Lost Season 3!!! (Beware of Spoilers)

Just finished watching it, good stuff indeed. And yea when I saw Jack's phone I was definitely thinking that the phone was not out before the plane crash.

Damn Charlie having to die, I really do not understand why he had to shut the door. Maybe I am stupid, but can somebody explain why they could not just let the place flood and swim out of the submarine dock back to the surface, the same way they got in? There seems to be no use for that place anymore, looks like the important room flooded anyway. So to me Charlie just looks like an idiot.
[quote name='coolcps']Just finished watching it, good stuff indeed. And yea when I saw Jack's phone I was definitely thinking that the phone was not out before the plane crash.

Damn Charlie having to die, I really do not understand why he had to shut the door. Maybe I am stupid, but can somebody explain why they could not just let the place flood and swim out of the submarine dock back to the surface, the same way they got in? There seems to be no use for that place anymore, looks like the important room flooded anyway. So to me Charlie just looks like an idiot.

Underwater Living Facility could prove very useful.
My wife is insisting that the person in the casket was referred to as "she" last night. Anybody rewatch it and confirm or deny this?
The way that Jack was talking to Kate last night about returning to the island made me wonder if not everybody got off the island and were still in danger.

We know that Naomi had nothing to do with Penny and that Ben was probably right about her people being bad. Perhaps Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and a select few got off the island and the rest are remaining in trouble?

If there's one thing we've seen about Jack during this entire show, he NEEDS to save everybody. Maybe not saving everybody is why he's become an addict.
Just in case someone hasn't seen the show I'll put a spoiler tag around my wife's theory:

The writers/producers keep saying this show is about the past, present and future. My wife thinks that somehow getting off the island negated the "magical" trip altogether so they actually never went to the island. For that to happen, all the things that got the people on the plane in the first place never happened (i.e., Jack's dad didn't go to Aus and die and Kate didn't kill her stepfather so she had to be on the run etc.). They would remember going, but their lives would be different when they got back. The only snag I see is that Jack and Kate mentioned having a "Golden pass" for flights on Oceanic. But they also said that they had to lie to everyone.
[quote name='Plinko']My wife is insisting that the person in the casket was referred to as "she" last night. Anybody rewatch it and confirm or deny this?[/quote]
Nevermind--found a high-res screen grab of the death notice, and it says "Man found..." The first name starts with J and last name ends with "antham." New character? Jacob?
[quote name='Plinko']Nevermind--found a high-res screen grab of the death notice, and it says "Man found..." The first name starts with J and last name ends with "antham." New character? Jacob?[/quote]

Where did you find that screenshot. The screenshot I saw looked to me as if it did not show a first letter. The "J" everyone sees looks like it's just bunched up letters from the line below it to me.

[quote name='umcthomas']Where did you find that screenshot. The screenshot I saw looked to me as if it did not show a first letter. The "J" everyone sees looks like it's just bunched up letters from the line below it to me.


Great finale, btw. Just wow. Now we wait for like.. 8 months? =[
I wonder if the so called sickness makes people evil. Look at swayer. shot that dude after giving up. fat dude runs over someone .

That is what 12 others they killed compair to noone the others have killed.

the whole charlie death thing didnt even add up.

got to wonder how many people will come back in march 2008 now that you know how the show ends. I say by march 2008 many people will long forgot what lost even was.

got a question

why does show break up their seasons. I mean if you got a major hit on your hands. Why not do a 52 week season (new show every week)

hell take lost. They would probally made a hell of a lot more cash on ads if they ran more shows in the first 2 seasons then they did now. Ratings are down what 50% from season 1.

I say do a show like DRIVE did. Tape 4 or 5 shows. If the ratings are good them make either a 40 or 50 back to back and hit why the money is good

be nice if ABC did it and i think it would shock many people if they pulled it. Would love to see abc say

LOST ISNT coming back to March 2008


Lost: the others will come on air Sept 2007 with a 12 week show telling the background of the others

or watch them do a comic book like supernatural is doing now showing where the others came from LOL
[quote name='umcthomas']Where did you find that screenshot. The screenshot I saw looked to me as if it did not show a first letter. The "J" everyone sees looks like it's just bunched up letters from the line below it to me.


I posted mine last night. It was a page back:

[quote name='slidecage']I wonder if the so called sickness makes people evil. Look at swayer. shot that dude after giving up. fat dude runs over someone .

That is what 12 others they killed compair to noone the others have killed.

the whole charlie death thing didnt even add up.

got to wonder how many people will come back in march 2008 now that you know how the show ends. I say by march 2008 many people will long forgot what lost even was.

got a question

why does show break up their seasons. I mean if you got a major hit on your hands. Why not do a 52 week season (new show every week)

hell take lost. They would probally made a hell of a lot more cash on ads if they ran more shows in the first 2 seasons then they did now. Ratings are down what 50% from season 1.

I say do a show like DRIVE did. Tape 4 or 5 shows. If the ratings are good them make either a 40 or 50 back to back and hit why the money is good

be nice if ABC did it and i think it would shock many people if they pulled it. Would love to see abc say

LOST ISNT coming back to March 2008


Lost: the others will come on air Sept 2007 with a 12 week show telling the background of the others

or watch them do a comic book like supernatural is doing now showing where the others came from LOL[/quote]

It really bothers me when people make this argument that "we know how the show ends." Actually, we know nothing of the sort. The flash forward doesn't have to be the ending at all--and I'm betting it's not even close.

My guess is that a lot happens after that ending last night.
Actually, it now looks like high-def screen grabs clearly show the name Jeremy Bentham.

Check him out at wikipedia--interesting that it keeps with the philosopher nameset. He also created a group called the "Jacobin Club," similar to Jacob.
[quote name='Plinko']My wife is insisting that the person in the casket was referred to as "she" last night. Anybody rewatch it and confirm or deny this?[/QUOTE]

I dont think they ever said but I'm not for sure.
This has to be the best season finale for a show ever. I'm still hanging up on it, and proly will be for days.

I'm wondering if after they leave the island do they get the sickness. Only thing that pisses me off about Lost is that Locke said that he shouldn't call and shouldn't leave the island. Jack basically said fuck you. I have an idea Locke explain why not.

Also the Russian with the Grenade was awesome.
[quote name='Plinko']Actually, it now looks like high-def screen grabs clearly show the name Jeremy Bentham.[/QUOTE]
Just an idea...and you've got to admit, it fits with Jacob pretty well. ;)
damn I jus read 3 pages worth of spoiler tags,

the freakin season is OVER homies!! no need for spoilers tags anymore, lol.


so what I am wondering now is,

does S4 continue from where the flashback left off (as some ppl speculate) or will the rest of the series be about the events that eventually lead up to that flashback???

I doubt it's very easy to get back on that island, and Kate seems rather reluctant to do so, thus the rest of the season may be about jack's (among other characters') ultimate downward spiral

Furthermore, Oceanix 815 was pronounced no survivors to the public, so how did they bring Jack back to life?? Most of the hospital would think he is dead. Doesnt that strike any1 as odd??
[quote name='Plinko']It really bothers me when people make this argument that "we know how the show ends." Actually, we know nothing of the sort. The flash forward doesn't have to be the ending at all--and I'm betting it's not even close.

My guess is that a lot happens after that ending last night.[/quote]

Yeah, but prequels are necessarily anti-climatic.

Plus - they're going to go back to the island? This is the equivelent of when all the kids in 90210 failed a year so the show could go for one more season.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah, but prequels are necessarily anti-climatic.

Plus - they're going to go back to the island? This is the equivelent of when all the kids in 90210 failed a year so the show could go for one more season.[/QUOTE]

No information was given about:

- the timeline for when they get off and how long the ending was from that point.
- what is happening to those who are presumed to be left behind.
- the motives of the people who got Jack, Kate, and whoever else off the island
- how exactly Jack will return to the island, and how he plans to get everyone else off the island

It's very clear to everyone that the rest of the series will basically be two stories taking place at the same time; those that were left behind on the island and those who were rescued. This will likely go on until a point is reached where both stories cross the point of the ending of last night's episode, and that will likely be right before Jack gets back to the island.

Or, everything dealing with the rescued will be flash-forwards of Jack's plan to return.
I'm starting to wonder if the show creators, just gave Jack a random obituary, figuring that no one would be able to read it and the name "J.... ..atham" actually wasn't meant to mean anything.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm starting to wonder if the show creators, just gave Jack a random obituary, figuring that no one would be able to read it and the name "J.... ..atham" actually wasn't meant to mean anything.[/quote]

I highly doubt that obituary was just any one ripped from a newspaper. The paper Jack was holding was more than likely created specifically for that episode, and they showed just enough to keep every one guessing.
I don't mean to be an uber nerd, but I suppose I am...

The Producers have said in a recent podcast, that we should be wondering about where Jack's father's body is. An additional "lead" that is guaranteed to lead nowhere until they choose to reveal what goes on. With a comment like that, all the discussion about future Jack referring to his father upstairs are fair game, including off-the-wall "he is alive" theories.

I think the producers of Lost spend too much time reading the forums and blogs about their god damn show. It feels as if the end of the Season 3 was structured around the frustration everyone was feeling "fucking shut up with your bullshit, and give me some answers instead" (Sun's voice when she spoke with Juliet should have been dubbed with millions of voices of frustrated fans yelling in unison "Some Answers, please?")

As a David Lynch fan myself, I would have been perfectly content if there wouldn't be the Others, and would rather be Losties stranded on an island full of mystery all alone. It would be kind of like watching MYST, and it would never be as popular. As much as I liked this season finale, no other season will ever live up to the calm, subtle buildup and tension of Locke opening the hatch in Season 1. The drama llama is out of the bag, and I'm afraid it will continue throughout. I do miss the carefully planned long executions of simple actions (opening the hatch) that take more than half of the season to realize. In Season 2, the decision to stop pushing the damn button was similar, though much more was going on.

I'm almost pet-peeve-free with the Season finale, with the sole exception of Bernard spilling the beans. Why would a man in love with his wife jeopardize her well being and sell her out to the enemy that has every reason to slaughter them all (in light of them killing 7 others in cold blood)? I'll buy Charlie's death and Jack's whole "I love you" to Kate in light of kissing Juliet.

I knew the show is not going to be MYST: THE HEADfuck VERSION as soon as I have reviewed all plot developments revealed in THE LOST EXPERIENCE. Since the producers consider it canon and reveal the mystery of the numbers, I have to say that the answers are dissapointing, but not because they are bad, but because they rid of a spectacularly spooky mystery, and give you no real substance as reward. They are, simply, undoing of the numbers, and undoing of The Dharma Initiative.

Some evil mysteries exist in life to which we wll never ever have the answer for. There is a part of me that is happy that the monster is still a cloud of smoke (literally as well as conceptually), and there is something else to watch out for. However, this is beginning to remind me of The Series of Unfortunate Events book series - setup for a wonderfully mysterious conspiracy theory with no payoff at the end. Most of the things that the characters are after turn out to be McGuffins at the end. LOST is likely to end up the same way, and it would have been perfectly fine, if not for the producers' constant reassurance that "all your answers will be answered."

Having said that, you can all count me in for Season 4 - I don't think this show sucks, and I don't think that it has any value. I'll form my "final" opinion in 2010.

Oh, and this:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'm starting to wonder if the show creators, just gave Jack a random obituary, figuring that no one would be able to read it and the name "J.... ..atham" actually wasn't meant to mean anything.[/quote]

Not a chance. Landelof, Abrams, and Lieber are greater nerds than we are. Considering the amount of high-res shots of the newspaper floating around, I give them two thumbs up for delivering an extremely well done "anchor." The newspaper might make you feel that you can solve it, but my their design - you can not. If you had seen the clarity of all the text apart from the one that matters most in all of the shots, I do have to say that this was masterful on their behalf. Try filming a piece of paper to hide a handful of words that give out what matters most, and you'll see what I mean.
[quote name='slidecage']I wonder if the so called sickness makes people evil. Look at swayer. shot that dude after giving up. fat dude runs over someone .

That is what 12 others they killed compair to noone the others have killed.

the whole charlie death thing didnt even add up.

got to wonder how many people will come back in march 2008 now that you know how the show ends. I say by march 2008 many people will long forgot what lost even was.

got a question

why does show break up their seasons. I mean if you got a major hit on your hands. Why not do a 52 week season (new show every week)

hell take lost. They would probally made a hell of a lot more cash on ads if they ran more shows in the first 2 seasons then they did now. Ratings are down what 50% from season 1.

I say do a show like DRIVE did. Tape 4 or 5 shows. If the ratings are good them make either a 40 or 50 back to back and hit why the money is good

be nice if ABC did it and i think it would shock many people if they pulled it. Would love to see abc say

LOST ISNT coming back to March 2008


Lost: the others will come on air Sept 2007 with a 12 week show telling the background of the others

or watch them do a comic book like supernatural is doing now showing where the others came from LOL[/quote]

Does anyone else think that the one-eyed Russian can't die? He already should have died with the sonar fence thing, then he took a harpoon to the chest, then he willingly held a grenade up to Charlie's window when it would probably have killed him too. Maybe he did that because he knows he can't die. Maybe that's why he had the one station he lived in wired with explosives too. I bet he'll be back and I'm starting to think that there is something going on that won't let him die. Kind of like Locke.
[quote name='smitboy']Does anyone else think that the one-eyed Russian can't die? He already should have died with the sonar fence thing, then he took a harpoon to the chest, then he willingly held a grenade up to Charlie's window when it would probably have killed him too. Maybe he did that because he knows he can't die. Maybe that's why he had the one station he lived in wired with explosives too. I bet he'll be back and I'm starting to think that there is something going on that won't let him die. Kind of like Locke.[/quote]

Something Awful has theorized that he is a vampire that can only be killed via garlic, decapitation, and being burned on a bed of crosses.
[quote name='PKRipp3r']hmmmm...

if this doesn't relate somehow it would be a pretty big coincidence


I consider it pretty good proof that Jeremy Bentham is the name on that clip. Although, some angles of that screen grab make the second letter of the first name look like an "o."
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Lost really comes back March 2008?

So next time I watch LOST ill be in the middle of playing MGS4?


No it comes back in January and runs uninterrupted until May IIRC.
Some great moments. I laughed hard at Russou's heartfelt reunion with her long lost daughter, too bad Ben isn't her real dad, or else it'd be even MORE hilarious.

The whole future thing took me a while to get, I'll admit. I was still like, "so they knew eachother befo....ohhhh" Makes other stuff make a lot more sense, like how Jack was a hero "twice" (i guess getting people off the island was kind of a big deal).

And I'm starting to really not like the island...it's making Locke look like a real tool. I figure whenever shits about to go down, the island tricks people (Ben as a kid, Echo, Locke)...I guess the black smoke's a last ditch thing. Ah well, bring on Jacob/Jack's dad!
This finale was so far BEYOND un-fucking-believable and it was just what I needed after the disappointing Heroes finale.

My fiancee and I were watching the show and everytime the show went back to Jack's "flashback" we groaned because we've both been SO tired of his flashbacks. I keep telling myself that they better do something huge with it in order to pull off season-finale caliber material. I was not disappointed.

Here's my theory on what's going to happen:
Instead of being filled with Penelope's search party, the freighter was filled with Penelope's FATHER's (Mr. Widmore) search party. Widmore, who we've seen from Widmore construction (Michael's episode) and Widmore pregnancy test (Sun's episode) is closely related to Alvar Hanso and the Dharma Initiative.

Upon arriving on the island, Widmore's men save the Losties but they completely ravage the island in the process, in hopes of either reviving the Dharma Initiative or creating some new and improved program. Now that the Losties are back in the real world, they have to readjust and settle back into their normal routines, all while seeing/hearing about/feeling the destruction of the island. Jack's feelings (from the flash-forward segment) show his regret at leaving the island because of his guilt for letting Widmore and his men continue to destroy it.

Probably around season 5, Jack will get most of the original group back together (including some new cast members of course) and go back to the island in hopes of helping Locke fight off the new intruders. This season will be an incredible battle where finally the two opposing mentalities of Jack and Locke unite under a common cause: removing the island's intruders and saving the island once and for all. This part of the theory is a bit sketchy as it goes against my other theory that Locke is the one who is in the coffin in the flash-forward (maybe Locke, upon arriving back in civilization, lost the use of his legs again, had nobody, and either killed himself or just degenerated into nothingness like Jack did).

Season 6 will have the huge final battle including the revelation to the rest of the world of what was happening on the island and what Widmore's companies and the Hanso Foundation have been up to for so long. In the final episodes, the only solution to save the "spirit" of the island (perhaps the smoke, or Jacob, or whatever is the mysterious healing force), the remaining Losties make the decision to fully destroy the island and take themselves with it, ending everything in a gigantic explosion.

The one remaining survivor will be Desmond who goes back to Penelope as the sole survivor of the events on the island. With her help, the two of them reform the Widmore name into one of philanthropy and try to remedy the many world problems caused by them and Alvar Hanso.

Whew! I dunno, it's a stretch but it doesn't seem too far off.
I don't really agree with your theory, basketkase, but the only thing that really sticks out like a sore thumb is..... what would the characters be doing in season 4 besides being rescued?
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']What'll I do till then?![/QUOTE]

I don't know, man. I'm trying to figure that out, myself. I've watched the finale twice, about to watch it a third time, and I'm still sorting things out. That was better than sex.
Why didn't Charlie and Desmond just leave the station? The same way they got in, by diving under that area of water and swimming back to the surface. Other than that Charlie wanted Desmond prediction to come true, and die. Damnit, I want some real answers for once, just as I was getting back into the show now it'll be another eight months and I'll probably moved on by than again.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Youre doing it wrong.[/QUOTE]

I may have exaggerated slightly, but I've had sex with more than one girl (won't say the exact number, but I do have others to compare to) and I enjoyedthis episode more than all but maybe 2 of them.
[quote name='Thongsy']Why didn't Charlie and Desmond just leave the station? The same way they got in, by diving under that area of water and swimming back to the surface. Other than that Charlie wanted Desmond prediction to come true, and die. Damnit, I want some real answers for once, just as I was getting back into the show now it'll be another eight months and I'll probably moved on by than again.[/QUOTE]

charlie locked himself into the room so the room would flood so no1 could get back into the room to turn the machine back on. Remember they said even if that room flooded the system would still work.

the russian isnt dead . I dont think he used a real grenade. It more looked like one of those blast ones (if it was real it would of blew a hole into the wall not just the window.)

the blast blew the window out but it blew the russian backwards so the russian isnt dead. (if he blew up you would of seen blood in the water)

comment on the funeral jack was at

He said EITHER not NEITHER like some are saying

i still say Swayer has the sickness

some questions though

That french chic. The message she left was in french. IF she was all alone on the island how did she learn to speak english.

Why did she only record the message in french (remember the person who chopter crash she kept changing what she was saying . first spanish then russian ect ect ect

Wonder why the others are going to the TEMPLE

Who killed the rest of the science people if there was different spots.

Ben killed everyone at his spot but who killed the rest at the pearl and the rest of the stations.
[quote name='basketkase543']This finale was so far BEYOND un-fucking-believable and it was just what I needed after the disappointing Heroes finale.

My fiancee and I were watching the show and everytime the show went back to Jack's "flashback" we groaned because we've both been SO tired of his flashbacks. I keep telling myself that they better do something huge with it in order to pull off season-finale caliber material. I was not disappointed.

Here's my theory on what's going to happen:
Instead of being filled with Penelope's search party, the freighter was filled with Penelope's FATHER's (Mr. Widmore) search party. Widmore, who we've seen from Widmore construction (Michael's episode) and Widmore pregnancy test (Sun's episode) is closely related to Alvar Hanso and the Dharma Initiative.

Upon arriving on the island, Widmore's men save the Losties but they completely ravage the island in the process, in hopes of either reviving the Dharma Initiative or creating some new and improved program. Now that the Losties are back in the real world, they have to readjust and settle back into their normal routines, all while seeing/hearing about/feeling the destruction of the island. Jack's feelings (from the flash-forward segment) show his regret at leaving the island because of his guilt for letting Widmore and his men continue to destroy it.

Probably around season 5, Jack will get most of the original group back together (including some new cast members of course) and go back to the island in hopes of helping Locke fight off the new intruders. This season will be an incredible battle where finally the two opposing mentalities of Jack and Locke unite under a common cause: removing the island's intruders and saving the island once and for all. This part of the theory is a bit sketchy as it goes against my other theory that Locke is the one who is in the coffin in the flash-forward (maybe Locke, upon arriving back in civilization, lost the use of his legs again, had nobody, and either killed himself or just degenerated into nothingness like Jack did).

Season 6 will have the huge final battle including the revelation to the rest of the world of what was happening on the island and what Widmore's companies and the Hanso Foundation have been up to for so long. In the final episodes, the only solution to save the "spirit" of the island (perhaps the smoke, or Jacob, or whatever is the mysterious healing force), the remaining Losties make the decision to fully destroy the island and take themselves with it, ending everything in a gigantic explosion.

The one remaining survivor will be Desmond who goes back to Penelope as the sole survivor of the events on the island. With her help, the two of them reform the Widmore name into one of philanthropy and try to remedy the many world problems caused by them and Alvar Hanso.

Whew! I dunno, it's a stretch but it doesn't seem too far off.[/quote]
Great post--I wish you were writing for this show. I'd love it if that's how it went from here on out.
I think the rescue party had something to do with Claire and her kid. My rationale is a) the psychic said the kid was a big deal, b) Desmond saw her getting rescued, c) it would add something to her storyline now that
Charlie died.
It was a pretty good season finale - not sure about best ever though. The 10 minutes of Hurley, Sayiid and Sawyer killing the three remaining Others that came to kidnap the women was probably the best 10 minutes of TV this year. In fact, Sayiid needs to just hunt down and kill the Others - I'd watch a whole season of nothing but that. Badass.
[quote name='jaso']I consider it pretty good proof that Jeremy Bentham is the name on that clip. Although, some angles of that screen grab make the second letter of the first name look like an "o."[/QUOTE]


that prison plan is like a blueprint for the island.

i was dubious as to the name in the obit, but that makes it seem more likely

OR it's just a red herring

[quote name='slidecage']

That french chic. The message she left was in french. IF she was all alone on the island how did she learn to speak english.

Why did she only record the message in french (remember the person who chopter crash she kept changing what she was saying . first spanish then russian ect ect ect

Wonder why the others are going to the TEMPLE

Who killed the rest of the science people if there was different spots.

Ben killed everyone at his spot but who killed the rest at the pearl and the rest of the stations.[/QUOTE]

I wonder why you even bother watching this show....

That's some brain you've got there.
bread's done