I didn't know that Xbox One Demos and Trials could be continued into the retail game, or that they provided free achievements, since this is not something that happened on the Xbox 360, that sort of feature does add value to downloading/playing the items.
If your post contained such information then I wouldn't have thought of them as valueless.
As for compatibility packs, when you see them pop up as free, why not read the descriptions and add more details to your posts (for example what is actually available for free in the pack), though I understand you're trying to get the posts up quickly, it would be of benefit to the community and likely attract more/better attention to the thread.
But as I say (and it seems I may need to keep adding this disclaimer for the people that mistake my posts as some sort of attack), these are just my opinions, you can just continue to post nothing but a title/link to the 'free' content with out any extra details, that's your prerogative.
Please don't be a hypocrite, you're stating "If something is posted that you don't appreciate or don't agree with, close the window and move on with life. No need to fill the thread with griping." while doing the same (and if you're going to state about what I should do with my life, as with the user who stated what I should do with my time; start paying my salary and you may tell me what to do, until then I'll do as I wish with my time), I'm just posting my opinion about what I see as a detrimental effect that rushing to be the first to post 'free' content has on this thread, that's all, I though maybe perhaps it would lead to a consensus on if the actual content is of value to the community or not, but I wasn't expecting to be abused and I'm not attempting to run anyone off, unlike yourself.