Lost Season 3!!! (Beware of Spoilers)

[quote name='slidecage']charlie locked himself into the room so the room would flood so no1 could get back into the room to turn the machine back on. Remember they said even if that room flooded the system would still work.

the russian isnt dead . I dont think he used a real grenade. It more looked like one of those blast ones (if it was real it would of blew a hole into the wall not just the window.)

the blast blew the window out but it blew the russian backwards so the russian isnt dead. (if he blew up you would of seen blood in the water)

comment on the funeral jack was at

He said EITHER not NEITHER like some are saying

i still say Swayer has the sickness

some questions though

That french chic. The message she left was in french. IF she was all alone on the island how did she learn to speak english.

Why did she only record the message in french (remember the person who chopter crash she kept changing what she was saying . first spanish then russian ect ect ect

Wonder why the others are going to the TEMPLE

Who killed the rest of the science people if there was different spots.

Ben killed everyone at his spot but who killed the rest at the pearl and the rest of the stations.[/quote]

Actually, he said "Neither." It's quite clear.
Charlie might not die...

it's another speculation I am thinking of, but Charlie may survive in the same way Locke and Miguel didnt/wont die.

but again... just my random azz speculation
[quote name='JEKKI']Charlie might not die...

it's another speculation I am thinking of, but Charlie may survive in the same way Locke and Miguel didnt/wont die.

but again... just my random azz speculation[/quote]

Who's Miguel? Or do you mean Mikhael?
[quote name='JEKKI']Charlie might not die...

it's another speculation I am thinking of, but Charlie may survive in the same way Locke and Miguel didnt/wont die.

but again... just my random azz speculation[/quote]

I saw an interview yesterday with the hobbit, and he seemed pissed off that the creators didn't utilize his character enough so he wanted to leave. When asked if he might make an appearance next season, he said that would be news to him. He then spoke about moving on to other projects. Who knows though? Never say never.
heres something to think about.

I say the french women is one of the others. Maybe she was outed or something.

looking glass was guarded.

that place were the russian was was guarded

YET the radio tower wasnt guarded. it was a fail safe in case the looking glass was destroyed. If the looking glass was gone then the radio tower would till be blocking incoming messages.

Why send out an outgoing message that blocked incoming.

the french women is an other just like the russian

Remember she said the rest of her team Die of the sickness. Think about it. Ben killed off everyone in his village and it looked like they died of some sickness so Why wouldnt the french chic killed off everyone in her station to try to get her child back.

she didnt want anything to do with jack and the people on the plane but now shes helping them all the time.
[quote name='slidecage']
Remember she said the rest of her team Die of the sickness. Think about it. Ben killed off everyone in his village and it looked like they died of some sickness so Why wouldnt the french chic killed off everyone in her station to try to get her child back.

she didnt want anything to do with jack and the people on the plane but now shes helping them all the time.[/QUOTE]

Back in season 1 she said that she killed her whole team once they became ill. I think she said she killed up to 20 teammates.

[quote name='slidecage'] I dont think he used a real grenade. It more looked like one of those blast ones.[/QUOTE]

blasting grenade? So you mean a normal grenade?
[quote name='Plinko']Actually, he said "Neither." It's quite clear.[/QUOTE]

Seeing the animosity Kate had when Jack told her about the funeral, I'm going w/ it being Ben.
[quote name='Graystone']Back in season 1 she said that she killed her whole team once they became ill. I think she said she killed up to 20 teammates.

blasting grenade? So you mean a normal grenade?[/QUOTE]

yea she killed them. then again ben said he was born on the island. Something is up with noone guarding the radio tower.

i dont think it was a normal grenade cause if it was it would of blew a hole in the wall. and it would blew the russian dude up. It was like one of those ones they toss in to riots that knock people on their asses
I won't add much here, but I just wanted to put it out there that I think this is the best episode of Lost yet. It had everything I wanted from a season finale, and more.

For once, I wasn't bored by Jack in a Jack Episode. Amazing character work there, and the best possible direction they could have taken with him.
[quote name='Negative']Seeing the animosity Kate had when Jack told her about the funeral, I'm going w/ it being Ben.[/quote]
Why would Jack be so shaken about Ben's funeral?

After he got ahold of Kate, I thought it was going to be Sawyer until Kate started talking about how "he" was going to wonder where she was and whatnot. Now I have no fucking clue.

And I'm still waiting for an episode to top the one where Sawyer killed Locke's father.
[quote name='slidecage']
i dont think it was a normal grenade cause if it was it would of blew a hole in the wall. and it would blew the russian dude up. It was like one of those ones they toss in to riots that knock people on their asses[/QUOTE]

Ah I think I know what your talking about the ones that fire hard rubber balls?
[quote name='DJSteel']obviously she knows Ben... maybe she was taught english by the others. Maybe she was with Richard. who the hell knows...[/quote]


I can't seriously believe that guy asked "how did the French woman learn to speak English?"...I mean come on people...all the questions swirling about the show, and this is some mystery???

The average European can fluently speak, what, 4 or 5 languages?!? Is it so difficult to believe a French woman could possibly have learned English?!?

I'm surprised the guy who originally asked this isn't asking, "how the hell did Sayid learn English!!! HE'S ORIGINALLY FROM IRAQ!?!?"
[quote name='dragonreborn23']I saw an interview yesterday with the hobbit, and he seemed pissed off that the creators didn't utilize his character enough so he wanted to leave. When asked if he might make an appearance next season, he said that would be news to him. He then spoke about moving on to other projects. Who knows though? Never say never.[/quote]

HAHAHA poor hobbit...how was he underutilitized? He performed his whiny role as a whiny, annoying, useless douchebag druggy perfectly and more than enough. Good riddance (though of course, he has an escape clause, just like Mikhael despite the spear through the freaking heart and {possibly concussion} grenade at point blank).

Hopefully he and Evangeline Lilly will break up (are/were? dating in real life)...absolutely disgusting to imagine her with that filthy, scruffy looking nerf herding doped up hobbit man-boy.
[quote name='slidecage']the russian isnt dead . I dont think he used a real grenade. It more looked like one of those blast ones (if it was real it would of blew a hole into the wall not just the window.)

the blast blew the window out but it blew the russian backwards so the russian isnt dead. (if he blew up you would of seen blood in the water) [/quote]

See, my theory is that the island wants Mikhail to live, much like it willed Locke to live and gave him his legs. This is because we've visibly seen Mikhail die or have injuries that would cause death twice now. First when he was pushed into the sonic fence by Locke and seemed to have a brain hemorrhage and then when Desmond shot him with the spear gun right in what appeared to be the heart. Yet both times he shows up again alive and kicking. The island clearly has plans involving Mikhail and won't allow him to die. I mean, his last words after the sonic fence were "Thank you", leaving me to think he's found out a long time ago that he can't really die from outward wounds, and he thought maybe the brain hemorrhage would do him in. That's why I think even if it was a real grenade, which I believe it was, Mikhail is still most likely alive and kicking.

[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Why would Jack be so shaken about Ben's funeral?[/quote]

I feel like whoever died that shook Jack up was someone who was clearly telling Jack it was a bad idea to leave the island. I feel like he got so shook up from the obituary because he finally realized that they were right, and that he never should have called Penelope's boat. Therefore, it sorta leaves me to think that the funeral was either for Ben (under his real name since it wouldn't be the first time he gave us a fake name), John, or Jacob. However, we won't know until next year, when they hopefully show us whose funeral that was.
[quote name='karkyco']HAHAHA poor hobbit...how was he underutilitized? He performed his whiny role as a whiny, annoying, useless douchebag druggy perfectly and more than enough. Good riddance (though of course, he has an escape clause, just like Mikhael despite the spear through the freaking heart and {possibly concussion} grenade at point blank).

Hopefully he and Evangeline Lilly will break up (are/were? dating in real life)...absolutely disgusting to imagine her with that filthy, scruffy looking nerf herding doped up hobbit man-boy.[/quote]

Jacks all fucked up and sad. Man it's so depressing. [/spoiler

First we had EMO Spider-man/Peter Parker, now we've got:

EMO Jack
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']What'll I do till then?![/quote]

Maybe we'll get another wonderful winner like Tae Diggs' Daybreak, or whatever the fuck it was called.
Originally Posted by Pookymeister
Youre doing it wrong.

[quote name='Matt Young']I may have exaggerated slightly, but I've had sex with more than one girl (won't say the exact number, but I do have others to compare to) and I enjoyedthis episode more than all but maybe 2 of them.[/quote]

Holy shit, then either you're a lousy lay, or all but 2 of your partners are lousy lays.
[quote name='karsh']
I feel like whoever died that shook Jack up was someone who was clearly telling Jack it was a bad idea to leave the island. I feel like he got so shook up from the obituary because he finally realized that they were right, and that he never should have called Penelope's boat. Therefore, it sorta leaves me to think that the funeral was either for Ben (under his real name since it wouldn't be the first time he gave us a fake name), John, or Jacob. However, we won't know until next year, when they hopefully show us whose funeral that was.[/quote]
I can buy into John Locke. Does Jack even know about Jacob? But Ben? After all the shit he's put Jack through and all the hate Jack has for him... I can't buy that. The thing is, whatever that piece of the paper says, you can read it's someone from NYC. Are any of the people on the island from NYC? I think it said Grand Avenue.

What pissed me off was after the grenade exploded and the glass shattered, stupid ass Charlie just sat there and drowned and decided to tell Desmond that it wasn't Penny's boat. Stupid fucker could've swam out the porthole and up to the surface and told Desmond there. My buddy suggested that he could have decided to stay because he realized Desmond's vision was coming true and he wanted to ensure Claire & her baby got off the island.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']I can buy into John Locke. Does Jack even know about Jacob? But Ben? After all the shit he's put Jack through and all the hate Jack has for him... I can't buy that. The thing is, whatever that piece of the paper says, you can read it's someone from NYC. Are any of the people on the island from NYC? I think it said Grand Avenue.

What pissed me off was after the grenade exploded and the glass shattered, stupid ass Charlie just sat there and drowned and decided to tell Desmond that it wasn't Penny's boat. Stupid fucker could've swam out the porthole and up to the surface and told Desmond there. My buddy suggested that he could have decided to stay because he realized Desmond's vision was coming true and he wanted to ensure Claire & her baby got off the island.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly the reason, IMO - Charlie loved Aaron and Claire so much that he doesn't want to risk spoiling Desmond's vision by trying to save himself.
[quote name='DJSteel']charlie has been ready to die for three episodes... he might have fit his head out the hatch..but not his body.[/quote]

he's a hobbit for crying out loud. :)
Okay, back to all seriousness, some great theories here and elsewhere, as well as that long spoiler with the Hanzo background a while back (although if slaver Hanzo's slave ship was lost at sea very near the island, or the slaves were lost at sea near the island, how the hell did said slave ship end up many miles inland and many many feet above sea level?)

There is just too much going on, with way too many red herrings and easily missed clues.

Some thoughts/questions I have, mainly from the finale...

I agree with the people complaining about why Charlie had to die in such fashion...if he had gotten out that door, the pressure from the water could easily have slammed it shut and closed it off, possibly sealing it. In any case, I think Desmond and Charlie would have had plenty of time to escape, either with the scuba gear or without. But I know people will say that he had to seal the hatch to prevent anyone from accessing the equipment, since it's waterproof (though, they should be able to get in through the window hatch, at least if they're skinny enough).

The one obvious method where Charlie may still be alive, would be to escape through said portal (looked like he may be able to squeeze through) after the water filled the room. Although, the pressure of the water rushing in could easily have knocked him out or worse, and in reality there would have been a MUCH stronger blast of water coming in.

In regards to Jack saying to "get his father down here", could it be the drugs/booze talking? Could it be the whole island-being-a-tesseract or anomaly in the space/time continuum brought them back to an alternate reality/timeline, where his father is now alive? Maybe the island and its anomalies make it the focal point for all realities and possibilities, i.e. Shrodinger's box, where every possibility is happening beyond the island simultaneously...and when you leave/escape, you may not end up in the reality you started out on...who the hell outside of the writers knows.

Some speculation about the obituary I had was, obituaries of that size (in what was undoubtedly a major newspaper) are generally reserved for VERY prominent individuals. I doubt simply being a survivor of a plane crash, even more so for someone who was an absolute nobody in real life (Locke), let alone some unknown-to-the-outside-world cultish leader (Ben), would warrant that significant an obit. Not to mention, an obit of such a prominent individual, and NO ONE showed up at the memorial/funeral? Very odd.

Although, it could have been such a significant obit due to what the person did AFTER being rescued.

I have a sneaking suspicion that if it is this "Jeremey Bentham" name, perhaps this could be the leader of the so called "rescue freighter"? TBD...

And seriously, what the hell is up with Locke??? He can't kill his evil, evil father (or Ben), but he can shank a random woman he doesn't know by tossing a knife into her back?!?
maybe the island granted a wish for each survivor one they leave..i.e. Jack got his father back??! Kate is in a stable relationship and not running from the cops?? I can't remember if her doctor friend drove the same car when they wrecked and he died...
[quote name='karkyco']And seriously, what the hell is up with Locke??? He can't kill his evil, evil father (or Ben), but he can shank a random woman he doesn't know by tossing a knife into her back?!?[/QUOTE]
Dying changes a man. ;)
[quote name='karkyco']

And seriously, what the hell is up with Locke??? He can't kill his evil, evil father (or Ben), but he can shank a random woman he doesn't know by tossing a knife into her back?!?[/QUOTE]

Yeah what the fuck was that all about?!
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Dying changes a man. ;)[/quote]

Yeah, but then he can't pull the trigger on Jack. So either it's WAY out of character, it was a wounding blow (didn't look like it), or he somehow knows something about her (even though he only apparently saw her from behind).

so i just watched lost, all of it, in 2 weeks.

so i think that naomi's boat is the return of the dharma group, thats why ben didnt want them on the island and says they are going to kill the island, most likely related to the first time they got wiped out.

also, does anyone think that jacob is the smoke monster? well i do.

also, as for walt. i think it was walt, he seems to have some sort of connection with the island and also appears to have some sort of telepathic ability, so i see no reason to think that it wasnt walt
[quote name='jimfoley16']This is exactly the reason, IMO - Charlie loved Aaron and Claire so much that he doesn't want to risk spoiling Desmond's vision by trying to save himself.[/QUOTE]

I know its not the same because we are watching the show, but at the time when Charlie was dying he knew it wasn't her boat, and Desmond saw them leaving on helicopters, but who knows what that could mean. This is also knowing though what Ben had been telling Jack, so that makes it unfair to say Charlie should know, he is still an idiot though.

And I like the idea of Jacob appearing as Walt, I doubt it, but I like it.
[quote name='karkyco']Quote:
Originally Posted by Pookymeister
Youre doing it wrong.

Holy shit, then either you're a lousy lay, or all but 2 of your partners are lousy lays.[/QUOTE]

The latter.
I haven't been following the topic too much lately, but I notice some of you are discrediting who might be in the casket because of Kate's animosity or Jack being deeply affected by whoever was in it.

Keep in mind that what we saw was AFTER they get off the island, and we are not sure as to how long after the current events the funeral took place. Sure everyone hates ben now, but after the people on the ship occupy the island, you can bet everyone (oceanic and the others) will join together against them.

This has probably been said before, but, from some of the responses, it seems some of you are forgetting the fact that a lot can happen between characters between now and the actual funeral.
[quote name='dpatel']and we are not sure as to how long after the current events the funeral took place.[/quote]

According the lostpedia article posted above - its April 2007
[quote name='Pookymeister']According the lostpedia article posted above - its April 2007[/QUOTE]

Jesus Christ, but that means that they've been off the island for like 2 and a half years.
With the coffin I have the craziest feeling it may be Sawyer. Him being a criminal would get him a spot that big in the paper and also would explain why no one went to his funeral. With him maybe going more evil he may sour all of his friendships. Also we can't assume that Kate is with him.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']I can buy into John Locke. Does Jack even know about Jacob? But Ben? After all the shit he's put Jack through and all the hate Jack has for him... I can't buy that. The thing is, whatever that piece of the paper says, you can read it's someone from NYC. Are any of the people on the island from NYC? I think it said Grand Avenue.[/QUOTE]

It was a flash into the future, so a lot could've happened until that point, such as Jack finding out about Jacob.

Also, Jack basically wanted to go back to the island because when he got back, he realized he had nothing, hence realizing Ben was right, as well as Locke. So ya, it could very well be Locke, Ben, or Jacob.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I read in an interview with Damon Lindelof that most of the shooting for Season 4 will take place in Hawaii.[/QUOTE]

The show has always been filmed in Hawaii. Unless your saying that they're not going to do to much with the flash-forward we've seen.
[quote name='Graystone']The show has always been filmed in Hawaii. Unless your saying that they're not going to do to much with the flash-forward we've seen.[/QUOTE]

I thought they were filming it in California for season 3 because Hawaii was too expensive.
[quote name='jlarlee']No way in hell Charlie fits through that window. Now him closing the door from the other side is a different matter.[/quote]

Well, he was a super skinny druggy just a few weeks prior, and island living certainly won't fatten you up, even with Dharma supplies (unless you're Hurley).

And speaking of Dharma supplies, the recent episodes throw an odd twist to that supply "drop" the Losties found. Why would the Dharma initiative out in the real world still be dropping supplies if communication from the island was cut off and/or they knew their people had been massacred?

Or was it placed there by someone/something else (the Others? Moving that large a container/that much food through the jungle would be pretty much impossible...and why would they, or anyone for that matter, want to supply the Losties?). Maybe it was meant for the contestants on CBS's Survivor but they dropped it on the wrong island.:roll:
bread's done