List of Free Playstation Network items (NON-HOME ITEMS)

Pretty sure this was a mistake. This Call of Duty: Black Ops III - DLC 2 Eclipse Dynamic Theme is supposed to be free with a purchase, but right now it's just free. It says 1 cent, but when I went to check out, it cost me nothing.!/en-us/games/themes/call-of-duty-black-ops-iii-dlc-2-eclipse-dynamic-theme/cid=UP0002-CUSA02290_00-BLACKOPS3PAK2THM

I was charged the $0.01 - Worth it - Thanks

Ditto on the $0.01 lol but couldnt say no to that price :p

I have no idea how to redeem this. I saw it when I clicked the link, but after logging in, the page won't load. I'm rather new to buying stuff through the PlayStation store.
Heh, you'll need to create a Japan PSN account first. Here's a pretty helpful video on how to do that.

Once you've got that done, just create another login on your PS4 and log into your new JP PSN account. You might need to look up a video on how to go through the initial menus for that, but they're identical to the English ones (just in kanji), so I didn't need a guide when I did it. The main thing is to set this as your JP PSN account's primary PS4 so you can push things to its download queue from the web store.

After that's done, just open the Japan PS Store in your browser. It'll need to be a separate session from your current one if you're already logged into a different region PlayStation account (e.g. NA, EU). An easy way to do that is to open an Incognito/Private window to access the JP store. You can right-click on this link and select Incognito (Chrome) or Private (Firefox) window.

In Chrome, you can also right-click on the page background and select "Translate to English" to make things easier.!/en-us/hbo-binge-block-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-HBOBINGEUSV_S_G

HBO sale for seasons of Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley, and Veep that seem to be much cheaper than normal. Game of Thrones S1-S3 are $13 each, S1 of Veep and Silicon Valley are $9 each, and successive seasons are a bit more than that. The first episodes of each are free if you want to check them out first:

Game of Thrones S1E1

Silicon Valley S1E1

Veep S1E1
^ In case these weren't seen in the PSN thread ^

Something is definitely wrong here.
That's not too surprising. The Tuesday updates usually take a while to finish. The monthly PS Plus games are often out of sync, and it's a pretty common occurrence to see one or two stragglers.

That said, they're all showing as free for me now.

I read that on the asia markets there is a free version of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (like the core fighters from DOA5). It is a mater of create an asia account and go for it.

I read that on the asia markets there is a free version of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (like the core fighters from DOA5). It is a mater of create an asia account and go for it.
The F2P edition of DOAX3 only has Kasumi, and the Casino has to be paid for. It's good if you're just curious about the game, but if you want the full roster of characters, it's significantly cheaper to just buy a copy from

In any case, here's the store link for the F2P DOAX3:!/en-sg/cid=STORE-MSF86012-DOAFREETOPLAY

Note that if you have an active PSN session with your non-Asia PSN account, that link will fail. Instead, right-click on it and open in an incognito/private window so that your NA/EU/JP login won't interfere.

To create an Asia region PSN account:

-Go here and sign up with Singapore set as your Country/Region selection.

-You'll need to use a different email address from your other PSN account(s).

-When it comes to needing an address, I just go to Google Maps and pick a random restaurant or store address.
Was free on :360: & :xb1: a few weeks ago, now it's free on all platforms

King's Quest - Chapter 1 - A Knight to Remember



Links get broken after "king" due to the apostrophe not being executed correctly when clicking on the link, so have to copy & paste


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Kinda bothers me that this was free not too long ago on PS4 for PS+.
Makes it feel like a waste of one of the 6 games.

Kinda bothers me that this was free not too long ago on PS4 for PS+.
Makes it feel like a waste of one of the 6 games.
Eh, doesn't concern me too much. Heck, quite a few of the better PS+ games were titles I'd already purchased—but I was mainly just happy that more folks would get to play them. Helldivers is one that definitely falls into that group. =)

Is this region locked?

For me it says, "Unable to find this page".
The links are posting bad. You'll have to go to the PStore and search the title.
That is weird, noticed that for the first time. Apparently CAG is coded to translate the apostrophe in "King's" to "%27" no matter how many times I try to edit the web address after copy/pasting...therefore when you click on the link, it stops at the end of!/en-us/games/king therefore breaking the link.

The links are: (have to copy & paste)

xD Canadian I see hehehe

to get to the usa page, change en-ca to en-us

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Ratchet and clank full frontal assault is currently free on the Brazil psn store just make a brazilian psn account add it to basket for free (you will also the vita version and ratchet deadlocked free as well)
Ratchet and clank full frontal assault is currently free on the Brazil psn store just make a brazilian psn account add it to basket for free (you will also the vita version and ratchet deadlocked free as well)
I was able to grab it last week, but now it shows up as R$20.99 so I guess whatever the sale is, is over, and can't find the Mini-Boss dlc in their store. When I checked the Store while logged into the Brazil acct on PS3, it said in order for it to show me the whole Store I would have to switch the system language to Portuguese...The website page now only shows the pt-br page instead of the en-br page and the pt-br page makes it seem like there's no dlc for any game in their store, at least for the ones I looked at. Would our store's version of that dlc be usable instead or does the region have to match when it comes to dlc?

edit: they sent an email about it... "We wanted to let you know that effective May 31st, 2016, all English language accounts in Brazil and Chile will be changed to Portuguese in Brazil and Spanish in Chile.

This change will take place across PlayStation platforms including: PS4™ PS3™ PS Vita, web store and the mobile store. Please note that this will not affect the content you already own.

To get started with the transition we recommend you change the language setting by signing into your account."

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and to all of our faithful fans that have been with us and are helping us celebrate E3 2016, we proudly give you... nothing... not a damn thing... nothing free at all for you.  thanks for all your money.  see you next year.

and to all of our faithful fans that have been with us and are helping us celebrate E3 2016, we proudly give you... nothing... not a damn thing... nothing free at all for you. thanks for all your money. see you next year.

Heh, yeah. Maybe they'll have some special sales or something. Or maybe not. {shrug}

At least there were some pretty neat updates/reveals about upcoming titles. I particularly enjoyed the new Detroit trailer.
There's a best of E3 Sale on PlayStation Store...

bread's done