds.

Before the sale the main site showed about 1min 45 seconds left and when I refreshed it it said 17 seconds left.  So anyone relying on that main countdown timer got screwed.   Definitely keep refreshing and have the pages open if you missed the first batch.  Second batches will be smaller because remember they pulled some copies for the megabundles, the stores they sell at, and of course the ~10% for trade shows and damaged/missing shipments.

I'm fairly sure they sold so fast because of a skewed split between morning and evening releases. Gotta sell that morning batch faster to kee the resellers hyped for the evening batch.
Don't they put most of the batch up in the morning?

Anywho, this is the most active and fiery I've seen this thread for a LRG release in awhile.

I wasn’t really trying and had not logged into anything. PayPal error twice and had to enter some info. Still got the vita odd world. That was my slowest check out ever by far. Lol.
I always pre-login to paypal and of course my LRG account.

Every once in a while I do a dry run with their merch items. For instance 4 LRG card binders is equivalent to 4 games, so I use that to double-check on shipping fees (I have the option to ship to Canada or USA depending on cost)

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I'm fairly sure they sold so fast because of a skewed split between morning and evening releases. Gotta sell that morning batch faster to kee the resellers hyped for the evening batch.
Yeah, that's what I'm counting on. Lower the limit from 2 to 1 (hopefully) and put up a little more in the evening batch. A little peeved that 500 of the allotment were put in the Mega bundle though. That left 1500 for the two batches. Figure 100 or so won't be put up for sale for replacements and what not. That leaves 1400 for morning and evening. Maybe 600 in the morning and 800 in the evening? If they lower it to one per order it should last at least a couple minutes I'm guessing.

Yeah, that's what I'm counting on. Lower the limit from 2 to 1 (hopefully) and put up a little more in the evening batch. A little peeved that 500 of the allotment were put in the Mega bundle though. That left 1500 for the two batches. Figure 100 or so won't be put up for sale for replacements and what not. That leaves 1400 for morning and evening. Maybe 600 in the morning and 800 in the evening? If they lower it to one per order it should last at least a couple minutes I'm guessing.
They won't do that because they need to build up the hype to make sure it sells out... Doom needs to maintain his 6 figure salary. -_-

So if the CE was limited to 2 per order, and the Mega Bundle limited to 1, could those with quick hands and internet connections get three CEs by ordering 1 Mega bundle and 2 CEs in the same order?  Total bullshit if so.

I guess... but, the main draw of the LRG CEs is often the box. It does sound like they take the most pride in the box, which I guess is understandable since I am sure many will never see the contents. I am surprised that I find myself ready to pass on it, though. If there were an art book, I wouldn't think twice. But, the main attraction is a can.
Same here, art books rule. LOL

Yeah, the 2 limit on CE of this level still boggles my mind, the same way LRG refused to do proper shipping status updates(kind of doing it now, but not like it should be). How many of these situations have happened in the past? I see ZERO reasons why these are always offered at 2 per in the am.

Even at 1 per person, it would have been gone in 2 minutes, but at least you wouldn't be pissing off people for no good fuck ing reason. I myself, and many others here stated this was just about the best CE they have offered, but yet 2 per, really? I wish I could say I was surprised, but this has been an ongoing issue for awhile, and it doesn't seem to be getting changed anytime soon.

Anybody else finally realized that LRG doesn't give a single fuck about the people buying their games yet?
I'm sure they must have a reason for doing this 2 per in the am, but I can honestly say, there's not one I can think of that makes any sense what so ever! Especially none that would apply to an Oddworld release.

Anybody else finally realized that LRG doesn't give a single fuck about the people buying their games yet?
By limiting the CE to 2 per order it kind of seems like it. Heck even the Night trap and Y's CEs were limited to 1 per order. They could have limited it to 1 per order from the get go but chose not to.

Looking over the LRG forums and here it seems a lot of long time customers are getting screwed by this decision. But like I said earlier, one you miss a release it makes it a heck of a lot easier to quit going for a full collection.

pretty sure they do 2 each because some people like to have 1 copy to keep and 1 to trade / play, I know Doug does

I'm sure they must have a reason for doing this 2 per in the am, but I can honestly say, there's not one I can think of that makes any sense what so ever! Especially none that would apply to an Oddworld release.
Play-Asia has a better system anyway. Preorder program, discount coupon, and a better package than LRG has ever produced.

You guys give LRG the power, and allow them to keep doing exactly what they're doing, by not letting these shitty games rot in their inventory.

Speak with your wallet.

Let them become irrelevant.
Play-Asia has a better system anyway. Preorder program, discount coupon, and a better package than LRG has ever produced.

You guys give LRG the power, and allow them to keep doing exactly what they're doing, by not letting these shitty games rot in their inventory.

Speak with your wallet.

Let them become irrelevant.
PA has had their fair share of turds

Play-Asia has a better system anyway. Preorder program, discount coupon, and a better package than LRG has ever produced.

You guys give LRG the power, and allow them to keep doing exactly what they're doing, by not letting these shitty games rot in their inventory.

Speak with your wallet.

Let them become irrelevant.
Yeah, I wasn't getting this CE anyways, but for those who wanted it, they should have at least had a chance VS. someone buying 2, when flipping is probably the only outcome from allowing that.

LRG has genuinely tried to fix most major issues, or at least address them on some level, but this 2 per limited on low qty CE is just about the dumbest shit to do. Yes, they do want fans to have one for play, and to keep sealed, but when there's a chance someone can't get a single copy, come on, really?

Just the negativity that this type of shit produces, seems worth doing a 1 per limit all day. At least you can say you did everything in your power to meet demand. But I guess if their of the mind set of no bad publicity, then it's all good I suppose.

Like at this point LRG should know if they are or are not having a sale next week and what should be going on sale... it'd be nice to know but they probably won't say anything until next Tuesday.

People do remember they have the second offering at 6 pm EST?
The 6PM time is always bad for me. I am usually busy at that time every Friday either still at work or doing something at that time. 10 AM is the best time for me for sure.

I submitted a ticket to update my shipping address after screwing up this morning when I placed my order, so hopefully, that is easily fixed.

bread's done