Lost Planet - Lost Game?


3 (100%)
Short story, I bought Lost Planet at my local Target earlier this week. I had a busy, hell of a week, and finally got around to playing it tonight.

I take off the shrink wrap, slit the security seal, pop the case open, and no game. I can't believe it, and Target probably won't either.
Ouch... I had a similar thing happen to me once when I first bought my Dreamcast. Went to Target and bought Blue Stinger, got it home, and there was only a scratched up PS1 demo disc inside. I was only 14 at the time, but my mom went with me and took care of business at the return counter, to say the least. Good luck :x
My brother had a the same problem with a copy of Def Jam from PC Richards. When he brought it back they didn't believe him but he wouldn't give up. After speaking with the manager they finally gave him another copy which he opened at the store in front of them. Just be firm, I don't think anyone would actually have the guts to try to scam them that way.
It makes me wonder if some people aren't just buying, taking the disc, doing a little shrinkwrapping at home, and returning.
Yeah that's a bad situation dude, I feel for you.

I can just imagine the blank stares from the Target people when you go in with that one.
[quote name='Narbotic']
It makes me wonder if some people aren't just buying, taking the disc, doing a little shrinkwrapping at home, and returning.[/QUOTE]

I don't think so. The shrink wrap was a factory seal, and it had an untampered sticker on the side of the box, underneath it.
Happened to a buddy of mine when he bought some racing game at gamestop but the guy believed him.
Hopefully, you won't get a prick of a manager.
If they don't believe you, your credit card company probably still will - just dispute the charge (assuming you didn't pay cash like a 19th century mongrel).
Well, I had a different situation, at an EB Games (with a used game), and I was shocked that they believed me (of course, it was something like a $5 game, so I probably looked respectible enough not to try and scam a $5 game).

I'd say go in and tell the truth. I think they'll ask you questions trying to get you in a lie, but as long as your telling the truth, you shouldn't seem shady. Make sure you take the box with all the inserts with you when you go.

Also, make sure you request to talk to a manager. If you buy other games at Target (or other stuff), bring some old receipts to show you shop there often, and you often don't have an issue.

Obviously, like the other CAG'er, if you get a new copy of the game, open it immediately in their site, just in case it is an inside job.
all in all, that just sucks. if dropped $60 for a game and it wasn't there, i'd either pull an I'm OK at Capcom or cry myself to sleep.
I think that managers would usually be alright with a story like this...I mean all you're asking for is an exchange. Not many people if any would talk to the manager and ask for an exchange just to get two discs of the same game (aka make like 40 bucks)
I sold a game on ebay to someone and they emailed me a very nasty letter claiming there was no game in the case. I didn't believe them but had to give them a refund. IT was Zelda: WW. :cry:
Well that sucks.

Hopefully you don't have any problems getting it replaced.

This has never happened to me.

Hopefully from now on I'll remember to shake it like a polaroid picture.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']I called the manager, and he told me not to worry. Just be sure to shake the case, guys.[/quote]

Target is really great with returns.

I shudder to think what would have happened if you bought it at best buy. Anyway, glad to hear it went well.
i had the same thing happen at target with a nintendo ds game ther were really cool bout it...
Might have to start immediately opening games in front of a staff member:p Guessing someone on the production line scored a FREE copy I would definitely try and return it; might want to bring the plastic wrap with you. If Target denies you a return email someone at Capcom about your game. Good luck:)
The closest thing like that to happen to me is when I rented a psx game at blockbuster and it had a psx demo disc in it. Luckily I always check BB games in the car so I took it back in and the lady believed me. Funny thing is she thought the disc was just a different game rather than a cheap demo disc.
Stories like this are funny. A couple of years ago I bought a used version of some game I can't remember from Blockbuster. I go home and open up the game and pop it into my xbox. Funny thing kept playing some music tracks or something. I'm saying to myself, "WTF!" and keep trying to play this game. Then I take out the disc and take a good look at it. Some cheapass basically printed out a CD Label that was identical to the game and slapped it on some burnt music CD and returned that instead of the game. The underside was even green-bluish. Luckily the manager believed that it wasn't me.
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']The shrink wrap was a factory seal, and it had an untampered sticker on the side of the box, underneath it.[/quote]

I can see where someone bought this, opened the case, took the disc out and wrapped everything back to make it look like new. I am assuming it could have been someone who works at EBgames or Gamestop. One time I bought a game at Gamestop and the clerk gave me a "new game" with no official xbox sticker nor shrinwrap. I told him that I wanted the game brand new sealed. So what he did, he went to the back of the store and 2 minutes later, he returned with the same game but now he added the shrink wrap and the xbox sticker.
[quote name='oasisboy']I told him that I wanted the game brand new sealed. So what he did, he went to the back of the store and 2 minutes later, he returned with the same game but now he added the shrink wrap and the xbox sticker.[/QUOTE]

I'm shocked he even went to the effort.
One time I traded some sealed PSP games for some used DVDs. I had more feedback so he sent first. I get the DVDs, and they're empty, the boxes had no DVDs. I emailed the guy, he says he'll send the DVDs, and like 3 or 4 days later, I get the wrong DVDs. I email the guy and I end up sending my DVDs to some girl who has my DVDs. I send the guy the games, 3 or 4 days later he emails me and says Loco Roco was empty. I got the game from FYE, I call them, apparently they had a rash of this. They tell me to bring the receipt and box; of course I don't have the box because I mailed it out. So I go to the mall and pretend like I forgot the box, and they have Loco Roco in an envelope ready to go already behind the counter. I email the guy to tell him I got the UMD, and he tells me he actually traded Loco Roco and he wanted me to mail it to the 4th person involved in the most complicated trade I've ever heard of.
Same thing happened to me. My mother bought my nephew an xbox star wars game for xmas. Once the holiday came around he opened it to reveal no game. Best buy didnt do anythign about it.
Ya only way is through the manager and to get really mad...telling em "I'll tell blah blah your service sucks and not to come here" sometimes works...especially if you put tourist Canada or USA somewhere in there xD
bread's done