M for the Last Movie You Ever Saw

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Slither - damn good horror film to come out in a couple of years. It had everything comedy, gore it is basically Shaun Of The Dead but with slugs and bigger monsters. I'm definitly going to buy this when it comes out on dvd.
The Constant Gardener (not as good as the book, but then again, they never are).

Rent (my wife said it was a little different than the play)
I been lookin for some scary movies as of late and haven't been able to come up with much that actually gives me a fright. I was thinking of making a "Your top 5 scary movies" list for modern movies but figured I'd post here and see if anyone realizes it.
I have never seen a movie that actually delivered a scare. A few of the asian ones are a bit disturbing, but I usually end up laughing my ass off at the american shit. And I'm not talking about the intentional humor. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I have never seen a movie that actually delivered a scare. A few of the asian ones are a bit disturbing, but I usually end up laughing my ass off at the american shit. And I'm not talking about the intentional humor. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Ya I guess I need to make a topic. The Ring was pretty good, especialy the first time you see it. House of Wax had some pretty gorey/surprising stuff (
When the first dude gets his heel cut with the hedge clippers, and then later gets his face peeled off
No objections to a "Your Top 5 Horror Movie list"? thread?
The Cat's Paw - Harold Lloyd. Not his best work, more social/political commentary than the physical or situational humor he's known for.
[quote name='Eviltude']I been lookin for some scary movies as of late and haven't been able to come up with much that actually gives me a fright. I was thinking of making a "Your top 5 scary movies" list for modern movies but figured I'd post here and see if anyone realizes it.[/quote]

The first time I saw "The Shining", I almost pissed myself. "Jaws" was pretty intense the first time around, too.
Not a movie but the entire Dead Like ME series. Damn good. Why do they always cancel anything orignal nowadays?
The Japanese really know how to make a good horror film, as do the Italians. Some of those old zombie flicks, and movies like Ringu and Ju-on are pretty creepy.
Id have to say the first Season of Wonder Showzen on DVD. If you wanna only count full length movies, than it was Failure To Launch.
I'm just happy its Anamorphic this time around. I own at best only a few Widescreen DVDs that aren't Anamorphic enhanced (2010 and Wing Commander come to mind).
Thank You for Smoking has at last made it to my area. Saw it Friday night and loved it. Watching the 5th Element now on cable and I bought Matchstick Men last night for 5 bucks at FYE. Never seen it before so I'm looking forward to it.
[quote name='DT778']chicken little
fun movie.

I'm going to be watching the godfather trilogy for the first time soon.[/QUOTE]

That might be an offer you can't refuse. :cool:
Just Friends. Funny movie, really, really liked it.

Fun with Dick and Jane. Awful. Really, really disliked it. Glad it was a rent one get one free.
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