LOST - The Final Season - LOST Auction Aug 21-22 (Post 1439)

[quote name='cdietschrun']I have read everything here and have thought about it, but here is my question.

My brain believes that one ending is 'correct' in that everything on the island was real and people died at one point or another and met in the church, especially evidenced by Hurley + Ben's "You were a good #2 and a great #1".

But what I don't really understand, and see anyone arguing about here, is why is it so obvious that that island was real and the real world was purgatory? Why is it so obvious to believe in a time traveling island with magic numbers and special rules between the light and dark and a secret cave with a plug to hold the island and a donkey wheel to move it through time? Why are we so sure that was all "real" and that that normal world was fake?

I'm not really even sure what I'm asking, which is why I waited on posting this. But basically, I understand what most of you have come to conclude and even pretty much agree with it. But why is it that we are sure to say that the island and all its wackiness was real, while the normal life was fake? With the touching of the characters leading to flash backs/memories, I can see how it has to make sense, just curious.

I guess I'm just saying how is it that we now believe in something so far fetched (a time traveling island with a purpose/mysteries) is obviously "true"? I want to say that that is part of Lost, making you believe in something you previously thought insane (Jack's revelation over the course of the series mirrors our own).[/QUOTE]

the island just is.

i know thats a lame answer, but i think thats it. i think you answered your own question, its just a special place, thats it. its no different than believing jack bauer could thwart terrorist plots in 24 hours or the FBI has teams of agents that investigate the paranormal.

[quote name='rly723']So did Jack mostly die from FLocke's stabbing and bleeding to death or was he dead in the cave. That whole sequence of him waking up near the water, stumbling to the bamboo fields, laying next to the dog, watching the plane above fly away seemed physically impossible[/QUOTE]

MIB was transported similarly when he went down there. he may have already been dead from a blow to the head, jack wasnt quite dead yet and died shortly after.
[quote name='rly723']So did Jack mostly die from FLocke's stabbing and bleeding to death or was he dead in the cave. That whole sequence of him waking up near the water, stumbling to the bamboo fields, laying next to the dog, watching the plane above fly away seemed physically impossible[/QUOTE]

A smoke monster seems physically impossible as well and it still happened.
[quote name='bvharris']I don't think the six seasons of the show bear that out at all. Every possible incarnation of Sayid was in love with Nadya. Flashback, flashforward, flashpurgatory, whatever it was it was always about Nadya. Saving her, finding her, getting back to her. Shannon was a fling.

They dropped the ball on that one, though I'm not going to crucify them for it.[/QUOTE]

Going off of Kimmel's interpretation, LOST was more or less about Jack's journey, so ultimately, everyone meeting up at the church before going through the light is the memory that Jack has of everyone (on the island), hence why Sawyer is with Juliet, he is with Kate, and Sayid is with Shannon.

AND if I recall correctly noone acknowledges Christian (Jack's dad) in the church, only Jack.

If they had done a version through Sayid's perspective, he could've probably gone with either of his love interests.

The constants do remain the same with Walt, Michael, Ben, and Anna-Lucia not being there at the church with them.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Does anyone know or have any insight about why Whitemore wanted to get back to the island so badly?[/QUOTE]

because its a magic fucking island that he was kicked off of
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']the island just is.

i know thats a lame answer, but i think thats it. i think you answered your own question, its just a special place, thats it. its no different than believing jack bauer could thwart terrorist plots in 24 hours or the FBI has teams of agents that investigate the paranormal.

I agree, pretty much the only real conclusions you can draw from the show and its finale are that the island just IS, and that the characters ended up the way we all agree they did here, in purgatory real world until they are ready.
I truly enjoyed the way they wrapped up the show. Bringing back and reuniting old characters while still progressing the character's stories and relationships without explaining too much (of the island).

They had brought up some small plot holes in moving the story forward that'll hopefully get rectified and/or explained in the DVD/Blu-ray release.

I'm not happy with some of the explanations regarding the island's myth (origin of the smoke monster for one), but I'd rather leave that open and unexplained.
[quote name='def PD']
I'm not happy with some of the explanations regarding the island's myth (origin of the smoke monster for one), but I'd rather leave that open and unexplained.[/QUOTE]

the thing is, if they had given it a definitive black and white answer as to what the island is, there would be just as many, if not more, fans that are annoyed at the outcome.
[quote name='billyrox']
1) If the sideways world was purgatory... why did it show the island underwater in the first episdoe

Well it was all created by them as a place for them to meet up. The Island had been an important time for the, but also a traumatic one. So perhaps they just didn't want the island in their waiting place.

Alternative possiblility--it had really sank and that was how Hurley and Ben died. Sometime after how every many years, decades or centuries of protecting it, they failed and it sank, or they choose to sink it to protect it etc.

No way to know for sure of course.

2) What world was Desmond talking about when he thought the light was going to transport him to another place? When he says nothing matters on the island (and it turns out he was wrong after he pulls out the plug) He can see into Purgatory as well? or was he talking about another world.

I'd say yep, he could see into purgatory. He traveled through time, so I'm guessing when he got zapped by the magnet by Widmore that gave him a glimpse of the other side and he saw the purgatory world.

He just didn't know what it was--that he'd have to die to get there. So he thought that whatever the light was could just send him to that time/place.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i just wish there was more, i guess thats my biggest gripe with the ending. i understand it, i get it, but i dont think that it was enough for a satisfying ending. i suppose thats because the ending wasnt the end, they make it perfectly clear that people get off the island or stay on the island and go on to live for years and years and years.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. On the one hand I find it a very satisfying ending from a character stand point. It was an emotional ending and it wrapped up the character arcs (factoring in the years of stuff we didn't see for some characters).

On the other hand, it's frustrating that so much of the island mythos that was the centerpiece of the show never get any explanation.

Even just stuff from this season, ignoring Walt, Dharma, point of time travel/moving the island etc. that we knew we weren't going to get any more info on.

What was Widmore's real motive? Was he a good guy or a bad guy? What was the point of zapping Desmond etc.

What would have happened if the man and black got off the island.

What was the light? What would have happened if the plug wasn't put in? Just destroy the island? Destroy the whole world?

Why did it turn MiB into smokey? But not Desmond or Jack? And what the hell was the smoke monster?
[quote name='cdietschrun']
But what I don't really understand, and see anyone arguing about here, is why is it so obvious that that island was real and the real world was purgatory? Why is it so obvious to believe in a time traveling island with magic numbers and special rules between the light and dark and a secret cave with a plug to hold the island and a donkey wheel to move it through time? Why are we so sure that was all "real" and that that normal world was fake?


I think Christian pretty much said it was real. If the island was purgatory then why would Hurley have to wait so much longer? What did he ever do that was so bad? I think some aspects are up for interpretation but not the island. It happened.
Yeah, Christian said they were real, and that "everything that happened, happened."

I don't think there's a lot of leeway on interpretation. For once the writers came out and explained it very clearly through Christian.

Island was real, all the memories they had happened. Jack died. Some of the others died before him, others died "way later." And they were all waiting in this purgatory/inbetween realm they created to wait for them all to be their and ready to let go and move on together.
[quote name='javeryh']OK, I haven't had time to read much about it yet but my interpretation is that
the alternate universe was some sort of purgatory that took place in their heads or whatever and since it was "without time" everyone met up at the church after they died (and were "awakened" in the alternate universe) to cross over to heaven together. Jack died on the island in the final scene, everyone else who died previously was actually dead (Locke, Juliet, Boone, Shannon, etc.), Hurley and Ben lived out their lives on the island but eventually died and Claire, Kate, Richard, Lapidus Sawyer and Miles made it off the island and lived out their lives for a number of years (Kate told Jack "I missed you so much" implying that it had been a long time since they saw each other). Ben didn't go in the church because he wasn't fully redeemed or whatever - he still had to repent or something in order to pass on to heaven. I'm not sure where Desmond fits in or HOW he fits in. I thought it was great and the fact that everyone found their significant other was really satisfying - especially the Sawyer/Juliet scene at the candy machine where she was saying they should get coffee and go dutch just like her ramblings in the first episode of the season when she died. Awesome stuff.

Exactly how I see it, but this part of the story was introduced this season. Viewing it as the ending of the show seems lame.

[quote name='evanft']I love going to other forums and seeing people saying "OMG NO ANSWERS" or whatever kind of stupid bullshit opinions they have. It was actually a pretty easy to understand ending, really.[/QUOTE]

Uh, we didn't get a lot of answers unless you are referring to the flash-sideways that was just introduced this season. Many of the main points of the show are indeed left unaswered.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i just wish there was more, i guess thats my biggest gripe with the ending. i understand it, i get it, but i dont think that it was enough for a satisfying ending. i suppose thats because the ending wasnt the end, they make it perfectly clear that people get off the island or stay on the island and go on to live for years and years and years.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. The ending to the flash-sideways was great. When it was first introduced I hated it, but they ended it really well.

My main gripe with the ending is that I got hooked on Lost from the very beginning due to being curious about the island. After six seasons, many of the questions I had at the beginning are questions I still have. I'm not going to say watching the series was a huge waste or some other over-dramatic thing, as there was great character development throughout the series, but I feel ripped off with not getting answers to the things that intrigued me most about the show.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, Christian said they were real, and that "everything that happened, happened."

I don't think there's a lot of leeway on interpretation. For once the writers came out and explained it very clearly through Christian.

Island was real, all the memories they had happened. Jack died. Some of the others died before him, others died "way later." And they were all waiting in this purgatory/inbetween realm they created to wait for them all to be their and ready to let go and move on together.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough, I didn't really remember that quote from last night, but it makes sense. I wasn't really arguing that it didn't happen, it's just a little crazy that we now at the end of 6 seasons believe that it all happened, and since it was confirmed, then that's nice to have some resolution to it, too. Just interesting I thought, how from season 1 with the smoke monster until the finale we learned about the island and thought some things were ridiculous (time travel, electromagnetism) and eventually it was all true (in the story...of course lol).

All in all, a fun tv show, I think, even though I said I hated it to all my friends all the time :p
I think at the end of the day, it boils down to this.

If you got hooked because you wanted to know why there were monsters and polar bears and hatches on an island, you were probably disappointed.

If you got hooked because you were invested in the characters, you were probably happy.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I think at the end of the day, it boils down to this.

If you got hooked because you wanted to know why there were monsters and polar bears and hatches on an island, you were probably disappointed.

If you got hooked because you were invested in the characters, you were probably happy.[/QUOTE]

That's a really good way of saying it. I think I got hooked because of hatches and polar bears, but learned to really like the characters so I got a little of both, but there are clearly people in one camp or the other, and so you can see why the series/finale puts people in different camps.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I think at the end of the day, it boils down to this.

If you got hooked because you wanted to know why there were monsters and polar bears and hatches on an island, you were probably disappointed.

If you got hooked because you were invested in the characters, you were probably happy.[/QUOTE]

For me it was both, so I"m half happy I guess!

Like I said above, great ending to the character arcs etc.

But it makes most of seasons 1-5 fill like filler, and is frustrating to build such mythos around the island and explain so little of it by the end.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I think at the end of the day, it boils down to this.

If you got hooked because you wanted to know why there were monsters and polar bears and hatches on an island, you were probably disappointed.

If you got hooked because you were invested in the characters, you were probably happy.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the exact same thing, as were others that reviewed it for various websites.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Does anyone know or have any insight about why Whitemore wanted to get back to the island so badly?[/QUOTE]

Sorry if someone already handled this. He was the leader of the Others and probably had the same feeling of special entitlement Locke and Ben had. Ben then kicked him off and usurped his position and power, so Widmore dedicated himself to getting back, reclaiming his power, and getting revenge on Ben.

Sometime after the freighter exploded, Jacob visited Widmore and told him what was up with the MIB stuff. Wanting to make sure his daughter wasn't killed when a black smoke monster took over the world, Widmore brought Desmond back to the island planning to have him unplug the "cork" in the cave so MIB could be killed.
[quote name='dmaul1114']For me it was both, so I"m half happy I guess!

Like I said above, great ending to the character arcs etc.

But it makes most of seasons 1-5 fill like filler, and is frustrating to build such mythos around the island and explain so little of it by the end.[/QUOTE]

Very true. The characters became an important part to me, but the mythos and sci-fi aspects of the show were what I really watched for.
[quote name='billyrox']again,

No, The ISland was not purgatory. It was real

The sideways world was Purgatory[/QUOTE]

I mainly agreed with his last statement. The cop out was that everyone was dead. It was the easy way out without answering any questions. There were still alot of left questions such as the ones Dmaul posted.

I feel Michael was gipped in the end. He only killed 2 people in order to save his son. Yet, Locke killed Naomi, Charlie killed Ethan, Ben killed Locke + Dharma, etc and they all got to leave the island i.e. not becomes whispers on the island.
[quote name='evanft']Your opinion about the quality of season 5 is clearly wrong, but your explanation of what happened is right on.[/QUOTE]

fucking opinions, how do they work?

[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']ewwwwwwwwwwwww Rebecca Mader is actually in my opinion one of the most hidious women I have ever seen .. eww eewww ewww !![/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing in Season 4. IMO Mader is one of those women who looks very pretty cleaned up (off the show, in Sawyer's episode this season), but not so much otherwise.

[quote name='Zoglog']Great... so they basically ended the show w/ the single explanation they said it wouldn't.

They said the island all the things happening there weren't purgatory. It wasn't. Everything still happened.

[quote name='lordopus99']
I feel Michael was gipped in the end. He only killed 2 people in order to save his son. Yet, Locke killed Naomi, Charlie killed Ethan, Ben killed Locke + Dharma, etc and they all got to leave the island i.e. not becomes whispers on the island.[/QUOTE]

While I kind of agree, and I would have LOVED to see Walt and Michael in the church, Michael couldn't forgive himself for what he had done. Charlie thought he was right in killing Ethan for what he did to Claire, and Locke felt justified killing Naomi to stop the freighter from killing everyone. Michael just couldn't justify what he did to Ana and Libby. Maybe one day he'll be able to reconcile with his actions, and he, Walt and Vincent will all get to "move on" together.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']fucking opinions, how do they work?


I disagree with you about Season 5 as well, but this still killed me. Well played. :D
[quote name='cdietschrun']Fair enough, I didn't really remember that quote from last night, but it makes sense. [/QUOTE]

Yeah I rewatched the last 20-30 minutes last night while waiting for Kimmel. It was much clearer the second time around.

[quote name='lordopus99']I\
I feel Michael was gipped in the end. He only killed 2 people in order to save his son. Yet, Locke killed Naomi, Charlie killed Ethan, Ben killed Locke + Dharma, etc and they all got to leave the island i.e. not becomes whispers on the island.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think it's a matter of having to let go yourself and be ready to move on.

And Michael hasn't gotten over his guilt for what he did, and the others have.

So he's not really getting gipped, he's just not ready yet himself. Sometime presumably he will be and can move on.

But it's certainly open for interpretation, so one could also take it as him being stuck as a whisper on the island for ever.
[quote name='dmaul1114']

What was Widmore's real motive? Was he a good guy or a bad guy? What was the point of zapping Desmond etc.[/QUOTE]

I think he opposed Flocke, making him a good guy I guess. Flocke wanted him dead, he wanted Flocke dead and not be allowed to leave the island. His motive was to get back to the island to stop the MIB. He zapped Desmond to make sure he could survive the electromagnetism long enough that he would endure if he had to resort to pulling the plug. Widmore called Desmond a "last resort", meaning that if Flocke couldn't be killed conventionally, he would resort to pulling the plug and destroying everything to stop the mib from leaving the island.

Ben was dead set against Widmore returning to or finding the island again for his own reasons of wanting to be in charge because Widmore used to be in charge before Ben banished him for having an affair with an off islander and also because the MIB was in Bens ear saying Widmore meant to destroy the island if he ever found it again. Which he did, but for good reason, to stop the bad guy (MIB).

This is all just my assumption of course.
[quote name='scsg75']I think he opposed Flocke, making him a good guy I guess. Flocke wanted him dead, he wanted Flocke dead and not be allowed to leave the island. His motive was to get back to the island to stop the MIB. He zapped Desmond to make sure he could survive the electromagnetism long enough that he would endure if he had to resort to pulling the plug. Widmore called Desmond a "last resort", meaning that if Flocke couldn't be killed conventionally, he would resort to pulling the plug and destroying everything to stop the mib from leaving the island.

Ben was dead set against Widmore returning to or finding the island again for his own reasons of wanting to be in charge because Widmore used to be in charge before Ben banished him for having an affair with an off islander and also because the MIB was in Bens ear saying Widmore meant to destroy the island if he ever found it again. Which he did, but for good reason, to stop the bad guy (MIB).

This is all just my assumption of course.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty much how I saw it.
That's pretty much how I see Widmore as well.

Would just be nice to have it spelled out more--the actor even said on Kimmel that even he wasn't sure if he was a good guy or a bad guy!

They made such a big deal out of Widmore over the past few seasons, pretty lame that he just died so quickly and didn't get much resolution.

But that's really the story with every plot point outside of the flash sideways and the MiB dying.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I think at the end of the day, it boils down to this.

If you got hooked because you wanted to know why there were monsters and polar bears and hatches on an island, you were probably disappointed.

If you got hooked because you were invested in the characters, you were probably happy.[/QUOTE]

i think thats an apt summary. luckily i liked the characters much more than the mythos. the character development in season 1 was amazing and really got you to care about the characters. there was very emotional humanization of all the characters.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i think thats an apt summary. luckily i liked the characters much more than the mythos. the character development in season 1 was amazing and really got you to care about the characters. there was very emotional humanization of all the characters.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree.
I really don't see it as an either/or thing though.

The show was great because of BOTH the great characters and the mythos.

Take either one away, and most of us would have quit watching long ago--if the show even got past season 1 or 2 or 3.

So again, loved the wrap on the character side. Hated seeing the mythos just get largely ignored this final season.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
So again, loved the wrap on the character side. Hated seeing the mythos just get largely ignored this final season.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say they ignored it, but it seems clear to me that they made a deliberate decision to never directly answer the basic question "What is the island?" That's not the kind of question you just lose track of and run out of time, they chose not to.

I think given that, we should probably take Jacob's metaphorical explanation to Richard at basically face value. It certainly makes sense in the context of the purgatory storyline as well.
[quote name='bvharris']I wouldn't say they ignored it, but it seems clear to me that they made a deliberate decision to never directly answer the basic question "What is the island?" That's not the kind of question you just lose track of and run out of time, they chose not to.

I think given that, we should probably take Jacob's metaphorical explanation to Richard at basically face value. It certainly makes sense in the context of the purgatory storyline as well.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that seems the best explanation. The island is just a cork holding back hell.

I can accept that, it's all the questions I listed earlier, and some from earlier seasons that got tossed aside that leave me feeling unsatistfied on the mythos front.


Why was walt special? Same with Aaron (saying the pyschic was a fraud is a cop out).

What was the deal with the Dharma initiative? How'd they get there if only Jacob could bring people to the island? What was their goal.

If the Island was a plug holding back hell, why could it heal people? Locke walking, recovering quickly from the gun shot wound, Rose's cancer going away etc?

What was the deal with the others? Where they a previous set of candidates? The infirtility issues?

Why did MiB get turned into a smoke monster? But not Desmond or Jack? Jack you could explain off as being god like already I guess.

What the hell was the smoke monster?

How can the island protector live without aging etc.

How/why the island could move through time and space.

Better explanation of Jacob's rules and how they changed with his death and Jack taking over/the plug being pulled so that MiB could be killed etc.

More backstory on Widmore and especially Eloise Hawking as she seemed to know everything.

Those are all big plot points you can't just forget about. Not silly shit like polar bears, the Hurley bird, MiB's name etc.

And while I again loved the resolution for the characters, I don't know that I could ever watch the whole series again knowing that all this mythos is really all for naught as it never gets explained and has nothing to do with the real focus of the ending etc.
[quote name='evanft']I think the real issue is that there isn't going to be anymore Evangeline Lilly on TV.[/QUOTE]

ugh... Kate should have left a long time ago.
[quote name='evanft']I think the real issue is that there isn't going to be anymore Evangeline Lilly on TV.[/QUOTE]

Is that a good or bad thing? Some of her comments from herself about the show seems like she's happy its finally over, mentioned not having that passion for acting and was ready to move on.

BTW, terry o quinn aka flocke better win an emmy, his performance was amazing for S6
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Those are all big plot points you can't just forget about. Not silly shit like polar bears, the Hurley bird, MiB's name etc.

And while I again loved the resolution for the characters, I don't know that I could ever watch the whole series again knowing that all this mythos is really all for naught as it never gets explained and has nothing to do with the real focus of the ending etc.[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with any of your points, and I wish we had gotten answers to all of them. I certainly think it's reasonable to be critical of them for not answering those questions.

I'm hopeful they'll find some venue in which to do so, though perhaps that's just wishful thinking. (Not that it will excuse them not answering them on the show, but more that I simply want to know).
[quote name='evanft']I think the real issue is that there isn't going to be anymore Evangeline Lilly on TV.[/QUOTE]

You're misspelling "Emilie de Ravin".
[quote name='bvharris']
I'm hopeful they'll find some venue in which to do so, though perhaps that's just wishful thinking. (Not that it will excuse them not answering them on the show, but more that I simply want to know).[/QUOTE]

Well the writers have said they're done with it.

But doesn't mean ABC etc. couldn't decide to continue it on somehow with other writers. Be it a spinoff show following Hurley and Ben on the Island, books or video games that do that etc.

They could deal with all the mythos in that frame work as they wouldn't have to focus on character development so much.
[quote name='dmaul1114']And while I again loved the resolution for the characters, I don't know that I could ever watch the whole series again knowing that all this mythos is really all for naught as it never gets explained and has nothing to do with the real focus of the ending etc.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there is no way I would ever sit down and watch the show with anybody from beginning to end like I would with some other shows.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']You're misspelling "Emilie de Ravin".[/QUOTE]

You're misspelling "Elizabeth Mitchell." :D

We could do this all day. Although of course, Mitchell is still on V I suppose.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well the writers have said they're done with it.

But doesn't mean ABC etc. couldn't decide to continue it on somehow with other writers. Be it a spinoff show following Hurley and Ben on the Island, books or video games that do that etc.

They could deal with all the mythos in that frame work as they wouldn't have to focus on character development so much.[/QUOTE]

I would love a Hurley/Ben spinoff, or books.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Yeah, there is no way I would ever sit down and watch the show with anybody from beginning to end like I would with some other shows.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure the same for me.

Had already ditched my season 1-3 DVDs, and decided to hold off on Blu Rays until seeing how it ended.

Now that I have, I don't have much desire to buy the complete series. Just too much time to watch it all when it's not all tied together at all.
Likely not the last we'll see of some of these actors.
They put Elizabeth Mitchell on V, a couple other ones are on flash forward. So maybe we'll see some other new future shows on abc. Of course this ensemble cast or a spin off show will never likely be together again and they ended speculation about any movies

Even though Ive watched every episode since S1, i dont even remember much from the earlier seasons. Good time to catch up from the beginning and rewatch episodes again
[quote name='rly723']Likely not the last we'll see of some of these actors.
They put Elizabeth Mitchell on V, a couple other ones are on flash forward. So maybe we'll see some other new future shows on abc. Of course this ensemble cast or a spin off show will never likely be together again and they ended speculation about any movies

Even though Ive watched every episode since S1, i dont even remember much from the earlier seasons. Good time to catch up from the beginning and rewatch episodes again[/QUOTE]

I'm actually surprised how few of them were in pilots. Daniel Dae Kim is the only one I'm sure is on a new series next year. I'd suspect some will show up on other shows next year.

I know Terry O'Quinn has been shopping around a show starring him and Michael Emerson, which every Lost fan ever would almost certainly watch.
[quote name='bvharris']You're misspelling "Elizabeth Mitchell." :D

We could do this all day. Although of course, Mitchell is still on V I suppose.[/QUOTE]

You are all misspelling "Rebecca Mader" - get it right, people!
[quote name='dmaul1114']Why was walt special? Same with Aaron (saying the pyschic was a fraud is a cop out).[/QUOTE]

This is probably the biggest one for me.

[quote name='dmaul1114']What was the deal with the Dharma initiative? How'd they get there if only Jacob could bring people to the island? What was their goal.[/QUOTE]

Their goal really was just scientific research. I don't know if it's true that people can only come to the island if Jacob's bringing them there, but he could have brought them there to put them in conflict with the others.

[quote name='dmaul1114']What was the deal with the others? Where they a previous set of candidates? The infirtility issues?[/QUOTE]

The others were just people who lived on the island. I imagine they were brought there by Jacob/Richard as part of Jacob's test or whatever. Some of them may have been born on the island, others maybe not. I imagine that some of them were indeed candidates, and some of them were there to protect the candidates.

Lostpedia has a list based on the cave.

I've always thought the infertility issues were simply caused by the incident.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Why did MiB get turned into a smoke monster? But not Desmond or Jack? Jack you could explain off as being god like already I guess.

What the hell was the smoke monster?[/QUOTE]

I'm throwing a big WTF on this one as well. It could have simply been because the MIB was a bad guy and when he hit the light it released all kinds of evil shit that was either inside him or was being held by the island.

[quote name='dmaul1114']How can the island protector live without aging etc.

Better explanation of Jacob's rules and how they changed with his death and Jack taking over/the plug being pulled so that MiB could be killed etc.[/QUOTE]

I think that light thingie was essentially the core of the island's "power" and once the cork was pulled everything effected by the mystical shit went bye bye. No healing, no agelessness, no invincible smoke monster thing. I think the water that runs into the light is just some magical stuff.

[quote name='dmaul1114']More backstory on Widmore and especially Eloise Hawking as she seemed to know everything.[/QUOTE]

I think the aforementioned explanation of Widmore works. He was the leader, got exiled, and wanted to go back. As for Eloise, I really don't think there's any real issue there.
All fine explanations. I've just never been a fan of movies, books, art etc. that leave so much vaguely/poorly explained and open to interpretation.

I personally just enjoy storytelling, and want the story told to me. I don't have to like where it goes, but I want to know where it goes!
Season 5:
*Time Traveling. The 70’s and all the terrible plot lines and dialogue that came with them. Dharma is revealed to be a bunch of incapable idiots. They are scientists that mainly focus on construction work for their facilities. The explanation of the hatch is that the Losties somehow caused it. So stupid. This whole season sucked so much that I cannot possibly cover all the bad writing and plot holes.

*The overall lack of any good episodes, everything up to this point had redeeming and likeable moments. Season 4 had “The Constant”, a brilliant episode as well as “There’s No Place Like Home”, a strong, powerful finale among all of the nonsense. This season had nothing great, nothing good, nothing even memorably cool.

*The reasoning for the Oceanic 6’s lie. How it came about and why they were paranoid and seemingly in danger was very unclear and stupid.

*Kate as a mother. She never explains anything she does or why she never explains anything she does. Never ask her anything again!

*The Oceanic 6 returns to the island and 5 of them are magically flashed to the 70’s for no explained reason. It is also never explained why Sun did not time travel.

*Hawking explains how the Island is always moving. It is revealed that she is not an oracle, just a former Other. How she knew anything about Desmond is not explained.

*Danielle is shown to have looked Ben right in the face as he took her baby, and easily submissed her by pointing a gun. He takes her child and tells her that the whispers had something to do with the Others which they didnt. She captured him in Season 2 and acted completely the opposite of how anyone would act if they captured the man who stole their child.

*Ben single handedly commits the murders of Locke and Abaddon. Later this season he is able to kill Jacob. Locke, after finally becoming the leader of the island, doesn’t come into his own, instead he is manipulated by ghost Christian to turn the wheel. He wakes up and the writers turn him into a complete shadow of a man who is manipulated to not commit suicide by a man who murders him immediately after. Ben also somehow persuaded Sayid to work for him killing people who we never met or understood.

*After Sayid shoots young Ben, Kate and Sawyer feel the need to get him to Others to save him, because he’s “not Ben yet”, he’s “just a kid!” Jack tries to get them to let it just play out, but they must save him.

*That scene with fake Locke watching real Locke and telling Richard what to do. Paradoxes all over the place.

*Jacob and MIB are introduced. MIB is not given a name, ever. He steals Locke’s body and completes an overly complex plan. Jacob is copied in pasted into everyone’s lives via flashback.

*Atom bomb is converted into backpack bomb, although it is leaking.

*Juliet changes her mind on crucial decisions 80 times in the finale. Randomly becomes a complete maniac, and then dies. She died from the fall after a while, not from the explosion of a nuclear weapon a foot away from her.

Season 6:
*Everyone is transported back to present day for unexplained reasons. The past is not reset.

*The Temple, Dogen the Samurai with his sidekick who tries really hard to look like John Lennon. We are forced to see these terrible characters, who were very important Others apparently, yet never did a damn thing. Sayid easily kills them after they kill him and he comes back as a zombie controlled by MIB (for a while)

*The Alternate timeline (Stupidly referred by the writers as the Flash-sideways) and the everything in it. Stupid pointless cameos parodying the early season’s crossed storylines that made the viewer believe it meant anything.

*MIB talks mad shit about Locke (a far superior character) while in his body. The writers love making Locke look stupid post Season 1.

*Jacob’s lighthouse with it’s magic mirror. This was out in the open, yet never found by anyone ever in the long history of the island, the US army was there, scientists, everyone.

*Claire’s underwhelming, confusing return as Danielle V.2. It made no sense. Wathcing her put the ax in that black dude was face palm worthy. It was for shock value, period.

*Sayid, after being shot by Ben’s janitor father in the 70’s turns into a mindless zombie until his eventual death by C4 later in the season. A great character is needlessly ruined.

*Ben is forgiven for Jacob and Locke’s murders. Even though they are the cause to the main conflict. Ben is now written as if he should have sympathy. He’s a good guy? Oh wait, now he's bad again, no now he's good. Right.

*MIB’s idea to leave the island via Ajira plane, that is assumed to be still working, yet never used by the people who crashed on the island.

*”Across The Sea” WORST. EPISODE. EVER.
The light at the heart of the island that needs protecting. This made everyone who ever told their friends about this show being good extremely embarrassed.
Part of me actually thought that when Desmond went down there he was going to emerge as a pillar of white smoke to do battle with MIB.

..I'm glad that didn't happen.
[quote name='bvharris']Part of me actually thought that when Desmond went down there he was going to emerge as a pillar of white smoke to do battle with MIB.

..I'm glad that didn't happen.[/QUOTE]

You and me both. I almost expected this when Jack was in the light also. I kind of thought that the cycle would start over again with the evil being absorbed by jack and becoming the new smoke monster.
bread's done