LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='slidecage']my DVR blew up on me meaning i lost the last 4 eps of lost..

can sun talk ? why were they writing notes to her last night[/QUOTE]

Sun hit her head while running away from Locke and she forgot how to speak English. She can understand and write in English, but she can only speak Korean. So for now, she only communicates with hand gestures and writing things down on a note pad.
[quote name='billyrox']why did he do that anyway? cuz he got thrown down the well? or cuz he wantshim to go to the hospital?[/QUOTE]

Well, after he got zapped by the magnet, he "knew what he had to do" and didn't even need an explanation from Widmore.

So I'm guessing the timeline's merged and what he knew was he had to stop Locke--apparently in both timelines.
Hmm yeah, Jack's wife was supposed to be paralyzed after her car accident, but Jack fixed her. Locke will probably end up getting fixed up by Jack.
I just re-watched this episode. John Locke's face at the end of this ep is brilliant. Something is going on in his head. Either recollection of the island timeline, or an awakening of John, like Smokey was inhabiting sideways John Locke. Can't wait for Tues.
John's face is the same shot as when he first woke up on the beach after the crash. It was a recreation of that scene...waking up after a crash...and [possibly] able to walk again after it (assuming Jack fixes him). I think that's going to be the course of action that triggers his memory.
[quote name='SoulReaver']You are crazy.[/QUOTE]

LA X - Great.
What Kate Does - Horrible.
Lighthouse, Substitute - Boring and overrated.
Dr. Linus - Oh cool, an hour of Ben digging a hole. Glad that's in the final season.
Sundown - Great ending.
Recon - Alright.
Richard/Des episodes - Great
The Package - Alright

Everybody Love Hugo was awesome. It finally felt like there was some actual plot development on the island other than "let's just sit around for the hole episode". Illana's death was surprising and got rid of a weak character. The sideways were both awww and actually advanced the plot and weren't filler like 90 percent of them. There were a lot of great scenes like the Jack/Hurely convo about Juiliet, the ending, and both Michael scenes. The only time this season I was genuinely captivated the entire hour like I used to be when the show was consistently excellent.
I also thought it was a good setup episode until I realized there are still 4 episodes left. If Witmore's group is already blowing people up, how will they keep it up long enough for 4 episodes worth...
These next few episodes better start pouring out all the answers and moving things along. Feels like it's going to be rushed but last nights was a good setup for it all to go down.
[quote name='Dahk']Cant believe the next ep isnt until May 4th. Quite enraging actually. Waiting a whole week is gut wrenching.[/QUOTE]

there are leaked episodes on the internet. But it just isnt the same as watching on tuesday nights :D
They made us wait so long for that reunion last night that for a few seconds I thought the barrier was going to zap them. Being vague so not to spoil anyone
[quote name='lordopus99']I also thought it was a good setup episode until I realized there are still 4 episodes left. If Witmore's group is already blowing people up, how will they keep it up long enough for 4 episodes worth...[/QUOTE]

I'm sure we'll have an episode devoted to what the Island actually is, an episode of what the candidates are there for, and then one more set up episode to set up the finale.

[quote name='jlarlee']They made us wait so long for that reunion last night that for a few seconds I thought the barrier was going to zap them. Being vague so not to spoil anyone[/QUOTE]

If someone comes into this topic they should be expecting to see us talking about the fact jin and sun coulda been fried ;)
[quote name='jlarlee']They made us wait so long for that reunion last night that for a few seconds I thought the barrier was going to zap them. Being vague so not to spoil anyone[/QUOTE]


Wife and myself acted the same way... I thought they couldn't get the barrier down, and then they would fry, thus eliminating as "Candidates".

Maybe dying in each others arms....

Anyways, it was a good enough show, definately better than others.

waiting two weeks will suck.
Anyone else notice the sailboat arrived at the same beach it sailed from? Just had the barriers in place.

PS, I also thought Sun was gonna get zapped ;)
Yeah, I thought Sun was going to get a nosebleed and die from fence zapping too. I was screaming "Don't you dare!" in my head, despite the fact you could hear the fence being shut off.

Sun is the only interesting female character left on the show now. Kate and Claire could get mauled by a polar bear and I probably wouldn't care.
[quote name='jlarlee']They made us wait so long for that reunion last night that for a few seconds I thought the barrier was going to zap them. Being vague so not to spoil anyone[/QUOTE]

I totally thought that too.

[quote name='csidegamer']Anyone else notice the sailboat arrived at the same beach it sailed from? Just had the barriers in place.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that too. Before I saw the barriers, I thought they had gone back to the original spot to get Jack or something.
[quote name='lordopus99']I also thought it was a good setup episode until I realized there are still 4 episodes left. If Witmore's group is already blowing people up, how will they keep it up long enough for 4 episodes worth...[/QUOTE]

I'd guess because at least one of them is going to be set entirely in the past/alternate universe again. They probably could've done the whole season in 4 episodes if they'd just dumped the excess.

But hey, at least it's getting exciting.
[quote name='slidecage']i thought putting the show on so late so there would not be any breaks so why is there a break next week.[/QUOTE]

I think they originally hadn't intended for the premiere to be 2 hours.
[quote name='Magus8472']I'd guess because at least one of them is going to be set entirely in the past/alternate universe again. They probably could've done the whole season in 4 episodes if they'd just dumped the excess.

But hey, at least it's getting exciting.[/QUOTE]

I still get a kick out of people calling the alternate universe "filler" or "excess" when it could very well turn out to be the entire point and purpose of the series.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I still get a kick out of people calling the alternate universe "filler" or "excess" when it could very well turn out to be the entire point and purpose of the series.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully not. But even if it is (which is admittedly likely), that doesn't do much to justify ten episodes spent rehashing every remaining character's backstory with minor ironic alterations.
[quote name='jlarlee']They made us wait so long for that reunion last night that for a few seconds I thought the barrier was going to zap them. Being vague so not to spoil anyone[/QUOTE]

I agree with you and everyone else, I really thought Sun or Jin was going to get zapped by the fence or end up keeping them from being together.

The episode was okay, presumably Sayid let Desmond live? I know they didn't really say one way or another but to me that would be the predictable choice. If he did let him live does that mean that Sayid believes Desmond and is against Locke/Smoke monster?
[quote name='Magus8472']Hopefully not. But even if it is (which is admittedly likely), that doesn't do much to justify ten episodes spent rehashing every remaining character's backstory with minor ironic alterations.[/QUOTE]


And if the AU is an epilogue, that will be 1000x worse than the AU just being iller.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Yep.

And if the AU is an epilogue, that will be 1000x worse than the AU just being iller.[/QUOTE]

An epilogue? Ehh...I don't know if I'd call it that. What I'm getting out of it is what they touched on briefly a couple weeks ago. In the Desmond episode, Daniel says "What if this wasn't supposed to be our life? What if we had some other life...but for some reason, we changed things?" It started giving me an almost Donnie Darko kind of vibe where life and the perception of what is real gets all twisted. Is the island real? Was it ever real? Is it an altered state of consciousness? At this point, it could be anything.

I just feel like the people who are still trying to force the show to fit inside some neat little bubble of being about a group of "crash survivors" being "stranded on an island" and "trying to find their way home" are going to be severely disappointed. The show stopped being about that a long time ago (if it ever truly was about that). But to me, there seems to be a much bigger picture that some people don't even want to acknowledge. And that could be what the alternate universe is shining light on. People saying it's filler are going to miss the entire point.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I just feel like the people who are still trying to force the show to fit inside some neat little bubble of being about a group of "crash survivors" being "stranded on an island" and "trying to find their way home" are going to be severely disappointed. The show stopped being about that a long time ago (if it ever truly was about that). But to me, there seems to be a much bigger picture that some people don't even want to acknowledge. And that could be what the alternate universe is shining light on. People saying it's filler are going to miss the entire point.[/QUOTE]

That's all well and good. However, the problem is not that the alternate universe has no point (because, for fuck's sake, it better), but rather that there's no need to spend all this time in it in order to establish its point. How, exactly, is the show spelling out in explicit detail the fact that, without the Island, everyone would have better coping mechanisms but yet still the same basic personal problems in aid of anything but tedium? What is there to be gained from another episode which, lo and behold, shows us that Jack has daddy issues? That Sawyer is obsessed with revenge? That Jin and Sun's relationship is strained by their obligation to her father? That Ben desires power? That Sayid will do anything for, but can never have, Nadia? That Locke strains under the yoke of his own failures? That Kate can't help but keep running?

Basically, what I'm getting at is this: what part of this deeper meaning you're looking for couldn't have been established by skipping right from the alternate universe bits in the pilot to those in Desmond's episode? Because it seems to me that the answer is none of it, which makes all of the alternate universe crap in between filler by definition. And if I'm reading you at all correctly, it seems that if anything the show should be spending less time on character development, particularly of the unnecessary and redundant kind.
Man tonight's episode was total filler. It was cool to have Frank flashbacks, but it's obvious at this point they're just stretching out the season until May 23rd.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']ohhh will it air next TUES. ?[/QUOTE]

Yes next Tuesday is a new Lost.

I've been enjoying the alternate time line myself. I'm wondering how this is going to tie into how the series is going to end myself.
I forgot last week said two weeks until next new episode of lost. =( I was looking forward to a new episode tonight.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']I forgot last week said two weeks until next new episode of lost. =( I was looking forward to a new episode tonight.[/QUOTE]

same here...had my beer already cracked open and everything.
[quote name='lawdood']same here...had my beer already cracked open and everything.[/QUOTE]

Did you put it back in the fridge?
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Hey if I missed tonights episode where can I watch it online ?[/QUOTE]

There was no episode last night--but you can watch on ABC.com (and probably Hulu as well).

Finally watched last weeks last night (so I didn't know there was no new ep last night, was planning to watch both with the girlfriend).

Kind of a meh episode. Like others, I'm getting antsy that we'll get a satisfactory wrap up to the series with only 4 episodes left. Hope we at least get a good ending to the jacob/smokey/island plot even if they leave lots of little things unanswered.
[quote name='lawdood']same here...had my beer already cracked open and everything.[/QUOTE]

I hope you finished it, because if ABC made you waste a beer:shame:...
[quote name='ImLuhkee']I hope you finished it, because if ABC made you waste a beer:shame:...[/QUOTE]

Oh hell no...Lost, ABC and Disney combined could never make me waste a beer.

Or the 5 that followed it up. :beer:
bread's done