Major Xbox Announcement on Tues. June 5th

I like how people thought the announcement wouldn't pertain to Pac-Man. :lol:
[quote name='Maklershed']I'm guessing they're finally going to take Cheapy's suggestion for Microsoft success in Japan and make their motto, "Xbox 360 - You put your dick in it".[/QUOTE]

Shit i'd buy another one for my room then!
Listen to you new-schoolers whine. I'm sure I blew $20 on Pac-Man in a weekend here or there back in the good old days. And that was in 1980 dollars. The kind that are worth more when measured against the cost of gas when talking to Republicans.

Us old coots have spent more on Pac-Man than you and everyone on your Xbox Live friends list combined. Suck it up for the yellow guy! Billy Mitchell lives in all of us!

....yeah, anyway, this announcement blows.
What they really aren't telling you is that whoever gets the highest score on these new mazes is going to be recruited to help save Pacman's home planet - which I believe is called Pacmania, encompassing the tiny hamlet of Pac-Land - by piloting great Pacman sized ships through large scale mazes in an effort to fuel the great war machine against the dreaded Blinkies.

I'd certainly say that will go down in history! You could even make a movie about it. The Last Greateater. Sounds great. You could have a spinoff at the Coney Island Dog-Off or some shit.
[quote name='Strell']What they really aren't telling you is that whoever gets the highest score on these new mazes is going to be recruited to help save Pacman's home planet - which I believe is called Pacmania, encompassing the tiny hamlet of Pac-Land - by piloting great Pacman sized ships through large scale mazes in an effort to fuel the great war machine against the dreaded Blinkies.

I'd certainly say that will go down in history! You could even make a movie about it. The Last Greateater. Sounds great. You could have a spinoff at the Coney Island Dog-Off or some shit.[/quote]

I think the movie was called Galaxy Quest, or that episode of South Park with Kenny and the PSP.
Ah yes.. the joys of marketing :) MS smells the carcass of reduced competition.. instead of marketing campaigns of the likes of "I Love Bees"... we've been reduced to major press releases regarding a rehash of a rehash of a rehash of a rehashedx3 Pacman. I love the classics and all.. but c'mon, it's Pacman.
[quote name='dallow']I think the movie was called Galaxy Quest, or that episode of South Park with Kenny and the PSP.[/QUOTE]

For you youngsters, he was talking about The Last Starfighter.
[quote name='Scorch']I never cared about Pac-Man to begin with.[/quote]

Yeah me neither ... even back in the days before the NES I thought Pac-Man was boring and stupid.
Wow, when I said underwhelming, I was actually expecting something that had some shred of significance.

Looks like "underwhelming" is too high of a word to use here.

...Pac Man? Aw jeez.
Wow Pacman with new mazes? I could draw a maze in two seconds for that little bitch to munch around. And $10? That is crazy talk. If it was Pacman Vs. it would be sick but no multiplayer= no thanks.
[quote name='Salmonday']Listen to you new-schoolers whine. I'm sure I blew $20 on Pac-Man in a weekend here or there back in the good old days. And that was in 1980 dollars. The kind that are worth more when measured against the cost of gas when talking to Republicans.

Us old coots have spent more on Pac-Man than you and everyone on your Xbox Live friends list combined. Suck it up for the yellow guy! Billy Mitchell lives in all of us!

....yeah, anyway, this announcement blows.[/QUOTE]


Agreed, all around. I used to play Pac-Man to kill time at the laundromat while my Dad and I washed our clothes there. Yes, we were too poor to have a washer/dryer - only the rich elite had those types of things (well, actually, that *was* slightly more true back in 1980).

So I, too, put tons of time into the original Pac-Man. But still I haven't really gotten into playing any of the rehashes and rereleases since then except for a few bouts of Pac-Man Vs. and a run through of Pac-Man World 2 and 3 with the kids.

So, yeah, the announcement blows EVEN for an old-school Pac-Man arcade game player...
He said “we have a secret unveil for gamers around the world that I think will go down in video game history.”
I think the original story just dropped part of the quote.

He said "we have a secret unveil for gamers around the world that I think will go down in video game history as the lamest thing ever announced."
Fixed it.
a game that simulates paint drying with the standpoint to get the japanese gamers on to the 360....oh and it's developed by rockstar...
Well to be somewhat fair, it is a bit of history, as it's the first genuine sequal to Pac-Man in over 20 years (The crappy adventure game withstanding). Problem is, no one really cares THAT much about Pac-Man anymore to even realize this.
Remember neither MS nor Namco said this was a 'huge announcement' the hype came from the same people complaining.

The funniest thing is I bet a lot of people making fun of Pac-Man are the same ones who think TMNT stuff is really cool.
[quote name='pop311']Has the announcement been announced yet?[/quote]New Pac-Man boards for $10.

You know, I felt kinda ripped off that I'd have to pay for these new levels despite owning Pac-Man on the XBLA already. The irony? I got Pac-Man on XBLA for free. Then again, maybe that's not so ironic afterall.
[quote name='io']:lol:

Agreed, all around. I used to play Pac-Man to kill time at the laundromat while my Dad and I washed our clothes there. Yes, we were too poor to have a washer/dryer - only the rich elite had those types of things (well, actually, that *was* slightly more true back in 1980).

So I, too, put tons of time into the original Pac-Man. But still I haven't really gotten into playing any of the rehashes and rereleases since then except for a few bouts of Pac-Man Vs. and a run through of Pac-Man World 2 and 3 with the kids.

So, yeah, the announcement blows EVEN for an old-school Pac-Man arcade game player...[/QUOTE]

funny thing is you probally could had 2 or even 3 washers and dryers on how much you blew in a year at the laundromat . Did your house have room for them . I ask this cause my grandfahter never had a washer and dryer. for the last 60 years he went to the laundromat every week . He figured he probally would had a few new house how much cash he blew in 60 years LOL

he never built a room in their house to hold a washer and dryer said it was eaiser just to go down there and do them
[quote name='slidecage']funny thing is you probally could had 2 or even 3 washers and dryers on how much you blew in a year at the laundromat . Did your house have room for them . I ask this cause my grandfahter never had a washer and dryer. for the last 60 years he went to the laundromat every week . He figured he probally would had a few new house how much cash he blew in 60 years LOL

he never built a room in their house to hold a washer and dryer said it was eaiser just to go down there and do them[/QUOTE]

No, sorry, I should have mentioned we lived in an apartment. Where we lived owning a house was only for the rich - yes, even in 1980 ;). Though now that you mention it we did have a small room that I think had washer/dryer hookups. But I used that as a darkroom and putting those in would have ruined that. You know, I was a kid and didn't think about that stuff very much - my Dad probably should have found some way to buy a house back then. He managed to finally do so in the 1990's and paid WAY more than he would of earlier.

Anyway, WAY off topic, except that my frequent laundromat trips meant frequent Pac-Man playing. I never did get very good at it though. When I see these reports of people beating the game and getting the max score I'm amazed. As a kid I never realized that was possible. Isn't there some pizza chain owner in Florida who recently played the game perfectly (all points, no lost lives, etc)? I saw something on TV about that anyway. I mean, I'm obsessive when playing console games in that I always want to beat them 100%, but I could never get into something as repetitive and monotonous as Pac-Man in order to get that good :lol:.

I also remember taking $5 or $10 in quarters down to Silverball (bonus points if anyone knows where that is - hint: West Coast) and playing all the various "classic" games back then. Missile Command, Defender, Robotron, Space Invaders, followed by Burgertime, Joust, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, DK Jr, Zaxxon, etc... Moon Patrol, Joust, and Zaxxon were my favorites. I've played a bit of the XBLA Joust, and while it was nostalgic for a bit, I just can't get back into those games. I remember being utterly blown away by how incredible the graphics in Zaxxon were. Why is that game never recreated? I know it wouldn't look all that great now, but I'd like to play it again just the same.

OK, just looked this up:
A popular game, Zaxxon was ported to almost all home computer and video game console systems between 1982 and 1985. Among them were DOS (as a booter), Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari XL, MSX, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Dragon 32, Amstrad CPC (as zaxx), ColecoVision and Intellivision.

The Atari 2600 and Intellivision ports were noticeably different because they used a three-dimensional perspective instead of the isometric graphics of the other versions. This is probably due to technical limitations of these consoles.

The game was also released for Sega's own console, the SG-1000, in 1985.

A clone of the game was released on the TRS-80 Color Computer as Zaksund.

In 2006, Zaxxon games were included as bonus game on the Sega Genesis Collection for Sony's PlayStation 2 and PSP consoles. The original Zaxxon is the game included on the PS2, and Super Zaxxon is the one available on the PSP.

I'm pretty sure I had the 2600 and Colecovision versions (or at least one of them). Too bad my Dad sold ALL my old stuff to some guy for, like, $50 10 years ago :bomb:. I probably also had the TRS-80 Color Computer version as I was all over that system (I think he included that, too, in the $50 Atari/Colecovision bundle :roll:). So it's on the Sega Genesis Collection... Hmmm, I wasn't interested in that at all for the Genesis crap, but maybe I'll pick it up cheap for Zaxxon ;).
That's it... Pac... Man...? :roll:

[quote name='DJSteel']oh and it's developed by rockstar...[/quote]

I'm shocked and disappointed... that my prediction of Custer's Revenge on XBLA with on-line play and achievements was so close to the mark.

Anyway, this is the kind of shit that's burning me out on gaming.
Missile Command, Defender, Robotron, Space Invaders, followed by Burgertime, Joust, Moon Patrol, Donkey Kong, DK Jr, Zaxxon, etc...

That's like a season of Starcade right there.


"Here's hoping all your troubles get zapped!"

(The beginning and the end of watchable competitive gaming for me.)

P.S. Zaxxon was always a weird game for me, because it required getting used to the isometric P.O.V. and the 'boss' at the end of each stage always made me think of an angry, high-strung kitchen appliance that was shooting bean burritos at you. Or something.
I think the fact that Square-Enix said they have nothing in the works for the 360 is bigger news than Pac-Man.
[quote name='jcp4322']I think the fact that Square-Enix said they have nothing in the works for the 360 is bigger news than Pac-Man.[/quote]

Aside from Last Remnant, but yeah, SE is one of the few developers that has yet to embrace multi-platform gaming. Yeah, we may see the same games on different platforms, but they take things one step at a time. If you ask me, they are overly-cautious/lazy.
[quote name='jcp4322']I think the fact that Square-Enix said they have nothing in the works for the 360 is bigger news than Pac-Man.[/quote]

No, they are creating Last Remnant, which based on typical xbox hits is a lot safer bet than porting over FF12.
[quote name='SynGamer']Aside from Last Remnant, but yeah, SE is one of the few developers that has yet to embrace multi-platform gaming. Yeah, we may see the same games on different platforms, but they take things one step at a time. If you ask me, they are overly-cautious/lazy.[/QUOTE]

they sound to be alot like the old fashioned Nintendo.
i hate how nintendo doesn't hire huge teams like rockstar and get a game pumped up and out. Mario kart takes way longer than it should in development time.
[quote name='jcp4322']I think the fact that Square-Enix said they have nothing in the works for the 360 is bigger news than Pac-Man.[/quote]
No final fantasy games are in the works is what he said. :D
[quote name='yukine']I know we've been giving this a lot of flak, but it does look pretty awesome:

It was just a really, really dumb marketing move to say "I think it will go down in video game history." All it accomplished was gaining our negativity towards it.[/QUOTE]

Well, to honest, it is a pretty big deal once you step back and look past the "ZOMG THIRD PACMAN" thing.

It's the first new maps in 26 years, it's the only pacman except for the original that was designed by the creator, it's the creator's last game before he retires and it's a 360 exclusive.
It just made the front page of Yahoo, so it's getting a lot of press. Might not be big to us, but sounds like it has a lot of mainstream potential.
[quote name='yukine']I know we've been giving this a lot of flak, but it does look pretty awesome:[/QUOTE]

the levels look better, higher-res, but Pac-Man and the ghosts look like :puke: ...
and I agree with the whole Pac-Man VS thing, that was the only reason I bought Pac-Man Vs. / Pac-Man World 2 Player's Choice for the GameCube ... nostalgia aside haven't they seen Geometry Wars or Prince of Persia Classic? I wonder if PoPc will rumble ...
bread's done