LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Does anyone think that ( KID ) Jacob looks a lot like the ( GROWN-UP ) Jacob ??[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it was just a coincidence they noticed after they chose him for the part. FFS.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I'm sure it was just a coincidence they noticed after they chose him for the part. FFS.[/QUOTE]

No J.J. Abrams just plans that far in advance that he was able to film the actor as a kid and then an adult. Lost has been planned that far in advance.
Hrm, I'm not sure what to make of this "origin" episode. I guess it's the best explanation we're going to get, but I don't feel very satisfied. Stuff was said, stuff happened, but there wasn't a whole lot of explanation as to *why*.
i thought it was great.. so Jacob released the Smoke monster... and the smoke monster took the form of his brother.. interesting
I don't know what the fuck I just watched. It was an hour full of nonsense. Out of that hour, the only concrete answer we got was how the MIB became the smoke monster, and even that didn't make sense and it wasn't fully explained. These last 2 episodes better blow my goddamn mind.
[quote name='billyrox']i thought it was great.. so Jacob released the Smoke monster... and the smoke monster took the form of his brother.. interesting[/QUOTE]

Not sure that's what happened. I think its more along the lines of the light transformed his soul or something into smoke.
[quote name='tcrash247']I don't know what the fuck I just watched. It was an hour full of nonsense. Out of that hour, the only concrete answer we got was how the MIB became the smoke monster, and even that didn't make sense and it wasn't fully explained. These last 2 episodes better blow my goddamn mind.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think they wasted an hour just to explain how the MiB came to be. Seems like a waste of their last four hours of run-time to me. I guess it did shed a little light on those bodies, but that was so long ago it doesn't really matter anymore. They could have explained all of that in a series of 3 or 4 flashbacks throughout the episode.

Overall, not my favorite episode, but I'm hopeful for the last three.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Not sure that's what happened. I think its more along the lines of the light transformed his soul or something into smoke.[/QUOTE]

I thought they found the body of the MIB and his mother in the future.. so his brother is dead.. and instead the black smoke monster is something else
[quote name='billyrox']I thought they found the body of the MIB and his mother in the future.. so his brother is dead.. and instead the black smoke monster is something else[/QUOTE]

Well yeah, it could be his "soul" or whatever, ya know, not connected to his body. And the woman said that if he went in there his fate would be worse than death, so just dying would be equal to death I would think.
[quote name='billyrox']I thought they found the body of the MIB and his mother in the future.. so his brother is dead.. and instead the black smoke monster is something else[/QUOTE]
I think Pooky's right. It took his soul & transformed it into what it wanted to be.
I thought the episode was okay. I love the acting of the person who plays adult Jacob.

I see on other message boards that people now think the smoke monster isn't the MiB. Mmmmm... I don't think so. I believe the MiB's soul turned into the smoke monster or something like that. Remember, Jacob can't kill the MiB.


EDIT: Damn, beaten to
[quote name='SoulReaver']I thought the episode was okay. I love the acting of the person who plays adult Jacob.

You should watch Dexter. He's hilarious in that. His acting is totally different, like a Gary Oldman style of acting where he can make himself fit any role.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Hrm, I'm not sure what to make of this "origin" episode. I guess it's the best explanation we're going to get, but I don't feel very satisfied. Stuff was said, stuff happened, but there wasn't a whole lot of explanation as to *why*.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. My main problem with this show is there's no WHY. OK, so the people are protecting a light source, because it's "the thing in all men's hearts" blah blah...ok but WHY does it exist? Why is it here? Why does she know? Why did she kill the mother?

Or all the other things. Things are "explained" in this episode simply because we are shown them. For example, "I've made it so you two can't hurt each other". OK, so they claim that they've explained why they are unable to kill each other later, but there's no reason WHY they can't especially when Jacob can beat the snot out of the guy (who STILL HAS NO NAME), but apparently can't punch enough to crack his skull and kill him.

Things are "explained" only because we are officially showed something, but there's no EXPLANATION to most things. It just "is".
[quote name='SpazX']just dying would be equal to death I would think.[/QUOTE]

This is the best quote I've read.
Well count me among the fans that are SERIOUSLY concerned about how this is going to end. They had better damn well be saving all their punches for the final minute of round 12 because that is where we are at.

That episode I just watched blew my mind on how lame it was. I was expecting something grand and was extremely let down. I have no idea what I just watched and I about shit a brick when I saw this light they were supposed to be protecting. I'm in a little bit of shock right now, I really can't believe this is what we're getting going into the series finale.

Also does the lady raising Jacob and Smokey not age? I thought it was funny when Smokey was hugging her saying I love you mom and he looked older than her.

At any rate I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who was disappointed tonight.
[quote name='FrankySox']

Also does the lady raising Jacob and Smokey not age?[/QUOTE]

She had already had a drink from the kool-aid jug.
[quote name='Pookymeister']She had already had a drink from the kool-aid jug.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I must have missed it, I just assumed it though. If only I could have had some of that kool-aid about 5 years ago.
[quote name='Jedi1979']it would be nice if we get to see when Mib comes to jacob as smokey for the first time...[/QUOTE]

I thought jacob was dead ?? wait..... is Jacob that kid that everyone can see sometimes that Flocke was wandering why others could see him ?

Okay I worded that horribly but hopefully u get the idea
He means it would have been nice to see a flashback to when MIB as Smokey first confronted Jacob after being thrown into the Cave of Magic Light.
count me among the disappointed. i was expecting epic and instead got mediocre. i wasnt concerned with how the series will end, but i am now.
I can't believe people can be so negative on the episodes after watching THIS far into the show. I'm too embarrassed to say it's "bad". I'm going to blindly love it till the end, I did not hang on this long to hate it dammit! It would just be embarrassing to be watching a show for 6 years to just hate it in the end.

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Lost: Everything is explained by a magic glowing light.[/QUOTE]
You'd think at some point they'd stop writing episodes that ask more questions than they answer.

EDIT: What really bugged me about this episode is the pacing, though. We go from a really satisfying ending in which the Man in Black's plan finally comes to fruition with the deaths of several major characters as he stalks off into the night to "finish what he started" to...40 minutes of backstory in which the entire principal cast does not feature.

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[quote name='Magus8472']You'd think at some point they'd stop writing episodes that ask more questions than they answer.

EDIT: What really bugged me about this episode is the pacing, though. We go from a really satisfying ending in which the Man in Black's plan finally comes to fruition with the deaths of several major characters as he stalks off into the night to "finish what he started" to...40 minutes of backstory in which the entire principal cast does not feature.


I think pacing has been a real problem all season long.
I really just want the Man in Black to have a name. That is the only thing really bothering me. I guess it's not that important, maybe he was just never given a name, maybe he is just "special"(like Sylar from Heroes:roll:). Irony because Sylar was referred to the man in black also.
Mom: O.K Jacob, you're in charge of protecting this magical lit-up cave now.
Jacob: You're the boss, mother.

*10 minutes later*

M.I.B: 'sup Jacob?
Jacob: Into the forbidden cave you go, brother!
[quote name='moojuice']Mom: O.K Jacob, you're in charge of protecting this magical lit-up cave now.
Jacob: You're the boss, mother.

*10 minutes later*

M.I.B: 'sup Jacob?
Jacob: Into the forbidden cave you go, brother![/QUOTE]


Yea, that episode was odd... It kind of reminded me of MGS4, where they are panicking saying, "Shit! We have this crazy plot line we have to make believable... let's try to piece it all together!" which of course is impossible.

I'm still super excited for the last 2/3 episodes!
Wow, I stayed up way late to watch this?

Now I believe Allison Janney to be a fine actress, but I found her terribly miscast here. She seemed positively bored and boring. It's like she just sleepwalked through the whole episode.

Little Jacob and little MIB were thankfully competent and carried what little story there was until the adults came in. Wow, those two aged fast!

This entire episode could've been told in 20 minutes. We could've seen it through "Locke's" eyes, or tied it to the Candidates somehow...something, anything more than 40+ minutes of mostly useless backstory. This was really the best they could come up with?

Ah well. Worst episode I believe I've seen so far. Reminds me of the big build up for a South Park return years ago, only to have Terrence and Philip take the airwaves. Here's hoping next week brings us back on track.
last night show would been good IF it was the first or 2nd show of the season.. with only 2 left it was just plain stupid to put that on now.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']You should watch Dexter. He's hilarious in that. His acting is totally different, like a Gary Oldman style of acting where he can make himself fit any role.[/QUOTE]

EDIT: NVM, Didn't realize he was Rita's ex.
Not the same actor. I do see the similarity tho.
Dexter is played by Michael C Hall.

However, 'Jacob' aka Mark Pellegrino is also playing Lucifer on Supernatural.

BTW, I concur, the ep was lame. Could have given the few nuggets in about 15 minutes, rather than a full ep.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I am beyond disappointed.

Please pull it together for the last 3 hours of episodes.[/QUOTE]

This episode sucked. At no point in the entire episode did I see anything that would make me think MIB is the evil one (though MIB killed his 'mother' which he seemed immediately sorry for, it was after she apparently killed the entire other group, which begs the question of why the hell did she wait to kill them, and why not just kill them before the kids knew they were even there?). Right now I am incredibly worried that all the time I invested in the show is going to be for nothing.

[quote name='billyrox']i thought it was great.. so Jacob released the Smoke monster... and the smoke monster took the form of his brother.. interesting[/QUOTE]

The only thing that makes sense is Smoke monster not being the same as MIB. Like I said, I saw nothing that made MIB evil, certainly nothing like what happened in the previous episode on the sub. If it is indeed the same person, more needed to be shown to see how he got to that point. If anything, Jacob seemed like the bad guy.

Also, I noticed that the 'mother' and MIB use the same line about how the people come, corrupt, and whatnot.
I've seen many people complaining about how they might have wasted their precious "time" on this show for the last few years. I think its really odd considering you aren't only watching the show, but also going to a message board about the show and commenting. Sounds like you might have plenty of time to waste, to me. Its just a TV show - calm down.
[quote name='Kylearan']Now I believe Allison Janney to be a fine actress, but I found her terribly miscast here. She seemed positively bored and boring. It's like she just sleepwalked through the whole episode.
I agree, though I wouldn't blame it on the performance so much as either the direction/writing (admitted bias on this, though). I read up on it and supposedly the producers wrote the part with her in mind, not thinking they'd land her. I really don't see what "essence" she brought to the role, and this is coming from someone who has a bit of a crush on her.

The episode overall was confounding. The producers are hell bent on driving home the "Any questions will only lead to further questions" point, which makes me wonder, well, then who gives a shit? They really think that it's all about the characters, which to me is naive given that so many seasons were fully invested in deepening the Mystery of LOST. How many times did they re-hash bullshit with Jack or Kate or whoever but add another layer of uncertainty re: Others, Widmore, so on?

I really do appreciate the series, and it's been a fun ride, but I wish they weren't so insistent on putting on these intellectual/literary airs at the end. The producers attitude with the finish is similar to the one that comes out when they pan over a table of books for +1 Allusions or abuse scientific jargon/anthropomorphize equations for +1 Science Fiction.
[quote name='Ryukahn']

The only thing that makes sense is Smoke monster not being the same as MIB. Like I said, I saw nothing that made MIB evil, certainly nothing like what happened in the previous episode on the sub. If it is indeed the same person, more needed to be shown to see how he got to that point. If anything, Jacob seemed like the bad guy.

Also, I noticed that the 'mother' and MIB use the same line about how the people come, corrupt, and whatnot.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I actually wonder if the mother is the smoke monster... how did she kill off the entire village
[quote name='FrankySox']Well count me among the fans that are SERIOUSLY concerned about how this is going to end. They had better damn well be saving all their punches for the final minute of round 12 because that is where we are at.

That episode I just watched blew my mind on how lame it was. I was expecting something grand and was extremely let down. I have no idea what I just watched and I about shit a brick when I saw this light they were supposed to be protecting. I'm in a little bit of shock right now, I really can't believe this is what we're getting going into the series finale.

Also does the lady raising Jacob and Smokey not age? I thought it was funny when Smokey was hugging her saying I love you mom and he looked older than her.

At any rate I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who was disappointed tonight.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, I have been waiting to find out what the game was. Why the candidates are so important and why they must all be dead for him to leave? All we found out is that the Smoke monster is the heart of the Island that wants to leave????? You can't hurt one another.... but let me beat the crap out of you. Also how does he make Richard Ageless. They better answer all the questions or this could go down as the biggest epic failure of a series. I love the show, but if the ending sucks it really doesn't matter what led up to it.
To further the thought that MIB and the Smoke Monster aren't the same, didn't old scences have MIB calling Jacob old friend, my friend, or just friend instead of brother? We already know that the Smoke Monster can take the form of dead people, so why can't MIB be included in that?
[quote name='basketbowler']Also how does he make Richard Ageless.[/QUOTE]

I thought this was already answered when Jacob gave him a drink that made him not age?
[quote name='Ryukahn']To further the thought that MIB and the Smoke Monster aren't the same, didn't old scences have MIB calling Jacob old friend, my friend, or just friend instead of brother? We already know that the Smoke Monster can take the form of dead people, so why can't MIB be included in that?[/QUOTE]

This was obviously done because they wanted to save the twist of them being brothers for this episode.

Seriously guys?

Flocke and MIB have the exact same goal.
Flocke went on about "having a crazy mother"
MIB told Richard that Jacob "stole his body"

There's no reason to think that MIB and Smoke-MIB are different.

And there was no magic drink that made Richard immortal, Jacob just touched him and it happened. It's part of Jacob's magical abilities he got by a Gypsy casting a spell on him or whatever the hell happened in this stupid episode.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I thought this was already answered when Jacob gave him a drink that made him not age?[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's what I thought as well. The same drink Jacob's fake mom gives Jacob at the end of the episode is also what Jacob gives to Richard to make him ageless.

[quote name='hufferstl']I've seen many people complaining about how they might have wasted their precious "time" on this show for the last few years. I think its really odd considering you aren't only watching the show, but also going to a message board about the show and commenting. Sounds like you might have plenty of time to waste, to me. Its just a TV show - calm down.[/QUOTE]

What the hell are you talking about? Posting on a message board is something we do and we don't see it as a waste of time. I guess this whole thread is pointless then? I think most are concerned about the pacing of THIS season and "Across the Sea" specifically. I guess if discussing the episode/season/series that we've devoted so much TIME to is a waste of time then the jokes on me.
Also you probably have plenty of time to waste as well if you're coming in here to not make any relevant comment on the current conversation.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I thought this was already answered when Jacob gave him a drink that made him not age?[/QUOTE]

Probably gave him some of his momma's magic applejuice.
[quote name='billyrox']Thank you. I actually wonder if the mother is the smoke monster... how did she kill off the entire village[/QUOTE]

She probably is a smoke monster. She managed to fill an entire well with rocks and rubble and she single-handedly took out a village full of armed men. Plus, she was killed with the "magic dagger" before she had a chance to speak. IIRC, that is the proper way to kill a smoke monster!

Oh, and anyone else see the glowing cave and think of Marcellus Wallace's briefcase in Pulp Fiction?
bread's done