Lost Season 3!!! (Beware of Spoilers)

[quote name='slidecage']the whole black smoke thing was just plain stupid. why didnt the smoke just go OVER THe fence like Kate and the others did. ALso i think they did leave them behind so the smoke could kill them. remember they were MARKED so the monster could find and kill them [/QUOTE]how can u be posting on a video game forum and not kno the obvious answer to that?!?!

the smoke is obviously a boss who can run across the screen hella fast, but can't double jump.

It's its only weakness~!! every boss has one!
[quote name='David85']Umm.... Hello... [/QUOTE]

Well Hello! negative stranger.

[quote name='JEKKI']how can u be posting on a video game forum and not kno the obvious answer to that?!?!

the smoke is obviously a boss who can run across the screen hella fast, but can't double jump.

It's its only weakness~!! every boss has one![/QUOTE]

:rofl: Its so true.
Killing a badguy is negitive?

And I guess being right is a negitive, that explains a lot about the people here.
I'm starting to notice a new pattern amongst the people on the island. At first it would seem they're all criminals or did something morally reprehensible but now it would seem that they've all been betrayed by the person they love the most (thus perhaps giving them no reason to be extremely motivated to leave the island).

Kate - mom
Jack - dad
Locke - dad
Charlie - brother
Hugo - dad (and possibly mom)
Sawyer - dad
Sun - dad
Claire - dad (and possibly mom)
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm starting to notice a new pattern amongst the people on the island. At first it would seem they're all criminals or did something morally reprehensible but now it would seem that they've all been betrayed by the person they love the most (thus perhaps giving them no reason to be extremely motivated to leave the island).

Kate - mom
Jack - dad
Locke - dad
Charlie - brother
Hugo - dad (and possibly mom)
Sawyer - dad
Sun - dad
Claire - dad (and possibly mom)
[quote name='CitizenB']I'm noticing a pattern in your pattern. Its mostly dads that betrayed the child.

Could this harken back to one of the writers childhood.[/QUOTE]


Good episode this week though. Kate looked SUPER fine in it.
[quote name='humidore']Juliet and Sayeed are gonna get it on, can't wait for the torture/sex scene! -_-[/quote]

Yeah, I saw it sayid's eyes...:lol:
I have a feeling Jack has some shit up his sleeve!!

he probably acknowledged Juliet may turn on them, hence why he doesnt have too much a problem with her coming.

either that or he's getting too soft...

but he's my favorite guy so I dont want him to wiener out!

just my speculation
[quote name='JEKKI']I have a feeling Jack has some shit up his sleeve!!

I feel as if Juliet and Jack both knew about the knock out gas and are gonna pull some shit. But that feels all too easy for the plot.
[quote name='JEKKI']I have a feeling Jack has some shit up his sleeve!!

he probably acknowledged Juliet may turn on them, hence why he doesnt have too much a problem with her coming.

either that or he's getting too soft...

but he's my favorite guy so I dont want him to wiener out!

just my speculation[/quote]

Well, there is a new "leader" in town...
[quote name='kevzik']Well, there is a new "leader" in town...

I think Hurley is the real leader of the Island. That guy has mad shit up his sleeves.
[quote name='Magehart']I think Hurley is the real leader of the Island. That guy has mad shit up his sleeves.[/QUOTE]

Twinkies, cupcakes, candy bars, ranch dressing...

[quote name='CitizenB']

:shock: Thats Juliet making out with another chick while nekkid? I really do have to rent that movie!
[quote name='Maklershed']:shock: Thats Juliet making out with another chick while nekkid? I really do have to rent that movie![/quote]

Another chick = Angelina Jolie

Matthew Fox
"Dr. Jack Shephard"

Transgression: Threatening the life of a patient.

Watch: Before Jack got "Lost"

Before the Island: A gifted and sensitive spinal surgeon, Dr. Jack Shephard carried the ultimate baggage aboard Flight 815: his father's body. Plagued with guilt for having destroyed his father's medical career, Jack hoped to bury the past with his father.

Now: Though it's not what he signed on for, Jack has become the leader of this eclectic band of survivors thanks to his medical skills and forceful personality. He fell hard for fellow survivor Kate, who broke his heart by making a love connection with unrepentant con man Sawyer. Now there's a new woman in his life, fellow doctor Juliet, who slowly won his trust during his time as the Others' prisoner. It was during this imprisonment that Jack was coerced into performing surgery on the Others' leader, Ben, and he took this opportunity to use Ben's life as a bargaining tool to get fellow captives Kate and Sawyer safely back to their island. Did he do it for love, or just to get the two lovebirds out of his sight?

Coming up: After surviving his ordeal with the Others, Jack will finally return to the beach. Once again, he will be forced to deal with the difficult mantle of leadership as well as face complications in his relationship with Kate. Complications that are only exacerbated by Juliet's presence on the beach.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Evangeline Lilly
"Kate Austen"

Transgressions: Killing her father, bank robbery, evading the law

Watch: Before Kate got "Lost"

Before the Island: Kate was a wanted woman before she ever set foot on the Island. Having burned her abusive father alive in his own home, the beautiful fugitive was caught by a U.S. Marshall after a prolonged chase around the world. Fortunately for Kate, the Marshall didn't survive the plane crash.

Now: Thanks to a Wanted poster found on the plane, Kate's status as a criminal is no longer a secret, but nonetheless she has found acceptance among the crash survivors. Drawn both to good-boy Jack and bad-boy Sawyer, Kate has given in to her criminal side and chosen the con man, although she risked everything to return to the Others to free Jack. Once she arrived to perform her "rescue," she was devastated to discover that not only had Jack made a deal with the Others to obtain safe passage off of the island, but he had also made a new female friend among the enemy.

Coming up: After escaping from captivity and disobeying Jack's order to not come back for him, Kate must now deal with the ramifications of her actions. Actions that Jack believes may have cost him passage off the island. On top of that, there is the issue of her relationship with Sawyer – since taking it to the next level, Kate must now navigate thorny emotional waters.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Josh Holloway
"James Ford", a.k.a. "Sawyer"

Transgressions: Theft, murder, fraud, you name it.

Watch: Before Sawyer got "Lost"

Before the Island: At a very young age, young James overheard his parents' murder-suicide. Forever scarred, James closed himself off from his emotions and his conscience, renaming himself after the con man who caused the tragedy. Ironically, he became a con man himself, cleverly evading the law for years as he moved from scam to scam.

Now: Sawyer has only recently begun to make friends on the island after deliberately driving people away for months with his greed, sarcasm, and dishonesty. He hoarded a "stash" of supplies and weapons, which his fellow survivors paid for with whatever suited Sawyer's fancy. Lately, with the help of Kate and Hurley, Sawyer has learned that no man is an island, particularly when he's stranded on one. What began as a playful flirtation with Kate has developed into something more serious. Yet still Sawyer remains haunted by jealousy.

Coming up: Sawyer's relationship with Kate continues to evolve – but not necessarily in the way he expected – once Jack returns to the beach. But all that becomes secondary when issues from his dark past rear their head once again.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Terry O'Quinn
"John Locke"

Transgressions: Destruction of property. A lot of property.

Watch: Before Locke got "Lost"

Before the Island: Raised in foster care, conned out of a kidney by his birth father, then confined to a wheelchair after said father pushed him out a window, Locke was trapped in a lonely, loveless life and a thankless job as a collections supervisor.

Now: Locke has gone from zero to hero ... or possibly anti-hero. His paralysis miraculously cured by the island's electromagnetic energy, Locke is one of the few survivors whose life has actually improved since the plane crash. He feels a special, quasi-religious connection to the Island itself, believing that it has a plan and that it can communicate with its inhabitants through dreams and other signs. Locke would seem crazy if his predictions hadn't been right an eerie percentage of the time. However, his radical, unilateral actions often alienate people. Having blown up the Dharma Initiative's Swan Station during a crisis of faith, Locke apparently wasn't done with pyrotechnics, as he then proceeded to blow up the Flame Station and then the Others' submarine, their sole means of transport to and from the island. After this last act of destruction, Locke mysteriously disappeared, along with most of the Others.

Coming up: Where did Locke go, and why? All will be revealed ... and of course nothing is quite what it seems when it comes to John Locke.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Dominic Monaghan
"Charlie Pace"

Transgressions: Assault, theft, possession of heroin.

Watch: Before Charlie got "Lost"

Before the Island: Charlie was the bass player for the band Drive Shaft, which rocketed up the charts and fell out of orbit just as fast. During his time as a rock god, he picked up his brother's heroin habit, and in the aftermath of the band's breakup he stole an heirloom from his wealthy girlfriend.

Now: With Locke's help, Charlie has kicked his drug habit, despite having found a tempting stash of heroin on a crashed Nigerian plane. He has also fallen in love with single mother Claire. Although Claire and Charlie's friendship suffered a terrible blow when she found out about his drug use, she has gradually come to trust him again and perhaps now returns his affections. What she does not yet know, though, is that he is the one responsible for assaulting and abducting Sun in a staged attack meant to cast suspicion on the Others. Sun knows all about it, though, and Charlie is beginning to regret having come clean with her. But that's all right ... he's going to die soon anyway, according to Desmond, the island's peculiar prophet.

Coming up: After being told by Desmond that he will die, Charlie continues to wrestle with whether to believe Desmond's "flashes" of the future or not. While at the same time, Charlie's relationship with Claire will deepen. And yes, we will definitively find out whether or not Desmond's visions are accurate.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Jorge Garcia
"Hugo Reyes", a.k.a. "Hurley"

Transgression: Criminally bad luck.

Before the Island: While locked up in the loony bin dealing with a fatal accident caused by his weight, Hurley overheard a patient obsessively repeating a series of numbers. Hurley used those numbers to play the lottery and won. Subsequently, everyone in his life suffered horrible misfortunes.

Now: Since day one, Hurley has served as "everyman" and morale officer for the island, always finding silly ways to cheer up his fellow survivors. He has built a golf course, hosted a huge feast, and most recently, gotten a wrecked VW bus running and taken it for a joyride. His life on the island hasn't been one long party, though. Not long after arriving on the island, he met and fell for a psychologist named Libby, who died tragically before he could discover that she had once been a fellow patient at the mental institution. Not long afterward, Hurley was briefly abducted by the Others, but was sent back to the beach camp to deliver the message that any attempts to rescue Kate, Jack, and Sawyer would be severely punished. Despite his many trials, Hurley has remained upbeat and loyal to his friends, and continues trying to improve their lot in life.

Coming up: Finding a running Dharma Van in the jungle was only the beginning of Hurley's search for hope on the island. As we reach our endgame, Hurley's presence and own particular brand of loyalty to his friends will prove indispensable.


Next Appearance
In Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Today at 08:00 pm USA

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Emilie De Ravin
"Claire Middleton"

Transgression: Reckless driving.

Before the Island: Aussie Claire's rocky relationship with her mom took a tragic turn when their final argument distracted Claire behind the wheel, resulting in an accident that left her mother in a vegetative state. This led to Claire meeting (but ultimately rejecting) her long-lost biological father. At the time of Flight 815, Claire was on her way to L.A. on the advice of a psychic to give up her own unborn child for adoption.

Now: Claire is the proud mother of baby Aaron, and she has gradually learned to trust her Island companion, Charlie. While pregnant, Claire was dismissed as hysterical when she claimed someone was trying to harm her and her unborn baby. She was right, and she was soon abducted by the Others. Although she later escaped, it took a long time for her to recall the Others' plans: to wait for her to give birth, then eliminate her and raise the baby. Claire takes comfort in her growing bond with the other survivors. In fact, Claire shares a deeper bond with Jack than she knows. The father she never met until her mother's accident is actually American doctor Christian Shepherd, making her Jack's half-sister.

Coming up: Claire and her baby Aaron will once again become central to the conflict between our survivors and the Others. And before season's end, more will be revealed about just why the Others took such an interest in Claire and Aaron.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Naveen Andrews
"Sayid Jarrah"

Transgressions: Murder, treason, war crimes.

Before the Island: Prior to Flight 815, Sayid was a military communications officer. By military, we mean Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard. And by communications, we mean the kind extracted from prisoners using bamboo shoots and acid. Sayid later murdered a fellow officer in an attempt to help his childhood friend Nadia escape imprisonment.

Now: Haunted by the atrocities of his past, enigmatic Sayid spends many of his days under a dark cloud of guilt. At the same time, he has never hesitated to use his "special skills" when circumstances called for them. Despite his shady history, his military training in electronics has made him an invaluable asset to his fellow survivors, as has his keen insight into human psychology. Though forever marked by what he believes to be the death of his true love Nadia, Sayid found love again with fellow crash survivor Shannon ... who later died in his arms after an accidental shooting. Tragically bad luck, or karmic payback?

Coming up: As much as he wishes it were not so, Sayid's experience and prowess as a solider will become integral to the survival of everyone on the island.


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Elizabeth Mitchell
"Dr. Juliet Burke"

Transgression: Conspiracy to commit murder.

Before the Island: Juliet's groundbreaking experiments in the field of fertility captured the attention of the Dharma Initiative. After expressing to a Dharma representative that she wished her ex-husband/boss would be hit by a bus, that very thing mysteriously happened. The Dharma Initiative then whisked her away to their island to work for them.

Now: Juliet has become indispensable to some of the survivors, particularly Jack, in unraveling the secrets behind the Others for whom she worked. Though her overall motives remain cloudy, she has shown a great interest in Jack. When Jack was preparing to do surgery on the Others' leader, Ben, Juliet approached him and asked him to kill Ben and make it look like an accident – a suggestion he ultimately chose not to take. During the recent events that led to the Others mass abandonment of their homes and workplace on the island, Juliet was left behind and tried to trick Kate into accepting her as an ally. The attempt backfired badly, and now she is caught between those who have abandoned her and those who see her as the enemy.

Coming up: With more light shed on Juliet's past and how precisely she came to the island, her true motives will come into sharp focus (good or bad).


Next Appearance
In Lost

Tonight at 10:00 pm ABC

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Yun Jin Kim
"Sun-Hwa Kwon"

Transgression: Adultery.

Before the Island: Daughter of a powerful and corrupt Korean businessman, Sun rebelled by marrying a fisherman's son. Their marriage turned into a loveless imprisonment, and while making plans to run away to America, Sun had an affair with her English tutor. Her last-minute change of heart landed her on the doomed Flight 815.

Now: Since arriving on the island, Sun was forced to confess the long-held secret that she speaks English, a revelation that nearly put the final nail in the coffin of her marriage. However, after Jin nearly died in his attempt to escape the island, Sun realized the depth of her love for him. The recent discovery of her pregnancy has brought them even closer, although Sun is keeping one last secret from Jin that may very well tear them apart. As it turns out - according to information passed along to her in Korea by a fertility doctor too intimidated to tell Jin the truth - it's medically impossible for Jin to father a child. This means that Sun's pregnancy is most likely the result of her affair.

Coming up: Sun's pregnancy will become central to the story once Juliet – a fertility doctor – arrives at camp. In addition, the question will be answered once and for all -- is Jin the father of her baby?


No Appearance Scheduled

We're sorry, but we can't find any airings in the next 14 days.
Henry Ian Cusick
"Desmond David Hume"

Transgression: Manslaughter.

Before the Island: Desmond undertook a round-the-world sailing race in a misguided effort to prove himself to the scornful father of his true love Penny. Desmond's sailboat blew off course and crashed onto the island, and there he met Kelvin, a member of the Dharma Initiative.

Now: After three years of servitude in the island's Swan Station, switching shifts with Kelvin to push a mysterious button every 108 minutes, Desmond discovered that Kelvin had been deceiving him about the nature of the island and why Desmond should never leave the hatch. Enraged, Desmond attacked Kelvin, unintentionally striking his head against a rock and killing him. This incident caused a delay in pushing the button ... a delay which apparently triggered the electromagnetic disturbance that crashed Flight 815. A few weeks later, Desmond was confronted in the hatch by Locke and Jack, onto whom he dumped his button-pushing duties before attempting to flee the island. His escape attempt failed, and now he lives among the survivors. Ever since the destruction of the Swan Station, Desmond has begun seeing strange flashes of the future, which seem to be accurate and are causing quite a stir among his new companions.

Coming up: Desmond will continue to wrestle with his "flashes" of a future that feels inescapable. When we learn a bit more about his past, the reasoning behind Desmond's emotionally charged reactions to these premonitions will be made clear.


No Appearance Scheduled

We're sorry, but we can't find any airings in the next 14 days.
Daniel Dae Kim
"Jin-Soo Kwon"

Transgression: Assault and battery.

Before the Island: Back in Korea, Jin worked hard to shed his origins as a poor fisherman's son. He won the right to marry his high-class sweetheart, Sun, by agreeing to work for her father. What he didn't bargain for was that his "work" would involve brutally beating innocent men to secure her father's stranglehold on the auto industry.

Now: Despite his violent temper and language barrier, Jin has won acceptance on the island by using the fishing skills that once embarrassed him. After a few initial power struggles with some of the island's other alpha males, Jin has gradually integrated into the survivors' community and is even beginning to learn English. Unexpectedly, he has developed a bond with the wily Sawyer, after the two men shared a harrowing journey on an ill-fated raft. Jin has also rediscovered his affection for his wife Sun, now that he is at last free of her corrupt and dominating father. Having believed Sun to be barren, Jin is overjoyed about her seemingly miraculous pregnancy.

Coming up: Soon, Jin will take part in a major discovery that will change everything for the inhabitants of the island
Ah May Sweeps. Or how it's better known: The Month Where Lost Gets Crazy.

So my guess is Charlie dies because Hurley told Juliet that Charlie killed Ethan. When the others show up that's when he dies.

EDIT: The others are going to kill Charlie. I didn't really clarify.
[quote name='kevzik']I knew juliet was no good! I knew it! Jack is too easy.[/quote]

Ben: "And wear a tank top - it shows off your rack."
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S']I have a feeling she helps them out in the end.[/quote]

I was thinking the same. It seems she does have some good in her, but who knows with lost.

So, pregnancy seems to be a big part of the role of the others now.
She wants off the island, Ben is the only one who might be able to do that.

The Others are evil and so is Juliet.
[quote name='kevzik']I knew juliet was no good! I knew it! Jack is too easy.[/QUOTE]hellz no~!!!

I swear it, Jack's scheming. he's scheming something.

he's smart, he won't go soft that easily.

at least dat's what I'm hoping...

another thing,

Ben was born on the island, and Alex too???? regardless, some mysteries arise
My 3 possible predictions:

1. Jack knows about Juliet and Ben's talk and is playing along.

2. Jack and Ben had a talk as well. Ben wants to turn Jack and Juliet against eachother.

3. Desmond will forsee Juliet doing something, thus outing her.
[quote name='JEKKI']

Ben was born on the island, and Alex too???? regardless, some mysteries arise

That's interesting, now that you mention it. I definitely remember that Ben was born on the island, although I'm not sure about Alex. But if that's the case, how did it happen, given what we know? The only thing I can think of is that it's not possible to conceive on the island, but once you're pregnant, there are no problems having the baby. The only reason we think it would be a problem would be because of the "serum" they gave Claire to make her better, but they debunked that at the end of the episode.

Also, it's obvious that they sent Juliet to the good guys camp to do something/observe Sun since she is probably the first/only female to ever conceive on the island. Question is, what does Jack have up his sleeve?

Lastly, in response to lobster...
I think Ben had a talk with Jack as well. Cause he obviously knows something that he's not telling anyone.
Near the start of the episode,
Jack, and Julie were talking about faking the gas. Julie said "I already ran into the jungle with kate, and lied about handcuffing her to me.

Sawyer calling Ben bug eyes was awesome.

They had video to the outside world! One of the news broadcast says "plane disappears."

I, and many other people have already said that Juliet was dirty, and this ending proves it.

The other are on the island they brought Juliet in to help with procreation. IMO she on the beach for Sun, she's there to take sun back, and observe.

Locke & Syaid are my favorite characters. But Since Locke sold out. I'm with Syaid who = badass mofo
[quote name='Warner1281']
That's interesting, now that you mention it. I definitely remember that Ben was born on the island, although I'm not sure about Alex. But if that's the case, how did it happen, given what we know? The only thing I can think of is that it's not possible to conceive on the island, but once you're pregnant, there are no problems having the baby. The only reason we think it would be a problem would be because of the "serum" they gave Claire to make her better, but they debunked that at the end of the episode.

Also, it's obvious that they sent Juliet to the good guys camp to do something/observe Sun since she is probably the first/only female to ever conceive on the island. Question is, what does Jack have up his sleeve?

Lastly, in response to lobster...
I think Ben had a talk with Jack as well. Cause he obviously knows something that he's not telling anyone.

but sun was knocked up before she even got to the island. its that other dudes baby

If you slowed down the preview of next week it sort of looks like hurley gets shot

What was that APRIL 21 pamlet they showed at the end (looked like in russian) and the black and white SOS on the beach

also i wonder if its later or next week looks like Locke is back cause in the preview it shows sawyer knocking him down and holding him at knife point.

I told you the ending probally be the outsiders coming to the island this season. They want to know why they lost contact with the island
[quote name='RedComet']
How come Jacob didn't heal Ben if he really cured Juliet's sister?

Jacob's the guy Juliet was sleeping with right? Don't you remember, Ana Lucia killed him...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
Jacob's the guy Juliet was sleeping with right? Don't you remember, Ana Lucia killed him...
That was Goodwin. We don't know who Jacob is yet.
[quote name='slidecage']but sun was knocked up before she even got to the island. its that other dudes baby
Not necessarily. The island has healing powers, so it could have helped Jin's little swimmers after he returned from the Tail Section.
[quote name='RedComet']
How come Jacob didn't heal Ben if he really cured Juliet's sister?

cause he didnt have insurance LOL

I think ben isnt healing cause LOCKE will become the new leader of the others. The island is turning against ben that is why its making him sick.
[quote name='jshendel']That was Goodwin. We don't know who Jacob is yet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's right. Oh well, then I have no idea why Ben's cancer wasn't cured.
Lot's of good points being brought up here.

Warner1281: Yeah, Jack isn't stupid enough to fall into her little trap.

CitizenB: Totally didn't even think about what Juliet said to Jack. There's a possibility Kate told him but I don't know, it's still up in the air. And yes, I seriously Lol'd when Sawyer called Ben bugged eyed.

Jshendel: I too believe that the island healed Jin, and that Sun is carrying his baby. However, we haven't seen much progess on that at all this season.
Ben is losing his faith in the island and that's why he got cancer. Locke has faith in the island and that's why he can walk.
heres something to think about

maybe the island is punishing ben cause he is messing with the others. Isnt the amish people or another set that thinks god will punish them if they mess with the outside world.

Remember they dont have power or nothing like that so its sort of like the amish just something to think about. (LOL just saw that on that sci fi channel about how they thought they was being punished cause they were allowing their children to play with the other children)
Just a thought... The writers showed us Juliet's plan, right? Therefore, she will likely go against said plan in the end. It wouldn't be much like Lost to have her go along with her original plan...
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I think every one will turn out to be a cylon and this will all be a dream of some unseen character[/QUOTE]
If they go all Twin Peaks on us, I'll give up games.
[quote name='ryanbph']well there is 2 new characters coming who aren't the others, and are not part of the plane that crashed[/QUOTE]

This is crazy but if the 2 character turned out to be 2pac and biggie smalls, Lost would go down in history as the best twist ending ever.......evar.
[quote name='ryanbph']well there is 2 new characters coming who aren't the others, and are not part of the plane that crashed[/QUOTE]
It could be the DeGroots, the creators of Dharma. Remember, the others are not part of Dharma, or so we think.
bread's done