Madden 13 Official CAG League - On Hiatus. See you in August for Madden 25!

[quote name='bvharris']

I've certainly been working him in a bit more the last few weeks. So far the Decker for McCourty deal has been quite nice for me too.[/QUOTE]

smart trades then.
Remaining Games:

Panthers-Lions (sounds like tonight)

Any updates on these games? I certainly wouldn't mind if we could advance tonight.
[quote name='bvharris']That's definitely not what it was in season one. In any case, this was always the trade deadline we planned on so we're going to stick with it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bvharris']I just noticed that too. Apparently "week 9" for them means the beginning of week 9.

That's your post from when you first discovered it when it was too late in week 9 and people had already started playing their week 9 games. It was the same way last season, i'm just pointing it out so maybe we can nail down a specific, correct, time for the trade deadline in future seasons. I thought i had remembered it was week 9 that we were in last year, i should have brought it up sooner.
so ready for the bye week to pass. offseason in one league bye week in this one feels like its been a while since i got my fix of madden in
[quote name='Chetty12']That's your post from when you first discovered it when it was too late in week 9 and people had already started playing their week 9 games. It was the same way last season, i'm just pointing it out so maybe we can nail down a specific, correct, time for the trade deadline in future seasons. I thought i had remembered it was week 9 that we were in last year, i should have brought it up sooner.[/QUOTE]

It says week 9 in-game, but it's when you advance from 8 to 9. Trades were locked as soon as we advanced to 9, I know because I did it myself.
the 2 hardest players to reach are our last game lol also lions lose 45-42... ma played a... great game my defense was insanely bad.... i did however air it out and was decently happy with locker...
[quote name='sprice8688']the 2 hardest players to reach are our last game lol also lions lose 45-42... ma played a... great game my defense was insanely bad.... i did however air it out and was decently happy with locker...[/QUOTE]

I need something to happen with this trade with Steelers can i get advice on this with the Steelers, my xbox is pretty much online all the time still no word from Darth I need def need Harrison before my next game because Aldon Smith is injured for 7 weeks and I can't afford to lose anymore games in this playoff race.
Bucs 38 Titians 14

Freeman QBR 126.2 13 for 18 205 yards 4TD 1INT
Walker and Baldwin acount for 120 yards and 2 TD together
White came up with 50 yards and 2TD

Biggers 8 Tackles and 2 sacks
Porter with 2INT
Sands and Watson each adding an INT

In Ricardo Lockettes debut he had 1 PR for 78 yard TD

Stafford QBR 20.5 75 yards 4INT
Jones 21 Att 213 yards 1 TD
Decker and Crabtree each getting 35 yards

Griffin got an INT


P.S not all is a win here i lost Sam Sheilds for 5 weeks :(
[quote name='Mr Grand Cru']I need something to happen with this trade with Steelers can i get advice on this with the Steelers, my xbox is pretty much online all the time still no word from Darth I need def need Harrison before my next game because Aldon Smith is injured for 7 weeks and I can't afford to lose anymore games in this playoff race.[/QUOTE]

According to uber Darth is going to drop.
Hey, sorry I still have a ton of stuff going on and was really excited about coming back to the league but it's not going to work. I just don't have the time, thanks again for letting me in and sorry like I couldn't hop back in the swing of things. Good luck all!
[quote name='perdition(troy']I'd like to get put on the waiting list at some point if that's ok. I know the league is full right now but I'm patient.[/QUOTE]
looks like a team just opened up though.
pmed matt young havent heard anything not worried about it i know hes pretty good about making his games. but if anyone knows him just incase give him a heads up for me plz and thank u
[quote name='perdition(troy']On my phone and that post didn't load up. I know there was one more person on the wait list, so I'd be second in line. Here's to hoping for an opening lol.[/QUOTE]

You can take the Steelers. PM siradam134 and ask for an invite. Can you also post up all your details for the OP?
[quote name='perdition(troy']Steelers | perdition(troy | the joy of troy | CST | Weekdays 3:30pm-11:00pm (11 being finish time, unless it is a last resort), Weekends anytime as long as it is set up in advance.[/QUOTE]

invite sent.
Broncos keep pace with the Chiefs by demolishing the CPU Chargers 42-0. Man, I forgot how terrible the CPU is on All-Pro. I had to try extra hard not to run it up, my scores by quarter: 21, 14, 7, 0. Don't know if I attempted a single pass in the second half. :D
lol i wish i could play the computer panthers bucs and saints would make my division alot easier but these guys are never gone
[quote name='DVO21']lol i wish i could play the computer panthers bucs and saints would make my division alot easier but these guys are never gone[/QUOTE]

Yeah, CPU games are still a bummer though. At least he played both the Chiefs and I during this stretch, so it evens out for the division.
[quote name='DVO21']lol i wish i could play the computer panthers bucs and saints would make my division alot easier but these guys are never gone[/QUOTE]

i stay just for you DVO :)
can we make some sort of a rule about letting new owners make trades. maybe someone who joins the league cant trade for 3 or 4 weeks just until we know theyre legit n committed. just a thought to take into consideration so we dont have these open teams that lose their superstars
[quote name='BSETI50']can we make some sort of a rule about letting new owners make trades. maybe someone who joins the league cant trade for 3 or 4 weeks just until we know theyre legit n committed. just a thought to take into consideration so we dont have these open teams that lose their superstars[/QUOTE]

Yes, this is definitely something that we should do. I'll discuss it with the other guys.
Sent the new owner a pm earlier. Hoping to get this game in today. Lol at how I always get new owners on their first week
yea i mean we could either do it by makin them wait a few weeks, or just have the committee take into consideration an owners commitment. for instance even if the trade is dead even and worthy of approval, if one of the sides in the trade isnt playing their games or is new to the league the committee can reject for that reason. just a couple ideas for u guys to ponder....

i just feel like once a team loses superstars, its hard to keep them filled. theres always gonna be people wanting to join the league, but when they join n find out their team is handicapped and they have no chance, its hard to stay commited ya know
[quote name='BSETI50']yea i mean we could either do it by makin them wait a few weeks, or just have the committee take into consideration an owners commitment. for instance even if the trade is dead even and worthy of approval, if one of the sides in the trade isnt playing their games or is new to the league the committee can reject for that reason. just a couple ideas for u guys to ponder....

We typically do take that into consideration. Darth has been in the league for years though, so he's someone there is a history with, so we were a bit more accommodating with him in thinking he'd stick around than we might have been with someone who was brand new.

The ship has sailed on the Polamalu trade, but I don't think the Harrison deal has been made yet, in which case I don't think we can really hold the new owner to that (and it's too late to process it anyway).
oh yea im not tryin to get anything reversed, just for the future and even for m14. it just sucks when a team gets to the point where they have a new owner every month, it doesnt all have to do with superstars bein traded but its definetly a little bit of the problem
Agreed new owners should have to wait 4-6 weeks at least.

Is this Browns guy still in the league? I play him this week. Pm'd about a trade previously and never received a response, so I'm not too hopeful.
[quote name='Doomtime']
Is this Browns guy still in the league? I play him this week. Pm'd about a trade previously and never received a response, so I'm not too hopeful[/QUOTE]

Yes. He's let me know he's going to be leaving after the season, but he said he'd finish out the season. Let me know if you have issues.
[quote name='DVO21']pmed matt young havent heard anything not worried about it i know hes pretty good about making his games. but if anyone knows him just incase give him a heads up for me plz and thank u[/QUOTE]

It might take him a day or two but he'll get back to you via PM. He always does.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Question on free agents. I have one healthy running back right now (only 2 when both are healthy), am I able to pick up a back or do I just play with one?[/QUOTE]

all free agents are open take who you want let go who you want.
Im just catching up on the thread but I do have a question of why I can't have a agreed upon trade that was done about 3 weeks ago ( in madden time , about 2 weeks in realtime ) ? That trade hindered me moving Frank Gore in another deal because that trade had got approved.
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