M for the Last Movie You Ever Saw

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[quote name='guardian_owl']Next flick I'm going to watch is Wolf Creek, hope it's good.[/quote]
Ooh, Wolf Creek was quite good, recommended. Only thing is, I don't believe for a moment that
The girls would have pushed that car off the cliff, that was their only lifeline out of there. Also, why didn't they try of the keys on that car that was sitting there on the cliff edge?
Other than that, it was great.
She Devil.

A warning to those who plan to cheat on their fat wives with a hot dame... please do yourself and watch this movie first. This might prepare you for what that fat wife might try and do to you. Just consider yourself warned mmmmk.
[quote name='Scorch']Chicken Little.

I'd rather claw my eyes out than see it again.[/QUOTE]

I thought this was by far the worst movie I saw this (last?) year. I hated it.

It was good, but the quality of last years oscar pics must've been pretty mediocre because I dont think this was best picture Oscar worthy.
[quote name='Kendal']V for Vendetta. I don't know how I feel about this movie. I would say wait for the rental.[/QUOTE]
You die now.
[quote name='Eviltude']You die now.[/quote]

While that makes a great point, I would say that having a different opinion doesn't deserve death threats. Or wishing of mortaility on someone. Sorry you like a film that could have been considered propoganda and a little Ray Bradbury. The film as in visuals and sound with the acting were great. The story was well blah. Well most of it. The torture of Evee(hehe Pokemon!), was a good part. Not the torture itself but the emotion involved and it was just a good sequence. While this post might be a few words more than your three word evaluation of my thoughts, I hope you take the time to understand why I didn't care for the movie. I hope I didn't shit in your cereal by saying a movie and or comic book/graphic novel you probably model your life after, wasn't all that and a bag of potato chips girlfriend. Again, sorry. Not everyone carries the same opinion. I mean if everyone would just know I am right and everyone else is dead fucking wrong and the world revolves around me and fuck the sun, this place would be a lot better for everyone. Well everyone I am concearned about. Sorry for such a short reply to your thesis on why V for Vendetta was the best thing since god made vagina.
[quote name='Kendal']While that makes a great point, I would say that having a different opinion doesn't deserve death threats. Or wishing of mortaility on someone. Sorry you like a film that could have been considered propoganda and a little Ray Bradbury. The film as in visuals and sound with the acting were great. The story was well blah. Well most of it. The torture of Evee(hehe Pokemon!), was a good part. Not the torture itself but the emotion involved and it was just a good sequence. While this post might be a few words more than your three word evaluation of my thoughts, I hope you take the time to understand why I didn't care for the movie. I hope I didn't shit in your cereal by saying a movie and or comic book/graphic novel you probably model your life after, wasn't all that and a bag of potato chips girlfriend. Again, sorry. Not everyone carries the same opinion. I mean if everyone would just know I am right and everyone else is dead fucking wrong and the world revolves around me and fuck the sun, this place would be a lot better for everyone. Well everyone I am concearned about. Sorry for such a short reply to your thesis on why V for Vendetta was the best thing since god made vagina.[/quote]

Diz-am......somebody call the fire dept this man is :hot:
[quote name='Soodmeg']Diz-am......somebody call the fire dept this man is :hot:[/quote]

Oh yeah, sarcasm on the internet is hard to detect. I just like being an ass. Sorry for the miscommunication.
[quote name='Kendal']While that makes a great point, I would say that having a different opinion doesn't deserve death threats. Or wishing of mortaility on someone. Sorry you like a film that could have been considered propoganda and a little Ray Bradbury. The film as in visuals and sound with the acting were great. The story was well blah. Well most of it. The torture of Evee(hehe Pokemon!), was a good part. Not the torture itself but the emotion involved and it was just a good sequence. While this post might be a few words more than your three word evaluation of my thoughts, I hope you take the time to understand why I didn't care for the movie. I hope I didn't shit in your cereal by saying a movie and or comic book/graphic novel you probably model your life after, wasn't all that and a bag of potato chips girlfriend. Again, sorry. Not everyone carries the same opinion. I mean if everyone would just know I am right and everyone else is dead fucking wrong and the world revolves around me and fuck the sun, this place would be a lot better for everyone. Well everyone I am concearned about. Sorry for such a short reply to your thesis on why V for Vendetta was the best thing since god made vagina.[/QUOTE]
LOL its a good thing you said you were joking two posts later because it is true, sarcasm is hard to pick up in text. Good job though. I applaude your back fire and your opinion now counts. See people, all it takes is a bit of humility and a light heart. Your my new bff, your anklet will arrive in 3-6 weeks via USPS.
I am still waiting for my Mardi Gras beads from FEMA. Sorry, I just didn't like the movie that much. But it wasn't like Carrot Top gors to Space or anything. I might have to watch it again on DVD to like it more. Sometimes it takes a few viewing or a few attempts at a video game to get me interested.

EDIT: My number D isn't working. Yes, number D.

surprisingly good for a film about an insecure guy having trouble writing a screenplay for the film while it's going on. very self-referential in a good way. it's so funny because practically every filmmaker out there wants to make a movie about how hard it is to make a movie...this one works, while most of the others are utter pieces of crap that no one else wants to watch.
Lucky Number Slevin. AMAZING, Josh Hartnett is a cool ass dude, Lucy Lu is sexy as hell, Morgan Freeman is great and Bruce Willis is an action movie god.
[quote name='darkmere']adaptation

surprisingly good for a film about an insecure guy having trouble writing a screenplay for the film while it's going on. very self-referential in a good way. it's so funny because practically every filmmaker out there wants to make a movie about how hard it is to make a movie...this one works, while most of the others are utter pieces of crap that no one else wants to watch.[/QUOTE]

Watch 8 and 1/2. It's amazing.

And I watched The Shining last night.
Big Lebowski - Pretty funny, especially when you're sleep deprived
Mallrats - Loved it
Zathura - Liked it a lot, maybe even moreso than Jumanji
Elizabethtown - pretty decent for a chick flick. I liked Dunst's character a lot.
Just got back from seeing inside man......damn sweet. If you like a good thriller i would highly suggest going to see it. Done really really well.

I posted this over on the moive poll thread also.
Trading Places-Holy shit. It is so funny. If you haven't seen it yet, you are probably under 20 years old. It has Eddie Murphy, Dan Akroid(Akroyd?), Jamie Lee Curtis and her tits. One of the best comidies from the 80's. Go out and rent, nay buy it! I also recommend Gene Wilder and Richard Pryors Hear no Evil See no Evil.
Deep Blue - some pretty awesome nature footage like a whale punting a baby seal what looks to be 25-30 feet into the air, what can best be described as a fish cyclone, a polar bear attacking a whale, technicolor deep sea creatures, etc.

Good Night, and Good Luck. - Better than Crash, but a little disjointed, would have probably worked better as a documentary than a film.
I saw The Jacket a couple weeks ago and was surprised how cool it was. I remember the trailer on TV a while ago (a year maybe? when it was in theaters) and it looked sooo average thriller-ish. "Ooo a jacket's gonna get em!"....well no, it's a pretty cool movie.
Derailed. Quite predictable. It pissed me off that Charlie never called the cops or attacked his nemesis earlier in the movie. But then, I guess it wouldn't have been much of a story if he had.
[quote name='Kendal']Trading Places-Holy shit. It is so funny. If you haven't seen it yet, you are probably under 20 years old. It has Eddie Murphy, Dan Akroid(Akroyd?), Jamie Lee Curtis and her tits. One of the best comidies from the 80's. Go out and rent, nay buy it! I also recommend Gene Wilder and Richard Pryors Hear no Evil See no Evil.[/quote]

I concur on both.
Million Dollar Baby....very enjoyable film and I'm still surprised how good of an actor Clint Eastwood is at his age, not to mention how good of a director.
[quote name='Kendal']Trading Places-Holy shit. It is so funny. If you haven't seen it yet, you are probably under 20 years old. It has Eddie Murphy, Dan Akroid(Akroyd?), Jamie Lee Curtis and her tits. One of the best comidies from the 80's. Go out and rent, nay buy it![/QUOTE]I'd say buy, I've seen it at walmart for $5.50. Haven't picked it up myself though. :lol:
Scary Movie 4 - I thought it was alright, wasn't expecting much.

Thank you for Smoking - Really good. Highly suggested. And it has Katie Holmes. Thats enough of a reason to watch any movie....
[quote name='guardian_owl']Hostel...with all 4 commentaries.[/QUOTE]
I almost bought that last night but picked up Fight Club instead. Is it scary? That's why I've been waiting on Silent Hill for a while. I could care less if it's an overall good movie or not, as long as I get a fright or 2.

Whats the new name going to be on the new thread? I'm thinking...Lucky Number Last Movie? Or maybe Thank You for Your Last Movie?

Is Deep Blue considered a movie? That's the like 4 part documentary on that the discovery channel did on mainly the deep oceans? If so, that was amazing.
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